Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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(left) Kent Howerton (26) and John Finkeldey (31 ) battle. (Above left) Broc Glover put together two moto wins for the overall in the 500cc class. (A bove ) Bob Hannah displays his favorite place to fin ish. (Below) Hannah (1 2 ) leads Ross Pederson (47) and Eric McKenna (60) at the 250cc start. up some ground to get th e l25cc ti tle. Having trouble in St. Louis hurt a lot ." " I ca me down the hill and tha t lapped rider ca used m e to crash. 1 reall y wanted to win that moto," said Lechi en . " I th ou ght 1 co u ld win it . since Barnett wa sn 't reall y gaining on me a nd Ward had crash ed." R yan fini sh ed as top l2 5cc pri vateer . with 6-6 fini sh es. "I had to co me from nearl y last to ge t six th in th e first rnor o ." sa id R yan. " I a lso cras hed in m e la st m ot a . so 1 feel 1 did pretty well. We ironed o u t so me en gi ne seizure p roblems th at 1 had durin g practi ce." 250cc National Hannah wa s th e holeshot king of the first mota. and was trailed by Honda teamm at e David Ba i ley. Honda -mounted Jim T arantino and Team Suzuki's Scott Burnworth. After a lap it wa s still Hannah. but now with a four seco nd lead over Bailey. Tarantino moved closer to second as Ba iley got stuck in a berm and n ea r ly came to a stop. Burnworth went by Bailey and Tarantino on the next lap. nett in g a distant second behi nd Hannah. now 14 seconds ahead. Hannah continued to trounce. just as he ha s in th e las t four m ot os which have been run in th e 250cc class. The foll owing 10 lap s rea d the same. wi th Hannah p u ll ing a few m ore seco nds ah ead of Burnworth . Ba il ey a n d Tarantino o n each lap. Ya'maha Support rider Donnie Cantaloupi was running a strong fifth a head of Kawa saki 's Billy Li les. Liles shot around Cantaloupi a nd T ar ant ino in th e fin al laps, landing in fourth . Hannah came through for his fifth co nsecu tive 250cc m ot o win a hea d o f Burnworth. Bailey, Li les a nd Tarantino. H annah p owered into another lead in moto two. followed by Kaw asak i Tea m Green 's Darren Rhot en an d Suzuki o f Ca na da's Ross Pederson. Burnworth was knocked over in th e first co rne r melee a nd got back up nearl y last. With II seco nds over seco nd pl ace Rh ot en. after only two laps. H annah was sett ing a n even h otter pa ce thi s time a ro u nd . Tarantino had started fourth a nd worked into second on th e next lap. Rhoten had dropped back to fourth behind Pederso n a nd Bailey wa s running fifth . The only position change in th e top five during th e next six laps went to Ba iley. when he made a move around R h o ten for fourth. Hannah 's lead had been in flat ed to a full 30 seconds over Tarantino. With three laps left, Liles cut to th e inside o f Ca nta loupi wh o had been holdi ng fifth . Li les ca me down roc ky downh ill in fifth behind Bailey. On the final la p . Pederson passed Ta ra ntino for a runner-u p posi tion behi nd Hannah. now wi th a 57 seco nd cush io n. T he end result of H annah 's cha rge put him well oyer a min ute a head of Peder son a t th e fini sh . followed byTarantino. Bailey. and Liles. H annah was sti ll sig n ing a u to gra p hs for fans an hour a nd a ha lf a fter th e ra ce. The H annah -Lunnis duo now has a 25 point mar gin o ver David Bailey in th e co ntes t for th e 250cc cro wn. Bail ey's 3-4 showin g wa s good eno ug h for secon d overa ll. " I lo st my m omentum when 1 broke m y foot in Wa shingt on. D.C. ." Bailey sai d . " I shou ld be back in th e hunt in a few wee ks. " " I go t railed by a no ther ri der a t th e beg in n in g o f the seco nd rn oto ," a rel ax ing Sco tt Burnworth sa id . " 1 went 100 fast after th e crash a nd b urned m yself o u t." Burnworth had p asse d a bo u t 15 rider s in th e fir st lap a fter th e crash. a nd worked up to eig h th by the en d o f th e m ot o . H e fin ished fifth overa ll. Liles had m ore trouble with th e boulder s. and sp orted an ex ha ust p ipe which had been nearly smash ed sh u t during th e fin a l m oto. " T he roc ks a lso trashed the fro nt of a new helmet that 1 was using tod a y," Liles sa id . Donnie Can taloupi clocked in a t se vent h o vera ll behind L il es. " I crashed in m y qua lifying moto , badly bruis ing m y left hand. " Cantal oupi sa id . " It wa s n ot one of m v bett er days. ' . • Results 500: 1. Brae Glover (Yam) ' . ' ; 2. Goat Braker (Han) 2-3; 3. Joh n Finkeldey (KTMI B-2; 4. Warr en Reid (Vam) 3-6: 5. Alan Kin g (Suz) 5-4: 6. Kent How erton (Kaw) 6·5; 7. Phil Larson (Ha n) 4 ~9 ; B. Tim Locey (Yam) 9-8; 9. M ickey Dymond (Ma i) 12 - 10; 10. Mickey Kessler (Ma i) 11· 12; 11. Eric Eaton 10· 13 ; 12. Danny Chandler (Han) 7- 16; 13. Dan Conway (Han) 16-11 ; 14. Stave Mart in (Han) " -7; 15. Andy St acy (HusI1 4 · 14; 16. Mi ke Shoamaker 13 -15; 17. Pete Snortaland (Vam) 15· 17; 18 . Glenn Gracey (Han) 19-1 9; 19 . Mike Tripes(HusI17·"; 20 . Gary Pustelak (Han) "- 18. .. Deno tes placi ng out of the top 20. 500 POINT STANDINGS: 1. Kent Howerton (242); 2. Brae Glove r (236): 3. Danny Chandler (189) ; 4. Alan King (186) ; 5. GOal Breker (172 ): 6. Warren Reid (170); 7. (TIE) Phil Larson /Steve Martin (158); 9. Tim Locey (1491: 10. John Finkelde y (118) . 125 : 1. Mark Barnen (SuzI 2· 1; 2. Johnny O'Mara (Han) 1-3; 3. Ron Lechien (Vam) 5·2; 4 . Jaff Ward (Kaw ) 3-4; 5. Rick Ryan (Suz) 6-6; 6. Rodney Sm ith (Vam) 7 -8; 7. Erik Kehoe (Han) 11 -7; 8. Karl Jordan (Vam) 9-10; 9. A.J. Wh it ing (Vaml 10-11 ; 10 . Carlo Coen (Han) 8-14; 11. L Brady (Han) 14-9; 12. Brian Myerscough (Hon) 4 -·; 13 . St eve Burdette (Vam) 13-12; 14. Chr is Heisser (Suz) B-5; 15. Mark Fles ia (Vam) 15-13 ; 16. Clay Hoensh ell(Vaml 1715; 17. Jeff Stanford (Han) 16-17 : 18 . Er ic Hall (Han) 12 ·"; 19. David Weak (Honl "- 16; 20 . Greg Mayo (Suz) 1B- 20. 125POINT STANDINGS : 1.JohnnyO·Mara(261 ); 2. Jeff Ward (255 ); 3. Mark Barnen (248); 4. Ron Lach ien (2 14); 5. Br ian Myerscough (17 4); 6. Chr is Heisser (153); 7. A.J. Wh iting (140): B. Rick Ryan (113); 9. Erik Kehoe (97k 10 . (TIE) Karl Jordan/ Rodney Smith (94). 250 : 1. Bob Hannah (Han) 1·1 ; 2. David Bailey (Han) 3-4; 3. Ross Pederson (Suz) 7·2; 4. Jim Taran tino (Han) 5-3: 5. Scan Burnwort h (Suz) 2-B: 6. Billy Liles (Kaw ) 4-5; 7 . Donnie Cantaloupi (Yam) 6-6; B. Darr en Rhoten (kaw) 9-7; 9. Jim Holley (Vam) 10-9; 10 . Dave Holli s (KTM) 13-12; 11. Jeff Hicks (Han) 12-1 3; 12 . Kenny Keylo n (Han) 16-10; 13. David McCla in (Han) 15-14; 14. Clint Hardick (Suz) 8· "; 15. Dan Walla ce (Han) *·11 ; 16. Eric McKenna (Han) 11-"; 17 . Larry W itm er (Vam) lB-l 7; 1B. Pat O'Donne l (Han) 17 -1B; 19. Gary Dircks (HonI 14-" ; 20. Kevin Davis (KTM) " -I S. 250 POINT STANDIN GS: 1. Bob Hannah (250); 2. David Bailey (225); 3. Scan Burnw ort h (199); 4 . Billy Liles (19B); 5. Jim Tara nti no (159): 6. Rick Joh nson (142 1 7. Ross Pederso n (132); 8. M ike Bell ; (13 11; 9. Kenny Keylon (122 ); 10. Donni e Canta loup i (117). AMAlWRANGLER SUPERSERIES POINTSTANDINGS: 1. Bob Hannah (595 ); 2. Mark Barn ett 1 57BI; 3. Oavid Bailey (527); 4. J eff Ward (5091: 5. Joh nny O'M ara (4B6); 6. Brae Glover (4Bl): 7. Mik e Bell (48 1); 8. Ron Lachien (349 ); 9. Alan King (344); 10. Warre n Reid (341 I; 11. Brian Myerscough (322); 12. Bill y Liles (30 8); 13. Scott Bur nwort h (305 1 14. : Kent How erton (29 9); 15 . Goat Breker (29 4); 16. Rick Joh nson (2BB); 17. St eve Mart in (267 ); lB. Donnie Canta loup i (230); 19. Oanny Chandler (213 ); 20. Phil Larson (213). 15