Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'82 The idec.Away- 8weep~ta~~ WIN YOUR DREAM MACHINE~ ... Win the Grand Prizeof your choice YOU CAN BE A WINNER! and publicize his or her photograph and w inning the award. Offer good only in the Un ited States of America. All CYCLE NEWS . Inc. employees and their families are not el igible. The Rules are Simple. Drawlnp will be August 15, 1982. No purchase necessary. Fill out the offic ial entry form below (or a 3 " x 5" facs imile) completely. including your name. address. city. state.ztpcooe and phone number. W inners w ill be notif ied by ma il. Select t he motorcycle you want on the entry f or m (one mac hine on ly. please) and ma il in yo ur ent ry. That's iti ll'sthatsi mple l One entry per person. Each entry must be in a sepa rate enve lope . One prize per household. A ll entries must be postmarked by Ju ly 30th. 19 8 2. The odds of winning will be determined by th e number of entries received. All ent ri es become property of CYCLE NEWS. Inc . W inners' names w ill be ava ilable at end of conte st upon request. Contest is void where prohibited . Sub ject to all local . state and fed eral regu lations, Tax and tra nsportation liability is the responsibilityofthe w inner. 8yaccepting the prize the w inners agree to acc ept responsib ility for city and state licensing and reg istra t ion requirements. No subs ti tu te prize w ill be given. nor w ill cash equ ivalent be paid . If an unlicensed dr iver or m inor w ins the pr ize it will be licensed in the name of a parent or legal guard ian. In accepting the pr ize, the w inner grants CYCLE NEWS. Inc . permission to promote Special Trial Subscription Offer You want t o r ide t he la test mot orcycles and CYCLE NEWS wants to bring you the latest in motorcycle news. CYCLE NEWS . as America's Motorcycle Newspaperfeaturesa comprehensive, cu rrent ca lendar li sti ng of your favorite nat iona l or local motorcycle events. current tr ends. new products and motorcycles. race reports. motorcycle personalities. an act ive classified ad sect ion and much more every weeki Choose your favorote reg ional ed ition and have it del ivered to your door for ten weeka for only '7.00. You must include you r $7 .00check or money order to I8ke advantage of our special tr ial offer. oryou can receive a full yea r of Cycle News (50 i ssues) for only '20.001and save 53%ofthe regular newsstand price of $42.501 Piece Your Order Nowl Fill out your entry form, choose your motorcycle, cut out and mail today to Cycle News, America's Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper. ----------------------------~---------------------------~ . OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM • OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM MAIL TO: CYCLE NEWS '82 RIDE AWAY SWEEPSTAKES P.O. Sox 498, Long Seach, CA 9080J-0498 • • • Please Print State )- - - _ _ _ Zip - - - -- - - Please [ill out completely so we can contact the winner o YES! Send me Cycle News East 0 Cycle News West 0 o o NO o 10 weeks (or $7.00 . Payment enclosed. I year $20.00. OK to bill me . I do not want to subscribe but enter me In the motorcycle slveaway. The motorcycle I want is: (choose one only. please) o o • • • • • • •o • • •o • • • •o •o • • Name Address City Phone Number ( 1982 SUZUKI RM250Z DIRT BIKE 1982 KAWASAKI GPz750 STREETBIKE MAIL TO: CYCLE NEWS '82RIDEAWAY SWEEPSTAKES P.O. Sox 498, Long Seach, CA 9080J-0498 Please Print Name Address City Phone Number ( ----' State Zip ----' _ _ Please fill out completely so we can contact the winner YES! Send me Cycle News East 0 Cycle News West 0 o 10 weeks (or $7.00. pa yment enclosed. o 1 year $20.00, OK to bill me. , NO I do not want to subscribe but enter me In the motorcycle KJveaway. The motorcycle I want is: (choose one only, please) 1982 SUZUKI RM2S0Z DIRT BIKE 1982 KAWASAKI GPz750 STREET BIKE 65

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