Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I ;;~::i·;;;:ii;~-·-",,,,,,"·,·,,,,,,···,,u,,. •~ __ .o"'._.~_ tit ion a n d m ana ged to pull o rr fifth E c p lace i n the co m bi edx pert l ass. m T he Over 30 A ma te ur class Iea tured the return o f Yamaha -m oun ted G a rv Drummond. Drummond bl asted aro~nd the tr ack in pursu it o f eve ntual w inner Kenn y Bu tl er (S u z) . Drummond looked smooth o ff o f the jumps. H e jumped higher a n d farther than a nyo ne but Thoma s in the Expert races, but the la yoff obviousl y hurt h is co rner skills. Butler a n d Drumm ond pulled away from the pack in both motos, but Kenny Butler h eld o n to w in both motos, D rummond a lso finished secon d ' in the 250cc Novice event. c<") oo O"l ..... Results PEE WEE: 125 N OV:' , Rich Bubok; 2. John Horju; 3. Scott WOMEN: 1. Sondy Friedendoll; 2. Stephonie Tokocs; 3. Sue Kupliso. MINI B; 1. Bobbie Holbrook; 2. Don Andorson; 3. Gil Murray. 125 EX; 1. Alben Firestine: 2. Mott Lindsey; 3. Ke;'r5~,;,.sJim Butler; 2. Don Morris; 3. steve Stephens. .. . 250B: 1. Dove Visioso; 2. M ikeDespain;3. Mike Davis. 250EX; 1.Terry K yle:2.Chris Weis;3.Tom Dunn. Cloon a n. BRA/Coal Country MX wins to Friend, Molder, Hayes By Brian George Robbie Reynard (Yom); 2. Jason 1. Pendl eton (Vam); 3 . She rry Reynard (yam). . M INI MI NI: 1. Br ian Mooney (Yam ); 2. Chad DaYls Harden hauls to NM dez win tin·· (C· A); 3. Elmer Attson (KTM ); 4 . Jim Weaver (K TMI: 5. K Houston (Yam). irby 250 EX: 1. Gene Du rha m - - - IKaw ); 2. Rex RUB· sell(Kaw) 3. Vern Johnson(Yam); 4 . LarryCurren ; (Han); 5 . Tim Harringt on (Han). By Bruce Hawkinson Photos by Pete Torres 0-200 EX; 1. Lloyd Rantanen (Suz); 2. John Petowski (Kaw); 3. Alon Monon (Hon); 4 . Doug 34 250 AM : 1. Don Robe rt s (Suz); 2 . Joe Gutierrez 4 . John Nakos 125 AM : 1. Chr is Hereford (Kaw ); 2. Erich Brock (Yam); 3. Herman Jonmann (Kawl; 4 . Brian Conrad ~ ~ 411_' 250 AM : 1. Kerry Thomas (Suz); 2. M ike Morr is on (Suz); 3. Grll'J Gordon (Hon). OPEN N OV: 1. Brian Bowles (M 2. Woody ai); (Suz). BEG OPEN: 1. Georg e Martin (Mail; 2. Tom Stahle (Yam); 3. Mike Stahle (Yam); 4 . Doug Brown (Yam ); Harmon (Ha n); 3 . St eve Higg ins (Han). OPEN AM: 1. Mike Reddin(M ai). 5. JeffSpratta (Yam). 250 BEG: 1. B arrett Wynn (Hus); 2. Jeff Babb (Su z); 3 . W illie Flo res (Hont 4 . Dan Cueron James Ballog (Yam). ( C- A~; PRO: 1. J im Thomas (Vam); 2. Ma rk Newlin (Yam): 3. Chris Swank(Hon). 5. Kyle, Firestone cash-in at Colorado MX 125 BEG: 1. M ike Geilenfeldt ISuz); 2 . M ike Cross (Vam'; 3 . Sam Boro n (Vam); 4 . Marvin Cromwell (K 5. Dan Montiel(Hon). awt OVER 40: 1. Lee carmody (KTM); 2. Jeff Smith (C·A); 3. Bill C amfield (Mai); 4 . Cap Kuney(Hus); 5. Jim Thompson Sr . (Hus). WOMEN: 1.WendyLynch(Mai): 2. Lynne Heoler lSuz); 3. Jon Eves (Hont 4 . Molissa Hall (Hon). 'FIRSTOVERALL " SECOND OVERAll "'THIRD OVERAll "\ By Ernie Ferguson LAKEWOOD , CO , MA Y 29 T erry Kyle o u tlas ted a fin e field of 250cc Experts to ca p tu re th e overall in today's event, sponsored by the Sports Riders Asso- Thomas takes OKC Pro win By John Malsam cia tion o f Colorado a n d L akewood S p o rtsc yc1e Park. Kyl e rode to a seco n d i n ea ch of h is rnotos by keeping a cool h ead a n d riding h ard and st eady. Always in the thick o f it, Kyle took h is fir st sec o n d beh ind Boo Stichter , who la ter h ad m o re than his share o f p roblems. Chri s W ei s took sec o n d overall and Tom Dunn fin ished third. St ichter's probl ems began in the seco n d moto when h e wa s ca ugh t in a pile-u p in the first turn a n d came out o f the m ess in la st place. H e managed to p a ss a ll but three ri ders when h e we nt dow n agai n and lost th e seat and rea r section o f his Fay Meyers H o n da. R a th er than lea ve the com petiti o n, h e rode to the fi nish sta n di ng o n the Io otpeg s for a lmost tw o laps. The roar o f the crowd showed their a p p re cia tion a s Boo " p u tted " back to the OKLAHOMA CITY, OK, MAY 15 The light turnout at Oklahoma City's Intersta te MX Par k wa s the result of hea vy rai ns, but once again track owner Howard Results OPEN EX: 1. Scott Harden' (Hus'; 2. John M ar- 125 AM: 1. M ike Mo rr iso n (Suz); 2. Joe l Cone (Y am). 100: 1. Kathleen Cook (Yam): 2. Corey Mooney (Y om). 250 NOV: 1.DanPotter(Suzt 2.Gary Drummond (Yam); 3; John M alsom(Suz). (Hus); 3. David Seybold (K TM); (KTM); 5. James Massey(Hus). M y God 100 De sert R a ce. H arden took the lead w ith in a m ile o f the s ta rt a n d w a s n ever cha llenged o n the fa st 27-m ile-la p course in the shadow of Cabezo n Peak, a giant vo lca nic o u tcrop p in g some 60 m iles n o rthwest o f Alb u q u erq ue. " I thoroughly enj oyed the rid e," said H arden a fter h is win . " T he ter rain reminded m e o f Las Vegas d esert races. L o ts o f va r iety w ith enough trick y areas to provide ch a llenge, but so me straigh taways w here I pushed my bike [a 500 XC Husk y) to 100 mph or so. . " I wish I'd h ad some re al com peti t ion , but it was a great co n fiden ce bu ilder fo r the Baj a 500 in june." It sh o u ld h ave bu ilt confid en ce SCOll av eraged over 45 mph (inclu d ing pit stops) a n d breezed home 16 m inutes a hea d of the second pla ce finisher. A n d that 's wher e the race was. j ohn Martin, highly-ra nked o n the en d u ro circu it a nd riding a Can-Am 500, bauled local rider Gene D u r h a m o n a 250 Kawasaki for three la p s. Then h e p assed Durham , thanks to a 41·secon d final P it stop and G ene's n eed to replace so me spokes . a n d went o n to take seco n d pla ce wi th a time o f tw o h ours 4 1 m inutes . D urh am a rrived three m in utes later to ta ke first in the 250cc cl a ss a nd th ird overal l. "Su per com petition," said G ene, "an d a great, fas t co u rse. " L o cal ri der L ee Carmod y, o n a 250 KTM beat former world cham p j eff Smi th o n a 200 Can-Am to take first pla ce in the well-populated O ver -40 class. In the Amateur cl a ss , Al an LeB o w won the event o n a Yamaha TT600. T he ra ce beg an w ith a L eMan stype start with th e r id er s required to run to their b ikes , sta rt them . a n d h ead for a smoke bom b a m il e a way. T he co urse (fo ur laps fo r Experts w i th a n a verage o f o ver 27 mil es p er lap) h ad plenty o f variet y. A bout 60% of th e sta rters fini shed , w i t h m echan ical fa il ure cla i m ing m o st a lso-ra ns , The g ia nt mudhol e , h o wev er , kept ei g h t from crossi ng the finish lin e. " Musgro ve had a surprise in store. Th e h astily prepa red a lterna te track proved to be nearly mud-free a n d the raci ng excellent. The com bined Exp ert class featured jim T homas turning m idpa ck starts into consecu tive m o to win s. jim is one o f th e m o st experienced a n d adapta ble Expert r iders in Oklahoma . T h e a bi l ity to adapt to differe nt track s p roved to be the d iff erence toda y. The shorter, tighter tra ck also m ade specta ti ng easier a n d Thomas a nd the other riders responded by rocketi ng o rr th e j u mps . N obo d y cleared the jumps lik e T homas. a nd that proved to be the d iffer en ce. T he R eyn a rd fa mi ly wa s o ut i n force. Father , daughter a n d son a ll trophied in their respective classes. N ot to be o u tdo ne by h er yo u nger b rother , S herry R eyn a rd en te red th e Pee W ee class a n d ca rt ed o ff a third p lace tro p h y. Five-yea r-old R o b b ie smoke d th e Pee Wee class in h is usua l style. Matu re for his age, Robb ie wou ld be in th e Pee W ee Ex pert class i f it existed. Father Bo b R eyn a.rd h ad been rel ega ted to the role o f pu cre w a nd coach ~o~ se vera l m onths beca use o f a n injury. Todav he re turn ed to com~- • , •• • • • • • • • • Coun try Mo tocross tr ack hosted over 100 riders a t th e points-pay ing even t. Track co n d i tio ns were ex trem ely demanding on the h ill y, na tu ra l-terrain course, keeping r id er s o n the edge of co ntrol o n difficult uphills a n d downhills filled w ith trick y com p ress ion . Three d iffe re nt wi n ners we re produced in the three P ro classes as Mike Friend took h is Spearfish H onda to bo th rn oto victor ies in the I25cc P ros , a n d R ice C ycl es ' Dav e Molder ca p tured both 250cc h eats a head o f Friend. In the Open P ros, Da ve Molder lost his fir st bi g-bore overall victo ry o f the yea r, to Brian H a yes w ho ca me Up from P h o enix, Ariz. to check o u t so me o f the u p per m id -west action. Br ian H a yes became the o n ly rider th is yea r to take a n overa ll win in the Opens away from Mol der , but in round o ne it looked like the o ld fam il iar sce ne for Molder. Mo ld er took the lead a hea d o f Kell y Olsen , H a yes , P erry Bi cek a n d R ick Nagle, a n d soon a fter , Molder was sporting a co m fo rta ble lead. H a yes found Ol sen ver y tou g h to get by. and it took H a yes n ea rl y h alf of the rno to to move up to sec o n d . Hayes found O lsen very tough to get by, a n d it took H a yes n ea r ly half o f the moto to m ov e up to second. Molder, H a yes a n d Olsen rolled across with the top three slots. Moto two sa w Molder a gain take the lea d out o f the ga te, with Hayes righ t behind. As Molder tried to stretch his lead, H a yes rema ined ri ght o n the H onda 's rear fender . a n d be fore th e lap was co m p le ted, H a yes sh ot by Molder o n a whoop ed straig h t. Mo lder charged a close second fo r the remainder o f th e race, but H a yes was too quick a n d smooth fo r M older to repa ss. H a yes ca me in with th e m oto a n d overa ll fir st pl ace, while Molder se tt le d fo r second a head o f Nagle a n d Bicek . In th e ov era lls , Molder, N agl e a nd Bicek finished in the sa me posi tions. 125 N 1. K Cook (Hon); 2. Lance Norick OV; im (K 3. JoelFerrow(Hon). aw); 5. Chuck Von Gelder (Hon). Team Husqvarna rider Scot H arden cruised to an easy fir st place finish in the Mi ller Beersponsored seventh An nual O h Ro und seven of the Borderline Racing Association 's 21-race 1983 motocross series traveled to Gillette, Wyo. , where th e Coal Drummond (Yam); 3. Scotty Creed (Ma i). Knowlton (Suz); 5. Donn Lynn M at his (Hus). AMOPEN; 1. Alan LeBow(Yam); 2. Phil Hoover (Y 3. Pot Wylie(Yam); 4 . N am); orbenPodilla (K TM); ALBUQUERQUE, NM , MA Y 22 GILLETTE, WY , MAY 29 (Yom). MINI JR: 1. Bruce O'Hagen (Yam); 2. William Dovis (Y 3. Bret Bowles (YamI. am); MINIINT: 1. Bruce O'Hagen(Yam): 2. Mike Ables (Suz); 3. Scott Finkenstad!(Yam). MINI SR; 1. Kenny Butler (Yam);2.Lance Norkick (Kow); 3. BruceO'Hagen (Yom). BEG: 1. Jerry Lavielle (H on); 2. John Cooley (K 3. Roen Early(K ow); aw). OVER 30 NOV: 1. John M alsom (Suz); 2. Roben Early (K 3. John Cooley(Kaw). ow); OVER 30 AM : 1. K enny Butler (Suz,; 2. Gary Jeff Smith starts the Oh My God 100 under Cabezon Peak. Results pj ts. 125 PRO: 1. Mike Friend (H 2. Todd Gikling on,: (Yam); 3. Kelly Olsan(Yam). 250 PRO: 1. Dave M older (H 2. Mike Friend on); (Hon); 3. BillyStork (Yam). Dunn proved that h e is a lso a p rofessio nal by ridin g to h is third overall o n so re knees a fte r h av ing had surgery jus t tw o weeks ago. W eis wa s in grea t form a n d h e' ll soon be pushing fo r the lea d a lon g w ith the res t o f th e 250cc Ex per ts . 500 PRO: 1. Brian Hayes (Yam ); 2. n eve Molder IHon'; 3. RickN agle(H on). MINI A: 1. neve Zuhr IHon); 2. Rondy Stahlo (Kaw); 3. Scott Jonsen (K aw). MINI B:1.TroyPeck(YomI:2.JomesFuller IKowl; 3 . Shayn e J aversak (Suz). M INI C: 1. Beau Bendig o (Han) ; 2. Ron Harlan (Ha n); 3 . Bradl ey Geo rge (Han). 125 B: 1. Mark Hodg es (Hon ); 2. Jen e Sch uler Results M INI EX: 1. Derek Brown; 2 . Kip Sand ell : 3 . Br ian Binkn ey. (Suzi 3. Mork Nougle (Kawl. ; SR (OVER 40): 1. Wayne M cFedridge; 2. 7; 3. 125 C: 1. Henry Jordan (Yam); 2. Todd Schoen berner (Hon); 3. Dave Zuhr (Ha n). 250B: 1. Rex WhiteIKaw);2. BrionGeorge (H on); Terry Friede ndal l. PEE WEE B: 1. Andy Atkins; 2. Robie McCoy; 3. 3. Eddie Pe rte r (Suz). Nick J enni ngs. MINI NOV2: 1. GregWest;2. ChadWolloslon;3. M ike M etzger . VETS: 1. Bill St ork (Yam); 2. Bob Hammontree (H ; 3. Dove Hudson (Meil. on) OLD IRON: 1. Brian Schcenberner(Suz); 2. J im . MININOV 1; 1. DovidStockdale;2.T yHilderman: . 3 . Les Togerson. 250 NOV: 1. Steve Braes; 2. Daniel Weber; 3 . J im Conrad. t La , .... . .... . _ .•_"""'~I.''-w,,, • W inc hester (e -A); 3 . Brian Manfield (Honl . .. ENDURO: 1. Kim Bendigo(Hon); 2. GeraldDovid (Y 3. Don Harwood (Y om); am).

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