Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'. -. ,- ..... (Left) Eric MacCracken took the Ope n Pro win at Sunrise Cycle Park. (Above) A pair prepares for the team race at the Diamondback GP at Saddleback. (Cont in ue d/rom page 19) unti l Ma p es fin all y su rre ndered second to Weber. T he Kawasa ki pi lo t's drive didn 't end there; set after Miller a nd a lap la ter the lead was his. With on ly three laps rem aining, Ba ldwin sn uck by Mapes for third. The win went to Weber foll owed by Miller , Baldwin, and Mapes. Mo to two wa s just as tight as the first as Miller shot into the lead a hea d o f Weber a nd Baldwin. Mapes a nd Mich ett i went down in th e first tu rn . But both managed to wo rk th eir wa y up to th e front. Like mo to one, th e leaders never separated mor e than a bike len gth thro ugh ou t the ra ce. Weber was hot on Mill er 's rear fender while Baldwin was o n Weber's. Weber finally sn uc k by Mill er for the lead . A ho t bat tle over second bet ween Mill er a nd Ba ldw in was sett led in Miller 's fa vo r. 25 0 PRO: 1. Pal We ber (Kaw) : 2. Ma n y M ill er (Han); 3. Todd Baldwin (Suz). OPEN BEG: 1. Doug Elli ott (Ma il ; 2. M ike New fiel d (Suzl; 3. Dan iel Ruvaloabin (Yam). OPEN NOV: 1. J ack Stevens (Vam); 2. Ron Lingo (Vam). OPEN INT: 1. Ron Lawson (Han); 2. Kit Palmer (M ai); 3. John Wh itcomb (Han). OPEN PRO: 1. Mark Ellis (Vam); 2. Raben Reisinger (Suz); 3. Ted Metzger (Ma i). VET JR; 1. Pat Dal e (Suz); 2. Bruce Prall (Vam); 3. A lic Moo re (Suz). VET INT: 1. Howard Kee ling (Suz); 2. Dan San· chez (Suz); 3. Raben Berdick (M ai). veT SR: 1. Chuck M inert (Han); 2. Ray Simmens (Suz]: 3. Raul Escamilla (Han). Old bikes & riders steal Sunrise show By Kenneth Stein ADELANTO, CA, FEB. 20 Res ults 22. Doug Dubach scored impressive wins in both motos of th e 125cc Pro class, on his "a nt iq ue" 1981 Suzuki, at Sunrise Cycle Park PEEWEE; 1. Eddie Mo rag (Vam); 2. M ike Raben. (Han ); 3. Chr is Moore (Suzl. JR CVC: 1. Dana Wiggins (Han); 2. Mike Metzger (Kawl ; 3. Dust in Evans (Yam). M INI BEG; 1. Darin Hoeft (Varni; 2. Alben San · chez (Suz); 3. Brent Dessen (Suz). MI NI NOV: 1. Steve Burdett e (Yam); 2. Mike Burdette (yam) ; 3. Larry Sayeg (Yam). MI NII NT: 1. Terr y Szucsko (Kaw); 2. Craig Nillsen (Kawl ; 3. David Foltz (Vam). MINI EX: 1. Tom Combs (Kaw). 12 5 BEG: 1. Ernie Kessell (Suz); 2. Steve Falken · stien (Yam); 3. Jonn Brassch (Yam). 125 NOV: 1. Tim Clark (Suz); 2. Brad Fay (Han); 3. M ike Fitzgera ld (Han I. 1251NT; 1. Danny Cantley (Kaw );2. Fred Heacock (Yam); 3. Larry Bened ict (Yam). 250 BEG: 1. Scott Van Lue (Va m); 2. Eric Alloy (Yam); 3. Craig Sase (Han). 250 NOV: 1. Tom Thomsen (Vam); 2. James Conti (Han); 3. Greg Maye r (Mai) . 250 INT; 1. Lanry Dimmitt (Han); 2. Ruben A lva· rado (Sud : 3. Raben Stephenson (Han! . tod ay. Dubach gave back hi s '82 Yamaha last season , leaving under less than pleasant circumstances invo lvi n g a few too many broken parts. At th e drop of th e gat e of th e first rnoto, Dubach's not-quite tu ned engi ne bogged. By th e time the revs picked up , Doug wa s relegat ed to la st pl ace in a l5 -entry field. Dubach kn ew what h ad to be don e. He pulled out a ll sto ps. After d isgracing itself at th e start , his bike ran flawlessly, and Dubach began moving up, pi cking off five riders on th e first lap. and ~ ~~e: _ r~lO~c;. on t~e secon d. Urged on by a stuck throttle. Dubach overtook Pat Hubbs in the fifth. Ahead. Dubach could see only Open class riders. Still flailing his reli c, he continued through tha t group while searching for the leader of his race. One lap later he was su rp rised to learn, as his father held up the board. why he could see no bikes in front. Doug simpl y held off Randy Yetto an d Ted Brady until the end. The second heat is cu stomarily bad news for Dubach and wh at ever he's riding. The question in hi s mind was whether th e old bike could sta nd much more. He didn 't wait long to find out. Dubach grabbed th e lead from Mark Horton on th e first la p a nd ran away with th e race, placing six Open riders between himself and Horton before the end. If the folk s a t Suzuki are watching and thinking a bout expanding their meager support team , Dubach ma y soon be looking for a museum seekin g art ifacts. T he Open clas s also had its sha re of flamboyant riding. Eri c McCra cken jumped to an early lead in th e fir st rnoto . He low- sid ed a right-hander in th e third lap , but hi s lead was su fficie nt to allow himto pick up body an d bike without relinquishing it. H e slo wed n ot a bit , an d stre tched h is lead to the ridi culous. McCracken started th e second moto whe re he left o ff. ta ki ng the hol esh ot. No o ne co u ld keep up the pace Eri c set as he cha rged a bo u t th e co u rse. Dal e Lewis sett led for second in both rnotos, a co unt ry mi le behi n d th e leader. Between th e heats o f th e " rea l" ra cing. th e track wa s terr orized by th e Ov er-th e-Hill-Gang. That group of human antiquity a bo ve th e go lden age of 30 ga ve specta to rs a show. Their Intermediat e and Expert classes wer e quite adep t, but oh , those Nov ices! Still, the y all su rvived , an d every one of th em had a go od time. That, above all , is the reason for riding. -Result s 125 PRO; 1. Doug Dubach; 2. Randy Vett o; 3. . M ark Honan . 125 INT: 1. John Ray; 2. Pat Vernola: 3. Raben Barnum. OPEN PRO; 1. Eric McCracken; 2. Dale Lewis; 3. neve Eropkin. OPEN INT: 1. Dane W igington; 2. Vince Gonzolez. 250 PRO: 1. David Hopwood; 2. Bryan Moloney; 3. Cra ig Gormley. 2501N T: 1.0.1. Ream; 2. Jame. McGee; 3. Jake Roach. . 125JR: 1. Ted Cordi . ; 2 . David Bow man; 3 .John Garjes. 2 50 JR: 1. John Downey; 2. Jeff Regsdal e; 3. David Kle in . OPEN JR: 1. Bob Watson; 2. Ben Taylo r; 3. Lee Johnson . VETS: 1. Dan Ayers; 2. Greg Humpsr; 3. Den nis Lane . MINI INT: 1. Nidty Pounds . MINI JR: 1. J immy Gorge . Denis: CRC Diamondback GP e wInner By Terry Rezek ORANGE, CA. FEB. 13 The California Raci ng Clu b put on a "sweetheart" of a race, the Diamond back G P. the day before Valentine's Day at Saddl eba ck Park. At th e beginningofthe I25cc event , Steve Stewart got th e drop on the o ther Intermedi ates. but was joined by Du ane Elliott befor e th ey had gone 100 yards. Paul Den is was so close to them yo u co u ldn' t even say he was third. By th e time th ey got to th e top o f th e sta rt hill , it was Stewart a n d Denis in content io n. Jon Barrick a nd Randy Brock ett led th e Novices o ff th e lin e. a nd Brian Felix a nd Bill Ca rlso n did the sa me to the Beginners. The nex t tim e arou n d. Kurt Henric kso n had spurt ed past Den is a n d Stewa rt a nd was leading for the moment. Denis was leaning hard on h im, determined to ge t th at lead back. Barrick was still leading the Novi ces and Mil an Ca ytil was now in front o f th e Beginners. Denis did ge t th a t lead back , a n d Henrickson arid Stewart began a 30 minute baule for second th at sa w both riders try some desperat e an d spectacul ar passing maneuvers. Stewart found that litt le bit ext ra and took secon d with two laps to go and held it . Earl y in the race Alex Krause and John Pos ca had moved up to second and third Novi ce. Barrick suddenly d isappeared bri efly an d reem erged in fifth place. leavin g Krause and Posca in easy co ntrol of first and seco nd. Ca ytil was u rg ently hanging on to th e Beginner lead, but Mark Maxwell had come up to second. Wilh about 15 minutes to go, Maxwell took the lead and the Beginner ~i J;1 .

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