Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. Min i·500. Pro 250 80 500. CII.. C tire. (.xc. pt mini'. muffl.d & "non. moker"' biklJ only. Sign up 8 p.m., prec 7. riC' 8. Entry$6 Sptlmn. $12 . Pro. Witch 13IdulL 126·16.undor-6 frll (with . dull). V,IIIY C le Clubl Tr.k yc ·T.k Rlcing Speciel· ri... lnfo 503/926 -7205. 753 ·0566. AMA 0·36 HILlS FERRY ST Hills FlnySplldwly. Modlst • CA. • Hills Ferry Rd. , River Rd. 10 mi. Eof M oduto. On )·5 like Newman Ex. IStuhr Rd.) to Hill. Flny Rd. Thin Lft to Ri"'f Rd. All classls incMinis Ind Semi·Pro Prato4 p.m 'IC' 7. Entry . .• 110. Pro plu. 13. Witch 14. Io f.406 463-0548(lionelNunes). Irickphone 206/862-3453. Mar. 19-20 CALIFORNIA AFM R IVERSIDE RR R iverside Raceway. Riverside. CA. AllAFM cl. ..... IoI. 213/926·2563 . ho use 0 handlebars March 20 ERA OREGON MX Fruklin. OR Hwy 38 or Flor.nn cunoff through Chlshirrto Territorial Rd, tum lett. track n, xt to gr.d, school.All elass,s, 5 rid,r min.!cl.u. 33.33%Sptsmn troph.. 100%Pro p.b. Prot'Clive clothing. 3 no" helmlt . no. la muffl,r rlq'd. Sign in 9 • .m.. pr.c. 10, race11, Pro-Am mlmb. "0. Entry .6 Sptsmn, " 0 Pro, add ., if you forglt Pro-Am Clnt add S2 for tch nen-memb. Wa S3 adult. S2 6·17 (withstud, nt body Clrd). under-6 tre,. Emlr. ld RlCing Auoc i.tion. Info 503/686·1274. • AMA 0·36 SANTA CLARA MX Sl nll Clorl MXTrlC~ Hwy 237 & rllt G Americ. P.rkway, Santa Clar., CA. All elassls inc Sig. D !. inosaur & Women. B onus troph.&100% Prop.b. Trick has blln rl loc. t, d; all new . Pans in the Pits. ConclSsions No pit riding. G 6 a.m., sign up .tl 6:30 prlC. 7:30. 1IC1 9. Entry 115 . Sptsmn, ' IS .. 15 Pro Watch 14 . adult. $1 8-12. under·8 fr... Info 415/866·5413 . Your Inside Line to Road Racing... Dealers!!! CYCLE IBWS Advertising! Distributors!!! 404/934-7850 East Alanufacturers!!! 213/427·7433 West OKLAHOMA OCCRA CROSS COUNTRY Mooreland, OK. Race at noon. Entry must be in byMarth 1. Entry' 8, .9 non-OCCRA mlmb OCCRA. Rt 1. Bo, . 164A. M••IOllnd. OK 73852. Info 405 /994-2533 . WASHINGTON MABTON DUNES MX Mabton Dunes, 2 mi. Wof Mabton •n Hwy. 22. All cl. .... 1DO,*, Prop.b. Trackwide andsandy norocks. Gata 7:30 a.m., prac. 9, race 10. Entry 110. 120 Pro. Info 5091 637-4438 (Pot) AMA 0·36 SEMI-PRO MX "E" street track. Marysville. CA. Hwy 70 I. North Boll, Rd. lit S. cily limit). thengoove leVlt onShadRd. r All 0·36 cl I SSI S. AMAand 0·36 rules apply. Gate open 6:30 a.m., sign·up s 7:30, rac. 9. Entry ' 15, Pros plu ' 5. Watch $4, childr.n ' 1. undo6 frll . Inf. 9 16 / ~95-2727ICl1orl il SI"OO). CALIFORNIA OLD TIMERS DE ANZA MX D.Anza Cytle Park. Rivtrside. CA. All Old Timers Assoc. classes. 30% brass. Memb. open, 40 yrsplus to join. Gat. 7 a.m. prac 8, race9. Entry ' 12. Info 213/869 -3802. 714 496·8779 10,nnis) CALIFORNIA BUDWEISER/CONTRA COSTA HONDA MXSERIES FINALE Sind Hill Rench. BIOntw••d. CA. Comer 01 Camino D iablo and Va sco Rd . Final race in series, • 1000 Pro purse plus series money. Obi CMC points. All classes, free camp. GP cours' . Getl 8 a.m.. prec 8, raee 9. Entry 'l0. Pro 130. Inf. 415!T96· 5695. 634-56951l.m And,,,.n. 4151 634-6596 (Phil And, ,.n) , Mar. 25-27 KANSAS TRADE SHOW CessnaActivity center 2744 George , Washing Blvd, Wichita, KS. Fea· ton teres M/Cs and related items. Fr iday 5·1 Op.m Sal. 10·10.Sun. no.n• 10. .. Admission ' 2. March 26 OMC IDAHO INDOOR FLAT TRACK CllctwelI.ID. Behind the O 'Conn.r Fitld House It 21st I: CI.vt llnd. All CIISIIS upto 750cc12cy lindermil.) incl Powder Puff. Bonus to Series . winntrs It end 01 SerilSon Mer. 28. Indoor pining 6.canclssions. Clus C tires on rur (front knobbias OK) Ind silencers req'd: C tire. oplionll for Mini, Micro I: P.. W... Sign up 4-6 p.m., pr.c. 6, rice 7. Entry: 15 Mini• Micr. 80 PII WIo; 110 Bog; 115 E,. Witch 13 .dult .1 6·12, Ir.. to ' undlr·6. Owyhll Motorcycle Club. Info208/342-7439(RII.).666-7357 (Ass Rlf.I. 459-0010. t. ROAD RUNS March 11-13 CBX OWNERS NATIONAL MEET Golden Eagle Motor Inn 2480 W , Volusia Av., Daytona, Fl 32014. Awards forlongast distance. best eustom best touring. 50/50 draw . ing, milt pins. In!. 6021631 -2542 (SlIn) March 13 CEA STREET RAllY & POKER RUN Begins at the Rock Store, 30352 Mulholland Hwy. W on Vetura Fv.y., ex. 6. turn L on K h anan Rd., L on ft Sierra Crk., rt on Mulholland to Rock Store. First bike out 9:01 a.m. Time, , distance and Pok hand street run er approx 150miles. 1/10Dth , timed to second. Signupat 8:00 a.m. Fin pins,"time & Poker hand troph . Entry 16. Inf. 213 /446·6351 IJlny). March 26-27 SO-CAL HARLEY DEALERS MO BENEfIT RIDE Riverside Re sort, Laughlin,NV. Sign in at participating diller. Malla own reserv. in Laughlin. Two dayroadrun w/lots of prizes. All proceeds to MOA & Jerry's Kids. Donationto MDA ' 10. Info 714 864-6464 (Wl lter Wi,). ------------ iOALllIDAB i I LISTI1I8 I -------r·~·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·, This Coupon Expires March 9. 1983 15% OFF COUPON T~" YAMAWA 24020 Narbonna Ava.. Lomita. CA 90717 (213) 634·2311 ON ANY ACCESSORY PURCHASE OVER $25.00 15% OFF COUPON • •• FINISHER · 1.1... PINS i•• • • • • Calendar listings are a free service. Please type or legibly print all inform,ation asked for and mail the blank or a fascimile thereof to: Cycle News Calendar, PO Box 498, long Beach, CA 90801. All listings must be received by noon Thursday to appear in the following week's Cycle News. No phone calls, please; we can only accept items in writing. You may include an event flyer in addition to the Calendar blank. Event dat e: Call LENNY for samples - prices 404 W . 7th St. l,.A, CA 90014 (213) 623-6987 Ut!i_ rIo . . . . . ._iW See your nearest deale r Sun Metal Products, Inc. 1Ur.. yooo.. w · : _ Iaow ••• 'op. Y A P.O. Boa 1508 , Warsaw . IN 46580 .-.._0 "" • • • • • • • Type: ! i • ! • "" ,,,_ _ 0:- . . ' RACll'tG LUBRlctlYTS J444 PIoneer#7. E1Cajon. CA 92020 Phone Order Desk (714) 442-9723 See us for motorcycle.. ATe.. Odysseys & Generators Whittier ROllda 14324 East Whittier Blvd . Wh itt ier. California 90605 (ZX:J) . . . .006S ! • i i i • Sponsormg club/promoter/sanction: ! I • CAL-MART PLATING Top . competitors ... insist on tlun alloy competition rims • • Classes/trophies/purse :. • I • • i . I • • • • • • • I Location/directions: ! . • • ! Ad ditional info : • • • • • • • • • Gate/p ractice/race tim es: • • IE~~ •• • • • Your name: Phon e number for info (with alee cod el: •• I • ~!-·_·,4P.~~'f-~-,,~,,_·-,."~""·.·_·_·_·~~"~I,j ,

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