Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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L . Track cond itions at Eugene motocross could have been better. Cunningham collects Eugene MX mudbowl wins By Suanne Ught Photo by Clay Ught EUGE N E, OR, FEB. 13 Curt Cunningham (Eas tsi de Kaw ) turned in a double mota domination a t Emerald Racing Assoc ia tion's muddy motocross, the m udd iest race in the past two seasons. Cun ni ngham's Min i Intermedi ate blitz was one o f four perfect I-I scores o f th e day. La rry Brumwell (Kaw) too k th e 125cc Pro class goi ng 2- 1 a nd Ben Grabl e (Alba ny Hus) the Open Pro with a I -I. 26 C u n ni ngha m co llec ted ho lesh ot honors in the first round of actio n, running th e full len gth co urse over Suzu ki riders Dar en Flem ing and Ed Portz. Mall Ram ey (He rb's Yam ) was a lso pi ck in g of f rid ers and moved to fourth , th en rnad e a vali ant effort and settled into third a head o f th e pesky Portz. Mean while, Cunningham ran away. . Mot o two had it again Cunningha m's wa y off the line with Flem in g once agai n in the runner-up spot. Portz a nd Ram ey were excha ngi ng positions in thei r ow n private wa r. Portz took com ma nd la te in th e race to succeed in h is bailie for third and third overa ll behind Cunningham a nd Flem in g. The largest class o f th e day was th e 125cc Novi ce class a t 16. Curt Davi s (Ya m) led the field into the tight, muddy turn one followed by Dav id Fox (Yam) a nd Doug Eagon (H on). Fox qu ickl y reeled in Davis and set out 10 destroy the pack, leading the mayhem 10 th e checkered flag, while riders were strewn around Rog er Campbell 's uniquely-designed 2.0mi le course. . Mo to two had Fox again lead, looking like a winner, only to lose it somewhere in the soup a nd hand the overall to Davis , who was right there to swoop it upwith a2-1. Seco nd went to Eagon (3-2) and third 10 Fox with a 1-5 tally. Open Novi ce action was much the same as two riders controlled both grueling mOlOS. Max Jones (Su z) led rnoto one, but not for long as local rider T im Co oper put h is Honda into th e lead for the du ra tion. Coo per bested Jones a nd No rma n T wa (Hon ), who ca me a long , long way down from Brit ish Columbia, Ca nada. J ones came back to win the second rnoto in a tug of war between himself and Cooper. Jones won the overa ll over Cooper's 1-2 and Twa's 3-3. Re·sults OPEN PRO: 1. Ben Grabl e (Husl; 2. Terry Baker (Ma;) . . 125 PRO: 1. Larry Brumwell (Kaw) ; 2. Joe Spangler (Kaw) ; 3. Loch Names (Su zl. OPEN INT: 1. Keith Eckelman (Yam). 250 INT: 1. Dave Beck (Suz); 2. Don Robinson (Kawl. 12 5 INT: 1. Lonny Sayles (Vaml. MIN I INT: 1. Curt Cunn ingham (Kawl : 2.· Daren Flem;ng (Suz); 3 . Ed Portz (Suzl . PEE WEE INT: 1. Jeff Da;ly (Kaw); 2 . Chuck;e Standefo rd (Kaw) ; 3. Ryan Huffman (Vam). OPEN NOV: 1. Max Jones (Sud ; 2. Tim Cooper (Hon); 3. Norman Twa (Honl. 250 NOV : 1. Mike Bur ke (Vaml: 2 . Dave Bacon (Y8ml~ 3 . Dave Meadows (Hon). 125 NOV: 1. Curt Davis (Vam); 2. Doug Eagon (Hon); 3. David Fox (Vam ). MINI NOV : 1. Ryan Hol m (Vam ); 2 . David Elliot (Vam). Glender, Lawrence, Huffman grab Corvallis ST wins By Suanne light CORVALLIS, OR, FEB. 5 Chuck Glender (KR W/ Freelance Hair Design / L igh t Racing P rod.lH o n ) and fellow AMA Novice Mike Huffman (Ya ma ha/ H o n of Roseburg/Hu ffman-Wright Logging/Hon) took well deserved wins in the Open A and Pro main events, at Benton County Fairgrounds in Corvallis, on one of the best da ys of racing yet in the 1982-83 season. AMA Novice Mike Lawrence (Bennett Lec rron / Our Front Number Plates/Simpson/ Hon ) made it another Novice sweep by taking the 250cc Pro mai n event over AMA j u- . nior Scott Miller (Trak Tak/C-A/ Out Front Nu mber Pl a tes). Ten riders lined up for one of the best I25cc mains of the season. Four hea t victors lined u p in row one Bria n Riley (H on), Robb ie Blagg (Simpson/Maxima/Specialty Cycles.' Yam ), Tommy Pa rent (Yam) and Clay Light (Sim ps on /Seer/LO P / Bosch /Yam ). Lap ped riders again played havoc as Blagg, Riley and Bozarth solos to Pepsi Challenge 140 team race win By Kath i Davis BEND , OR, FEB. 5 Riding solo on a 495 KTM , Rick Boza rth led the Pepsi Challenge 140-mile desert team race fro m start to finish , taking a well-deserved overa ll win before colla ps ing from ex haustion a fter th e finish. Bozart h led it at th e bomb with Mike H owa rd (H us), Allen Holle y (Hon), Edd Price (H us) and the Dower brothers, Bill and Mark, behind di cing for position. Howard slowed when his forea rms pumped u p , a nd Holley crashed and eventually retired (more .on th at later ). So at the end o f the loo p , Price was runn ing second overa ll a nd fir st 25Occ, followed by Bill Dowers (H us), Mark Dowers and Howard. O n the second lap, Brad Turnidge

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