Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Speedway Bike XR-750 JaW8 z -verve face ready bike w it h fresh eng ine. A ny reaso nable offer. (2131 962 -8355 . (30 7) lawwill frame. Lawwill cam s. Bra nch he ads . meg w heels. fresh. ready to race . (7 0 71 442 -4123 . (107 / 81 TRIUM PH 65 M CU8 200. runs. $175. YA M AHA 60 r un s. sha rp I $90 . Nort hridga. (213136 8-2270. (107 ) Motorcycle Trailer Heavy duty th ree rail tr ail er . Lar ge tires. us ed t hree time s. S450. (714 18 75 -49 17. (1071 Inventories For Sale Moto Guzz i. Montesa. Hodaka. Vespa . (7 07 1442 4123. (107l8E) e THE UlJ'IlIIATE STREET RACER . S 1.00 /j.,. 'H.. . ~. M ityvac - Motorcycle Brake Bleeding Kit The M ityvac hand -operat ed vacuum pum p ena bles one Pers on to ea sily an d qu ickly bl eed a motorcyc le hydraulic brake syste m kit. #686 0 - $27 .60. Contact your local deale r or: NEWA RO ENTERPRISES. Dept . CN. 92 51. Archibald Ave.. Cucamonga. CA 91730 .(714) 987 -8975. Visa. M C. C.O.O. - writa or call for f ree broch ure. Dea ler's disco unts availa bla. (30 3/ E/ EOI) Retail and Dealer infor mat io n. COSM OPOLITAN M OTOR S . H a t b o r o . PA . ( 2 1 5) 672 - 9100 . (238/ EOIITFN) Tha COM80 $99.95. clock only. $89 .95. 24 MPH Pacar, $129.95 . RoUchart holdar. $19 .95 . Econo c lock, 849.95. Leat he r ti meca rd h older. 8 14.95. Shipp ing included. COUNTDOWN (21 31348-8381 . (205 / EOIITFN) Racers Special HONDA 750F with 83 6cc kit . Kosman w h eel s. brakes. 29m m Mikun is. Kos man swi nga rm . st eeri ng he ad mods. Bud re ars ets pi pe and fork brace. Fox Shcx, also un laced WM4 18 inch Kosm an front wheel , w hole f ra m e j ust refi nished. $3000 OBO. Call after 3 p.m.• Oean (4081253 -21 63 . (307 ) HANES ioos COTTON screened 8 eefy -T (S-M L-XLI. $7.50 . STARTIFINISH CLOTHING. 1875 W . 15t h. Eugene. Ore . 97 402 . (107 / 9E) Zero Every Check on th is al m ost n ew 1982 PE175Z. This bike has eve rythi ng . M etzelers. al um in um stru ts. sw i ngar m pol i sh ed . Kra use fl ow port ed. reeds. silen cer . OG ab-box. up dat ed gr aphics. only 4 en duros . Out of . w ork force s sale. $1150 080. (80 51 64 9- 32 9 3. (1071 Ascot Honda FT500 Megacycle cam, W iseco pi ston . W hite Bro s. pipe , M ikun i, Oeral e cooler, paned. Less th an 1500 m i le s, not a scra tc h . Th is bi ke will em barrass many larger ones on cany on road s. 52 500. (50 3) 399· 9103 . (307) ' 8 1 Yamaha YZ250H Good condi tion. runs and lo oks li ke new. $750 or best offer. (213 )326 -8616. (1071 1978 DT250 Yamaha Street legal, din or street clean. $5 50 O BO. (21 31 695-572 1. ( 10 7) Magni BMW Now availa ble 8Sframe kit conversions or complete mach ines . Sale concessiona ire SLATER BROS.• P.O. 8 0x 746. Kanwood. CA 9 545 2. (70 71 833 2622. (248 1ALTITFN/ E) San Jose Husqvarna is not our name. but we havs 30 new 1980· '83 Huskys i n stock and ou r base price is so low th at CYCLE NEWS won 't even pr int them. BRITA U A MOTORS. 385 Tully Road. (Across f rom the Fair grounds ). San ;J058. (408) 295-4341. (107 / 8 ) '81 YAMAHA IT/YZ 425 Exce llent condit ion. bought new 6 /8 1 YZ for ks w lTer ry k it yz sw/arm w lWhite Bro s. mon o. yz pipe w i Answer Prod s. silencer, mu ch more. S850 / 8 EST OFFER. (7 141 689 -3689 . (10 7) 1981 HONOA CR250R 8 0 UGHT NEW 3 /82. less than 30 hours. ext ra s. Exce ll ent shap e. 6950. (7 141 796-9507. (10 7) White Bros for White Power WH ITE 8RO S. have a good stock of WH ITE POWER sup er adju ster shocks for the '83 Honda CR·s. The i m pr ovemen t over the standard shock has to be tried to be be l ieved . By reduced harshness im proved reliabil ity. and in cr ea sed rebound con t ro l you r la p ti m es and ri der fatique w ill be reduced . WHITE BROS . sets up each shock for t he ri der and your sat isf act ion is gua ranteed. WHITE BROS. car ry th e WHITE POWER SUPER ADJU STER SHOCKS and sprin gs for all late model MXers. Call WHITE BRO S. (7 1418 95 -19 91 . 1 1750 Seaboard Circ le. Stanton. CA 90680 for the co mpetitive edge in suspension. (20 7EI 'BOTrials Bultaco Sherpa T350 Very claan. (213)784-8151. (1071 '82 Honda CR125 _ GRIMECA BRAKE COMPONENTS Full 5660 M ugen power kit. spare st ock cyl inder. like new. ne ver rac ed. used for set up on ly . $1500 0 80.(61 91244 -5425. (1071 Com p lete line in st ock . Kit s availa ble . STORZ PERFORM ANCE. 13 62 Tow er Squara #2. Van t ura. CA 93003. (80 5) 654 -88 16 . (203 / E/TFN/ EOI) ' B2 RM 125 Z 4 STROKE SALE New '83 504 KTM . &2900. Can -A m Son ic discounted bel ow de al er cost . W ill sh ip. (2 13 ) 33 7 681 1. (107 /8 1 Bikes Have To Go . TUFF'n Ute Lightweight Trailers Unique fea t u re s, top q uality, durab le . eas ie r to use than ot her tr ail er s. Four models availa ble for mo torcycles an d ATV 's, Two ya ar warra ntY. See your dealer or call ten -Ieee for free literat ur e and prices . (800) 854-1905 or (800) 542 -8400 in Califor nia . (2Ol / EOI) To make room for new toy . t 97 5 BMW R90S $2200; 19 73 M OTO GUZZI V- 7 Sport SI200; 1974 Joh n Player NORTON $1 600: 1949 SUN8 EA M $140 0 ; 1956 8 SA GO LDSTAR $ 1800; 1950 NORTON sing la $1500; 1961 M ATCHLESS 35OWO $1100; 1975 NORTON $900 . call 8 ill 9-6 (2 13) 94 1-4440 . (30 7 / 8) CR 250 R " !B2 " 19B2 RM 125 Z Suzuki Fresh bo re, r uns gr eat, looks clea n. M u st sell , $850 . (21 317 80 -8 731. (10 7) Excell en t co n dit ion . must se ll. $1000. Call (213) 4 69-3 5 29 days. ask for Dan . (30 7 / 8) JAW A z -ve rve. nickele d. extra engine. spares, $950 . '7 9 HONOA CR250. naw rebui lt angi na. $750. YA M AHA TT5oo. many ext ras + 19" w heel s. $8 50. I nee d 4 valve spee dway, w ill tr ade. bu y, ad d cashl1 Kevin Hugill (408 16 59-24 81 . (107 /8 1 1982 SUZUKI RM 250. injury f orces sale . Si m ons up sid e down fo rks, W h ite Bros. shock kit &. reservoir. Boyesen reeds . Twin A ir , ai r box , fresh to p en d. $ 1300. 198 1 SUZUKI RM 80. ex ce llent condit ion. $400. 3 rail t railer. S200' (21 3) 8 9 7· 736 7.( 407 / 91 19 80 HONOA XR2 00. 2500 miles by 62 yr. old rider , $700 - 8ELL HELM ET - boo ts - 2 9.50 X 16 .5 tr uck ti res sligh tl y used . $1 50 . (213) 4 24 0863. (407) White Pow er forks, W hit e Bros . shock mods. new fro nt t ire. cha in , spr ock ets . Exce llent shape . $ 1 195 080. (7 14153 6-2 172 or (7 141531- 37 62 . (30 71 .,£--.. '78 YZ250 Flat-Tracker ow Trackm8st er. Ma rzocc hi forks. new gl ass an d brakes . Very fast en gin e. h as Selvy pons. big reed. Bill's pipe an d " Sec ret" ma gneto. Comes w ith ex tra wheels. t ires. gears, gl ass. pipes. and much m or e. call Terry at (21 3) 8 60 -1 354 days. (71 4) 82 6-0313 eves. $1500. (407 / 8) Wanted For X75 Triumph Seat com plete w it h fibergl ass ba se. Car l Porter. 66 11 152nd 51.. Surr ey. 8 .C. Canada V3S 3L2 . (604) 594 -2536. (3071 1983 KTM 495 3 ri des . $1 950 . (21 3184 9 -17 00. (307 / 9 ) 19B2 Husky Automatic Oh lin shock. Mossbarge r reeds. Pro Circuit silencer. trick transmission mods. long swin garm plu s extras. 4 00 milas. $1550. call Ralp h. aft er 6 p.m. (61 9) 873 -3805. (30 7 / 81 vr , " • ";'" ,..- C', ,#. 'B3 XR500 Exhaust Systems WHITE BROS. now h ave silencer kits & exha ust systems in stock for '83 XR5OO·s. The WH ITE BROS . syst em s fe at ure the forest ry approved Super Trapp spa rk arrestor f or ma ximum horsepower and me llow ex haust note . Powe r is in cr ea sed an d weight saved ove r stock. The sil encer kit ret ail s fo r $69.95 and the complete system for $ 129.50. Con tact : WHITE 8ROS . 11750 Seaboard Circl e. Stan to n. CA . 90680. (7 14 ) 89 5 -19 91 or see you rdea ler . (207E I 1977 Triumph Silver Jubilee Very ra re . Specia l editionI Excellent condit ion. $2500. (213)362-9677. (10 7 / 8 ) 19B2 Suzuki RM 466 Z, .1200 Brembo Simply The Best SKID PLATE Excella nt condition . (805) 399-8203 (107 -9 1 T9TAL HYDRAULIC 8RAKING SYSTEMS . Calipers. master cyli nde rs. disc a. pads. Street and raci ng . If you are no t buyinG BREMBO you are pay ing more lor less. 8REM80 8RAKES. P.O. 80x 730, Ken _ _CA 954 52 .(70 7) 833 -2822 _(2481 ALTITFNE) Custom fit, ea sy t o in stall . Anodized bl ue. gold or ail ver to match b ike color. super st rong 5052 al umin um. 139.95 f rom UTAH SPORT CYCLE. 189 E. 3900 South. Salt Lake City. UT 84107. (8011262 7453. (10 7E) Sharp. Work s suspens ion. f re sh tires. c ha i n, sprockets . bo tt le. street li ce nsed. 51 .1 00. (213 1 887 -0889. (307) 19B1 IT465 Yamaha Floeter-Monoshock-Pro-LinkUnitrak We apec ia l ize in sett ing up suspe nsion for your r id ing style. Servica any sing le shock . 824 . #2 ""lYing mods.. $69 .95 ; #3 val Ying modi.. 8129_95_ Complete ..lection of spr ings. 859 -889 . Fork modi. atanat 139.95 . Sh.ft ....., rapa ir on moslshocka. SCOTTS SCOOTER SERVICE. 2827 Honolulu A.... Glandale. CA 91020.(213) 248-8747 _(207/8) 37

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