Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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oyo dig otorcyc e5?- We certainly do. Join us at (]Jill ~ every week as We dig up all the Latest Poop and get the power to the page. So don't spin your wheels needlessly. . Subscribe today. We' deliver! Photo by KOl9I Kramer save r· --------------------------------------------------------530/0 over nEWVSStand price CYCLE NEWS ( 1 yea r) $20 I I I • IName I IAddress I City IZip I I I State ISlgnature I IVlsa # 050 ISSUES CYCLE NEWS (2 yea r) 0 100 ISSUES CYCLE NEWS (3 yea r) 0150 ISSUES . . Please send me the 0 EAST 0 WEST edition Th is is a renewal Please bill me I enclose check or money order , Send to : (]]ID ~ IExPiratlon Date • I Thelssuer ot the c ard ld enttned o n th lsl temlsa utho rtzed to pa ythe a mo unt shown as TOTAL (together 40 $53 0 0 0 Ca nada and Mexico ( 1 year) 2nd c lass $38. Othe r foreig n rates available upon request. Check & Money Orders payable In U.S. funds . I MC # L any o ther l wilh of such cocharges due there on ) sub ject to and In accordance with the agreem '!,nt gavernlng the use rd. $35 [[IJJ/West P.O. Box 498 Long Be~ ch, CA 90801·0498 Or Ca ll' • (213) 427 743 3 • ~

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