Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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was running well until th e exha ust p ipe burned a hole in their pl astic gas tank , slo wing th e team down. With a replaced tank, th e DuartelMorrison duo went o n to fini sh second in class, 26 minutes behind th e winners. After th e race, Beck a n d Cartwright 's 125XC was protested on th e gro u nd s th at th e en g in e m ight have had a 175cc kit ins tall ed. Following th e subsequent teardown, it was determined th at th e bike di splaced a legal 123cc a n d th e winners went home wi th th e $250 protest fee in th eir pockets. Class 30 In a n o th er race th at was close a ll da y, Ri ck Shirey a nd Mich ael Goodwin, class winners at April's Sa n Felipe 250, powered their Dick Alieni Answer ProductslWhite Bros.lEastWest MIC-sponsored Yamaha Tf600 to a one-minute, 15-second lead over Husky-mounted Richard J ackson and George Erl to tak e the Class 30 (riders over 30 years of age) win. Both teams proved tha t growing older doesn 't necess ari ly mean getting slower, as they fin ished fifth an d six th overa ll an d beat th e majority of yo un ger riders. " We hauled ass," sa id a jubilant Shirey a t the finish . "The bike still needs so me work , but basically all we did wa s rid e it . We put gas in it, checked th e oil twice a nd th at was it . T h e o n ly problem we had was th ese guys, " Shirey sa id, pointing to Jackso n. J ackson returned th e co m p lime nt. " T h ese guys are tough. We had proba bly one of th e best races a ll da y. I think we cha nged th e lead four or five tim es; every time we ch an ged riders it seems. " My part o f th e ride went pretty sm ooth ly, bu t G eorge had a co up le o f problem s. H e fell o ff a nd came down on the ex tra p iston h e was carryin g in his fanny p ack , so h e's a little sore." CAN-AM SOOMX IT B ~BE IT ISN'T Our nevv 500MX has advanrages ~B",.d equipped with Quad ~ink a suotherOpen Class bikes don't Like its '#.. ,AI perb new rear suspension system inside track on Rorax technology. rl.~ developed in co-operation with For years, our Austrian engine Ohlins to deliver a true60% rising division madeour bedrock reliable ~ rate through 320mm of w heel 400MX engine perform like a 480. travel! Forsome other things, it Now they've got our nevv reed valve 482 comes with the neVI/, progressive Marzocchi forks, Reynolds 531 frame, Dunloptires, doinga great impression of a 600! Thatmakes the nevvCan-Am 500MX Akrontrims, Grimeca hubs, Domino levers anything but peaky. Itpumps out monster and straight-pullthrottle, a works-typeseat! rank combination. And it's now available power all over the range. Onceyou get your emotions undercontrol. trars thekind with a 5-speed gearbox of power thars easiest to ride. And win with. see the new strictly legal 500MX atyour Can-Am oeaers Webuiltit foryou to win Our nevv 500MX is morethanjust an incredible engine on wheels. Forone thing it's with. And wrars fairgot to do with that? !IIi'" liMit! irlR'ftC,fj ,I .. Class 38 The H em et Cycle Cente r/ 29 Palms M/C-sponsored Honda four-stroke o f J ohn Etchart and Dave Wood ended up first in Class 38 (riders o ver 38) despite fini shing th e la st sectio n with a shock th at had lo st a ll of its oil, transformin g th e bik e into a kind of mot or ized pogo stick. A m ore serio us problem for Wood was th e spec ta to r' s tru ck h e ra n in to o n th e co u rse. '" ca me a ro u nd a co rn er a nd th ere he was ," ex p lai ned Wood. '" tri ed to ge t out o f th e way, bu t th ere wasn 't m uch ' co u ld do, , g lanc ed o ff hi s bu mper a n d went o ff in to th e trees." Lu ckily, Wood lifted his leg o u t of th e way a t just th e righ t moment and th e o n ly da mage sus tained was a na sty brash to the bike's engi ne case. Fifteen mi nutes beh ind, th e H ush mou nted team of Ron Bisho p a r{d J ohn Wa tkin s took seco nd in class a fter a day-long battl e with G en e a nd Sa m Dem psey. who took third. • W E WILL WIN YOU! R esults CLASS 20: 1. Or en Beck II/Darin cartwright (Hus) 9:21 .35.55; 2. Larry Fif e Duart e/Donn ie Morri so n (Ho n) 9 :46.25 .39; 3 . Yanko Qu esada /Ma nuel l u na (Hus ) 9 :46 .49 .50 ; 4 . Peter Postel/Kevin Hopki ns (Hon); 5 . Sergio Vega Carball o/ M iguel Angel Hal e {Ho n}; 6 . Anuro Vasq uez/Arma ndo Carrasco (Husl. CLASS 2 1 : 1. Sc o tt /K ur t PI e iller (Ha n) 8 : 14 .04 .80; 2 . Darr en /W ayn e Sykes (K aw ) 12;0 6.44 .9 3. CLASS 22 : 1. Dan Ash craft /Dan Smith (Husl 7;4 6.2 3.53; 2. Larry Roeseler /Scot Harden (Husl 7;47 .12.50; 3 . Morgan Ma lecca /Brian Breker (Han ) 8:35.46.00: 4 . Denby Dailev/Ted VanderRaadt (Hon) ; 5 . Eric Anderson/Mark Anderson (Han); 6. Wayne Martin/Kent Richardson( Hus); 6 . Bill Boyer / Steve Gildea (Hon); 8. M ark Davies/Martin J ones (Han); 9 . Robert McCallister/Chris McDade (Vam) . CLASS 30 : 1. Mike Goodwin/Rick Shirey (Yaml 8;46.45 .05 ; 2. Richard Jac kson /George Erl (Husl 8:48 .00 .19 ; 3. Bob Prickett/Ron real (Han); 4 . Luis Farell/Manue l Torres (Hus) ; 5. Dave Gruber /Art Day (Han); 6. M ike Harr is (Hus). CLASS 38: 1. John J . Etchart/Dave Wood (Han) 9:21.23.42 ; 2. Ron Bishop /John Watkins (Husl 9 :32 .03 .32; 3 . Gene /Sa m Dempsey (M eil 9:36 .44.44; 4 . Mike Holbrook/ Bill Frient (Han); 5. Charlie Conway /Chuck Koistr8 (Han) ; 6 . Sharon/ Howard Rosenauur (Yam ); 7. Keith Soesbe (Vaml; 8 Peter Boramis/Pat Rice (Yam). 17