Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.. .. .. . - .. • .. "e • .. Book Review ,.....-- ~ ~ WeicomesThe IIIIPER_r MDTaa_ S-r LOS ANGELES MEMORIAL COLISEUM " )II~ SAT. JULY 17 ONE NIGHT ONLY *The la st Superbowl at the lA. Coliseum because of construction for the 1984 Olympics. dl Exotic Motorcycles: A t ester's privilege By Vic Will oughby Published by Osprey Publishing Lt d ., London Hard bou nd, 190 pages, 14B photos & illustrations T h is is a fasc inating book. P re an d p ost-WWII road racer Vic Willoughby del ivers to th e reader his impressions of twodozen bik es of the fifties an d sixt ies that he tested for En gland's Mot or Cycle Week ly. Not th e actual tests. but his remembrances of th e su bject bikes and tests. From NSU land speed record strea mliners to MV Agusta GP bikes, Willoughby tested th em all during his 28 years with Motor Cycle Weekly . For this book. he has chosen to reflect on " th ose tha t left th e happiest and most 'indelible impressions o n my memory." A forerunner to a handfu l of today's testers. Willoughby was a llowed to rid e works bik es because. as he puts it. " ...a success fu l racing career as a freelance rid er-tuner had co n vin ced most manufacturers th at I would bring th eir priceless creations back "intact a nd th at m y expe rie nce h ad given me a real ist ic yardstick to judge the m by." He d idn ' t a lways bring the m back unsca th ed, as one chap ter a p tly relates, but he usuall y di d af ter turning in hot laps th at wh il e not eq ua l of th e likes of Surtees, McIntyre, H ai lwood an d other supersta rs whose bikes he tested. were close . eno u g h to earn respect fro m th e riders . tuners and ma n ufactu rers wh o lent the bikes to Willoughby. NSU , Mat chless, Vin cent, BMW , Du cati, No rton, MOIO Guzzi. MV Agusta, Arie l. Brough and OKW are among th e manufactu rers whose bik es Willoughby recalls in this well wri tten an d illustra ted book. Ano ther 'British tome imported by Motorsport, m y only criticism is our review co py su ffered from inferior binding and severa l pages " fell out. " But don't let that stop you from tak ing a fascinating trip down primrose lane with Willoughby. Exotic M ot orcycles: A tester's pr ivilege m ay be obtained by sendi ng $24.95 plus $10 for postage and handling to Motorsport, 6115 Gravois, St. Louis. MO 6~116. Jack Mangus • Del Toco. ". A FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT SPECTACULAR! Buy by Mall; seve S3 on each aduh hcke t CMdren 10 yea,. and under '" price of reou lar . dull priced tic ket. Offe r .xpires July 2. 1982. Mak e checks peyable 10 and mall 10 MILLER HIGH LIFE SUPERBO WL of MOTOCROSS. 393 9 S. Figueroa Sf., Los Ang. "'a, CA 800 37. Ouestions? Call (2131 748 ,6131 Charge Line (2 131741·2 164 Adu ll S u b ·TOIaI CP1,I" SuD ·TOla' '- 1 18." Ie • sa.oo ... •. .. .. . S 1 ~. 1 2 Ie • 17 M) . . • • • . • • . Ie 1 ' 11.00 . . . . . . . .. X __ Tal .. ' S 1 12. 9 . • . . • ... • TOTAL ' T1CKETS • Ie • _ TOTAL _ "Ptease enc lo se a stamcec . sen -ac e-ess ec bUSiness size env elope TI Ck ~ ls w.1I be rPl urned 1 yo u In 0 otherwise the y WIll be held al WILL CALL WINDOW tn. s envelope You can C rg~ yo ur Ilcke ls VISA 0 MA STER CARD a Acco unt · Name Infe l bank • Day Phone Ex p Dal e _ _ ....,...- A~ r ess Stat e e.ty - -- - - _ - Z IP CN-17 I ' 39

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