Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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as s ig ned b y Governor George Deukmejian , transfers $13 m illion fro m the Off-H igh wa y Vehicle Fund to the state's general fu nd , with no p rovision for repayment. So n o w Senator Ala n Robbin 's SB l56, wh ich wou ld provide repa ym ent for the $8 .5 m illio n taken in 1981, becomes even more crucial. The bill's fir st heari ng will be before the Sena te Finance Com mi ttee on Feb . 28, so contact your sta te senator and urge him/ her to support th at measure. A lett er to th e G o vernor wou ldn't hurt. In another motorcycle-related item out of Sacramento . Assemblywoman Maxine Waters has introduced AB596 . Under that provision, " No state agency may contract for the purchase of a motorcycle unless the motorcycle is assembled in the United States, or 75% of the parts are made in the . United States, or both." " We 'll be specta ting a t Dayto na ," sa id Yosh imu ra spokes man Marcel Fortney wh en we queried h im a bo u t the firm 's pl an s for March. " We ha ven ' t even started o u r 750cc Su pe rbike yet. We h ope to have one read y for L aguna Seca ." As fa r as rum o rs th at G raeme Crosby would be ri di n g for Yoshimura , Fortney said th at th e only ra ce Cro sby is co ntracted to th em fo r is th e Suzuka a- Hou r endurance race in j a pan on july 31. (Left to right) Wrangler's Bob Janelle, Yamaha 's Broc Glover and Ron Crawford, Wrangler director of special events Davis Allen and Norris, White and Associates' Sid Morris pose with one of the Broc Glover replica Wrangler/Yamaha YZ250s that will be given away at each W rangler Super Series event. Am er ican Bernie Schreiber (SWM) wo n th e opening round of th e World Observed T rial s Championsh ip, held Feb. 20 in Olor , Spain. Schreiber was fo llowed in th e sta nd ings by T o n i Go rgo t (Ma n) , Gi lles Burga t (Fan) and th e defe n d ing world champion , Eddy Lejeune (Han) . Over 1000 entrants and 200,000 spectators were on hand for t he La Toquet Enduro, a hare scrambles - type event run on Paris Beach on t he northw est coast of Spa in . It was a KTM sweep in the res ults. with Kees van der Ven w inning on a495 , Gilles La Lay was second on a 250 KTM, and American John Finkeldey finished third on another 495 . Ascot wi ll host five AMA P ro half mi le even ts o n Friday n ig h ts prior to th e May 7 AM AICame1 P ro Series ha lf mile. T he o peni ng half mi le is Ma rch 25, and the o the r co n fir med da tes are April I, April 8, April 25 an d Ma y 6. T he 14th season o f CMC n igh t motoc ro ss beg in s o n Wedn esda y n ight, April 13, a nd runs throug h O cto ber. For more informa tion, ca ll 213/ 32 1-5323. 6 N ew and experienced motorcycl ists in t he continental United St ate s ca n learn the location of a nearby rider educatio n co urse by ca lli ng th e Moto rcyc le Safe t y Foundati on's new national t oll-f ree number: 800/441 -7676. (Delaware residents call collect, 302/ 429-8226.) Callers will be referred to either a 20-hour Motorcycle Rider Course for new ri ders or the 6'h-hour Better Biking Program for experienced riders. H usky's Mike Melton posted the overa ll win in th e ' first ro u nd of th e AMA's National End uro C ha mpion ship Series, dropping 10 poi nts to ta ke the Feb. 20 Qu icksjlver Nationa l En d uro. Maico-mounted j ohn Fero was seco nd overa ll , first AA, with a 13-poi nt score. Larry Roese1 er (H us) also dropped 13, but lost out to Fero o n a tie breaker check. Fritz Kadlec (Kaw) a nd joh n Martin ro unded ou t the to p five. Yamaha and Suzuki have not renewed their American Motorcyclist Association Class B membersh ips for 1983, according to AMA Execut ive Director Ed Youngblood. "I 'm not sure what .Suzuki is going to do, " said Youngblood , add ing, " Yam aha has indicated it will no t renew its membership. " Youngb- , lood said that the AMA and Su zuki came to an out-of-court settleme nt on the AMA 's ant i-trust law suit last week. The AMA had previously . settled w ith Ho nda ; now t he o nly act ion pending is against Yamaha. Score a nothe r rip-off by Ca li forn ia govern men t. The sta te's bud get bi ll. The 1 983 Three Flags Classic, a road tour that ~ ins in Mexico and ends in Can ada , is scheduled for Labor Day Weekend. Sept. 35 . The So uthern California Motorcycle Association is putting on the event. and they w ill on ly be able to accept 300 entries. They usually receive far more than that, so entries w ill on ly be accepted through Apr. 30, and then a drawing to pick the 300 will be held on May 7 . Entries are $60 per person, so if you 're interested, make the check payable to SCMA and send it along w ith a stamped . selfaddressed envelope to Three Flags Classic, P.O . Box 668, Wilming ton, CA 90748. You can get more information by sending an SASE to Joseph Mandeville at the aforementioned address. HosPITal STO P: During the amateur Supercross at th e Seattle Kingdome, I25cc B rid er Gl enn H unter su ffered a fra ctured fem u r. Hunter underw ent three hou rs o f surgery to h ave the leg pin ne d, an d is now at home recu perating. The doc tors say n o riding for fo ur or five months, so Glenn is going to need so me cheerin g u p . Send those ca rds and lette rs to 40 I N E 194th St., Po rtl and , OR 97230. Koni, the hot tip for aftermarket shock absorbers 10 years or so ago, is now getting back in the business. T~e f actory in Holland is in the midst of an int ensive R&D program to convert the shock ab sorbers used in Formula 1 and Ind ianapolis -type cars into replacements for OEM single shocks . Acco rd ing to the folks at Koni. these shocks w ill weigh in at about half of the OEM f igures, and will have plenty of damping adjustments. ,Test ing is expected to be completed by spring, with the first production units ava ilable by early summer. In lat e Decem ber. the FIM issued new specifi cations for tires used in intern a tio nal speedway events. The folks at Carlis le, th e o n ly U .S. tire ma nufacturer makin g speedway tires, tells us th at th ey hav e cha nged th e mold so th at th eir 350- 19 R A-S meets th e - . new·specs. Cu~isle has i n form ed the F1Mand isawaitinga homologation number to be m ol ded i n to th e tire's sidewa ll. American Road Rac ing President Earl Smith called Papa to remind him about the third annual ARRA awards dinner and new season kick-off party, Saturday evening Feb . 26. The location is The Catch Restaurant. 1929 South State Co llege Blvd., Anaheim, CA. The good t imes start at 7 : 15 p.m. Dinner is $ 15 per person, starting at 8 p.m. and there will be a no host bar and dancing to a li ve band . Inf o: 805 /966-5700. " It's a pretty bad co m p ress io n Ira crure o f th e th ird join t in my righ t thumb, th a t's the o ne whe re the bone goes into th e hand," said defending Na tiona l Enduro Champion Terry Cunningham o n his m issing the first N at ional of th e seaso n . " I was o u t testing Feb . i2 and riding on some trails in south ern O h io that I hadn 't been on in a lo ng ti m e an d crashed hard when I hit so me railroad ra il s. T h e doctor-was h o nest wi th me and sai d I shou ldn't rid e for four weeks. It'll be two wee ks at Columbia National (Feb. 27) time, and I' ll do a bit of p ractice the da y before and see if th e ha nd is h eal ed eno u g h to take the abuse. If it isn't, I won 't ride. " The Camel Pro Series and Wrangler w ill be the sponsors of Roxy Rockwood's 18th annual rad io show during Daytona Cycle Week, March 7-1 3 , As always. it' s free to the public at the Hawaiian Inn, and the show goes on the air on station WDAT at 10:30 p.m. If yo u ca n 't make it to the Daytona 200, try hot-footi ng it to so rne bodv's house where th e ca ble TV system incl ud es Ted T u rner's WTBS SuperStatio n . They' ll have li ve cove ra ge of th e 200-miler , which begi ns a t I p .m. EST o n March 13. Those with 'n o acc ess to a ca ble system shou ld know that th e Motor Ra cing Network will be broadcasting th e 200 Iive a nd a ta ped report o f th e Daytona Supercross on Ma rch 13. See if you ca n cajole yo ur local radio sta tio n into co ntacting j im McMu llen of the Motor Raci n g Net work at 904/2580100. They're looking for statio ns to carry th e broadcast. Former LOP general managerTerry Varner is now doing the GM duties at Cagiva North America. . Kawasak i has just a n no u nced th e transfer of its ad vert isin g business to Ken yon -Eckhart, a Los Angeles advert isi ng agency. Acco rdi ng to Kaw asa ki, th e mo ve comes as a res ult o f changes in Kawa saki 's g lo ba l marketing stra tegy a nd a new sys tem of coopera tion bet wee n Kawasaki here a nd Kawasak i H eavy Ind ustr ies in j apan . j . Walter T hom pson had been th e ad vert ising agency for Kaw asaki since 1976. The biggest gathering of touring enthusiasts this year should take place at the May 18-22 Aspen cade XII which will be held at Lake George, New York. Aspencade director Bill Dutcher. formerly of Bulta co and Harley-Davidson. estimates 5.000 w ill attend the event. In fact , that 's the limit he 's set. Although there are approximatley 8 .000 motel /hotel beds w ithin a 10-mi nute ride o f the Roari ng Brook Ranch /Resort headquarters. event management has ch osen to limit the f irst eastern Aspencade entries t o 5.000 "in th e in t erest of a bet ter organized , more success.' tul convenrlon;" .F'.rj!.viQus f¥pfJ.n-

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