Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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KYLE • RICK • BRUCE • KYLE • RIC(( • BRUCE • KYLE • RICK • BRUCE • KYLE • RICK • BRUCE • KYLE • KYLE • RICK • BRUCE • KYLE . >< I ~ 1st Annual Kyle Flem ing Memorial Race In Memoriam Bruce Bunch R Hemme ick Kyl~ F leming YO U :;) '" III .. u iii .. ~ > Road rac ers were test ing their machines on the Daytona Internat ional Speedway roa d race co urse with th e new chica ne added on the back straig h tawa y. Fas test lap turned in to date , acco rding to Pap a Wealey, was by Gary Ni xon on a n ErV Kanemoto tuned Kawa saki. Nixon we nt 2:20, seven seconds faster than th e ne xt best lap, tu rned in by Cal Rayborn o n a Harley-Dav idson. .. '" . ~ eN staffe r Dave Schoon maker conducted a "road taste" o n a 235cc Reu ben san dwich. Mentio n was mad e of its non-uni t, lam in a ted cons tructi on ; oi l capaci ty ("as li tt le as p ossible" ); start ing system ("lioth han ds" ); and price as tested ($1.89). Tommy Brooks and h is 125 DKW con ti n ued on the ir winning wa ys, taking th e over all in the Sa nd Blasters M.C. D-37 hare scrambles. Mitch Mayes took second overall on a 450 H us ky. .; ,,; . n III iii -< .... III f:'Il;1 .., ...~'"'. " I . K . .:":~ M . ULTlMAT, PR CrIONS ~ .IIBOSCHB -e:::::::!c", "'" ...... TNT ~ O"l III ..c u .. .. ""'""' ~ e n ~ III C'j >< ~ -< .... .. III ;:; >< nwswk:r= ~ D~r:~.!AR~( . If8~GaR.J Kawasaki ~ /. ~ c<':I 00 O"l ;:; >< . III C n III \j > ~ ~ >< ~D'D'NLOP ~.. SIIl!lh I""!:ITI ~ I~ - ~ ~~ ~TlaRY CULl ~ DUItA.W81 t:-Leacler I#l§jiiN r. . ~ ~ SPECTROOIL l'T.VTJ . W""-- u ;::;::i!5-.~.,..., >< -< .... \::..... ,..,. . . .r '" '" . ceaS:E~:EOSE:ta~E:::O:=u=cs:EU=u=cs:EU=u=~:a:E=tE:ca::Ea::!~:a=d Kawasaki '" Pro . . =:SHHHHHHHAHHHE IEAM GREEN YO U , . :;) . IB~ Itm ~.K.~n ~~ /liU GRRERA ".""""':'f?J Yama ha w OrtCl · Sunn YSl De Honda - Sun SU o zuki. APaChe Hon da w est III • Nolan 'S Acti on Cvcle • Hon da House Discount Cycle· Moto r CYCle Oty • Vallev Yal'Nha • Mesa Suzuki · eerere's Cycle · cvee Craft · B & R CVCle-Tucson ~'fIT. III s ;:; ~ SOUthwest Ya ma na • PrO-FlO enters • Lub r" Tech III C n April 2 & 3. 1983 Canyon Raceway, Phoenix, Arizona A $1000 mot ocross at Muntz Cycle Park in Moorpark, CA, dre w out many of the factory riders not competing in - the Winter-AM A Series . H onda 's Gary Jones took the 250cc Expert class after a to ugh battle with upstart CZ ri der Greg Robertson. Kaw asaki 's P eter La m p u u took the O pen Expert cla ss over th e Maico of Mike T od d. Ed die Cole, Jim H ale a nd Ro bert Morrison fin ished 1-2-3 in the 125cc Expert class on a br ace of Pen tons. Ca lifornia mo tocrossers visited Phoen ix, AZ, an d too k ho me the Expert laurels. Ken Zahrt (DKW) di d th e honors in th e 125s, Rich Eiers tedt (Mai ) ruled the roost in the 250s, and it was Rex Staten (Mai) in th e O pen s. ~'L9:J"I~ ~ .. I .. . III , The AMA a n nounced its Nat ional Motocro ss Series, an II-even t campaign beginning a t Dayton a in March and concl uding in Sep tem ber at Ta lladega, AL. T otal p urse money pos ted was $60,000. III C !I~~R£"C?y~al5?S~A':1}~S 1!fEY~~ .. YO U T err y Dorsch led a str ing of Triumph . riders across the lin e in the Expert main event of an AMA Pro 'TT at Ascot Park. The top six used the British twin, with Ge ne Romero, Edd ie Mulder and G ary' Scott follow ing Dorsch. Juniors Rick H ocking (Yam) a nd J ohn Gen nai (T ri) res umed the battle of th eir Novice year and ran away to finish 1-2 in the Junior main. O regon 's Bill O live r (Bu l) won the Nov ice ma in . Interesting resu lts fro m the 500cc Amateur class of a Tr scrambles a t Corona Raceway: Desert ace Jim Fishback finished fir st, followed by mo tocross Expert George Luther. Bo th rode CZs, whi le th ird p lace r Bill . Barning rode a Maico. >< ssa:ss:s:s:s:s:e::s e: e::e:e: e:SS e:aaass:ssss:SJi ~ > In a no ther part o f Florida - Hialeah , to be exact - Pierre Karsm ak ers (Yam ) continued his domin ation o f th e 500cc Expert cla ss in th e WinterAMA MX Series. Marty T rip es (CZ) came closest to the Flying Dutch man, placi ng second overa ll a head o f Bob G rossi (H us). Bruce Dengler (CZ ) won th e 250cc Novice class, besting J oh n Franklin (Mai) and Frank Stacy (CZ). .. .. ;:; April 2, 3, 1983 . Canyon Raceway, Phoenix, A rizona !.! Ii' -e .... III ~ 125 /2 50 / 0 pen All Other Classes; ~turaav ~ eaee Fees SUnaay care Fees: > S25.00 Pre-entr'V 512.00 sre-enev Bike Fee Both Davs: ACJuftS •54.00ea cn lldr en un ce r 12 • 52.00 ea. Adults · 55.00 ea. Cat es OPen . PractiCe su m '" . . III III racei THE R&D SUZUKI VAN IS COMING . . . . ... . . . 6:00 a.m . 7;50 a.m . . 5lgn-up All Day 501It ur oay FOr'SU ndaVS Race AUNovices (BO. 125. 2SO. Open • • ola Timers. 3·Whe elers > C~ eeeee I . PIlI-UCTII Y DEADUNE, . AIIC" 21, 1 98 3 FOR SUNDAYS RACE, APRIL 3rd III Box 1S94, Black can yo n Stag e 1, Phoen ix. AZ 8S02 9 mOdI,jeclI C Mall pre·Ent ry t o: CANYON IIACEWAY >< n -< .... --- - . Mail Pre-Ent ry With self -addressed envel ope t o:- ----, ANNOUNCER ~ ~Al SANGUINE"1 of TNT ProdUctions . t~J ProfesSIo nal sueercressand Motocross Ann ou ncer TNT '.OOUCTIONS YO U '" III . '" .. III i He as ;:; =e_.EIi AS H e NAME IPlEASE !>flINTl III SEE 1 25 . 250 & OPEN FACTORY MX STARS PRO PAYBACK $ $ $ $ MINIMUM $2 ,000 PRO PURSE . AcxmESS >- SAND AND DUll COM PITIT ION AT ITS UST _.-..... f" :;) .'" . III N u iii ~u• • I ~ • • ! , . Super 8 MOl el 171 1 W. Bell Rd. (602) B66·2 0B9 ~ • .s: ~ ~,,::'~ > :;) CANYON . ACE.'" S '".. i ':;:::'-;;', ! ~ !1Il "ti '.,(1 I 105 2. • e" " .'0........., I ~ . ~ .2 1. '" lIg'" J tler e lJ\o re le n • . end 10 hold he ,m l.., J.... CA"' YON RACEWAY, 11'1. prom Olel'. 11'1 . owne r, ell d lne I.e,es 01 lhe p•• m ,• • • . 1"- Pafl ,c ,penl, enO I.... oU,c .',. d"IICIOII . oll, c,.". . ,.p' " . lIle hv. .. and . mplore" O' all 01 II'I m 01 en(l I,o m a ll " aD,lIly. ~e . C!a,m , aO'l(l (leom. IlCl' l!'Ial ....y acClu. ' , om en y IoU , (l.rne.g . or '" jury l'llClu(l'1IgOH lhi iOmy petton 01 p'o~'l y . '"."y we y ' . ' ullollO I . om. 0' "" '"0 ," cOllneChon .oth 11'1" ....III,.nd whelh•• a",'''lI wl'lO l. ellgegeS OPEN nu 10:00 e.m . ; n CITY Ae:ecHRaHSSSAHHE YO U C III Paid Per ecec 33% Of Class thru FIve PlaCes. Purse Paid Per Oass . ISeesee on Num ber of En tries Per' ~ ~ '" '" III All Amateurs an d ExpertS ISO 12S. 250. Open, . eeeee .. mOd if ied! . :;) III ;:; MAIL-IN YOUR ENTRY TODAY CLASSES FOR SATURDAYS RACE, APRIL 2nd AU " ·Zlnge r .. Pee wees • All Begi nners ISO, 125. 250. Ope n, ~ ' :11 THE TEAM GREEN VAN WILL BE THEREI NO LA PRACTICE. RA STARTSAFTER RIDERS MEETI G TE CE N u iii >< -< .... ea. SATURDAY & SUNDAY SCHEDULE :;) -< .... .11I 5S.OO ea. nnciuc es rnctocvees, ate. b icycles • deducted on sig n -up to YO U >< MINI-EXPERTS IN THE COUNTRY 8ATTLE FOR A $1 ,000 CASH PURSE 535.00 Post Entrv 515.00 POst Entrv O'ltldre n Und er 12 • 53.00 HONDA YAMAHA SEE THE TOP CATE & SICN-UP FEES FOR SATURDAY & SUNDAY > III SUZUK I ND PfT RIDlNe No ENeINES RUNNING AFTU DARI( ~ • 2. Beat West ern Bell M otel 0 ..""I. ' .. III DATE CLASS ;:; >< MACHINE 'l'OUIil NO SA ......O . • • , , , , , , J III I ' ENGINE OIS PLACEMENT ~ ~ ~~ t~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ FOR INFORMATION PHONE: 1-1602158 5-0 57 5 1-16021945-2468 or 1-<60 21944-59 4 5 172 11 N. Black Cenyo n t60 2} 99 3-8300 -< '" .... S PO"' S e;,R C n III I '" -< .... III or .. i;l KYLE ' RICK . BRUCE. KYLE' RICK . BRUCE · KYLE • RICK • BRUCE ' KYLE • RICK. BRUCE • KYLE • KYLE· RICK • BRUCE. KYLE . \ .ffteDJIIOFWlH ER5 C ' ,.;.~:~, :i,: :?i;~i>:/; ·\·~:~'i:.~.!~'.: ' :\::l/i'!?~F:~f(;:. : (! !.:,!f: ~?::~:r~ :, St " .•.:,,( :.• :..' . " 212 0 / 83 New ldr ia.CA' ..· ··· ···· . ' . . '. ' . " ' .' QU ICKS ILVER A MA NATIONAL EN D URO . M IKE MELTON Hu sqvarna on DU NLOP; Front & Rear Co ng rat ulations. M ike. on continuing a w inn ing tradition - bagg ing the ope ning ro un d of t ha Nat ion al Enduro Series - ON A HUSKY ON . DUNLOP. More cycles ride on Dunlop thwianyother tlrelntheworlcl. ~DUNJjOP , Th~ Logical ChQi,c.e, ~ , . , , 0" 13

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