Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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area. The NMA/Yamaha Grand National tak es pl ace at Ponca Cit y on Aug. 2-7 a nd usuall y draw s over 1000 entri es. TIckets are on sele for the 12th annual Champion Spark Plug 200 road race, scheduled for July 1517 at Laguna Sece Raceway near Monterey, Calif. The event will be the closest thing west coast spactators will ... to a full-on GP, with Kenny Robert., Freddie Spencer, Eddie Lawson and Randy Mamola scheduled to compete. Tickets are available at BASS, TIcketron, laguna's regular outlets, participeting Yamaha dealers, or by ceiling the track at 408/373-1811. T eam H onda 's Steve Wise a nd h is wife , Sandra, ar e th e proud parents of Whi ttney Anne Wise, who was born at 8:10 a.m. on T hursday. Ma y 26. Her vital sta tis tics are 8 pounds, with a chassis 21 inches long. Frenchman Thierry Sabine. the organizer of the La Touquet Enduro and the Paris to Dakar Rally, is at it again. This time he's proposing a 6,000 mile Uma to Rio Rally in South America. The route would run from Uma, Peru, across the Andes to the rocky plateaus of Bolivia, the grass plains of Paraguay and through the Amazonian jungle of Brazil before ending in Rio de Janeiro. Stay tuned for further details. Ma lco lm S. Fo rbes , chairman , editor and sole stoc kholder of Forbes F inancia l magazine. began ri di ng motorcycles 15 years ago at the age of 48. H is love of two wheeled adventure has carried him on tours of R ussia and Chi n a , among ot her p laces . In a May 26 interview in USA T oda y For bes sai d, "T here are a lot of dim en sio ns to livi ng, in addition to being in the chair in your office. Thousands of Americans . . . have discovered tha t a mo torcycle is a wonderfu l way to be a part of th e element you are in. not as in a car, sea led off from the wind, the weather and the road. " Lynn Miller and Luther Wikle notched another win in the National Endurance Series on their Ontario Moto-Tech Honda CB1100. That brings their total 'to three out of four wins. Team Hammerwas two laps in arrears. Miller and Wikle now lead the series by 29 points after their win this weekend at Gratten, Mich. So u the rn Cal ifornia hot-knee road racer Aa ron Post a nd hi s wife Patty ra n th eir n ewest entry thro ugh tech on June I. Baby Shawna Aaron chec ked into th e Powd er Puff cla ss a t a hea lt hy n in e pounds, three ounces. We Weal ey wish th em the best ! In news from the Bureeu of Land Management, the rain·dameged McCain Valley Recreation area is again open, although the BLM recommends caution while driving in the area. And between June 15 and July 16, some days will be devoted to prescribed burning. On those days, McCain Valley Road will be closed north of Lark Canyon Campground. ~he BL M is a lso accerting a p p lica t~on s for 1984 OH V events. Applica- tton fo rms for th e use pe rmits can be obtained from a ny BLM office. T he app lications should be sent to California Desert Distr ict Office, Bu reau of Land Management, 1695 Spruce St.• R iversid e, CA 92507. Here's an offer............. through inan instant. Free Scott tear-offs. Ten ofthem. For anyone whobuys a pair of Scott goggles betweenMay 15 andJuly 31. Or, ifyou like, you canhave one ofour new peach gradient lenses instead. It's simple, After purchasing any pairof Scott .r " .. , I. it a bird? A plan~? Nope. Road racing stars Randy Mamola and Kenny Roberts, along With Mamola's manager Jim Doyle are checking out Henny Ray Ab~ams, CIcIe ,,",s' European correspondent. Abrams shot these photos With a long lens. Brooks Cycle Sports, formerly Brooks Schafer Racing, is now open for business with all Lockeed components, accessories and a service department. Their address is 4646H Carpenteria Ave., Carpenteria, CA 93013. The tellyphone number is 805 /684-1271 . Good newsl Gra nd Prix Mo tocross, p romoters of the Ca rls bad USG P on June 26, have cleared away the brush that surrounded much of th e course. No we don 't have to wait to see what happened by wa tching television. Of course, ABC is still covering th e race. Husqvarna has initiated a program called Join Team Husqvarna. The goal is to expand Husky's grass roots MX racing involvement . Riders who purchase a 1983 MX model before July 15 will be eligi ble to attend one of six reg ional MX schools taught by Mark Blackwell and Mark Dodd, plus much more. "We will be watching the program closely throughout the year," said Blackwell . " Husky 's first pick for the local, regional and national support in 1984 will be from the top team riders . " See your Husky dealer for more info. goggles (except model 73) cut out the model number on the box and mail it, alongwithyour sales receipt, to alley, Idaho 83353. Scott USA, Box 2030, Sun V We'llsend your tear-offs or new lens immediately. Just let us know which you prefer. We don't think you'll find a better producton the market. But,as theysay, seeingis believing. SCOTT UsA: . 3

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