Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Fredette. Fero turned in a scoreca rd showing six poi nts lo st wh ich is usu ally not a bad sco re. Wh il e it ea rned him high poi nt in the 200cc AA class, it was good for no more than 10th overall. "TruthI ully th is sho u ld have been a 0 ru n ,' Husk y rid er Terry Cunn ingh am admitted. " There was n o reason to drop more than five seco n ds but I endoed just before the first gas w hich cost m e a p o int and in the last section was momentarily uncert ain as to exactly h ow th e trai l went so I slo wed do wn enough to rea d so me o ther riders' numbers a nd lost a n othe r point. " H e was beat en by a few seco nds a t the em ergen cy checks by Ca n- Am 's John Martin , wh o was seco nd overall and high point Open AA, a n d h is fell ow Husky rider Mik e Melton. Kawasaki's Fri tz Kadl ec h ad th e o ther score of two while th e rem aining AA riders were clustered right behind. Onl y Kawasaki's Drew Sm ith, who held th e ea rly seaso n lead going into this event, might have considered th e day a " bu m me r" after transmission trouble forced him out early. Riders covered a total of 110ground miles, with th e la st 10 p rov in g to be the real point-takers . At this point th e tra il wound through a grove of p oplar saplings. One rider was heard (Clockwise from top left) Jeff Fredette broke the tie f or the overell win. to remark that h e felt th e la yout cre w Former enduro champ and MNERA member Bill Baird. AA rider Fritz co u ld ha ve co ns ide red wide n ing th e Kadlec and Terry Cunningham also had twos. trail a littl e more instead of just cu ttin g not ch es in the trees a t handlebar h eight. H ow ever , in spite of th e many tight woods sections th at " seem ed to go o n forever," a large pe rcentage of th e over 360 sta rte rs turned in scorecards at th e fin ish . Addi tio na lly, scores were close wi thin the three sepa ra te classes. Husky rid er Mike Keen eme rged as the h igh po int ma n in th e A class as he dropped only five poi nts for the day. Wally Wil son, who is co rnes ring the ISD E Q ual ifiers on a Husky, ma de th e jum p to A class rider by . finis h ing o n to p in the B class with a loss of I I poi nts. Bu rr O ak End uro is spo nsored by th e Midwest Nat ional Enduro Riders Associat ion wh ich has been putting o n this run for 19 yea rs, 16 of th em as a National event. Included in th e 135 mem ber grou p are riders with decades o f experie nce in o rga n izin g a n d la yin g o u t o f o ff-roa d events . Their design wa s to o ffer an event that wo u ld cha lle nge a ll levels of riding ski lls bu t n ot necessaril y in identical ways. T his year's president is Wendell Hi cks, who admi ts to bei ng "over 39." At th at ra te h e ha s probabl y been ri di ng since he was a year o ld a n d la ying o u t en duros since he was 12. Betw een events he spends many hours in the PR work necessa ry to keep a ru n of th is sca le go ing for so many years in a n area wh ere real esta te val ues have skyrocketed in the last decade as metropolitan Ch icago creeps so u th a nd east. H is efforts reap co untless ben efit s in sat isfying th e dem ands of local citizens a n d civic leaders By Brian and Ann Palormo wh ile ins uring co ntin ua nce of a run th at is easi ly accessib le to ride rs from ROSELAWN, IN, AP R. 25 ac ro ss th e upper Midwest. The cl u b a lso claims Bill Baird, #2 a ll -time en duro ridin g cha m p ion as one of th e hardest workers . His kind of dedi cat ion to th e sp ort goes far beyond th e recognit ion he received wh en riding and keeps a live th e event for hi s current challe ngers to enj oy. One MNERA member wa s o n ly National Enduro . Deu ces wer e now I o nly h ad one National point to ther e in spirit th is year. Carl " Ace" wi ld in Rosela wn , as five o f the my credit.': Fredette a nd J ? h n Fero Mat a ya p assed aw a y in th e last year. id . are co ntesting the 1982 Nationa ls on AA n. ers tu r.ned l.n $co!ecard s PE 175s under lim ited sponsorship He was lo ng-co nsi dered th e layo u t showi ng that idential poin t loss, from Su zuki. en gineer o f th is even t a nd in h is but Fredette's were the best sin ce he " T ha t's what Suzuki had to o ffer mem ory, the cl u b esta blished a trazeroed both emerge ncy checks. th is year so that 's what I'm ridi ng. veli n g troph y w hich will be awarded " I needed a m ora le booster," deT he wh o le thing is a lot more lo wan n ua lly to th e ove ra ll winner of th e I II • _ I I II' .. I clared Fredette a fter the run.' " U nt il t than it -was - Ia st yea r,'~ - sa id - • -even t. ANA National CbamRlonshiR Enduro &erles: Round 3 Burr Oa k a Dlorale booster lor Fredette J eff Fredette from nearby Tinley Park, Illinois, put his experience at riding the terrain of northern Indiana to good use as he emerged with the overall win at the Burr Oak 24 Scores overall were deceptively low. One reason for th is was the fact that a long section of tight woods and swamp in Naked City wer e replaced by a re-set a t th e last m inute because th e ground is still ove r-sa tu ra ted in m an y areas as th e Kankakee Riv er rem a in s as near-flood stage. Bein g able to get on time, however, in no wa y meant tha t riders had a n easy da y. " It was a bea utiful run bit I d idn ' t thin k it was ever goi n g to en d," was the way a Wisconsin rid er su m med up h is da y. Others bore m arks of the tight woods on th eir fingers and necks. Husky rider Ron Ribolzi th ought it would be n ice if brush guards would become fashionable again. With chec ks positioned to catch rid ers early as well as late, there were some who found th e hot points do ing more damage to th e scorecard than the lat e ones. Fredett e's only two blemishes ca me from being a m inute early at check seven , while J ack Penton, who had run lat e at the previous chec k, tri ed to mak e up for it at check 10 and overdid it by two minutes. Northern Indiana was a new rid-. ing experience for several participants. The area a ro u n d Roselawn is the bottom of Beaver Lake which was drained at th e sta rt of th e century. As a result th e riding su rface is sand-based. Some riders wer e su rp rised to find how man y different ways sand could throw o ff the ir co nt ro l. In th e ea rly miles, boggy sections were common. After the first hundred bikes went th rough , some of th ese deter iorated into swam ps with the ch ar acteristics of quicksand wh ich grabbed the front wheels and pulled th em down into foot-deep ruts. Midway th rough th e run were last, sa nd- based trails th rough thick p in e woods. T h is was some of th e most pl easant ridi ng in th e enduro and severa l riders laid back a little and rod e with th e flow . Near th e en d o f th e run , they crosse d a section o f dunes wh ere a little over-applied th rottl e a t th e wrong moment put so me of th em into a " ta il wagging th e dog " style of riding. Several spins, near -misses an d spectacu la r saves ente rta ined th e spe ctators at this point and made for good post-ride conversation while th e sco rekeeping crew was in secl us ion four miles from the Roselawn Ame rica n Legion Post which served as stagin g a rea. With no che cks cha lle n ged, th eir job was co m p leted with relative ease. Trophy presentation came before dark and most riders departed tired but satisfied whi ch translates into " success" in a ny en duro sponsor' s handbook. • Results OVERALL: JeH Fredette ISuzl 2. AACLASS 200cc: John Fero (Suz) 6 . OPEN: John M anin (C·A) 2. A CLASS HIGH POINT: M ike Keen (HUll 5. 125cc: 1. J ey Hall (HUll 19 : 2. Mark Haslach (HuI) 29; 3 . Earnie Hollowey (HUll 33 ; 4. C.J . Ryan (C-AI 40: 5 . Bru ce Gu il ien i (VamI 4 2. 200CC: 1. Jon Schwanz (Yam ) 9; 2. David Pierce (Yaml 12; 3. John Wharem (Kawl 15; 4 . Cave Pucharich (Yam) 16 ; 5 . Ron laMastul (SWM I 16 . 25Dcc : 1. Rich Scharphorn (HuI 16; 2. Anen Randt (Husl l 0; 3 . Bill GUise (C·A) 12; 4 . Cean Kronenwetter (HUll 13; 5. John Blythe (M eiI 14. OPEN; 1. Weyne Beindorf(HulllC; 2. Tom Buck · les (KTMI 12; 3. J . Ford Sutton IHuI) 12; 4 . Creig Hayel(Hus) 12; 5. Ron Me ..y (Hull 19 . SR: 1. Jerry Stewerd (SWMI 7; 2. Cerl Sch ... • phorn (Hull 18 ; 3 . Ferren Lord (Kew ) 18; 4. John C. Shaler (HuI) 1B; 5. Normen Shaken (Hull 20 . SUPER SR: 1. Can Berltow (Husl 41 ; 2. Ted Schwertz (HuI ) 4B: 3 . Bob Dorris (Kawl; 4. Ted Oel Saner (Penl 94 . B CLASS HIGH POINT: Wany Willon (HusI11 . 12Scc: 1. Tom McKinney (Hus) 27; 2. Mike Tucker (Husl 32 ; 3 . Rick Patterson (KTM I 41 ; 4. Cenny Robbins (KTM I 44; 5. Metthew T. Jemeson IKTM I 46 . 200cc: 1. Don Kocchi (Hon) 16; 2. Steve Hoffman (Kaw) 18; 3 . Steve DeWitt (Yam) 19; 4. Dennis Her Ian (Vem) 19; 5. Can W . Gendy IKaw) 30 . 25Ooc: 1. Terry Gree n IVeml 14; 2. JeH Kirke y (HusI 19; 3. Rick Slewerd IKaw ) 21 ; 4. Jemes A . Gross IVem122; 5 . Matt Sten ish (KTMI 23 . OPEN: 1. 1; 2. Jerry Friede rs (Husl 22; 3. Tom Pantalon (Mus ) 24 ; 4 . George Lawson (Hus) 26 ; 5. Don VenHooser (Kawl 2B. '(Suz) 2nd 'ct. · •• ' PP: Chriatine Thoma.

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