Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• -and-a -ha lf of r nnmg bn the Boise track have taught him. Scott Pearson's win today, like Burres' victo ri es in th e past , was a popular th ing. Scott's outgoing nature and ever-sm iling enth us ias m make him quite a favor ite a mo ng local fans . Pearson exp ressed concern a bo u t the speed of Eklund prior to the main. He and Steve bo th hail fro m San Jose and ride together both at home and on th e National circui t. Ekl und, for his pa rt , liked the track going in and referr ed to it as , " ridea ble ." He may have cha nged his o pinion towa rd the end of the da y. T he loose conditions and the wi nd seeme d to tire Eklund who co uld n ' t seem to cat~h th e p umped-up Pearson in th e mam. Scott Pearson now has a four-in-a row Boise TT reco rd. His ride on th e XR500 H onda was also a reco rd. And, with Ch andler a nd G reen taking H ondas to victory in th e Nov ice a nd Jun ior races, one can bet that there a re a bunch of pe o ple at American H o nd a who thin k that the 28th Annual Bo ise Regiona l TT turned ou t just righ t! • $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Results IV125 IV115 QlJALFER*IV 250 QlJALFER*IV400 SPORTSMAN TI PEE WEE: 1. Shene Butchert: 2. Chr is Kelley; 3. Dusty Str inger. . MICRO MIN I: 1: Rich ie Reynolds; 2. Pet Love ledy; 3 . J .P. Simonson. MINI BEG: 1. Lar ry Sechsor; 2. Brien Hele; 3 . Andy Dixon . MINI EX: 1. Corey Berton; 2. Toby Ashley; 3. Bobby Blegg . 125 BEG: 1. Ritch Thurst on; 2. Troy Norris; 3 . M ike Montgomery. 250 BEG: 1. Ole Jorgensen; 2. Weyne Grey; 3 . JerryWehl. OPEN BEG: 1. Men Holm; 2. J ohn Jurkovich; 3 . SONIC500~ Duane Crumley. 125 EX: 1. nerren Murphy; 2. Pete Kelle r; 3 . Roger Cromwell. 250 EX: 1. Bred Hurst; 2. M ickey Fey; 3. Rendy Green. OPEN EX: 1. Mike Su lliven; 2. Bred Hurst; 3. Ron Yamamoto. MOTOCROSS MICRO MIN I: 1. Rich ie Reynolds (Yem). MINI BEG: 1. Cerell Cevi s (Kew); 2. Steve Cevis (Han); 3 . Br ien Hele (Kew); 4. Chr is Strong (Yem); 5. Cery Sm ith (Yem). 125 BEG A : 1. Steve Lanklord (Kew ); 2. Jeff Miller (Han); 3. Ken Gibson (Kew); 4. J im Lankford (Kew); 5 . Rick George (Han). 125 BEG B: 1. Ched Bengorter (Kew); 2. Troy MeCrey (Yem); 3 . Merty Jemison (Suz); 4. Rod Kolord (Han ); 5. TyTeylor (Yem); 6 . Sid Owen (Yem). 125 BEG C: 1. Kevin Man ISuz); 2. Ford Tennock (Suz); 3 . Pete Scherf IS uz); 4. Todd Hitchcock (Han); 5. Dennis Torneer (Kew); 6. Rick Monte (Han). 250 BEG A : 1. Rick Putz ier (Suz); 2. Merk J. lapp (Kew); 3 . Jim Lynger(Yem); 4. J erry Young (Hon); 5 . Tod Langley (Suz). 250 BEG B: 1. We yne Grey (Suz); 2. Bryen Cook (Yem ); 3. Cen Cevis (Yem); 4 . Rick Meredith(Mei); 5. Ed Phillips (Yem). OPEN BEG: 1. Merty Kolord (Han ); 2. Eric Herphem (Hus); 3. Guy Orozco (Han). OLD CUFFERS: 1. Jeff Cerson (Han ); 2. Myron Cevis(Suz); 3. Leroy Sm ith (Han). 125 INT: 1. Willy Beebe (Han); 2. Todd Anderson (Suz); 3 . Clint Webb (Yem ); 4. Ed Crexle r ( Su z~ 5. Steve Higle y (Han); 6. Brien Bonney (Suz). 250 INT: 1. Steve NewberryISuz); 2. Rick Wheeler (Kew) ; 3 . Cene DeHembeeu (Yem); 4 . Robert T. He nson (Han); 5. Kelle y Greve s(Yem ). OPEN INT: 1. Merk Bloemke (Yem); 2. Jeff Young (Yem). MINI EX: 1. Larry W erd IKew); 2. Core y Berton (Yem); 3 . Scan Brown (Kew) . 125 EX: 1. Cerrick PersoneneISuz); 2. J im And · , erson (Yem ); 3. Ted Holt (Suz). 250 EX: 1. Werren Hickmen (Yem); 2. Merk Olberding (Suz); 3 . Chip Young (Kew) ; 4. Larry Bul· lington (Yem). OPEN EX: 1. W arren Hickman (Yam ); 2 . Den Lee s (Han ); 3. Gerage Collinghem (Yem ); 4 . Clint See phen (Han). REGIONAL TI NOV TROPHY CASH : 1. Coug Chendler (Han); 2. Cen Bennen IHon); 3. Vince Gildner (Han). JR TROPHY CAS H: 1. Rendy Gree n (Han); 2. Peul Iw enege (Han); 3. C. Berry Pelk ey (CoAl . EX TROPHY CASH ; 1. Steve Eklund (Yem); 2. Je ff . Cempbe ll (Yem); 3. Can Codge (Tri ). NOV HEATS lst: Vince Gildner (Han): 2nd : Coug Chendler (Han); 3rd : Cen Bennett (Han). JR HEATS . 151 Peullwanaga(Hon); 2nd : Bar ry Pelkey (C-A ): ; 3rd : Rendy Grean (Han); 4th: Brian Yocum (Yam). EX HEATS 1st : Steve Eklund (yem); 2nd : Scan Pearson (Han); 3rd : Jeff Campbell (Yam). NOV MAIN: 1. Coug Chand ler (Han); 2. Can Bennen (Han); 3. Raben Land (Ma i); 4 . Scott Nelson (C·A); 5 . Steve Leibrant IKaw); 6. Kelley Perkins (Han); 7 . Ricky Henson (Yem); B. Ken Grey (Yem ); 9 . Ken Deitz (Han); 10 . Cenny Lee (Yem). JR MAIN: 1. Randy Green (Han); 2. Pete Hame s (Yem); 3. C. Berry Pelkey (C·A); 4. Paul Iwanaga (Han); 5 . Jerry Moore (Han); 6 . Richard Heyman (Han); 7. Brien Yocum (Yem); B. Thomas Walton (Yam ); 9. Cel Schnitzer (Han); 10 . Can Howard (Han ); 11. Cen iel Moore (Han); 12 . Tr. vis Bebcock (Han). EX MAIN: 1. Scan Peerson (Han); 2. Stve Eklund (Yam); 3 . Frank Word III (H· C): 4 . Ron Yamemoto (Yam): 5 . Bred Hurst (Tri): 6 . Jeff Campbell (Yem): 7 . Mickey Fey(Hon); B. Oon Dodge (Tri); 9 .JohnWincew,czIHon); 10. Billy Scan (Yem); 11 . Lew .s " Son ny" Burres (Tri~ 12. Arney W ick (Han ). WEWlU. WIN YOU ~ *Trademarks ot Bombardier Inc. see ~r Can-Am dealer during May! . flleDJItloF WlHHERS (I ".. !, 9"'(Z;;'!i~'f)\i1\r'i/"rlii;;!F"f1"1)y/;~'~:"f! Pontiac, MI WRANGLER AMA SUPERCROSS DONNlE HANSEN Honda on DUNLOP 2nd Jim Gibson Honda on DUNLOP 7 out of the top 10 rode DUN LOPS . Outstanding performance, Donnie. Thanks for choosing DUNLOP. More cycles rIcIe on Dunlop than any other tire hi the worlel. ~ 1!.~!J!~!!P 31

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