Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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..Give M X back"t o fans ' . I just auended the 125/250cc MX National at Lake Whitney. TX. I felt obliged to express my displeasure and those of man y more. I think everyone who has had the pleasure 10 watch National and International motocross at Whitney will agree that it is one of the finest tracks. from a spectator's viewpoint. in the nation. But this year, the event was ruined by the promoters and their excessivesecur ity and crowd control. I respect the need for security, but I feel these measures were excessive. New chain link fence kept spectators sometimes 50 feet from the track. far beyond the old snow fence. Armed foot and horse patrols by the sheriff's department kept fans herded into small areas. At least they tried; spectators would return to forbidden areas onl y 10 be forced out again. Also gone was the walkway between the start area and the pits. This made access 10 other parts of the track much mor e difficult. Mo toc ross depends on th e fans, and these fans deserve to enjoy the racing, n ot be h assled by excessive security. I have seen much larger crowds at Whitney and much more track access without any problem. Give motocross back to the fa n s, not to the promoters. GA RY F. MORGAN Dallas, TX WIST A merica's weekly motorcycle newspaper Sharon Cla yton. Publisher Caroline Gendry, Executive Secretary to the Publisher. Dan Rodriguez. Advenising/Editorial Assistant. Editorial Dale Brown. Senior Editor. Mark Kariya , Editor. Lance Bryson. Editor. Karel Kramer. Editor . Advertising Skip johnson, National Sa les Manager. Terry Pratt. Sales Manager. Duane Johnson , Sales Manager. Steve Wilson. Sales Manager. Linda Brown. Advenising Coordinator. Nancy Danger. Advertising Assistant. Graphics and Production Kristin Cooper. Graphic. Arti st. Rona Kramer. Assistant. Mari on Hatashita, Typogra p hy. Dennis G reene. Labor - ato ry. Accounting /Data Processing Mike Klinger, Control ler. Donn a BI1" , an Accounts Receivabl e Coordi nator. Terry Dail ey. Cred it Man age r. Circulation Rh eba Smith. ~I ana ger . ~fi ch dl e Bernier, Sa ra h T ayl or. Laxene Vas sar. Debbi e \\'alker, Lyna Ho od. Assi stant s. Want Ads Gayle Wheeler. Want Ad Sales . Dealer Sales and Service Nancy Bragger. Dealer Sales Manager. Services and Support Chris Airchescn. Receptionist. Gregory Hansen, S&S. West %%ot Cherry Ave .. Long Beach . CA P .O . Box 498. Long Beach. CA 9080t · 0498 (%t3) 427 ·7433: L .A . Line 636·8844 . East 4t90 Firs t Ave . • Tucker. GA . P.O. Box 805. T ucker, GA 30084·0805. (404) 934 ·7850 . Cycle News /West (U PS 14t·340) is published weekly excep< the first and last week of the ca lendar year for $%0 per year by Cycle N ews, Inc .. %%01 Cherry Avenue. Long Beach. CA 9080t·0498. Second c1asa postage paid at Long Beach. CA . POSTMASTER: Send form 3Ii79 to Cycle News. P.O. Boll 498. Long Beech. CA 9lBl1-0498. Sublcription rates: One year . second class mail, $20; two yean, second class mail, $35: three yean, IICCOnd c1asa mail, $53: 25 weeks. $11. Foreign rates available on request. Cycle News welcomes unsolicited editorial material includ ing stories. cartoons, photos. etc. Such material. if published. becomes the exclusive propeny of Cycle N~. Such accepted material is subject to revision as is necessary in the sole discretion of Cycle N..... Uruolicited material which is not used will be returned if accompa nied by a self addressed stamped enevelope. All unsolicited material win be handled with reasonable care. howner, Cycle News assumes no responsibility for the safety, loss or damage to such m ateri al. Reprinting in whole or pan only by permission of the publishcn. Advertisi ng rates and circulation information will be sent upon request. See S.R .D .S. Copyrigh t'" Cycle New.. Inc . 1982. Tredemerk Cycle New. regl.tered U.S. Patent OffIce. All righlll ....",ed. ON THE FRONT PAGE : Steve Morehead came up the winner at the San Jose mile. Coverage begins on p. 8. Photo by Dale Brown. 4 In memorium: Mark Redmond II's not very often that someone is fatally injured in a racing accident. When it does happen, there is certainly cause for those of us who are involved in racing to rethink our involvement, take stock of the possible conseq uences and go through a lot of .changes. especiall y if you knew the person who died. One looks over the moments he spent with the person and knows that there is now no future to them. They stop in freeze frame, movie style. I know a person who is friendly , generous, helpful , hard working, honest, a very capable road racer and an asset to have around in a lmost any situation who also happened to make a fatal mis take last weekend while doing what he liked to do the most, race. His name is Mark Redmond. I don't believe, and I know that Mark's close friends don't believe, that he has just ceased to exist. We know we are not going to see his smiling face and red beard around the pits, but we are also sure that the essential thing is that Mark is not gone. Actually his friends are just a Iittle bummed out that he has abandoned them and deprived (hem of their fun-loving and jovial buddy. A friend is gone but not lost. Maybe we don 't know what goes into the make-up of special people like Mark. but certain thanks are in order to his friends and his family for allowing such a delightful person to flourish. Bon voyage, my friend ; things will not be the same without you . KEITH CODE Manhattan Beach, CA Keith informed us that donations to the widow, Margie Redmond, may be sent cI 0 California Superbike School, 852 N . Occidental Blud., Los Angeles, CA 90026...Editor. Dinosaur hunter Are there associations which ru n the o ld 650cc Triumph, BSA and desert sleds on a "IT or scra m bles course on a regu lar basis? I believe they call them "dinosaurs" now . The last ti me I saw them was at a Fourstroke Na tional at Carlsbad years ago. I have a Rickman Triumph in my garage. I'd like to enter it in competition . but I can't against the new fourstrokes. They do everything 100 much better than myoid bike. I never hear anything about these motorcycles anymore except a lot of talk about bringing them back again. Can you give me the name of any clubs I could contact? CARL A. McCLOUD Rosamond, CA The Dirt Diggers M.C. will run a dinosaur class at Ascot May 23. You can give them a call for more information at 213/320-5254...Editor. Penhall fan requests pen pal I am an English girl, nearly 18 years old, and a great supporter of C rad ley Heath speedway, and of course our World Champ. Bruce Pen hall. I would very much like a Californian pen pal (maleor fema le) who shares the same interests as myself. If there is anyone who is interested in speedway over here in Britain, then please could you write to the address given. I loo k foward very much indeed 10 hearing from you soon. DEBBIE WOOD 20 Avon Close Pensnett Brier ley Hi ll West Midlands DY54QX England Salute to a dealer My hat's off to the fine folks, especially Do n , at Bellflower (CA) Yamaha. I purclrased a used 1980 IT 425 fro m them last year and experienced a mysterious piston seizure problem that I finally traced to an intermitten t ai r lea k in the intake manifold . After expressing my d issatisfaction to them, they agreed 10 su p p ly th e parts and machine work, a t no cost, for a fresh top end. I feel that people w ho are willing 10 go th e extra step to satisfy their customers deserve recognit ion an d thanks. GREG MEICHTR Y Redondo Beach , CA World Mini correction Mr . Corley's account of the 125cc Stock Novice races at the World Mini G P. Apr. 16-18, 1982, at Saddleback were incorrect. On page 16, column three. paragraph three , he said Michael Lieber did not win either of his motos but did win the run-off moto. Michael Lieber did win both of his mOlOS and went into the run-off with two points. Randy Maletta came in fourth and second in his mo tos a nd went into the ru n-off with six points, tied with Joe Clausi. Ra ndy Malena won the run-off moto. Michael Lieber came in firs t, Randy Malena second, Ron Rogers third. I was there and saw it, and I love th em both. G R AN DMA Next week: Supercrossers f'y through Arrowhead Stadium! Published lettera do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle Newa, Inc. Sand letters to Voices. Box . . Long Beach. CA90801 .

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