Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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lmp.ression: Honda CBX SSG FII Our man in Europe tests the "little" CBX . By Hanny Ray Ab rams It's a little cruel of us to go around Europe testing machines ljke Honda's CBX 550 F II, because, after all, you can't get them in America yet. So what's the point? The point is that yo u don ' t know what vou 're mi ssing. Like , h' 3 th e ): ~ m a a ~D . 50 LC, th e sma ller CBX invites a n archy 12 '-..... o n th e stree t. Just sitti ng still, it look s like so me thi ng th at will ge t yo u in troubl e. It ap proac hes th e ul tim at e distillation of th e sporti ng bik e an d ai ms to tak e yo u pl aces tha t yo u 've never been and won 't soon forget. It mak es sen se. Big brother is th e lat e notorious CBX with its six cyli n ders and record for lawl essn ess. Why not tame it , shr ink it a lilli e, but keep th e mi schievous at mak e it p opular w ith th e ca fe cro wd in Europe. Th e en g ine is an in -line fourcylinder with four valves per cylinde r drawingfueIthroughabankof25mm Keihin con sta n t vacuum ca rbs that mak es a cla im ed 60 bhp a t 10,000 rpm . It isn 't ca nted a s far forward as big brother a nd is not a stressed member of th e fram e, but wha t it lack s in size, the do uble over hea d ca m pow er plant mak es u p in p ow er to weight ra tio. Weighing in a t 440 pounds pUISit in a bo ut th e m idd le of t~ecl a s s w ~ th th e Kaw asak i GPz 550 a ~l_lli e hea vier an d th e Y~maha Seca ",,0 a co uple o f pou nds Iigh ter. It doesn ' t feel like a m id dleweigh t, th ough. Co m pa ri ng th e numbers o n th e sta t shee t you find that it has a smaller wh eelbase than th e FT 500 Asco t wh ich acco u nts for the quick steering. Th e seat height is abo ut th e sa me as th e Asco t a nd wi th th e widest p oint bein g the two separa te a lu rni num h andl ebars; wh ich mount independentl y to th e top o f th e tripl e clamps, i t's even a foot n arrower th an th e thumper. The co ntrols fall eas ily to hand. T he cho ke is thumb-operat ed o n th e left handl ebar sta lk an d with half cho ke a n da Ilick o f rhe sta rter buuon th e en gi ne fir es up ri ght awa y, hot or co ld. As yo u look down you see th e tw o meter s for g ro u n d a nd engine speed separa ted by a pessimisti c gas ga uge. T urn indica tors a nd ligh ts for th e high-beam, o il pressure, a nd n eutral sh ar e space near th e igniti on key. The igni tion key a lso work s th e sea t lock a nd gas cap with sepa rate keys for th e fork-m ounted fork lock a nd th e lock in g secu ri ty ca ble wh ich js ntinued to e 14

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