Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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nardin. - Ventura - Aubarn - Nap enough to p lace second. In the H an d icap ma in Butler , off the 10, zipped by Hansen a nd led until he crashed in an encore of his Scratch mishap. Hansen was never headed after Bu tler 's fall. Hard-riding Larry Willey was second, followed by Grant Sal yers. Leading The Way With ~ Results SCRATCH M AI N: 1. Rob Pfetz ing; 2. Bill M eister; 3 . Grant Salyers; 4 . Donny But ler . HA NDICA P MAIN: 1. Ken Hansen; 2. Larry WiI · ley ; 3 . Grant Salyer s; 4 . Rob Pfetzing; 5 . Ma rk Dwyer; 6. Donn y Butl er. SECOND DIV: 1. Ronny Corroy; 2. Rid< Farr on ; 3 . Rick Hicks; 4 . Todd Varner; 5 . M ike Dwye r; 6 . Dave Mawhoner. THI RD DIV: 1. Bry an As h; 2 . Robert Hagoort; 3 . Richard Perkins: 4 . Jack Pan ers on. Ermolenko snaps Faria win streak at Ventura By Bill Locey VENTU RA, CA, MAY 31 "Flyi n' Mike" Faria had h is co nsecutive Scratch m ain win streak snapped at three by a motorized black blur - Sa m Ermolenko - at the eighth installment of nifty night moves at the Commotion By The Ocea n. And Australian rider John MacNeill had fun too, as he won the Handicap m ain after only a month of speedway California-sty Ie. Not only did all the fast guys make it to the Handicap main (for a change), but it was the fastest race of th e night. Or ever. The ever-im p ro ving Scott Talkington led for awhile until MacN eill passed him. Behind th em , it wa s chaos o n wh eel s as everyo ne p assed ever yone else o n ever y turn and a ll points in between . Coming around turn three with th e entire p ack not 20 feet apa rt, a ca ble sna p ped o n T alkington's bike, taking h im from seco nd to last in a painful hurry. In a sp lit seco n d , yo u ng Scott was sudde n lv ove r th e handl ebars for a close enco u n ter with th e highbanked Ventura oval as hi s bik e went co m p letely dead. After a few nervous moments , Ta lkin gto n was ab le to wa lk off - a lbeit sha kily -under his o wn p ow er. Since th e race had go ne a suffi ci ent d ist an ce, refer ee And y Cad oti ruled it "over," with MacNeill th e winn er fo llo wed by Erm olenko . Onl y Far ia an d MacN eill mad e it to th e Sc ra tch main unbeaten. Faria h a s been on a tear latel y, not just three Scrat ch ma ins in a row here, but elsew here, too. " Flyin' Mik e" got a decent sta rt in the main, but Erm alenko stayed ri ght with him - a nd with th e inside position - took a turn two lead - seco nds before Mac Neill passed th em both on th e in side. A few bends lat er MacN eill blew it co mi ng o u t o f a turn , lett ing bo th Faria a nd Ermol enko sneak pa st. Eventuall y, th e best main o f th e yea r ran o u t o f laps a nd Ernolen ko had won a squeaker by a bik elen gth and hi s fifth troph y o f th e year here. And in th e Cinderlla Story Depa rt ment: Jim-Bob Kuhr, fresh from Michi gan , look hi s rid er's test before the racing began, th en ca me back to win hi s heat and the D-3 main in sto rybook fashion. Speedway debuts just don 't get an y better. • Results SCRAT CH MAIN: 1. Sam Ermol en ko; 2. M ike Faira ; 3 . John M acNeill ; 4 . Bobby Mc Lain . HA NDICA P MAIN; 1. J ohn M acNeill ; 2. Sam Er mol enko; 3. Steve Lu cero; 4 . Greg Ayers: 5 . M ike Faria ; 6 . Scott Talki ngton . SECOND DIV: 1. Mike Coniglio; 2. Randy Bedd oe; 3. Steve Hill; 4. Russ Baca rella; 5. Ba MOoasc h; 6 . Guy Waterson . THIRD DIY: 1. J im -Bob Ku hr; 2. J ohn Dun n; 3. Frank Steiner; 4 . J im Eva ns; 5 . Richard Perkins; 6 . Joe Bish op. MATCH RACE: Faria del . Ermo lenko . Elkhart Lake. WI Superbike National MIKE BALDWIN Binghamton. NY 500cc National MX BROCGLOVER Lighlw ei ghl, com fortabl e protect ion is im portant on the racetrack ...and tha t' s just where Arel helmet s are prov ing t hemselves to be right out in front in top qua li ty protect ion. Arai protect ion? Ask the race r who's put one 10 usel Comfortable. qua lity protectio n should • '.".--"'.. . .. ...... :. .. • lmiT.i Elkhart Lake. WI Battle of the Twins JIMMY ADAMO be no less important t o every motorcyclist and a compl ete ra nge of Aral helmets is available for every taste and need . Arai comfort? Ask the rider who wea r s onel since 1950 .H elmets are O UT business, our only business ~ ' ~. SEVEN rnnmJ MODELS A f ull color b rochur. illu.trati ng the en ti,. ra nge of A,.I hel metl i. a ve ilebte; n nd . , .0 0 in ca sh or ..... m p. to cove rpoauge an d handling to Ara l - P.O . 8 0a, 4 21. Oept . N. Te nafl y. NJ 07670 for vour brochure by return Firat C.... MeM . Here's the difference 1retwe-enl r---;------t-----+,ft==:~~.-+-:;.---+.----j.- --t----tk ick ing_up dir.ta.•-t----rli;-;-.:;;r:;:::b~==h:~~_ I U;S. Pats 3905341,41151820 and foreign patents, I I I I , Boyesen Eagineering. R[),< l, Box ~ 6 . Lenharts ville. PA 1 53-1 215-7S$-68IB I I I (lteDJI WI CIRCLEOF .. I HERS 6 /5 /83 Elkhart Lake. WI AMA CAMEL PRO NATIONAL ROAD RACE CHAMPIONSHIP DUNLOP SWEEPS FORMULA CLASSES AT ROAD AMERICA FORMULA I MILES BALDWIN Yamaha on DUNLOP 2nd Fred Merkel Honda on DUNLOP 3rd N ick Richichi Yamaha on D UN LOP CANARIAN priva teer bags the b ig one. Aaye ' Way t o go MILO ! Glad you did it on DUNLOP! Special t hanks to STANLEY CHAN and PETER DIMECK of D .E . MACHINA. More cycles ride on Dunlop than any other tireintheWorIci. ~ DUNLOP The Logical Choice 27

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