Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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RINCON KAWASAKI KX Headquarters Immediate Delivery ANYWHERE On all Models KX80 KDX80 KX125 KDX175 KX2SO KDX250 KDX450 RINCON KX LARGEST KX PARTS & ACCESSORIES INVENTORY IN STOCK Same Day UPS Shipping A nywhere In U.S .A. Hallman Raci ng Rincon Racing Prod uct. Tires: IRC. Dun lop. Metmler Product s Glove . : Scott. Kawa. Cast re. JT Bell Helmet. An swe r Products Goggles: Sc ott. Jones Simpson Helmets Uni Pro Comp Filter. JT Raci ng Prod ucts Esprit Pro Boot s St ic kers Gel ore DC Air Boxes SAME DAY ENGINE REBUILDING We'll Fix Your Bike Just Before The Big Race Crank Re bu ild ing Porting. Polishing Eng ine Bl ueprint ing Carburetors Rincon Raci ng KX Mods Golden Sp ectra Oil Used Exclusivel y By The R incon R acing Team RINCON KAWASAKI 263 South " E" St., San Bernardino, CA 9240 1 "Home Of The Rincon Racing Team" (714) 884-6481 't?ooi4. Presen ts DOUG DOMOKOS "The Wheelie King" As Seen On TVl PLUS GREAT . SPEEDWAY ACTION Tues., May 11, 8 p.m. , c%nlU1.s RaCflUlJ VENTURA FAIR GROUNDS 101 No rt h to Cali f. St. Off ram p Call (80 5) 985- 543 3. for infor. AdvERTisiNG TIIAT WORks May9 0.36 MOTOCROSS P,oiril CityOHV PIIl _ .. CA. Hwy. 50 E01 _ to PrairiI City Rd. S. 11. on WIlillRod< Rd. 1 mi. ,. irick. All big . . . + ba!11J1, 1DOlI Pro p.b. Holt pricI lar IpI<1a1llrldmiaionfor-'. S....n 6:30 un.. proc. 7:30. riel 9. Entry '15. Ex. .15 + . 5. -.cIl ... . - . 12 11. O MlII.. MXPram. Inla I 916/ 966·2208 (Veee DlMIIIoI. c1_.. COYlllt LOCO MOTOCROSS GUldllupl. Bljl Colifurnil. MI.· ica. ~ 5 ar 805 S to Tijulnl. '1kI old hwy ar tall rd. - . I Enton.... 47 . mi.. off @ 1.1 FondI1.I Mislion n it 16 mi. to Guldalupe l xit. 5 mi. on gravel nI. to track. All d...... 30'" traphil" 100'" Pro p.b. No 1111mb. ntQ. Plac. 8:30.10:30a.m., 'lei 11. Entry 110. Proa 115. frtt admission to ridlB. Info 714/429-9287 Iafl1, 2 p.m.). CYCWANO MOTOCROSS Cyclllind SIIIIdwIy. CIIiC1l. CA. U 99 @ NoI.... Rd. An daua.. + .S. 3·WIllr @ 4-atrab. N. pi! riding ar ridlr ins.. Rein or Shinl. Gltl 6:30 Lm.. p'lCI. 8:30. rael 10. Entry .10. WlIlCh '3.50. SamI day I _ .. wittI Int. aplel. Moural Auaci . Inf. 916/ 342·0063. 342·4218. STURGIS SH TRACK ORT . J.e. HOII SlIort Tntek. Sturgi•• SO A llclanll. troph.. 100%p.b. for Pros. G ill' opln noonI July 17 whln th., ....n .. 5 p.m.. ntCI 11 2 p.Ol. Entry ., O Joe... Gypoio. M/e. . 1nf. 605/347-5276. OE AIIZA HAWAIAII G AWAY ET SlIllES Hwy. 60 to ~ loil DlAnzI CIcIo Pill Sln¥Nod. CA. Alld _ I1lOIld Irip IidrltlIa H_ for _ high paint.. in 125. 250 • Opon _ + lJionoyIand lieU. - . to daAL - . .... ntq. Sign up 7:30 I.m., proc.8:30. ntCI 9:311. Entry 111.114 Pro. _ . + 12. Info 714/6 53·8088 . 653-5840. 653· 7979. CRt SAOOlfBAClt MX _ Part. a.-. CA. Tiki Cllapman E all 55 Fwy. to Sonliaga C Ad.. ,. track. P., 01 0 - _ yn. MX' GP Soria 11000 Pro ..... + cantingoncioJ for Prao • S9tmn. Moil ontry cIaoo. May 9. Entry 11Z. 115 pool. Pros . 20. .25 past. Moil to: CRe. 24518 loIond A e.- CA .... 90745 ar call213/830.7519. 0-36 Sl MI· PRO MX E01 Rodd Moo. Airport.Takl ~5 in; to ReddinlJ,. right on U.S. 44. righl on Airport Rd..leh. Rancho. n. Olll Ont;on Tr. Gates open 6:30 I .m. Prac:.. 7:30. race 9. Entry 515. Pro 115 + 55. watch 54. All classes + OT It V Info et. Bo b Flemin; 915/22 1-3118 0·36 card. mlors. #s. leners req. No rider ins.. bicycles. pit riding. OAK HIU MOTOCROSS O. k Hill MX, Alvord. TX. 801· wnn D ecatur 81 Mt. Zion Rd. A ll cI.lSes. Iplit schedula. trophill 10 5th. 150% EL cash p.b. by mat. & OVllrlll. 5 rid" /dlis min.• OYIrlizl d lSlIl will qu.lify 10 1 class. F,.I D c.mping.T,as Emlrg.ncy Serv IN .. CDIlClIIIianJ.·_ _ """ 1·5/ .....· •ndl. E . 8. E 110. g... 14.ln!. ntry L 8171427·4771. CENTRALVAllEY SlRlES FIlIAL Tul.1 M XTntck. Tul ... CA. 30'" . trap!L. 100'" Pro p.b. Gil. 7 10m.. proc. 8. GItO fll .4. ontry 110. 115 Prao. 1111. ptJ. Inf. 209/686-2790. 688-0916. V_ We Solve Frame, Fork and Wheel Problems. \ Just Arrived 0 .1.0 In All Sims All Custom Drilled Spokes and Nipple s Aveileble AH Sizes BUCHANAN'S FRAME SHOP . 828 E. G8rwy Av• . Mon . ..y hrll. CA .17154. (2 13 ) 280-4003 MR.TURBO M anufacturers of Turboc harger Kits and Accessories 72 8002 S. Madison Street Burr Ridge. IL 60521 (312) 986-5669 D-37/UGHlWEIGHTS TT • SHORT TRAClt n di. n _ CA. 80/ 125/250/ 500et Sp!.mn.. Spdwy.. .250/ 01lln Manoy. ObI TT ClIUrIlI. ClIo C trae. only S. .,.. 7 10m. sign up 7:30-9. proc. 9-1 0. rael 10:311. Info 7141771 -3809. CONNECTING ROD RECONDITIONING Als o small end repair. 5I.IIe.from Crank shaft ENGINE rebuilding. DYNAMICS. Special Rod Inst all ati on. I§&. And much more Call (707) 763-7519 10 10 Lakeville. Peta luma. CA 94952 lor Hond.SOO FOOlS GOLO NATIONAl. EIIOURO 6 0 _ CA. S.. Hwy. 49 ham AuIltJm. CA. E.. Hwy. 193•• Goargo. - . f _ 6. . ond ...-. All dlIHS. lticbfJ torIntrIntI, pins lor finishon. 125 mi. +111....... 7:31 LOI. Enhy 118. . 20 past. CaI~amil S.... CIIon+iar.lllip. CoIitomio Enckn Rid." N.rth . Info 4081739-7477 (Ilruca). ; '-'-'1 O REGON M OTOCROSS Mounl V iewRaceways. Slndy. OR. 4 mi. SE . f Sondy. Hwy. 211'0 BolO' ,ted t Rd.• rt on Ruda Ad. to Mt. View. All cia..... 30%tmph.. 100%p.b. t. Pros. G 6:30. pnc. 8. rac. 9:30. all En.ry . 10.1 15 Pr•. wl1ch &;11114. AMA/ Mt Vi.w Race.y. Inl 5031 o 668·6990 iJan). 0.36 SHORT TRACK . L di Cycll Bawl.ladi CA. 5801 [ . .... Rd.. ladl CA. All 0·36 cia•••. M rq., race track. Gall 8 I.m sign up .• 9-11. pntC. 10.11. ntco WlICh .1111 biltl18. 2ndb 6. SImi·Pr. 111. lDdi MoC.! AlIA 0·36. Inf. 209/ 368-7182 or 931-3722. OKLAHOMAMOTOCROSS Motorcycll RlnwlYs. Inc.• O l h.m. City. O . 81..... 1 • 1 ill K -40 240. lIit S. Douglasto S.E. 59th. tum E. All cllw.s.. GIIII op.n 9 Lm.• proc. 10:30. rae. 11:30 or 12. Inf. 405/681 -9492 (T.""", No_nl. AME MOTOCROSS Indian Dunn . Vallncia. CA. An eI.SHS. GatlS optn 7 I .m.. ptK. 8. rael 9. Entry .10. Praol171115 p.b.l. 1nf. 213/ 881-5778. CONROE M OTOCROSS Conroe MX Part. Conroe. TX. 3 mi. S 01 town to San Jlcinto Ri lr. 60· v Op.n. IAlphin or gill c:ertifical8s 10 8th in Nov. dassel. ConclSsions. sh~rs. bethrooms. St»lit schedule : prac 8 a.m.• flce 10. !nU b . race 1 . p.m. Entry 18. Ea. 115. Il"I1 .4. nf. 7121756-4414 (Canroe Suzu~ ) . 273· 2336 (trac.k). CMC MOTOCROSS C.,lsbad R.ClWIY Clr lsbld. . tA. All clams.. GillS opt n 7 Lm_ oi; n up 7-9. proc. 8-9. ntCO 9. Entry 110. Pro. 115. Inf. 714/ 557-3323. 0.36 MARYSVlUE MOTOCROSS T ' Sl BrdllO Tntck. tob Hwy. 70 i ,. N. Boa 1.0 Rd. III S City lim rt) 110 over IIYle on Sh.d Rd. Aa 0-36 dams super lrophieS. 0-36 ruJes. tant #1" q. Gate 6:30 1m.. signup 7. ract 9. Entry ' 15. Pros + 15. wa1c:h ' 4, kids 12. dlil dren Iree . Info 916/695 -2727 ICllorlioSo.. . nl. TEXAS MOTOCROSS Swan Mo tocross. Tyler TX. Exlt 69 . S bem 1 2 mi. t. CR 471. 11. 2 mi. -20. It lum it. All classes. troph. to 5th. 100% p.b. ,. EL Camping Ox. . plit program. Nov. PrJC. 8:30. !'Ice 10. Ex. p!"IC. approx. 1 p.m. SatI open III nn. ·' 5. Entry 18far Am.. Ea. '1 5.lnlo 214/882 ·4215 (Bili lavv). 0-38 MXITT + SPEEDWAY &SHORT TRACK PRACTICE Ca .d Ra",WlIY Carl.bad. CA. rlob . 1-5 to p. lomar Airport Rd.• E 7 mi. to trick. All d lSst ' . Iroph. to Am. GIIII open 7 a.m.. sign up. 8. prac:.. 9:30. ntco·11. AMA ride...9. Non·AMA S11. Carlsbad Evlnts /AMA. Info 7141749-9552 (Cliff Carrl. SANOPOINT MOTOCROSS Sandpoint. 10 5 mi. N of Sandpoint . All cia..... 3D traph 100,"p .b.Ia' '" .. Pros. Natural tenain irick. c.mping nearby Wi tch 12.50. undar 6. OYIIr . 60 free. G.1e 8 a.m.• prJc. 9. ri ca 10:30. Info 208/263 -4587 (Erni. Schoffe!). Call before spring races in case of snow. !IXASMOTOCROSS Mosier Valley MX Park. Flo Worth. TX. All classes. no pil riding or li te prae. nos guaranteed Ex. purse. Prae. 8 a.m.• 1st race 9. Int. &Ex. prac. 1:30 p.m. En,ry '8. E 10. ;ote . 4. •.• Inlo 214/2 45-4693. TEXAS SH TRACK ORT /TT Mike K R.nch. Bo TX. From idd yd. Ft. W.nh tokeHwy. 199 Nt. FM730 N then 10 FM2D48 W &lollow signl. . Astrodome raplica 1rIc:k. Mi i thru n Opan dUllS. Am . 81 Pro. plus 3· wheeler (TI on1r). Gllel open 10 s • .m_ prac. 11:30. race 1 p.m. 817/ 433-5599 (Mik. Kidd). 0-37 MOTOCROSS Sunri e Valley Cycle Plrt. Adal· s •nlo. CA. 2ndof 3·rlce series. 14000 Am . pril l" 1DO'" E p.b. All 0·37 L cl, ssll. Glt!S open 7:30 a,m.. r. ce 9:30. Entry 114. Pro ,'20. lnf. 714/ 245·7339. JUNIP£R MOTOCROSS J",ipot MX, MeAl..t... Oil Tul.. Tumpib (751N an 69 lno.1IuJ. 69). Eai1 113 t. [ All cIaJJo.. traphi 01 1IImollb 8th. 150% Ex. p.b. Si;n in 8 LOl.. proc. 9-10. ,ocll0:30. Entry 18. Ex. . 15. gil. '4.1nf. 918/426-'533 (M cAloJ1or Kaw.....i ~ May 14 R e.[ O ARIZONA SHORT .A. F TRACltm Canyon PIu>onia. A1.. 8Yz mi. W 01 1 17 .n Cantfntl Hwy.• 500 · Pr. p..... 33'" traphill, trophy daoh .....opll..... ntCI . aplcial I dlA lor 3-wh llrs. Co _ nuu ions. Mlmb. not ntq. Gat.. . pon 6:30 p.m.. pro<. 7:30-7:45. Inf. 602 /843· 1124. 993-9236. Rac_. COLORAOOSPEEOWAY Na onll Western Arana. Oenver. 1i CO. 1 & Humboldt. Ra begin B -70 ces p.m. Ticke1 a1 Sl llet·l-seat. Glen Plo" M.C.. Ticket. 303/ 935·3559. Inf. 477·5457 . 935·3559. 477· 9322. May 15-16 NMA SPRING NATIONALS. TIXAS/ L OUISIANA REGION Canroo Mat ...... Canrvo. TX. Al . l NMA daua.. Cllanopianollip Trop/L. 1DO'" Ex. p.b. Ro;i..11 Dull. far Panco City. Fu Intry infocoil ar_ Bob Hal.,. P.O. sa. 2321·A, F...part. TX 77541. 713/849-0937. May 16 YAMAHA PERPETUAL GO CUP MX LO SlIIES CoIviIIo. WA.70 mi. N 01 SpoUno. 6 mi. N 01._ .. Williomo lab Rd. All _ G .... 0lIl. Sot.. proc. 8 10m. ntCI 9:30. Entry ITO Pros 125. . Info 509/884-8552 lOon lantz). BlYTHE MOTOCROSS IIIytho ~.IlIytho. CA. ~ 10 •• ........ ail. N 5 mi. _ RIl track. Gato 6:30.all _......... forSptmn. 100% Pro p.b. Entry 110. 115 pool. Ex. '1 4.1S11" .pontlIlinol Arizanl Sorio.. NMA. Info6021795·2238. AME M TOCRO O SS Sp'ockels Plrk, Bakersfield. CA. All classes. free DI N c:amping. Gatl s op. n 7 I.m. prac. 8.race 9. Entry110. . P,o•• 17 1115 p.b.). Inl. 213/88 15778. CMMCMINI MOTOCROSS Barone Oaks Raceway. Ramon.. CA. Hwy. 67 ,.L"'"idl. Ean Maplo· view. N on AshwoDd. up Wildcll Cany.. Rd. I I mi. Now trod<. O/N camping. concessions. newBeg. class. Entry .10. yoarly mlmb. " 5. Sillrt up do... 7:311 •.m. .lIorp Inf 714/ . o 286-31195 IRay e.nott). 4411-7935 IKon John...). OKLAHOMA CITY MOTOCROSS Oklahoma City. OK. Inllruction 01 1-35 .. J.40.E-bound l..w uilllst.m, W-bound 1-40 .xil A All CIISIII.6 lno. trophill/ ciin. 150" b . p.b. GIt IS op. n 8 • .m.. priC 10. rlt. noon.. Entry . '8. Ea. 11O ; " " 14. Inf. 4051732. 0212 (HoWllrd Muagrawo). CMC MOTOCROSS Saddlebock P.rk. O...,gl. CA. All dasslS. Gltts open7:30 I.m.. sign up 8·9. pr.c. 8-9. "CO9:30. En.ry . 10. Prao 115. Info 714/557 ·3323. OT INOIAN O UIIES GRAN PRIX n di., 0.... Cyclo Pill Voloncii. CA. From LA. ,.... ~ 5 to Hwy. 128. Iracl.I1 ~ 0-38 GRAN PRIX R•• arit. Bolch. Boja Cal~ .. MoJica. Al classes inc. 3-Wh., W(lfMn. Vets. l SrI. P.-ticipllion .net finisher pins + 20" trophy. Insur. must bl purch. Entry 122 mlil, mull buy .6 ins. 11 sign-up. S30 posl-r,cl Iii . ins. only . 132 mail.n t w/ ins. pkg IOf 3 days. CQYers neartr IVIrything - till lor in'a. S. nd 3 SA with Intry . nd Sl chttk 10: H iIIlopper M.t.. 6340 Ind iana A .... lang Booch. CA 90805. E s open 4/5. dOH 5/7 - start nlri. illG pos. del. bypost-m.k. Forinfo call 213/ 428·4971 or 714/994-1170. 0-37 OESERT RACE And....n Ory lab. Camp Radl Rd. Sim VllilY MIt. 10" tmph.• slart 9 i a.m. Dill. ridl.. 114. pit plato•• 16. Inf. 805/5 22-3097 (R SlIlhanl. ob NEBRASKA SHORT TRAClt Mat. Sporu Pill Fort - . NB. F,... ~660 .1kI 48th Sl ail. 7 iii .. Hwy. 73 to .- . Ilootbd 1/8 iii track. 1nI. 402/ 588-1306.391· 0149.

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