Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 04 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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MiLB engineers a major relaunch BY ERICFISHER ST AFFWRrTIR Minor League Baseball over th e next two weeks is relaunching Web pa ges for MiLB. com and more than 150 individual teams as well as starting new mobile sites for the clubs, marking th e fir st major results of a ne w cooperative a gre eme nt with MLB Advan ced Medi a . TheMinor LeagueBaseball-MLBAM pairing yielded th e Baseball Internet Rights Co., a holding compan y owned by Minor League Baseball and operated by MLBAM . Th e ag reement, ratified in December 2008 , proved to be conte ntious in some cor ners of th e game during its for mati on , as th e disparities between th e size of large, Class AAA markets and smaller markets in th e Class A and Rookie leagues are quite large. But s ince that r atification , Minor League Baseball and BIRCO executives have spent the last 15 months ste adily conv incing teams to opt in to th e voluntary agreement. Th e cu r rent ro st er of teams participating in BIRCO is now nearly twice the n umber of clubs wh ose sites were previo usl y hosted by MLBAM on an individual basis. There are 178 affiliated clu bs that could be tapped for th e effort. "We're now at a point where we have meaningful critical mass a nd ca n reall y tell a bigstory to nati onal advertisers," said Frank Burke, BIRCO cha ir man and owne r of the Class AA Chattanooga (Tenn.)Lookouts. "It 's been a long proc ess, and for some, it's been a little hard to imagin e being part of a national network, but we can now get a vas t number of eyeballs and, importantly for a lot of us, a lot of content and fu nctionality th at would have been abso lutely impossible to develop on our own." Burke cited as an example a mobile site for h is Lookouts club as some thing that would not have been a fiscal priority for the team on its own . and the individual team sites that were host ed by Ml BAM estimates that trafficto the new Mi and team sites will increase. MLBAM com b ine d for ab out 7 million unique visitor s and 50 million page views per month during the 2009 season, according to MLBAMestimates, numbers that are proj ected to rise in the new structure . Much of BIRCO'sdevelopmenttodate has been about creating an operating structure th at will generate the desired efficienc ies of scale wh ile still allow ing for local -market individuality and choice. The est ablished platform will offer clubs one of three levels of operating maintenance, depending on how m uch th ey wa nt to do themselves on a day-to-day basis. Within that framework ,MLBAM will sell national advertising. Individual club s will retain some local inventory both on their home pages and wit hin th eir interior Web pages. Site design will have many common eleme nts but not a fu lly un ifor m structure lik e th e 30 MLB team sites have. Ticketing also will remain largely up to individual clubs, provided th e team's provider is one of several pre-approved by BIRCO and MLBAM . On top of the newly developed mob ile sites for the club s, minor league di gital product offerings this season will a gain include a live game video pa ckage and live Gam eDay functionality for each of the Class AAAleagues and th e Class AA Texas League. The Class AAA Round Rock (Texas) Express sa id th at th ey,and perhaps some other larger minor league clubs, may not see a net increase in di gital rev enue r ight away from BIRCO.Th e Express has been webcasting games for th e last decad e. But Minor League Baseball Presid en t Pat O'Conner has been aggressively pu shing a "Power Of One" con cept sinc e h is December 2007 election, atte mptin g to have th e affili at ed minors ac t as a more unified and powerful en tity. "Overall , the sky's really the limit for us now,but the big thing is we need to get out and tell ou r story," said Reid Ryan , presi dent and ch ief exe cu tive of Ryan Sanders Baseball, owner of th e Express and the Class AA Corpus Christi (Texas) Hooks, anothe r BIRCO member. Web site to provide sports power rankings BY ERIC FISHER STAFF WRIT ER New York-based Web site publisher Mediaite plans next month to la unch , a destination devoted to compiling power r an kin gs of individuals, teams and companies fro m across th e sports world. The new site wouldjoin sister operations, , and Geekosystem .com . The power rankings wou ld be tabul ated by us in g a spec ially developed algorithm th at pools a variety of metrics, including TV ratings; Web traffic and circulati on counts; atte ndance; number of Tw itter followers;on-field performance for players and coaches; and franchi se va lues. Mediaite wa s founded and is led by Dan Abrams, former general manager of MSNBC and current chief legal analyst for NBC News . Th e power rankings on have quickly I '~ ';';·- e e .~ ~ " -- - - l\IS N BC And Med ia Matters Struggle To Un d e r s ta n d Glenn Be ck ... _..... .. _ . ~ ~ .I!lS Bl.-· opi -,~ ~lIWlI ft:I ..nll1ll'd'lO OlI_ "' 11 ...... • . The same company produces Strsst & S m ith' s SportsBusinss s.JOURNAL .. . 2,l becom e the most prominent eleme nt of th e portfolio's offer ings and are widely cit ed across the media in dus try. Th e sites, combining to draw more than 5 m illion unique vi sitors per month acc ord ing to internal metrics, also offer a ran ge of news and commentary, presented in blog format , but th at element will be down played on "We're really doubling down on our r ankings elemen t for SportsGrid, and this will provid e an effective, fun way to see "This will provide an effective, fun way to see how .. . an owner or an executive stacks up against, say, a linebacker." DAN ABRAMS MEDIAITE FOUNDER how som ebody in one part of the sports world such as an owner or an executive stac ks up against , say, a linebacker," Abrams said. "We'll have that master buzz ranking and also smaller ones within specific sports and se gme nts . And we'll be abl e to see movement up and down the rankings pretty close to real time as events and games happen." will be a free, ad-supported venture.The effort will be aided by a partnership with Rotowire to provide statistical and news information. Microsoft 's has signed on as a laun ch sponsor, and entr ies into that search engin e will form part of the ranking al gorithm. As part of a run-up to the new site's launch, rece ntly published a ranking of top sports bloggers, online writers and tweeters, with ESPN's Bill Simmons topping the list. I www.sports busi nes s journal. com Citizen spons da el came after SI tok o apass on company BY ERICRSHER ST WRITER AFF Citizen Sports Network is set to become a part of Yahoo!, with the closing of the high-profile acquisition slated to occur as soon as this week. Butthat deal cameabout in part because minority owner Sports illustrated passed last yearon purchasing majority control of the company SI struck a sales and content relationship with the venture in May 2008, representing the former ProTrade for ad sales and using Citizen Sports Network's Facebook-oriented fantasy games to re-establish a presence in that burgeooingspace. Slithen quietly acquired a minority stakeiin Citizen SportsNetwodt, estimated b¥ industry sources at 18 pel'ceRt,tlter that year. But Jet! Price, president of SI Digital until April 2009, said he could not get approval from SI parent TimeInc. ona third deal he had begun to work out early last year to purchase the remaining equity. "I am thrilled for Citizen Sports, ama very big believer in theirmedel, and this is agreat pickup fur Yahoo!," Price said. "In fact, this is basically the same deal I tried to do." Price resigned from SI shortly after his Citizen Sports Network purchase attempt fizzled amid heavy staff cutbackstbroughoutTimeInc. He is now president and publisher of Sporting News,owned bySportsBusinessJournaI parent American Ciqr Business Journals. Executives for both Citizen Sports Network and SI declined to comment Industry sources said 51willbe treated like any other Citizen.Sports Network investor in terms of recouping funds at closing from the sale of the company It is not yet determined whether Yahoo! will maintain any sales or operational tie with 51 for the venture after the deal clbses. "It's premature to say what will happen there," said Jimm Pi Yahoo! vice president of the announcement of earlie nth. con ith takea pers to worlt somethiilg Financial terms for Yahoo!'s purchase of Citizen Sports Netwerk have l'1Ot been disclosed, Unofficial estimates fi:mn industry obseniem have ranged betWeen $30riilllierf.and nearly:$SOrmi:lliOR, Qre'roward the lower &gure. The deal wiIlbeused ro Yahoo!'s presence WI . and on mobile PlatfOl'Il1S; coreareasfer Citizen Speiits NetwoIii: and key~t5for ifs!rapiEi audience gl'Qwth while being relatively weaker areas fer. Yahoo!. MARCH 29 -APRIL 4 .2010 I•

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