Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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rounded o ut the top 10with 28 poin ts. Sportsman T he spo rtsma n scores varied considerably fro m th at o f th e National riders. Whi le th e AA riders were resting in th e 18 mph sectio ns, most of the A a nd B riders were h ustl in g to get bac k o n time; th e C rid ers had a separate schedule, whi ch is the reason ac tual tim e was used at th e ch eckpoi nts ins tead o f th e standard flipcard set-u p. I The scores varie d from Melton 's 10 po int sco re to the o vera ll A score o f 21, to Frank T o ste's overa ll B score o f 54, and clear back to the fifth place O ld T im er B tro ph y score o f 299. Open A winner Rob Sutlif scored 3 1 poi nts to best th e tied d uo o f J on Mill er and Dan Neilson by o ne po int; Mill er won th e tie-br eaker. Will iam Decker sco red 69 poin ts and won th e 200cc A class ove r Wayn e Smith (81). Chuck Cri st sco red 85 points to win the Old Timer A class o ver Stan Stanton (95) and Harry Keast (124). Toste's overall B win was by no small margin as seco nd overall was Open B winner Charles Lozier, who was 12 points behind Toste. Carl Nel son was seco nd Open B with 75 points and Robert Reinertson was the first 250cc B rider with 77 points. Needl ess to say , many of th ese riders dropped mor e points in th is enduro than they have in years , but try to im agine what was going through O ld Timer B winner Marty Prescott's mind as he was acc u m ula ting 193 points on th e way to his victory. The largest cla ss wa s the Open C class, over 140 entries. At th e 10% trophy rate, th is wo rked out to 15 trophies for the class, th e first of which went to Steve Benakow ick (5 1 points). T he O pen C troph ies th en stre tche d back o ver 100 po ints to the 15th pl ace score of 157. Benakowi ck ma y have been at th e head o f a n aw fully big class, bu t as me ntioned earlier, it was Lucch esi that won the overall C honors. T om Cahill wo n th e 200cc C clas sw ith a score o f 34, 70 points a hea d of second pl ace Dan Marsh all , a nd John O . Day endu red 'over Russ Hutch eson for th e Old Ti mer C honor s, 228 to 4611 As can be guessed from the scores, it was a long day for many riders at the Quick sil ver a n d to the o verwh elming delight o f man y o f those riders, trophies were passed out th at even ing. The sco res' were sti ll unofficia l a t p ress tim e, however, as occa siona lly du rin g th e trop hy awa rds, a headligh t wo u ld come down th e hill, staring into the dark an d looki ng for the fini sh . T h is isn ' t a joke - riders after mi nute 151 were required to have headli ghts. T he Four-stroke a nd Women's classes were n't forgotten , time just ran out during the nighr. e • Exposing yourself in Florida will normally get you in a lot of trouble. At Honda'sExpo '83 it'll get you a free gift. Because we don't want to see more of you,we want you to see more of us. Expose yourself to our new line of motorcycles. Including the V45 Interceptor; the V65 Magna" the new CRs and the new ATC"s. Expose yourself to the riders who push these bikes to their limits. Riders like Team Honda's Freddie Spencer, Bob Hannah, Mike Baldwin, Steve Wise, Mike Kidd, Darrell Shultz and lohnny O'Mara, Expose yourself to the special events; an appearance by Doug "The Wheelie King" Domokos and some of the most exciting racing films ever. And when you're through we'll cover your T-shirt with free Daytona '83 iron-ons and more'. So come on down to the Desert Inn, 900 N. Atlantic, March 10, 11 and 12.10 am to 10 pm. We're looking forward to seeing all of you. HONDA. EXPO 83 ALWAYS WEAR A H£L.\fET AND EYE PROTECTIOS. © 1 American H 983 ondaM r Co.• Inc. ATC -1s. ~gist.ered H oto ondau.d~marL V.'hil~ quantity Iuts. geae vtewmlrro rsare 5t&ndatd lNtulpm~n t. Unofficial results OVERALL: 1. Mike Melton (Hus); 2. J ohn Fero (Mai) ; 3. Larry Roeseler (Hus); 4 . Fr itz Kadlec IKaw); 5 . John Mart in (C-A); 6 . Mark Hyde (Hus); 7 , Jeff Henni ng (KTM) ; 8 . M ark Luca s; 9 . Scot Har den (Husl; 10 . Kevin Hines (Hu s). 200 AA: 1. Jeff Fredett e (Kaw). 250AA: 1. Jo hn Fero IMai); 2. Fr itz KadlecI Kaw); 3. John Mart in IC·A). OPEN AA: 1. M ike M elt on (Hus); 2. Larry Roe - Kon i ... shocks that make the difference. The ever-popular 76 series and the new, externally adjustable, high performance 7610 series. Available from your local dealer. seier (Hus); 3. Je ff He nn ing (KTMI. OVERALL A: 1. Mar k Lucas. 200 A: 1. W ill iam Decker; 2. Wayne Smit h IYam). 250 A: 1. Mark Lucas; 2. Scot Harden (Hus): 3. J on Schwaltz. OPEN A: 1. Rob Su tl if : 2. Jon M iller; 3 . Dan Neil son . OT A: 1. Chu ck Crist; 2. Stan Stanton ; 3. Harry Keast. OVERALL B: 1. Frankl in Toste . 200 B: 1. Franklin Tost e; 2. Doug Chestnut; 3. J ohn W hite. 250 8 : 1. Robert Rein er tson ; 2. Stev e Fry; 3 . lesl ie Shirk. OPEN B: 1. Charles Lozier ; 2 . Carl Nelson; 3 . Richard Jackson. or B: 1. Mart y Prescott ; 2. Roger Corley: 3 . Ron Way . OVERALL C: 1. Tony Lucchesi. 200 C: 1. Tom Cah ill; 2. Dan Marshall; 3. Clark Bierma. 250 C: 1. Tony Luc ch esi; 2. Dav id C. Stand ish ; 3. Leitner. OPEN c: 1. Steve Benakowick ; 2 . C. Olund; 3 . Marshall Rose. - 'QT C ~ 1. John O.-Dav; '2. RusSl'hJIChes'oh: •• Distributed b y ROCKY CYCLE CO•• INC. POB 1431 Sunnyval e, CA 94086 9

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