Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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* AXO BOOTS $115 * 1981 DR 500 SUZUKI short tracker, Kni ght fr.m • ••tc . 1981 250X SUZUKI short tr.cker. W illiams pipe s. Cycle Factory frame. extra wheels. tires , Two 1980 RM 80 '. ..I. or trade. (2D9) 882 · 2465. (108 / 9) SOTERIA CYCLE PARTS & ACCESSORIES. 3303 H.rbor Blvd. F·l . Cost. M.s• • CA 92626. (108) Dave Mungenast's KTM Short Trackers TZ750 8th Place Laguna Nat'l. Never ri dd en. Kenny Roberts fr ame. must sell. 8995 . (4 15) 89 7·8796. (108 / 9) [D~rnU mmrr~ Top nat ional bike. always fr esh. nitr ogen charging syste m. spare mags w ith rain t ires. Too man y spa re s to me ntion. Nat iona l #39. Dave Schlosser. Speedway Bike home (41 21 781· 5551 ; shope (4 12) 821 ·2727. (1081 Black. br.nd n.w. 81.995. W ill shi p. (71 5) 886·5655. (30 8/ 9) Ja wa 4 valve . Speedway Research built en gine. N.E.B. 5 plate clutch. ch rome frame. fi ber glass mu dgua rds. cover. + more. Extra s for pro speedway. D.ys (6 19) 222-0370. nights & we.kends (61 91 282 ·6014. Larry. $1 850. (108/ 91 Attention Juniors '79 SUZUKI RM400. RUNS good. extras . 8650 . (714155 6·8355. (108 ) vrrrsa TERRAPLANE SIDECAR: Beat H·O 's w it h 480 Honda. co mpl et ely new w it h Knight frame. some spar es plus or iginal comp lete rolli ng chass is, $3. 200 . Coli G.ry Scott (51 3132 2· 585 1. (108) National Short Track Kawasaki Tired of Losing the Holeshot? Install HOLE SHOT CONTROL and ••• Get to the comer first without bogging or wheelles. Hole S h ot Control is a h ydraulically operated. handlella[.. m ounted. fully adjustable ClU1Ch c ont ro l unit . Yo u set the speed of re lease fr om normal to the slowest r elease. The cam action relea se all ows adjust· 750 Champion Yam Frame + KZ Late model fra me used by Kenn y Robert s and Ricky Gr. h.m. Also '83 KZ750 KAWASAKI. Shewn. d. ys (8051763· 1759. nights (80 5) 765 -4570. (1081 The best of everyt hing. race ready, $3.000. Call G. ry Scott (51 3) 32 2·585 1. (108 ) m~illrnrn J\rnU~m~ Ie) Husqvarna . ment to all track co nditions. Set cam release. re v motor . snap the clutch an d y our b i ke l a un ch e s w i tho ut SPEEDWAY TWO Maelys. excellent cond ition . many extra s. M ust sell , can deliver. Brian Bishop, 1112 ESt.. Apt . C2. Eur.k8. CA 95501. Or ee n ette r 6 p.m. (707) 443-4684.( 106 /91 w heel ies or bogging. " HS C" w i ll th en aut omatically return to no rmal clutch act ion . '81495 KTM HOLE SHOT CONTROL works equally w ell fo r Flat Track. Drag Racing E;llcellent condi tion. real clean. $1300. See at ProCycl e. (714 1772 ·8170. 1 104/8) or Motocross: . " HSC" is completely r ebuil dable w ith a 90 d ay warranty on defective mat e rial or workmanship . Complete unit, 1982 Yamaha 250J Excellent condition , power valves. race ready . Extr.s. 81025 OBO. (714) 760·1806. (307 / 8/ E) inc l udi ng lever and instructions only $89.95. Oh io r esiden t s add 5 % sa les tax. "Hse" Wanta CJ ProlinkXR250 5007 CJ Prolink frame . Simons. Fox f ull y bu ilt XR250 eng in e• • ,450 or rolling chassis for your 500 .ngin• • 81200 w ithout eng ine. (21 31 33 2·5708. . (108 /90 Front Yamaha Wheel • UPS ore.D .D . · 0..1... Inquiri•• Invit. d Hale Sport Center, Inc. 1400 Airport Road Mansfield, OH 44903 CZ 419/522-8602 Me ueler ti re. Sun rim. heavy du ty spokes. 895 . (2 13) 248 ·6747.(208) 1981 IT 250 H For Sale Excelle nt cond it ion . load s of ext ra s• • 10 50 . (2 13) 248 ·6747. (208) SR·500YAMAHAroad racer . Mege Cycle 44Ocam. Mag ur• • cli pons. ult im ate so urce. fo rk brac e. A ir Cepek 9" Paddles Cone pipe. m.ny extras . Asking 81200. (702) 4 51- . 8887. (308) 1977 Silver Jubilee 750cc Triumph 50th Anniversary model, 1500 mile s, like new. Only 1000 made. good co llector/ invest ment bike. 12 .497. For info ca ll Buddy Applet on. (615) 648 -1807. (108 / 91 66 Honda Super Hawk 99 % or ig inal. im ma cul ate condit ion. co llectors pl..... Best off er over 81.000. (904) 575-4705. (108 1 Fits ATC 185 - 200. never used. 175 ••ch . (2 131 248 ·6747. (208) Scott Boots '4 new pa irs . 170 each . (619) 442-0437. (208 / 9) Can-Am giveaway Montesa 200 '81 Con-Am 400 MX . MX ·6B. ridden 10mi.. 81095. 1982 MONTESA 200 tr 600 mt., 81095. (7 14) 794 ·6357. (108/ 91 WHOLESALE TO DEALERS ONLY ~mco ~ GASKETS ~~fI!l!UII ~2gG~ TuGee Enterprises ~ 731 E. Cypress Monrovia. CA 91016 HOT LINE (213) 359-2415 IILF~~~ 78 xsnoo. EXCELLENT CONDITION. going to work for BMWde.ler. mu st sell . 81.850. (9041575· 4705.(1081 Wanted - Dymags MOTORCVCLES 7190 HAZARD WESTMINSTER. CA 92683 Deale r & Distributor Inquiries Invi ted (7 141895-44 12 • (714 ) 893- 7953 Front, rear, both , for 1981 Honda CB900F. Also. 33mm Mikuni I moot hbores. Steve. after 9:30 p.m . (8131629·2108. (308/9) ................ Honda 750 Superbike Very fa it and good handling 750 prepared for AMA. Spares. ra ins. gearing. etc . Th is i s a two week ad. 85.000 080. Coli Tom D.rn.1I .t REEDS YAMA· HONDA (317) 742-402 1. (l D8/ 9) ~_ YAMAHA MAICO HUSQVARNA KTM W to re Jlnown lo r o ur servIce WIt h ..... Ii". ~","" . ·.,",."' i y _ ~. 1.10__ ,,_ I•• 'ap. ... sm ile! if 7563 INDIANA RIVERSIDE. CA . 92507 1714 1 ·68 7· 130 0 .... A ......... --- _._ - tW'I ·0_'.·_ _.... Peter Hook's TT500's Peoria &: Bridgeton winners. Kn ight. Axtell, etc . & fr••h. 82.500& 82.000. Neil Wi nston (61 2) 645 ·8443 (M NI. (308 /1 0) Custom Trails Bike Engli l h fr ame. nickel pla ted . Suzu ki 120CCoil injec · non, (oil in fr am e). Dunlop. Magura. Rentha l. sk id plate. lpark arrestor, im maculate. $350.1805 ) 25558t9. (3081 Kawasaki 8& GS TItanium Rodsl c. n FALICON PERFORMANCE. your cr.nksh.ft ex pert. ' for more i nf or mati on . t81 3) 48 1-4161. (208 / 91 1979 Y2250 CHAMPION YAMAHA: R.ce r.ody. 82.500. One lOt u aad teetbers. 8150. Con s teve (609) 32 7·2724 . (108) 1954 VINCENT BLACK SHADOW : AU origin.l. not restored. best off.r. After 5:30. (3171 787 535 1• • • k for Rick. (3061 White Power Shock Fit . 1982 Hand• . 3 . xtr.springsgowit h it . 81500< best offer. Coli Bill 8.ird • • ft.r 5:00 CST(31 2) 553· 0392. (108) FOR SALE OR TRADE: 77 VZ250 Y.m.h. Shell f lat tracker. t he best of everyth ing . many ext ras and spar es.• 1400 or trade for big bore woods bike . (80 81372 · 9695. (1081 See US formotorcydes, ATC., Odysseys & Generators Wblttler Ronela 14324 East Wh itt ier 8lvd. Wh inier, Ca l ifornia 90605 (ZO) ....OO6S _ _. . = 7 ___ rKa~GaRDJ I 1 6616 Schoenborn Street Sepulveda, CA 91343 (2 1 3) 892·8674 Need XR750 For Daytona So I'm se lling my 3 nov ice bikes to get it . 250 Ho nda WKR shell 81.900. 250 K.w.saki WKR Champion f ramed. $1 .400. 500 Yamaha. Wh ite Bros., Champion f ramed. $2,500. Bener price ent ire or sw.p for XR. (518 ) 768 ·2131.(108/9) . ' DUCAT I 250cc YETMAN: r. re .nd unique. 81.800 0

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