Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Kevin Peltz was the brightest star in Formula Two at AFM's Willow race. • . - 56 Gardner fourth . Strand caugh t Hack on th e seco nd lap, and Gardner took th ird on th e next lap. Hack 's rid in g was conservative after surgery a few weeks ago. Ga rdner was ge tti ng back in the swing of thi ngs with his first ri de of the year, Gardner was holding on to third whi le Strand was setti ng out after Bened ict. With three laps left, Gardner faltered , and Steve Ness and Greg Armstrong zoomed by. A lap lat er, Armstro ng disposed of Ness and took over th ird. It wasn 't until th e last lap wh en Strand closed in en ough to force him self in side of Bened ict a nd into the lead . At th e ch eckered flag it was Strand, Benedict a nd Armstrong. In the second rnoto, Benedict got tangled up with several rid ers in the tricky first turn. By the time he was up and running, he was almost in last place. Meanwhile, Scott Hack was again in the lead with Gardner and Ness behind. Hack felt better after the first moto and was visibly riding harder. Strand was stuck back in the pack and was hav ing a hard time maneuvering around. Gardner cra shed on the second lap, so Ness took over second place with Kenny Sor en son third. On the next lap, Strand turned up th e horsepower on his Pomona VaIley Ka wasaki. He started the lap in six th and began to pick off riders, som etim es two a t a tim e. By the end of the lap, he was second and after H ack . It took h im four laps 10 catch up and challenge for the lead with Soren son right beh ind him. On the wh it e flag lap, the two caught a tiring Chris Hack and raced for th e finish . Strand took the win with Sorenson close behind. Overall, it was Strand with the perfect I-I , then Ness with a 4·7 tally and Benedict with a 2-9 score. There were four divisions of 125cc Beginners this week, and so me very interesting results in divisions one and two. In both divisions.Jong-tirne m in ibike warriors took easy wins in th e firs t moto but crashed in the secon d. J ason Coolbaugh took his Yamaha to th e division o ne, first rnoto win over Darrell Wall a nd J ohn Dellaripa. In the second moto, H oward Tressvill e too k the holeshot with Dellaripa and Coolbaught a few seconds back. On the third lap, Dellaripa lost control coming out of th e stu tterbumps, a nd Coolbaught cou ld not a vo id a co ll ision. Neith er rid er was do wn long, bu t it did cost them severa l pl aces. Coolbaught was in fourth almost immediatl ey, but then wen t down again wh en he was pressi ng 100 hard to mak e up ti me . H e finished eig ht h in th e second rnoto. Wall, meantim e, moved up from fifth 10 take th e lead from Tresville at the halfwa y p oint. Tresvill e fini sh ed second with Kurt Ham ilton third. Overall it was Wall (2-1), Hamilton second (5-3) and Dell aripa 's 3-5third. Resu lts 60 BEG: 1. Bobby Dovid (yom): 2. Chr istioon Gerkey (yem); 3. Peter Rhodes (SUz). 60 INT: 1. Mett Foster (Yem). MINI BEG DIY 1: 1. lenny Guyett (Yom): 2. Wo~er Armondoriz (Suz); 3. Jeff Dovid (Yom). MINI BEG DIY 2: 1. Roy Ehrsom (Hon); 2. Jerry Cotter (Kow ); 3. Orlondo Delfin (Yom). MI NI BEG DIY 3: 1. Steve Tucker (Kow); 2. Bobby Beliele uille(Kow); 3. Donny McGloughlin (Yom). MI NI NOV: 1. Bort OtIs (Yom); 2. Croig Conoy (Suz); 3. Ronnie West (Kow). MI NIINT: 1. Tom Combs (Kow); 2. Miko Dodge (Kow); 3. Wilde Bone (Yom). M INI EX: 1. Tim Ritherlord (Kow). 100 BEG; 1. Mork Loberg (Yom). 125 BEG DIV 1: 1. Dorr ell Woll (Suz); 2. Kurt Homi~on (Yom); 3. John Delloripo (Suz). 125 BEG DIY 2; 1. Byron Donell (Yom); 2. Todd Correll (Yomt 3. Pot Chondler (Yom). 125 BEG DIY 3: 1. Ben Stevenson (Yomt 2. Jeff Eory (Yomt 3. Mike Boyd (Yom). 125 BEG DIY 4: 1. Mike Mogollones (Yom); 2. Steve Potter (Kow t 3. Juon Borretto (Yom). 125 NOV: 1. Kurt Strond (Klw); 2. Steve Ne.. (Suz); 3. lorry Benedict (Yom). 1251NT: 1. SteveWe51 (Kow ); 2. Joy Spoor (Suz); 3. Kevin Rice (Yom). 125 PRO: 1. Croig Dole (Suzt. 2. Trocy Meeks (Klw); 3. Chris Heinrich (Yom). 250 BEG DIV 1: 1. Bruco Ste iner (Yom); 2. Rich Poul (Hon); 3. M ike Gordner (Hon). 250 BEG DIV 2: 1. Mork Newton (Suz); 2. Cory Bonhom (Yomt. 3. Deon Monuel (Yom). 250 NOV DIY 1: 1. Bret loudenbBck (Suz); 2. Mork Allen (Yomt 3. Kenny Guyett (Yom). 250 NOV DIY 2: 1. Dove Jones (Yom); 2. Chr is Show (Suzt. 3. Corl Reed (Suz). 250 INT: 1. Rob Trone (Hon); 2. Chris Fleming ISuzt 3. Joy Siddoll (Hon). 250 PRO: 1. Todd Petorson (Yom); 2. John Green way (Klw ); 3. Micky Dymond (Moi). OPEN BEG: 1. Abe Boumonn (Hon); 2. Tom Flynn (Yomt. 3. Tom Anderson (Hon). OPEN NOV: i . Joff A~er (Yom); 2. Croig Holmoister (Hon); 3. Bill Melonson (Yom). OPEN INT: r . Gory Gonzoles (Mo i); 2. Steve Kiunke(Suz). OPEN PRO: 1. Kevin Dovis (Hon): 2. Robert Schnillder (Suz): 3. Scott Covness (Suzl. VETS: 1. Neil Stopleton (Hon); 2. Alon Gorkey (Suz); 3. Gory Clork ISuz). White wins crashfilled AFM Willow RR By Lori Tyson ROSAMOND , CA, AP R. 25 Bubba Shobert draws a bead on Frank Mazur (1l at Willow. In the American Federation of Motorcyclist's first points race of the 1982 season, Budweiser 200Kwinner Terry Statum went at it wi th Darrell Wh ite in th e Open Mod i fied P rodu cti on a t W illow Sp rings Racewa y. But after leadin g for seven la ps, Statum go t stuc k in tra ffic, and White took the wi n. O pen classer Earl Rol off fought i50cc ride r SCOll Gray for thi rd overa ll, with Gray taking it. For second 750cc, Denny Fryer dueled against d irt tracker Mike Minnig, with Fryer taking th e cleckers. In the 600cc class Frank Mazur led the entire race, even leading som e of the 7505, only to lose hi s chain on the last lap. Scott Harmala went on 10 win the trophy, Iollowed closely by Bubba Shobert. Dave Bus by, winner of the Long Beach Grand P rix 250cc race, took another 250cc win here. Brian Tilseth and Kevin Peltz fought over second, and after a tough race, Peltz took it. Dan ny Coe, in his first 250cc ride, took an impressive fourth place. In the Formula One and Two match, Busby flew 10 the win with I:35 lap times on his TZ250, but du e 10 a technicality, was disqualified. a nd th e pointswent to second pl acin g Rich Ol iver. There was qu ite a conflict over third with Tracy Gri eger, J eff Hagan and Kevin Peltz all trying for th e trophy. By th e end, H agan took the flag followed by Grieger a nd, taking first Formula Two, Peltz. Louis Vallerga (who took third overall in the Budweiser 500k on his super-fast RD ) and Champion Moriwak i 's Whitney Blakeslee, on hi s GPz550 , fought it out in 230-6OOcc Super Street, and doing I:38 lap times Vallerga took th e win. Four riders - Steve Reyno sa , Wayne Monto ya , Kenny Stack and Howard Monise - diced for third with Reynos a really having 10 work for it. The 750-0pen Super Street race was red-flagged on the third lap when Brian Stulbaurn's motor went a way a nd oiled th e track . Before the flags were o u t, three riders went down , but luckil y non e was serious ly hurt. After the res tar t, it was a battle between Open classer Kevin Bracken and 750cc racer Kevin Peltz all the way 10 the flag . Bracken took the checkers, with Peltz second overall and first 750cc. There were fierce competition in 600cc Stock Production with four excellent riders going for the lead. Aaron Post, Bubba Shobert, Frank Mazur and Steve Sowden diced for the lead until la p five when Sowden tried a n insi de pass th at didn 't work, and he cras hed o ut of th e race with a broken bike and fin ger. That left it to th e other three 10 decide th e winner, and after a tight fight, Mazur took th e win with Post a nd Shobert right behind. J eff Legitt a nd Len Gambo put on an amazing display of riding in Formula Four, with Legiu taking the win by mere in ches . Gambo led the race, with Legitt right on his tail, until just before th e finish line where Legitt pulled out all the stops and took the checkers. Scott Moore led the 450cc Modified Production race until the last lap when, pressured by Howard Monise, he got off in turn three. Righ t after he fell, Kathy White followed him off the track. Meanwhile, Monise, sponsored by Diaz Racing and Duralube, took the win with Tracy DeMuro right behind him. The 750-0pen Stock Production race had a tragic start. Mark Redmond was leading at the end of the first lap, followed closely by Champion Mor iwaki 's Mike Krolick, when going into turn eigh t (wh ich is full throttle), the rear tire on Redmond's bike washed ou t, and he went down. Unfortunately, Kroli ck was so close when it happened, he had nowhere 10 go, and h is bike also went down. Krolick was hospitalized with a punctured lun g and broken collarbone. Redmond, sadly, didn 't make it. He will be mi ssed by all who knew him. With at least 20 crashes on this day, it was evident that too many riders were riding way over their heads just to collect a few points. Listen, guys , you have a whole seaso n ahead of you. Take it easy so you'll be around to finish it. Jim Beach ha s to be commended for the grea t job he did jockeying the am bu lances to get the righ t one wh ere it was needed as quickly as possible. U nfo rt unatel y, some o f the turn wo rkers were a little slow in gelli ng warning flags out, a nd some riders went down unnecessarily. This problem will hopefully be reso lved by the

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