Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~.. OPEN PRO: I . Ronnie Gibson (Honl; 2. Eddie Micheni (SUl). O'Donnell, Segale, FordscoreatAME DunesMX By Laura Ric hard VALENCIA, CA, APR. 25 The American Motocross Enterprises at Indian Dunes saw a battle for the Open Pro class lead as Warren Wilson Hondamounted Adam Ford a nd Suzuki of Ventura 's Brand Johnson battled it out. . As th e gate dropped for the first round, it was Ford jumping into th e lead with Maico West-sponsored Fred Hudgens in second a nd Goleta Valley Maico-mounted Mark Na tion th ird. Johnson was in the back of the pack. workin g h is wa y up to cha llenge Ford for th e lead . They battled it out until J ohnson had to dro p back due to bik e problems, leaving th e lead for Ford. Cole Brothers Suzukimounted David Barberio was abl e to take over second leaving Nation th ird. Round two saw J ohnson take th e lead from the line, with Ford in close pursuit and Barberio in third. Johnson was abl e to hold off a stro ng charge from Ford to take the second moto win, but the overall for the da y went to Ford with Johnson taking second and Barberio taking home third. In the 250cc P ro class, H ondamounted Ken Zahrt took the holeshot and the lead with Andy Segale in second and Bu r ba n k Yamaha mounted Jim Coffey third. Zahrt was able 10 hold on to take the first moto win with Segale taking second and Coffey in third . Ro und two saw Johnson ta ke the lead followed by Zahrt and Sega le with Coffey in the fou rth spot. Segale a nd Coffey were ab le to p ut the pass o n Zahrt, dropping him into fourth p lace. As the flag dr opped, it was J ohnso n taking the win with Sega le second and Coffey th ird . The overall for the day went to Suzuki-mo unted Segale wi th seco nd going to Zahrt and third to Coffey. In the I25cc Pro class, there was no stopping hard-charging Suzukimounted Pat O 'Donnell as he took back-to-back wins. From the drop of the gate, it was all O 'Donnell with Kevin Hopgins, riding for Dick Allen Yamaha, taking home second and third going to Taft Honda-sponsored Dari n La yton. In the sportman classes, Suzuki of Van Nuys rider Dave Welty took the overall win in the 250cc Intermediate race with Dick Allen Yamaha/Hondamounted Eric Selgero taking second and third going to Oxnard Moped Can-Am-mounted Marin Kopman. Results 81 EX:I . Dannylllmb (Yam); 2. Ronnia Densford (Yem~ 81 INT; 1. Joe Brown (Yeml . 81 J R: I . Tony Suler(Yam); 2. Jeff lJlonard (Yam); 3. Greg Wi ne (Yaml. 83 EX: I. lIInce Johnson (Suz). 83 INT: 1. Troy Walty (Sull; 2. Jeff Reynolds (Yam); 3. Jeff Silll (Yom). 83 JR: 1. Chrlllllra (Sul l; 2. Tony Hemi ng (Yaml; 3. Kaith O'Naal (Yaml. 83 BEG: 1. Dar.-U Bangs (yaml; 2. Ale n Roth Abbun (Kaw). (Yam); 3. _ 100 JR: 1. Tony Mercier (yam); 2. RId< Smith (Yam). 12 5 BEG: 1. Doug Doody (Kawl : 2. Barry Katz (Sull; 3. Dave Malito (Hon). 250 BEG: 1. Clayt on Hall (Yam); 2. Clyde Will iams (SUl); 3. Dean lIIen (Yam). 500 PRO: 1. Adam Ford (Han); 2. Brand Johnson (Suz); 3. David Barberio (SUlI . 250 PRO: 1. Andy Segale (SUl); 2. Kenny Zahrt (Han): 3. Jim Cottey (Yom). 125 PRO: 1. Pet O'Donnell (Suz); 2. Kevin Hopkins (Yam~ 3. Dorin Lavton (Hon). VET EX; 1. Jim O'N"al (Mai); 2. Alan Varch id< (Yam); 3. Lou Sorensen (Yaml. VET INT: 1. Eric (Kaw ): 2. Ken. Sheperd (Suz). VET JR: 1. Bryon Oeneeo (Yaml; 2. Richard Drolen (HuI). 500 INT: 1. Dan Baker (Yam~ 2. Greg Perond (SU l~ 3. Lynn Dennil (Mai). 250 INT: 1. Dove Welty (SUl~ 2. Eric Silgero (Hanl; 3. Martin K10pmen (C-A). 125 INT; 1. Andy EIIiI (Yam~ 2. Lance Johnson (Suz); 3. Kenny Alexander (Yam~ 500 JR: 1. Jeff Bouchillan (Mai ~ 2. Joe Foley (Yam ~ 3. F.-nk Golden (Hon). 250 INT: 1. Mike RallChlte (Hon); 2. Jam.. Davil (Hant 3. J im Cooley (Yaml. 125 JR: 1. Eric HaUgarth (Suz);2. Sammy Avo ian (SUl); 3. Chril St, Marie (Yaml. 4 :50x17 A mU8t for a ll cycl ists. Co n ta i ns a s s o r t e d pat.cht"fl, (2) tw o CO t boulP8, rublwr cem ent i n pe-ll ts. • bu ff..f . and e valve stem adaptor with hose to fit all di rt bikes. Kt.rt.-rl bik~ . ATe's , etc. I1on 't be a UKh( n at. Plastic botto m. Grea t protection for en d uro . M·X. an d ",tn'<'t ridera . Ynu 'II like tbe per formance from dust. wind a nd deb ris _ nd the low pri ce. a By Debbie Matthews C t 'urn co rning or Koin R l'f' . .. one "i dt> w k_ (pit The turnout for the 14th ann ual Viewfinders GP, held at Riverside Raceway, was down from previous years. However, racing was excellent. . 250 WOM ENS EX (MXI: 1. Charleen Ho (Vaml. 125 WOM ENS EX (MX): 1. Karen Laitinger (SUl); 2. Randi Erenboug (SUl); 3. Tam Tracy (Vaml. 250 WOMEN EX (D): 1. Lori Farmer (Honl. 125 WOM EN EX (D): I . Sherry Lowery; 2. Debbie Hopkinl. 175 WOMEN NOV (MX): 1. Unda Christansen . 125 WOMEN NOV (D): 1. Vara Chartar. 250 WOMEN AM (01: 1. Undo Smart. 125 WOMEN AM (MX): 1. Kiny Mayfield; 2. Natalie Allen; 3. Debbie Greely. 250WOMEN NOV(D): 1. Peny Payne; 2. Marlene Boel: 3 . Alice LeRoy. 125 WOMEN NOV (MX): 1. Roxanne Ray; 2. PatriQa Stubner. 3. Lenora Del George . hU J::'lrintr ty tempered lpn s . Widt" a n g le of vision wi th clea r RIVERSIDE; CA, APR, 3 Results fa ce ~ fra mes for comfortableyt"l firm fit. Special safe- Leitinger lassoes women's Viewfinders GP Race on e of th e women was of particular interest as the ra in fro m two da ys pr ior added much mayhem to an alread y difficult course. The wom en 's class started o u t wi th Ch arleen Ho (250 Yam ) ta king 'the hol eshot. Randi Erenbourg got totally side ways in tum n in e as her bike seized, giving spectators and racers alike a thrill. Nursing her bike around the 10 mile course, she eventually ended up with a very credible fourth overall. By the end of lap one, things were taking shape. Leading was Lori Farmer, one minute ahead of second place runner, Kitty Mayfield (Amateur). Ro unding out the top three was Charleen Ho. Nowhere to be seen , however, was Karen Leitinger. Seven minutes later Karen sped by, obviously shaking off the effects of a fall. It looked likea deficit she would be unable to make up. By lap three, Karen had knocked two minutes off the leader's time and was closing fast. Ch arleen Ho, meanwhile, got swallowed by a mud monster and the men from Rescue 3 were more than happy to he lp out. O n lap fo ur, Lori Farmer stuck her foo t in a hole and was slowing in obvious pain. Karen Leitinger had moved up to third and on lap seven she passed Kitty Mayfield for second. Mayfield still held fi rst Amateur honors as the race was windingdown. Natalie Allen (second Amateur) was running a good race, only to fall while closing the gap on first Amateur Mayfield . Remounting with determination, she again went after Mayfield only to crash again. On lap eight Leitinger passed the ailing Lori Farmer and took the lead. Farmer dropped to fifth overall by the checkered but still took first Desert honors. Finishing order read Leitinger, Mayfield, Christensen, Erenbourg and Farmer. Second Amateur went todeterrnined Natalie Allen. First Novice was Linda Christensen. All had a good time and vow to return again next year. • 5 :00x17 ma rker for your m eMa ~f' . . . th e other s ide ta kes ('hulk! You'll ha ve your choice with th t" new HiPoint Pit Boa rd . UICht· weig ht . sturdy a nd most of a ll hand y!At yo ur H.P. deale r . HI-POINT * RACIIIG * PICK 'UM UP FROM YOU R HI- POINT D EALER (East) 3709 W . Er ie Avenu e . Lorain , OH 44053 (West ) 2650 H M e rcant il e Dr .• Rancho Cordov a. CA 95670 F 'nLITE ATTN: ALL SPEEDWAY RACERS IN CALIFORNIA! Brand New From ... LIGHTWEIGHT TRAILERS $369. ~ Speedway Tire ARROW R.A.S. Special all new rubber compound designed for California Tracksl ALSO AVAILABLE FOR 3-WHEELERS In Stock Nowl See Your Hi-Point D.elerl HI-POIIT .. R1CIIIG .. 800·854·1905 Products 800·542·6400 lNlQUE IN CALIF. 2650-H Mercant ile Dr. Rancho Cordova, CA 9567 (9 1 6) 635-2141 FUNCTlONAL PRODUCTS 135 Sunshine une. Dept G. San M8rcOS. CA 92069 CI.D> LONG BEACH CALIFORNIA D ISTR IB UTOR O n A ll Pa rt s & A cc es s o r ie s in S 10 c k YAMAHA· KAWASAKI ill GeeEnterprises Inc. I .£U70 L MayS- May 12 OF THESE FINE QUAUT'W' HIGH PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS WhoIeNI. • 'UI\! I Come in & save with this ad try us for .;;~~;; At The Traffic Circle 4200 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. Long Beach , CA 90804 (213) 597-3317 i YAMAHA MISSION VIEJO ln'" Prien I I I I • U• • O. AD 1982 Y _ i. Stack OPEN 7 DAYS Yamaha MI.slon VIejo 26371BAvo ryParkway. MilSionViai. CA 92675 . (!!!) 831-0601 ..

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