Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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glt, + t9 Sptlmn. 11J Pro: non· m.mb • dd 12. Int. 714/653· 8068. . 5840. 7979. ARIZONA CANYON MX Clnyon RlcIWlY. l lh mi. welt of 99th Avo , Cotwtn. Hwy. Ph.. ni ~ AZ. All cl...... 33" SplJmn troph.. 100" E.. p.b. Inl. 602/934-502 7 1 80bL 583·0575 (T ml. . AME CAUFORNIA MX lndiln Dun.. Cydt PA I·S to Hwy 128. V.I.nci• • CA. All e1 ,.. Pro p.b. '30" SPIJmn tr. ph.G 7 •.m , pr'" 8.11<. 9. Entry. 12SpIImo.. 17 Pr. (' 15 te p.b.L AME m.m b. "q' d. lVaillt b"'Idt (n O) AmniCl" Malo. CIDJS Entorpriso.. 1nc.. P.O. 80x1421. R...d• • CA. 91335. Inl. 213/ 881·5778. TIXAS SWAN M X Tylar. TX. Eoit69 S Ir.m '·20. 2 mi. I. CR 471. righl2 mi. , lurn I.h. All e1...... Troph. I. 5th. . 1005 E.I. purs. 11 5 rid.rmin../clI'l l. 100'1 Pro min 15. Conc.llionl . p.b. it Comllinll'.10 GItI 5•.m.• e, Split pr_ m: Noy pro<. 8. 11<1 9:30: lnt 6.EJprlc. Ipprox. 1:00 p.m.• ric, 1:30. Entry'5 glt . lundar6 .nd _,. · 60 f".). .1 0 Sptsmn. 120 EL Inf . 214/882-4215 (8illl. I... .. No pil riding. Gill 8 ' .m sign up 6:30. proc. 7:30. r... 9. Entry .15 Sptlmn. 115 + 15 Pro. W. tch I. .dull II 6-12. und.r-& Ira.. Into 415/ 886·5413. AMA 0·37 LOST COYOTES H ARE SCRAM8I.ES Edwlrdl AFB Los CoyOlIl Hlrt Sa.mb les scheduled tor Ml r.20 is CANCELED AND moved because of the sptee shunl. landing. For info on new dl tt eall; 805/942 ·8795 (Jim). CRC MAGIt MTN GP CRC GP It Indian Dun... V.I. nci. . CA. Entry tndudll Mtgit Min fin pin. GP Hll S 12 Yamahl un.. liwi 10 M.gicMill. AllCRC e1..... . Entry 120 ' 25 post . Int. 213/83 0-7519. AMA 0·38 8USH BUNNY FAMILY ENDURO PI .... City CA. N B Contra. 5th . . ... annUli Bush Bunny Enduro 81 Poter run. All d lsses plus 3-whlrs. Troph.. lin pins, refreshments. Poker run • 3-wh Ind 100 othl r priliS. Stan lr 81.m. Enduro tntry 110. Poker run 113. I I••p '13. 2 loop. '20. p." .d d '2. Int. 619/275-1823. 442· 9871. 463·8848. TEXAS WOLF CREEX MX Rio V iltl. TX. AU ell"" incl. 81g. Troph.through8th if 8 or mort ridlrl in din. lit pllCi Int tlelivn ., 00 savi gs bone 1It pl' eI N l'KIiwn n S. oy • 50 Sm og. b.nd. 13.030 by malo 6. ov. r. 1l (200% p.b. it 1111 Ih,n 15 rid,n/cll": SOl of g.t. in b. d WI.thtrl. Split achld: N prl c. ov 8:30 a.m.. rid.ra mnting 9:15. I'ItI 9:30: E.. p"" . ppm. 1:30 p.m.. .... 2. GI... 5. Entry . 10 Sptsmn. '20 E.I. Inl. 8171373·2753. ARIZONA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP MX SERIES Thunder V.II., Rcwy. AZ. P..... " Hwy 81'1 mi W.t '·17. 2YJ mi Wol M yer. AllCIIlIlS inc:. St6c . .n d Mod. 33" I,.ph I. 5 pi .. 100% E,p.n p.b. t. 5 pl..... G . open 71.m., prac 8:30. Glte fee Ie, 12child. • 5 bib too (d. duet.d '!Silln up). serits IWtrdl It blnq.• Urill traphill" Ihird.lnf. 602/583.0575. 934-5027. March 15 OKLAHOMA OCCRA CROSS COUNTRY Mo ...I.nd. ox. _ It noon Entry . muSl b. in by M.rch 1. Entry lB. 19 non-DCCRA mamb. OCCRA. Rt 1. 80, 164A. MoonIllnd. OK 73852. Inf. 4ll5/994-2533. Int' ENTRIES OPEN FOR HIGHSIDERS GP 5th Innull Anaheim H ighsidlrs GP II Corlsb.d. Evont runs April 30/M., 1. Sond 2 SASE" photocopy .f elluiIiCilion to: Aneheim Hi-sidm GP. 11 3 8 2 Et rlhlm . On ng • • CA 92669. Entry 120•• 24 non·AMA. March 18 CAUFORNIA INTERSHOWS SWAP MEET Orlnlll Countr F.irground.. CoItI Mo... CA. End at N."",orl 55 Fwy. Opens 8 p.m.· l 010 pub.l ic. Fret p...... 1000s of plm, .CClslOrit . bikll for s ..I•. 10, 10 spoc. '20. 10><15 or prim. splC' 130. m/c for III•• ,0 II. 24 how into 714 498-8B81. March 19 WASHINGTON MABTON DUNES MX Mabton DlJfI.s. 2 mi. W of Mabton on Hwy 22. All e1 . 30" troph. 100" Pro p.b. Tr wide.nd """" norocks. 611.1:30 I .m.• prac:. 9. (K' 10. Entry 110. 120 Pro. Inl. 509/ 837-4438 (Pili AMA 0·36 SEM ~PRO MX T stlllI trod<. Marysvill. . CA. Hwy 70 .. _ 81110 Rd lit S. city . IimilL thin go overlne. on Shld Ad . All0·36 e1...... AMA.nd 0-36 Nlos IPPIy . Gill open 6:30 I .m.• sign-up 7:30. ,oc. 9. Emry " 5. Pro. plus'5. Witch I., childl1ln 81, undo 6 fret . Inl. 918/695-2727 (Ch.rli. CAUFORNIA OLD TIMERS DE ANZA MX O.Arwo Crel. hit. Rivorsid•. CA. All Old TIm. rs AJsoc. e1ISHS. 30% brlSs. Memb. op.n. 40 yrsplusto join. Gatt 7 I .m.• prlC8, tlCI 9. Entry S12. Inl. 213/ 869·3802. 714 498·8779 10.nni· 1 OREGON INDOOR NIGHT ST Blnton Co ooty flirgrtlunds. 110 SW53n1, Corvoni.. OR. Spt.mne1 . Mini·500. Pro 250 , 500. CI C litis ( mini). muffled &. "non· I moi.r'· bitn only. Sign up 6 p.m.• pr.c. 7. tic. 8. EntJ'y 18 Sptsmn, .,2 Pr• . Wllch 13. dult.12 6·16. und,,·6 h.. (with .dull). Will,m.n. V.II.y Crel. Club/ T"k·ToIl Roc:ing Special· till. lnl. 503/928·7205. 753·0588. CAUFO RNIA 8UOWEISER/ CONTRA COST HONDA M A XSERIES FINALE S.nd Hill Ranch, 8rontwo. d. CA. Com.r of C.mino D itblo Ind VISCO Rd. Fillli rice in Slrits. 11000 Pro purst plus llrill monty. ObI CMC points. All e1lSul, fIll GP course. 6 I .m.• pr.c 8. riC, 9. Entry 120. Pro '30. Inf. 4151798· 5895.834-5695(Torn Andorson. 415/ 834-8596 (Phil Andersonl AMA 0·38 H ILLS FERRY ST ..... CA. H hoy Spo.dwo,. Mod in. Hill. h oy Ad. ' RiwrAd. 10 mi. Eat Mod..... On 1 lib Newm.n E.I. ·5 (SlIIlu Rd.II. Hill. hoy Rd. Th.n Lh to Riwr Ad. All dlUlS inc Minis .nd Slmi·Pro. PrIC. • p.m.• rIC. 7. Entry .1 0. Pr. plus '3. WItCh ' 4. Int 4118 . 463·0548 (Lion.1 NunIlLtracI< phone 208/862 ·3453. OKLAHOMA TULSA MX Tulu. Ox. South at Tul.. Intorne. ...1Roc.woy.ft Hwy 169 N ' _ 38dl Sl All cl...... 33" troph. ... 150%E.. p.b. G 8 ' .m.. prl<. 9:30. _ 11. Entry'8 Sptsmn 112 E.I..4 . gil•. Tulu Are. M010lport . Inc. Info l 918/ 286-6136 (Rict). Mar. 19-20 CAUFORNIA AFM RIVERSIDE RR Riwrsid. RtChllaY. Rivtrlidt. CA. All AFM e1'''''.Int. 213/92 6-2583. March 20 ERA OREGON MX F..nIdio. OR. Hwy 36 or FIor.... tulto" thrtlugh Chnhifl 10 TlfritmiaJ Rd. lurn I.ft tract nllt 10 vr.d. school AU dllus. 5 rid. r min./d ili . . 33.33" SplJmnttDph.. 100" Prop.b. Prall.... e1ot1liog. 3 n.. pill... h.lmll no. &. mu"l. r fl q'd. Sign in 9 ' .m.• pr.c. 10. ric, 11. Pro·Amm.mb. • , O . Enlry . 6 SplJmn• • 10 Pr•. •dd '1 il you 101111 Pro-Am cl nt Idd t2 tor non-m.mb. W.tch 13 .dull, n & ·17 (widl S1lld.nt body cordi. undll·8 tn•. Em.r.ld Rlcing Allociltion. 1'110 503/8 88·1274. AMA 0·38 SANTA Q.ARA MX Son.. Clm MX Tract. Hwy 237 , GI1I11 • •nc. PI......,.. San.. CI.L CA. All duIIl indoBIg. DinoNur , Womon.lIonus ........ , 1DOlI Pr. . Trock hoi _ _ d: 011 _p.b. P_ in .... Pits. Conal...... , load. TIXAS MOSlER MX Mosier Valloy MX P.1t. Fl Worlh. TX. All e1...... lB04 _ n d h purl'. Nopit riding or Itlt pnc. Prlc. eI.m.. rlCl 9: Int' Ex pnc. 1:30 p.m. Entry . 11 Sptsmo. 116 E.I. G .... 5. 1nf.214/357-4198. TIXAS CONROE MX Com.. MX Pori:. Conro•• TX. 3 mi. south of town to Sin Juimo Rmr . All d.n... Trtlph. or gift e.-t. to Bitt in Nov eI.UlI. Contau ions.showm: , bathrooms. Splil schtdul. : prac. 8 I.m.. tl CI 10: Inl/b flel 1 p.m. Entry • 8 Sptsmo. .15 E... Gil. '4. Inl. ..... SUlI. 273· 7121756·4114 IC 2338 (trldel. CMC CAUFORNIA MX S.d dl. b.... Pori:. O ,lnge. CA. Frwr 55 10 .xit. 1111 7 mi. 10 Sl nti.go C. nyon A righl 10 county d. lir. st.lion,lttt on rdp.1I fir. Itllion. All e1...... 30" IrDph. Gil. 7:30 ' .m.• sign up &. prl c. 8·9. riC' 9:30. Entry . 10 Sptsmn . 15 Pr. . Inf. . 714/5 57·3323. m.mb. • dd 12. Inl. 714/653 ·8088. 584ll. 7979. CRC CAUFORNIA MX Indi.n Dun. s Cycl.PiB, V.I.neil. CA. ~ 5 t. Hwy 126. All e1...os. Bt .. . tor Splsmn. cllh lor Pros. 2 long motes. G.I. 7•.m.. prK. 8. r.CI 9:30. Entry .12 Sptsmn. . 15 Pro; m.mb. "q·d. 1n1.213/830- 7519. CMC CAUFORNIA MX Scuvill VllI.y Cyd. PItl Ad.I.PIo. CA. 2 mi. north01 town on Hwy 395. All eII... L SO" MinilVlt troph . SO" cosh p.b. t. V E.I. F... O/N II poRing. G 7:30 •.m. 11<1 9:30. ... Int. 714/2 45-7339. TIXAS ARROYO MX Anor. MX Pill Hltlingoo. TX. All d lSsn + Enduro. Troph. to Jrd. 2001 E.. p.b. G 8:30 ... p"" 10:30. " .. 11:30. Entry lB Sptsmn. .12 EL HlI1ing.n MX Associ'lion.lnfo 5121 426-3895. '.m.. OKLAHOMA CITY MX O ld.horn. Citr. Ox. Int.... e:tion at 1- 5 81 1-40; list-bound ~40 ,lit 11113 .m, Wlst·bound f-4.O •• it Ren All o. dliIiS. 8 ITUph./cllll. 150" b p.b. . G t. 8 I.m.•ptlc. 1D tlet noon.Entry . .6 SplJmo. "0 E.I. 14 glt• . Inf. 4051732·0212 (HDWlrdl. ARIZONA CANYONST, TT Clnyon RIClwIY'. 1YJ mi. Wlsi of 99th Av. , Clrttret Hwy Pho. nil. . AI. AU elll.... 33" troph. to 5th. 100" Ex p.b. I. 33% at e1... I• 5th. C1l1i C trlt. tl q'd tor E.. r. comm. nd. d tor .11 Gil. 10 I .m.• ridtr'. milling 11. I'KI tfttr prac.. Gil. filS : I' . dull S2 chil U d nHr' 12. IS/bib (d.dUClld .t . ign up). Entry .,0 Sptsmn 14 EL Inf. 6021 .• 976-0681IRuss). 583.0575 (Tornl. AIllZONA DEER YAUfY MX D." Valley Cret. P.1t. Ph..niL AZ. 7dl Sl' D " V.lley Rd All . . e1...... 33" trDph.,1DOlI Prop.b. No pitriding. G 8:30 I .m.. prac.. a. ract .t. 9. Entry .10 Sptsmo. '15 Pro Wllch . . 41du1t.12... dfi·12. Ph..... Supw· CIDJS Rocowoys, Inc. Inf. 6021867· 4789 IJoIInl. AME CAUFORNIA MX SprocIlou Pill BobrsfuIld. CA. All e1...... Prop.b. '30" SPIJmn ttDph. Fr O/N Clmping. Gil. 7 ' .m.. prac. .. 8." .. 9. Entry .12 SplJmn. '17 Pro (, 15 t. p.b.l; AME m.mb. "q· It trlcIl 1. 201. Am.ricon Motoc:ro.. Ent.rpri"l. Inc.. P.O. Bo. 1421. Rosad•• CA. 91335 . Int. 213 / 881·5778. TEXAS BURLESON M X Soulh.1 Fort w.nh,TX.1·35 S fr.m f ort Worthto H.rdgrovtun•. ... t 2 mi. • nd tum right .h.r bridg• . All d.u... Troph.lhru Bitt. 11.200 purse paid p.r mota .nd 0'1'11111 (200" p.b. jf IllS thin 10 ridltl/cl.u). N pit o riding or lit. prt c. Gil' 7 ••m. Splil sch. d: N prlC. 8-8:30. Mi i pr.c. ov n 8:30-8:45. ht flCI 9; Int & b prlc. .pprtlL 12:30 p.m.• I1ICI 1. Gil. *S. undar·l0' O\'ar·60 tn•. Entry .10 Sptsmo. 120 h .lnt. 8171295·8908. 295·1760. Mar. 25-27 KANSAS TRADE SHOW Co..... Activity canto'. 2744 60_ WlShinqlOl'l Blvd. Wi hitL KS. F,, · c turll M/Cs I nd r,llI. d it' ml . Fri lY d 5·1Cp.m. SII. 10-10. Sun. noon · 10. Admission S2. March 26-27 DIRT DIGGERS HANGTOWN MX CLASSIC Prairie City DHV PItk. S. UItn.PIo. CA. Pro PrJ and Amtllurs an S.t. c Entries close forAm• . Feb 22. St. CN . ilsut 6 for only IntJy bl.nk. Sun. Pro I1IC ticket info 916/920-1121. Firs II l AMA 125. 250. SODa: N.ti...I.f dl• yel r. Please send me VHS Video Cassettes of On Any Sunday II (Please Spec ify ) Enclosed Fin d $ Charge to my Visa /MC # O M C O VISA Signal ure _ Exp.Oale = = =.,.-,.-..,,-....,._ _ ..,,-_.. .,.,._ -,, _ -:-_---;= _ The illuer of !he c.ard tdentihed on t hll Item .1 aUlhoril$d to pav the amount ,hown .s TOTAlltogether wit h Iny other charge. due thereonl s ubject to .nd in accordlnce With the agr.ement governing the us. of luch card . NA ME _ AD DRESS _ CITY -:> ATE: ST O r .Y8 D8b1e e t your motorcycle " ..L ZIP _ ler. LOCKHART OIL COOLERS CONGRATULATES 1s t P lace Formula II 1st Place 750 Super Street Willow Springs Raceway February 20, 1983 Bernd Koegler OIL COOLER: Lockhart Competition Series Trot Racing Oil Cooler MOTORCYCLE: Honda 750F I!i1lLOO~IHIIA\Ajf THE PROFESSIONAL'S CHOICE 15 555 T exaco Street, Paramount, C A 90723 (21 3) 774-2981 clinlur~ -RacemJD Ventura af the Fairgrounds 1983 SPRING ClASSIC March 5 - 8 p.m. fea turing "Bobby SChwartz "Mike Bast "John Cook "Kelly Moran "Shawn Moran "Alan Christian "Mike Faria "Dennis 51galos Presale tickets (805) 985-5433 19830FFICIAL RACE JERSEYS If misled the race. here '.vour chance SUBSCRIBE ' We deliver . yOU March 26 Buy 3 rs gel a lree U.S.G.P . hal All • . . - . R otvI . • C4lrtsb-elSOO USGP ... .. .. ..•. 112.00 Brad lid.... Wor ld OREGON INDOORSTADIUMTRIAL The Northwes Pepsi Chill enge t M.,orcycleTri.I•. Inf. 5031746·7647 (Mik.l. 726·9471 (Btu"l. 7days. Gill 8 ..... prIC.' :30._ 9:30. Entry 18 gil' • 19 Sol-. .13 Pro: non- Mini. Micro " PooWoo. Signup 4-8 p..... proc. 8. _ 7. Entry: .5 Mini. Fro.camping. Port_ Bel a CMMC CAUFORNIA MINI MX Btrtlnl Dab RlelWly , Rtmon., CA. Hwy 67 to LtDlide. lilt on Mlpltvi.w. north on Aahwood. up Wildclt canyon Rd 11 millS. NIW Ileg ell... O/N ..mping' concos· . ~.ns. Signup e1. ... 7:30 stwp . Emry ., O. yllrly m.mb . • , 5. Into 714/581 ·7344 (G. ryl. 447·9348 (D.nnis). OMCIDAHO INDOORFLAT TRACK Coldwell.IO. Ilehind dl. (Teannor Fi.ld HGUII It 2hI , CI...I.n d. All ell.... up I. 75Occ: (2 cyIind" mo.1 incl. Powder Puff. Bonus 1 Stritl 0 winners It . nd of Stri" on M... 28. onctuion l . Clus C Indoorpitting 81 C liti s on 'IIr lfront Icnobb... OK) and si_ncm q q'd; C tir.. oPtiontl lor CAUFORNIA OEANZA MX O.A... Cret. Pori:. Sunnym.od. CA. 10 mi. 1111 of Ri.,.raidt on Hwy & la Theodoreuit AU dl..... 30" 0 ..... do, Spt. mn IropIl. 100" Poo Woo trap/!. Evorybody g... 2 motDS. SEND .69.96 PLUS .1 .60 POSTAGE lit HANDLING. ORDER FROM : RCR ENTERPRISE. INC. 9440Senta Monice Blvd. Suite 604. Beverly Hill •• CA 902 10 Cha mpion . . • •.•. $12 ,00 LA CoUMum SUperbowl $12 .00 1983 ""-helm Supet'~ kICk 0" . . .. $12 .00 etoI. · 1983 Supeteros. s.rles . . . . . •• . .. • . • • • • • •$12 ,00 U.S ,Gp.cap SE NO CHEC K/ CASH OR M.D. TO : ,....., Cone. c.N. Aii :.;.;~·;~;~b~l~OO S. AI. L XL MASTERCARD P.O. Box2lll4 VISA MloaIon VIelo. CA . . . . EXP.DATE_-;:-_ Add 53 .00 per shirt tor shipping. handling & tax LIMITED STOCK GIVE 2nd CHOICE 31

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