Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 02 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, (Le ft) Bob Buffaloe won the 250cc Pro class at the Woodland MX. (Above) Rob Burkhart started behind Buffaloe. but high flying Jon Buyas was third. M ike Huffman. OPEN A : 1. Jeff Ha rsha; 2 . Br uce Russell; 3 . Bren Clayton. 250 PRO : 1. M ike Lawrence; 2. Tom McCullough; 3 . Rya n Fis her. 250 A : 1. Ry an Fis her; 2. Harry Th om as ; 3. Rick Hill . Lawrenc_, Fisher, Harsha land Corvallis ST indoor wins By Suanne Light CO RVA LLIS, OR, J AN . 22 AMA Novice Mik e Lawren ce (Ben nett Lectrorr/S impson /' Out Front Number Plates/ H on ) took a spec tacu lar 250cc Pro .. .. 26 • mai n event a t Benton Co u nty Fair gro u nds , winning a seat edge r over T ho mas McCull ou gh (Lo u Kini sh / N D/ Bell Helmets/Yam ) in one of the better Pro mains seen this season . AMA Junior Rya n Fisher (Letters by Linda/Garner Yam ) took the 250cc A main by storm and Jeff H a r sh a (Yamaha Sports Center) won the only do ub le win of the evening by taking the O pen A and Open Pro main ' events . Eight riders li ned up for an all out bash in the 125cc A main , wh ich saw heat winner Clay Light on th e Bosch / Sim pso n /LO P / Seer Yam aha gracing the pole position. Visiting rider Todd Geary (Hon ) took everyone o n hand by su rp rise, grabbi ng the lead while Dan Eliso n (Ben ne tt Lectron Hon ) and An dy Crane (Hon ) foll ow ed . L ight was caugh t in seventh, but ral lied to first o n la p two to lead it unti l h ittin g lappers a t th e hal!, gi ving Geary th e lead as points lead er Bria n Riley (H on ) moved to th ird. R iley cu t th e co urse and moved br iefly to first , bu t was black-fl agged, p u tting the Geary/ Li gh t battle to the wire. Geary took th e in sid e to wi n by a n ose o ver Li ght. Elison, Crane a nd Ti m Rickets (Yam) ro u nded out the to p five. Lawren ce led th e 250cc Pro main over McCullough, Mik e Huffman (Yam / H o n of Roseburg ) a nd .Ro n Adams (Ada ms Cycle Supply/ Yam ). Lawrence an d McCullough were neck and nec k througho ut th e entire race as a n unbel ieva ble duel went on behi nd in a five-wa y affair betwee n Huffm an , H a rsh a, Fish er , H arry Thomas (Pen ny Pok e Far ms/Kaw ) and Adams. McCullough was do in g every th ing in th e book s to ge t by Law ren ce, but hi s drives were fall ing short as Lawrence held th e in sid e a nd McCullough took th e ro ughe r o ut side line which was a h ai r slo wer./ La wre nce h eld o n to p u ll awayby two bikelen gth s and tak e th e chec kered flag for hi s first wi n of 1983 over second pl aced McCullough and Fish er. Fourth was T homas wi th H ar sh a filth and Steve Kend ig (H us) sixth. Sco tt Mill er (Trak Tak/Out Front N umber Pl ates/Hon ) led the sta r'studded Open A ma in at the snap o f the rubber ba nd with Harsha hou nding from beh ind. Mill er went out on the second lap and DNF, putting Har sha into the lead with more points to add to his impressive tall y. Bru ce Russell (Yam) held down third place and Brett Cla yton (Yam) was fourth as Harsh a o pened up a quarter lap lead o n the second lap. H a rsh a stretched it o ut even more, leading by as much as a ha l! la p by the time th e wh ite flag came o ut . Russell took seco nd , thi rd was Clayton a nd fourth was Bruce Turn bu ll (Ya m) . Ligh t (Bu l) was fifth. J im Torpey (T ra k Tak/C-A) led th e Open Pro s into turn one, b ut AMA Junior Tony O verman (Yam ) ba iled off hard and brought ou t the red flags. On th e th ird try, it was a ll H ar sha to the chec kered flag for his secon d win o f th e eveni ng, beating R ussell and Huffm an to the chec kers for a good p iece o f th e purse money. Alter the ma ins were o ver, a specia l exhi bitio n race was held with o n ly those riders wh o are ente red in the H ou st on ST/ T T National race. McCullou gh, Dan Bennett , Miller an d Brett Barkman dazzled th ose o n hand with McCulloug h coming o ut on top on h is 750cc T ri umph . Results OPEN PRO: t . Jeff Harsha; 2 . Sr_ A.....lIr.3 . 125 A: t . Todd Geory; 2. Cloy U ght; 3. Don Eli son. MINI A: t , Ed Pam; 2 . Tricio Lyons; 3. Ryen Huff man. 250 C: t • Ron Adams; 2. Duone Nedlzok. 250 B: 1. Steve Kend ig; 2. Gory Wo lske; 3. Ed Byer s. Hall, Buffaloe, Jacobson capture Woodland MX By Brian Barnes WOODLAND, WA, J AN. 22 T h e seco nd ra ce of 1983 here a t Woodland Wi n ter T rack p rovided some excellent raci ng in all three P ro fessional classes today. Eric H a ll (New berg Honda / Honda support), Bob Buffaloe (Highland Honda / Honda support) a nd Suzuki-mounted Jon J aco bson were the overa ll wi nners in 125, 250cc a nd Open P ro classes, respectively. The 250cc Pro class started off the day 's racing at Woodland with Jacobson (Su z), Buffal oe and Kyle Fast (Ya mah a Coun try/ Yamaha support) rounding turn one a nd leading the pack. Buffal oe mo ved into th e first spot duri ng lap o ne with J acob son, Hall, H onda -mo unted Rob Burkhart a nd Fast a ll chasing the Honda su pport rider. By the midwa y mark of th e moto Bu ffal oe had pulled a sma ll bu t safe margi n on H all , wh o is just no w getting used to h is new CRs af ter years o n Yam aha s. Fast moved into th e third spot with J on Bu yas (Suz) ho t on h is trail. ' Lo gan Edrington (Kawasaki sup port) , Burkhart and David Froembling (H igh land Honda/ H onda support), were lock ed in a great battle beh ind the lea ders for th e fifth through seventh slots. Buffal oe kep t hi s lead for the win, wit h Hall, Fas t, Bu yas and Fro embling ro u nd ing o ut th e top five. Bu ffa loe, Burkh art an d Fast led into mot o number two a nd befor e th e ha lfway mark of the mot o , Honda rid ers had occupied th e to p th ree posi tions. Buffal oe had room to spa re over Froern bli ng a nd Hall ; who w.ere in a tight rac e for seco n d. On lap nine, however, H all had pro blems wh ich a llo wed Froembling to finish the race beh ind Buffal oe, who cruised to a n easy win. Buyas, Fast and Burkha rt were th ird through fifth . H all had bo th hol eshots in the 125cc Pro rac e wired and stretched his lead out lap aft er lap to tak e both checkers. Jon Buyas ca me up with a new Yamaha an d turned a lo t o f heads wh en he fin ish ed second to Ha ll in the first moto, Fas t was th ird a n d Nath an P ip p ert (H o n) h eld Froem bling at bay for fourth . H all cru ised to win the secon d moto, but a great race betw een Froembling, P ip pert an d Mik e Klenke (G resh a m Suzuki ) mad e th e moto worth wa tching. All thre e riders occu pied th e second p lace a t some time, but Froem bling managed to hold o ff a very determined Pippert for second. P ip pert was thi rd a nd Klettke took fo urt h. J on Jacobso n won the Open cla ss by virt ue of his second rnoto win over Gary La rso n ( Pen d leto n H onda ). Larso n wo n the first moto but was unable to catch Jacobson's Suzuki in the second sta nza . Todd Pa u lso n (Pau lso n 's Suzuki ) was third. Results PP: t , Usa Kemp (Suz). PEE WEE J R: 1. Paul Row land (y em); 2. LucJ

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