Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 04 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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a.rdla. - V.atar. - Aabara - Na Schwartz on form, takes two at Ventura I By Bill Locey VENTU RA, CA, APR. 12 .;Th e wind howled, the tem per.a ture p lummeted into the 305, and coffee sales rivalled beer sillesa t Ventura Speedway on a T tTesda y night a penguin would've tlo vCd. Only Bo bby Schwartz was hot. The visiting Reading R acer and ' C er Ventura Shark overwhelmed orm StIle/compe titio n and won both main event s - a speedway rarity. In a Handicap heat, last week 's win ner, Sam Ermolenko, rode aggressively to win off the 40·yard line, ' wliile Ventura favorite Shawn MeConnell disappointed the faithful ' ,,[i th a fourth place finish. In h is first try off the 50, Schwartz went just fast enough for a third-place finish , trying both the inside and outside lines in a five-lap cram session to figure o Ut th e track . .9bvious ly a fast learner, Schwartz flew a ro und the 1I5-m ile oval on the o u tside in a spectacular ride, easil y besting his five competitors in th e sem i. Fl yin ' Mik e Faria in a n equally spec tac ular outsid e ride came up a few lengths short behind Andy Northrup in the other sem i. In th e ma in event, Grant Salyers -"The Taft Tornado" - led after .two laps until he went down in a J.o ud of dust around turn two. Steve Lucero laid it down and missed Sal ybut Faria clipped Lucero going IiY. It was a cost ly crash. Lucero laid there for awhile, but exited under his -bwn power; unfortunately, his bike 'w as a fata lity . Faria, Schwartz' only .serio us threat, retired after two laps ...w ith a dead bike on the restart. dJ I But new First Division rider Andy 1 Northrup didn't exactly.roll over and Rlay dead for the Boogaloo Kid, keeping him bo ttled up for four laps until Schwartz finall y whizzed by on the o utside and stretching h is lead to the finish. , I After urgin gs from the riders last <'w eek, hay bales were p laced al ong the l new cement crashwall in the turns to mitigate any close encounters. And ' wouldn 't you know it -nota moment J too soon. In a Scra tch heat, Ca nadian . Champ Gary Ford lost it in turn two and ka mikazed straight for the wall; ~o rt.u n a te l y coming safely to rest against o ne of the new bal es. Schwartz lost a squeaker to Lucero in his heat race, but was unbeaten thereafter. Faria was also a scratch in the mai n . Erm ol en ko went wide za ro u n d turn 'two , Schwartz went underneath , a nd that was the Scra tch main. Cf' Declin in g rider auendance resu lted "in the unfortunat e sit uation of some "Iive-man Handicap hea ts an d even a three-man Scratch heat. So o bviously there is an alternative for those racers ' who constantly complain about not geuing a ride elsew here. Ii ' in Second Divison acti on, Larry - Willey, wh o won in D·!llast time, got a D·2 ride a nd won both h is races ~ i n cl udi ng the ma in event rather eas-ily. Nothi ng like a trophy to make the drive back to Ba kersfield more 1 p leasant. • 'es, } ' Res ult s ~. SCRATCH MA IN: 1. Bobby Schwartz; 2. Sam Ermo lenko; 3. Steve Lucer o; 4. M ike Faria. HANDICAP MA IN: 1. Schwartz; 2. Andy Nor· thrup; 3 . Buddy Robin son ; 4. Faria; 5. Lucero; 6 . Grant Salyers. SECOND DIV: 1. Larry Willay; 2. Benl ley Barr ell : 3. M ike Coni glio; 4. Terry Clanton; 5. Eddie Thur- ma n; 6. Carlos Cardona. THIRD DIV: 1. Randy Roscamp: 2. Wall Farnu m; 3. M ike Bushman; 4 . Richar d Perkins; 5. Joe Bishop; 6. Pat Sm it h. MATCH RACE: 1. (TIEl Schwart z/Faria. CALL YOUR REGIONAL MANAGER FOR ENTRY FORMS & INFORMATION. - WlSTERN I fUIlllIl.I Paul Fnsz $.1 5-3 Jack 5Ol'N~Ie. FI >2!l Cocoa FI Tallah.1sseP FI &.5 &.19 Naples A 5-2fi Orlando,A Brooksville. Fl lIlA" T ommy Newman ""'"',..... 4-232 Ok City,Ok 4 $.1 4.t5 Tu Ok lsa. ~2B29 SprlflQ1elO ,Mo 1 &-45 Ok City,O k &.lB19 Br nson. Mo a MOUNUI NEER DonSl tn.aker a 304J34O.48II2 = 1 r rn 5-14 15 $.29 6-5 6-19 &.26 1,2.3 l ~,rtv Inll Dunes. c.a 5add leback c.a Arroyo c.a SunrSe c.a I 8aIOIlal Oaks Col 517 fl41-31SZ1 51 BII son. M )fI I s.a Bronson MI 5-2B &onson MI . 529 B ronson M , l IlOQI,YMTIlI =~ Sps,.Co 5-14 Co lo. $.15 6-11 6-12 Colo ses .Co Colo Sps" Co . Colo,SP5..Co * ROCK MTN. '1 PhilSmith 415 1522 .1tl3O 4-JJ 415/452.19111 Sa litl!.Cd nd 4-2 4 5-2Il 5-15 5-22 6-5 6-26 5-1 MIn,Home, III Min Home, III S t . Cily tn SLC ily,Ul SOUTH EST W Bruce Mac rae 5Ill1344·94ZZ 5-8 GatluDN M 5-15 carlsbad.N M 5-29 Albuq N M Huron.Ca 5- 9 2 Madera Col B rentwood. Coil &entwood ca N DRTHWEST CENTRAL Kal/leen 'Nard Gil Madfld B1&m11.al45 CAMlIliAS Ton Harrell y 1DV447·2!12 5-1 liI .'on 010. 5-15 le1o rs.h 6-5 WeItIOlJlOrt, T. 6-19 LA wton Ok MJO.ATLAITC GentMoc k irwIn Slan10n By' on II Byron. II Byron II . Byron. n 1IJ1 /!iB1·13l51 117J5B5.Il1 2 5-15 Conoatock,NH 6-12 levenberg, Ma 103 Brookl1elll. IKlCEITRAL 6-11 6-lS 6-25 WESTERN2 104151l&-41l3O 5-28 Cheslerhel(l.S C ~29 Cheserlleld.S C l 6-26 OIarla",. NC Brook held Mil . s-.4 Gary Earl &.18 RiPity W Vii . &.19 Ripley. W va 6-25 Ripley. W va &.26 Riplty WViI . IlEWUIGU" MlkeFowlef 7·2 M ID·Wf:ST :~~n 1·] Darllllgl lll'l S C _PUlIS """........ 2011881-5227 4-JJ Mo~ee. Sol Statile W a 6-18 UcMlnnvtll . Or e Wa 6-26 Rosetlur~ Or ARIlDNA I:;'~ &19 5-1 s.15 A.tlecNM PrI lsbu r~ , I(s Fl ta lhot.Wl,Ne 5- 829 51 l OU Me 2 IS. & 15 Sl Joseph Uo 6-26 Jetl!lWI CItyM . o ~1 BlyIhtCa F'tloenJ •. /J.L Blymr Ca Phoem. /J.L 6--l~ s..a GEORGIA Re Hansoo ld 9121883-1343 7IlII33Il6Ol 4-Zl Bolling SPrings Pa 4-2 4 Boi~ng f,prlngS Pa 6-04 8oI1 f1lgSprIllO Pa S. 6-5 Boi~ng SprIl S Pa 'l\l 5-1 5-8 6-18 & 19 M IlJ.EASTERJt R Allen u 5131583-1 128 4-23 B1111d11111r. Oh . 4030 1hrdInI• . D h. 5·1 1JIndIatw. Dh . !I·21 a.dlullr. Db . G RlAT LAKES VaIdo5ta Ga Va ldosta, Gao Tallahassee, Fl tan enassee. Fl #5~hlin 4·24 • Malvern Oh 4-:11 Malvern DII ~1 Ma lvern Oh * 4-l)'s' 1 Dal Ft Worm t, 5-1.8 Houston h So2B.29 Dal FI W!)+th.h I1Ouston T. Oal FI Worth. h 6-1819 BlUE GRASS D.arnVMoms 5D2J235.S154 6-4 CildtI. Ky 6-5 Cadll' Ky . 1-2 1-3 N EW '• No Age Li mit For PROS Your Support Sponsors... ltW i'fb ~1 S.15 So22 Welcome to Ame rica's Gre atest National Motocross Program. NMA pr esent s classes for every racers age and ability. You qualify and tin ish in the top ten in your reg ion and you are on your way to the 1983 YAMAHA GRAND NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP at PONCA CITY, OK. C larkSVille,Tn Cla rksville,Tn DIllE C harles Tucker 9 J981 ·3445 Sol Culman, Ala 5-8 CullTl

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