Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1982 Yamaha YZ 490J Very cl ean, w ell ma intained. excell ent con di tion. S1200 080. (71 4) 768 ·3828 . (l 06n) * KTM * KTM * KTM.* SA LES - SERVICE - PA RTS - MAIL ORDER SERVICEI Ohlin shocks dealar . 8RIGHTON KTM, 32 7 Waln ut. 8r ighton, CO 80601 . (30 3) 659-5419. (2 9/TFN) GENERIC TIMEKEEPING Written for the guy who wants to w in at AMA en duros. 35 fuJI size pages . com plete w it h A MA enduro rules and how to use them to your advant age. Fin d o ut how the Pro s do it. Sen d $1 2.50 to Jon 8 1 Ytha, 433 Hlrriso n St.. Denver, CO 80206. (103 17 ) Selling Everythingll St reet legal KAWASAKI KLX2 50 (19801 $695 ; 1981 MAI C0 490 S12oo; 1974 DOOGEVAN S1795 Cal Poly studant (714 ) 594-3 82 0. (306 / 8) KTM Sale KTM ·8 2 250 MX new S18 95 ; '8 2 250 MX C new S194 9' ·82 495 M X new S209 5; WHI LE THEY LAST: ORA NGEVALE CYCLE N SAW. Nort hern Califor. nia 's most aggressille dealer. (91 6) 989-3171. (206n) '8 1 VZ250 EXCELLENTCONOITION. Hi- Flite salt Boyesen 's. Barnett clutch, Wh ite Bro s. sh ock and marl. $BOO or 011..... (415) 941 ·5304. (l 06n) Speedway School by Mike Bast Febr uary 26 -27 th . Disco unt on leathers. Simpson helmets. Bill Cody Products. We offer a full line of tra in ing . Call for addit iona l t imes and informati on. (7 14) 780-8261 . PRIVATE LESSONS W AILA 8L E. (20 21T FNI '81 Maico 490 Holeshot King Wheelsmit h mods. Th or sw;ngarm, old t imer care. light I nd fIst, $1 200. (21 3) 445-7459. (10617) Jon Woo's Superbike 80 th 1025 and 1105 top ends. Gesick f rame . Gr im eca bra kes; two Kerke rs. EPM w hee ls. CR carb s, Fox Shox . much more. 4 16 Ibs.• III prove n w inner. $5500 080. CHAMPION CYCLES, Wh itne y 8lakes · lee (714) 642 -2040. (30417) 1978 Husky OR250 Upt ight pipe, skid plate, extr as S6OO. (2 13) 598635 5. (306/ 8) '82 Maico 490 like new $1500 Ohil in shock, must sail. (4 15) 46 7· 7339. (306 / 8) '. Husqvarna Owners Heavy duty cha in tensioner arm . gold anodized, airc raft qua lity alum inum . Unit is st ron ger tha n stock an d can be lu bed w ith out remollal from bike via Z er k f itting . Unit is com plete and bo lt s on w ith no modif icat io ns. FilS 1979-1983, 125 · 500 CR, OR & XC models. $1 3 .95 plus sh ipping. Rotler not included. A Vl ilable fr om 8 & D ENGINEERING, 906 N. Town er, Slma Ana , CA 92 70 3.(714)541-80 67. Dealer inqui ri es in vned. (306/7/E) 1981 Husqvarna 430XC Comp let ely rebu ilt end to end and race prepp ed by Husqll arna W est. Im maculate condition . Ridde n on ly 300 m iles. ENDURO setu p includes custom electronic odom eter and clock . M any extras. S1900. 1 9) 424,.911. (306 n) 61 '82 CR250R Honda -_. - Excell ent conditio n, Fox Sho x. M etzelers. A st eal at $1200.(714) 737 -4084. (l 06n) . . .. _--~ 1977TT500 Basica lly stock. excellent con dition, hard ly ridd en. Complete bike or roll ing chass is. Din track wh eels and tir es, low pipe. Also have spare stock frame and sw ing orm. ca ll Ron, (31 2) 985 -2096. (307) Knotf Kustom Fabrications Now Open Full service machine shop , all new equ ipme nt. ow ned /operated by Boon ie Knott. Deller or retail pr ice lists.vail.bla, call fo r li st or quotes. Serv ices: flow bench te st ing . bor ing , port ing, weld ing, cra nk work Ind marl. RR#2, 80x 14 1, Urblnl ,lL 61801. (2 17) 469-2784. (207 /12) 198 1 SRSOO, CLEAN 81KE 10K. best oller/ trl dl , for '8 2 din bika Ind cash . (714) 847·5912. (106 / 7) 1977 IT 175 YAMAHA, 8400 080. 1974 LT 100 8200. 1974 RICKMAN ZUNOAPP, eXlr.., best otllr. Wl nt ed Ielthe.. for 6 '1 · , 185 pounder. (714) 636· 7849. (40 7) Excellent condition. real clean. 81300. See at Pro-Cycle. (71 4) 77 2· 8170. (104 / 81 '79 RD400 Daytona Custom paint. pipes . drilled discs. modified engine Ind mora l Super ni cI' Only 8188 5. (9 161 38 1· 3050. (106 /7) '77 RD400 12750 reeds. Morris Magnesium wheels. COl. fair in g, f iberg lass t ank. S8at. super fast. street or race. Slcrif icI It S2865 . (916) 38 1·3050. (10 6/ 8 ) ' 8 1 KTM 250 $650 '81495 KTM WANTED : DIRT TRACK Ixpen + qUllif ied axpen to ri de nati onals on sponsored top 20 XR750. M ust fu rnish tires and he lp pay trav el expenses. Inte rested pan ils call 1216)633-9540. (107/ 8). Triumph Parts Complete ma il serv ice . la rgest parts dept. in South. Send 83 for h uge catalog and inf o t hat w ill save you manly (raf undab la). SPINOFF TRIUM PH, 41 10 N. US #1. COCOI, FL 32922. (307 /101 Triumph T·Shirts Shuttle T's Metzele r, Boost bottl e. two ta nks. Wo rks super cro ssers . Mukun i A -Trak, J im even ing s (7 14) 7745504. (306n) Tr iumph T· Shi rts bllck. dark blue . light bl ue. Shut· tl a t an, blul. $6.50plu s S1 hlndling. SPINOFFTRI· UMPH,4110N. US #1 , COCOI, FL32922. (307 / 101 1981 Suz GS1100 & 1978 GS1000 KENNY R08ERTS: 8y 81rry Cclemen, MOTO COURSE82 -83 , Kaith Code'slWlSTOFTHEWRIST. Contact Gary Tho mp son. 2608 Dell Zel l. lndia napo lis, IN 46220 . (3 17) 255· 1983. (10 7) M otor pans, forks , wh eel s, Ind brakes (2131 355 __ _ 1870 .(306 / 9...:)_ _ . 1982 Suzuki GS 1OOOSZ Katana .. Yoshimura pipe, 33 mm smooth bores. 1000 miles . S32 00 080. (2 13) 355 · 1670 . (306 / 9) XR750 Brake Kits Rear brake kil fits all XR's with Harley or Barn es type wheels. STORZ PERFORMANCE. 1362 Tower SquI re #2, vemcr e . CA 93003. (80 51 654 -88 16. 1204/ 8/E ) '80 Moto Guzzi ST-1000 Beau t if ul span louring machine. w ith accessories , S2 8OO .(21 3) 806 -1713. (307 / 101 ' 7 1 BSA 500 Single 8·50on /oll road, sall /trede. (714) 98 5-3 53 2. (107 ) TZ 250 E/G Race ready, fr eshly re bui lt w it h Bratto n cra nk. new f , ame with G front end. W ide 010 '5. Lockheed Calipe r w it h Cosmon rotor. Over 61 200 in spares . mustsell, $2900 080. (9L 6) 726-384 6. (10 71 8) '82 Yamaha YZ250J Excellent condi ti on. OG pipe . Dunlop tires. ext ra for k and shock spr ing s. str uts . Expe rt ly main tai ned. $11 00 080. (7 14) 633 ·8749. (107 ) '80 KDX 175 $600 New con dition. tires. 280 miles. (714) 830 -4049 . · (107 / 9) ' 8 3 Honda CR480R 38 Trill ridden 3X, IxtrlS, $1900. (2 13) 256 ·7 40 1. _(10 _7_) _ PRO TRAKTRAILER, 12ft.. bunks , cabinets , lights. A deluxe model $1250. All ison (619 ) 277 ·1420. (306n ) BMW R100RS 1982 4500 m iles li ke new with extras $4395 (714) 879~ 5340 Ext 239 . 8 to 5 Ma n -Friday. (306 17) 1982 RM250Z . M int cond it ion, superb ly ma intained! Bou ght 9 -82 $1200. (80 5) 522- 33 64. (306 /7) 110 Page Performance Catalog Road Racing and Supe rb ik e accessor ies, fa ir ings. han dl ing and en gine mod if icat ions. seats . fe nders. tools an d many har d to f ind performance items at sat isfying pri ces . Send $2.00 to RA CERS SUPPLY. 70 66 Vl n Nuys 81vd Van Nuys, CA 9 1405. (I 05 17 1 .. Tire Liquidation Sale Over 4.000 tires in stoc k. 30 % to 70% off Cont inen t al, Micheli n, D un lop & M et zeler street ti res . We ship UPS. Call for prices - ROA O AN O TRACK 105 17 ) (213) 873 ·6044. 1 1970 OTl -2 50 YAMAHA ENOURO. Vl ry good condition , $2 9 5. Three rai l M / C tr ailer, rec ently bui lt , $1 95. (2 13) 944-8 185. (106 17) SPEEDWAY LEATHERS wlnted, 5'6 " , 140 Ibs. (213) 897 ·5 211.11 0 617) '81 Yamaha TT250 Ridden 5 t imes. White Bros . mono and pipe, Terr y fork kIt, $1050 er trade for '8 1-'8 2 Honda Odyssey. (2 13) 438-4 176 . (106 17) '81 KTM 495 $900 Excellent cond it ion. 2.2 and '3. 5 gal ta nks. new M etze lsrs , Safety ceet. 8900 or trad e. Also 1974 Penton 250 6 sp eed. $300. A fte r 4 p.m . or week ~ ends (7 14) 688-4258. (107 / 8 ) Dico Trailers Cycle Jat-Ski ATC 6ugllV . lutO new l Encloaed 12 to , 28 f oot tr ai ler, f inest qua lity and des ign . Huge tr ail er and off road center. Open 7 days. Anaheim (714) 95ll- 2950. EJcajon(7 14)449-8282.(202ITFN) KAWAsAKI KLx 250, good cond iti on, bought ' new m id '8 1. excellent tr ai l b ike. $700 OBO . (7 14) 52 1-4998. (107 /8) I 1981 SUZUKI GS650, GOOO cond it ion. mlny extrls, S1695 080. (213 )944-8185. (107 /8) 1979 YAMAHA XS1 100 w ith touring equipmant. StereoSlmsonite, 81995.(2 13) 944·8185. (107 /8) '82 Honda CR80R, $475 Showroom cond ition, never raced . $475 or t rade. Also 197 4 Panton 250 6 speed, 1300. After 4 p.m. or weekands (714 ) 688 ·4258. (107 /8) 1979 YAMAHA VZ4OOF, axcellent cond it ion, plus mlny eXlras , S750. call Iftlr 7 p.m. (213) 695794 1. (107 ) A pair 1970 Kawasaki & Honda 1970 looSL HONDA enduro, straet legll. good cond it ion , good pric e, $300. 1970 35Qcc KAWASAKI Big Horn enduro. st reet gea r. real nic e at $350. Both of t he se have bee n well cared fo r w ith little use . Bu y separate or together. (21 3) 7B2 5857. (107 /8) '81 XR500R , ' 8 1 Suzuki 465, CZ400 XRSOO Pro link. Bassani pipe , 36 M ikuni. Terry Put· sati on dam pers fr ont & rear. Reed elim inator . new t ires + III stock pI n s, 8127 5.465 SUZUKI new top end, mlny extr.., Sl 095. 400 CZ, MAICO 10· forks. 10 " reer mod ified frame & sw in ga rm. reed valve, runs str ong, S39 5. DlYs (61 91 247 -4222. eves. (6 191 244 -811 0. (107) Possibly last brand new XR750 _1980 XR750 uncrated and on disptayonly, Gr imeca brlkl, $6300. (80 5) 849-3464 IVlnings. (30 217) Maico - KTM Golden State MX Sale We have sla shed our prices on all models during t he CM C Golden Stat e Ser ies. Ca ll or stop by for the best pri ce s anywhere. W E SHIP BIKES ANYW HERE IN THE U.S. W HEELSM ITH MOTORCYCLES, 18020 Euclid St .. Foun tlin Vl lley . CA 9270 8.(7 141 751 · 0680. (202 / 07E) Indoor Motorcycle Swapmeet Bikes. Parts & ·Accessories San Bernardino's Largest March 4th 6 p.m.-1 0 p .m., 24 hou rs : For info (714 ) 498·2034. INTERSHOWS. The Nanona l Orl nge Showgrounds. San Bernardino. 1207/8) 1982 KTM 495 Ridden 10 ti mes. sh owroom condition $1800.1805 ) 87 1-1509 . (307 /8 ) Kill Switch Company for sale The r ig ht s fo r ma nufa ct ur e and sale of th is tr ick pr odu ct . t he Marble Safe ty Kill Swit ch. are ava ila ble. Field teste d by expert s. Qual if ied people onl y. Pleas e w r ite Billie leben, 5157 Tyro ne Ave nu e. She rman Olks. CA 91423. (104I7EI 198 1 YAM AHA VZ465 low milesl Clean , or iginal . condit ionl Strong r unni ng. very re li able! Trial ridden only, S875. (2131985 ·1272. (10 5/ 7) CZ - JAWA - BABETTA Pert s & accessories. J 8 CYCLERY, 17468 RaId #25. Mldl rl , Calif . (20 91674-4 788 . 1204 ITFNI Motorcycle Dealerships in bea ut iful A rizona. A ll bran ds available, small or lar ge in any part of th e state. Call Don at (60 2) 790-1188 . (304nE)

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