Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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uthern Nevada- Southern Call INCOME TAX SALE BERT'S MOTORCYCLE MALL FROM Frank Mazur dazzled again as he took third overa ll on h is GPIS50. Mazur a lso won th e 600cc Stock P roducti on by q ui te a large marg in. H arry Klinzma nn hopped on Lee Flem ing 's Moriwak i Superbi ke for the O pen SuperStreet race a nd gave Earl Rol off a run for h is money, a nd altho ug h H arry ha d the same handling problems as Lee had previously (a possi ble bro ken shock) he fin ish ed first . But , since he was not go ing for poi nts, Rol off got th e troph y. Mark Capell , Clint Wh iteh o use and Mike Flemi ng went a t it in th e 450cc Mod ifi ed P roduction, until Wh itehouse's motor siezed go ing into fast turn nine, tak in g him o u t o f th e race . Capell went on to tak e th e victo ry with Fleming sha dowing him to take second . At th e end of th e day a no the r fun filled Rela y Ra ce was held with the unlikely pairings o f Lee Fleming/ Mark Sh elt on , Mark Capell/Thad W olff , H arr y Klinzmann /Doug T oland, Frank Mazur/Dave Busby a nd o thers. Fleming/Shelton, with cons istently smooth rider changes, won easily on Shelton 's GPzlIOO o ver Ca pell/Wolff o n Capell's RD . Klinzmann/Toland took thi rd o n Doug 's KZ550. SALE PRICES GOOD MARCH 1 0, 1 1, 12, 1 9 8 3 ONLY SHOEIS12 BERT'S SUPER FUL L F A C E CHEST PROTECTOR SNE L L A PPRO V ED r e g .69 .95 50 0 0 29 9 5 TEAM PANTS TEAM JERSEYS MOST T EAMS & COLORS AN Y P A N T IN STOC K 8 59 9 5 BERT'S S UPER DRY BERT'S Fi- INsuiT A LEATHER JACKET SUPER COOLS Car r (Yam ); 3. Steve Ledwith (Hon ). . FORMULA 4 : 1. Gary Pendergrass (Han): 2. Terry Yarger (Yam). 450 MOD PROD: 1. Ma rk Capell (Yam): 2. Mike Fleming (Yam): 3. James Stephens (Yam) . RELAY RACE: 1. Lee Fleming /Mark Shelton (Kaw ): 2. Mark Capell lThad Wolff (Yam): 3. Doug Toland /Harry Klinzmann (Kaw ). Wailin' Weberjams at DeAnza MX By Kit Palmer FU L L F A CE LIGHTWE IGHT 1- ..... reg. 2 9 . 9 5 N YL ON W/VEL C RO 39 9 5 r e g .7 .95 M-ROBERT RO-BOOT 2 SUPERSTAR BOOTS ELBOW PADS VELCRO S T R A PS ALL QUALIT Y L EAT H ER ON E SI Z E FI TS ALL reg. 12 9. 9 5 r e g .l0.95 AL L PLA ST IC ;;~:95 TEAM JACKETS HOND A. Y AM AH A. & SUZUKI COLO RS reg .6 9 .9 5 r e g.169.95 reg .1 4 9 .9 5 TEAM WALLETS SHOEIS20 HIGH QUA LIT Y CH P S T Y LE 149 5 MO ST NAMES AVAILABL E S U PE R S H A RP r e g.4 9 .95 5 89 9 5 N O DEALERS HOURS:9-6TUES -SAT,1O-4 SUNDAY, CLOSED MONDAY 213 334-1288 00 29 9 5 ' Berts Motorcycles CHECKS OK MOTORCYCLE MALL 9OOW. Foothill Azusa . Ca. 91702 LIMITED QUANT ITIE S, COLORS & STYLES SUNNYMEAD, CA, FEB. 20 A la rge number o f riders came o ut to DeAnza Cycle Park to take advantage of p re-su m merlike weather condi tions , which prod uced some tight racing. In th e 250cc P ro class it was Po mona Va lley Kawasak i's P a t Weber (Kaw) who too k top honors in o ne o f the more excit ing battles in DeAnza history. Suzu ki Co untry's Du an e Ma pes (Suz) clea n ly gra bbed the first mo to hol esh ot ahead o f Circle Ci tv H onda 's Marty Mill er (Han) , S u~ u ki of R iversid e 's Edd ie Mi chetti (S u z), Suzuki Country's T odd Bald win (Suz) a nd Weber. For the next two laps, Mapes held o nto his slim lead until Miller sn uc k by. Meanwh ile, Web er was o n th e war pa th; he slipped by Baldwin , the n had co ntro l o f th e th ird spo t a fter Mich etti went down o n la p fo ur. Weber then pu t pressure o n Mapes (qontinue d to page 2.2) ~ . - - 4 - • ~ • •• ' 1 ' ... ... - ." • • • ... .. ... ... ~ ... O FF SNELL " BO" THE BEST FOR MOVEME N T & PROTEC T IO N reg.2 6 .9 5 (Kaw). 20% BELL MOTO 3 ~, HONDA . Y AM A H A, & SUZU KI COLORS INCLUD ES PANT S , JAC KET & STORAGE BAG B Y TOUR LION SAL E PRI C ES LIM IT ED TO STOC K ON HAND r e g .15.95 88 ALL SUP ERWARM JACKE T S & PANT S F O R B EST S E L ECT ION r e g.79.95 t o 109.95 FORMULA ONE: 1. John Wells (Hon): 2. David Zirkle (Suz): 3. M ike Williams (Kaw). FORMULA lWO: 1. Bernd Koegler (Hon): 2. Chris OPEN MOD PROD: 1. Bruce McFarland (Suz): 2. Kevin Dolan (Suz); 3. Steve Av igliano (Suz). 750 MOO PROD: 1. Jeff Gehrs (Kaw): 2. Denn y Fryer (Han): 3. Scott M itchell (Kaw). 600 MOD PROD: 1. Frank Mazur (Kaw ): 2. Earl Roloff (Kaw l 3. Doug Tala nd (Kaw). FORMULA THREE: 1. Rhys Howard (Yaml2. Nick Richich i (C-A); 3. Chris Steward (Yam). 600 SUPERSTREET 1. Jim Collins (Yam); 2. Rob : Rodrick (Yam): 3. John Ulr ich (Kaw). 750 SUPER STREET: 1. Bernd Koegler (Hon): 2. Chr is Mencher (Kaw ); 3. Denn y Fryer (Hon). OPEN SUPER STREET: 1. Earl Roloff (Kaw): 2. Mark Shelton (Kaw); 3. David Zirkle (Suz). OPEN lWIN : 1. Kavin Bracken (Due). 750 lWIN: 1. Ely Schiess (Tri); 2. M ike Glesson (Suz): 3. Matt Riolo (Suz). 600 STK PROD: 1. Frank Mazur (Kaw); 2. Todd Brubaker (Kaw); 3. Mike W illiams (Kaw ). 450STK PROD: 1. Mike Morrow (Hon); 2. James Cox (Suz); 3. Mike Glesson (Suz). OPEN STK PROD: 1. Mark Shelton (Kaw ): 2. Bruce McFarland (Suz): 3. Kevin Dolan (Suz). 750 STK PROD: 1. Earl Roloff (Kaw): 2. Jeff Gehr (Kaw); 3. Scott Mitchell (Kaw). FORMULA 4A : 1. John Glover (Han); 2. Chris HURRY SUPER S H A R P VENTED OR COTTON Results Menc her (Ka w); 3. Denn is Kunster TOUR LI ON FRO N T & BA C K PRO TE CT I O N r e g .8 9 .95 MOTO X SOX No brag. Fact., 'The Best Go Wesr T-shirts say it all. Please t urn to our order blan k in t he Dealer Direct ory page and mak e your statement.

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