Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.u t b e r n Nevada- Soutbern Callfornla-Arlzona-5outbern Nevada. F=====FULLERTon YAmAHA====U beca use T rone had the bette r last moto fin ish he came off as the winner. Trone took th e season opener win and with thi s even ing's win he should be somewha t closer to gaining the necessary poin ts to adva nce to the Pro ranks. Denny Vorndran had th e same No. 86K as he did last year, but he decid ed to switch to H o nda. H e had th e firs t moto of th e 250cc Int ermediate class under his cont rol. Sco tt Crawford was running seco nd, bu t 1 ro ne was a fter him. Trone o ut -rnanuevered Crawfor d righ t after the cras h wall j um ps and took over seco nd. Time did not allow T ron e to catc h Vorndran, bu t he gai ned some yardage on the stre tch before th e finish. Trone was ab le to take a better start in th e second moto a nd avoided th e wo rk of pa ssing others. T he rest sta rted sh u ffling p laces. Steve Rawlinso n on a Honda was running second but fell back to fourt h . Vorn dran advanced to second place. Som etimes th ese riders like to yell at one another a nd try to psych each ot her out. Some of thi s was going on and Ed Abella tri ed it a nd was ab le to move up to th ird. Trone's 2-1 tall y was n' t perfect bu t it gave h im the overa ll victory over Vorn d ran and Rawl inson. Nex t to th e huge 125cc Jun ior classes , th e largest turn out is fou nd in the 250cc J un ior cla sses. Two div isions of good racing was seen . Maico rider Daryl Porter led Pat Samudio in th e o peni ng mo to of th e 250cc Junior Division One race. Mitch Cohen had a poor finis h in th e first rnoto, but came back to win th e fina l mo to. The leaders crashed o n a back crash wall and Co hen go t a good brea k. Daryl Porter was back in third thi s tim e. The best thing a bo ut th is race was wat ch in g Art Olivier and hi s dog race. Art took a fin e fourth p lace wit h all th e credit go ing to his co-pilot. Som e riders yell a t th e com petition , but Art had his dog bark. The score girls couldn't figure out how to people co u ld sign up on o ne entry form , but they soo n found out. A consistent pair of seconds earn ed Samudio th e overall whi le Porter was seco nd and T om my Atkins was th ird. In th e second divisio n of 250cc Juni or racing, Shawn Tracy ma de off with the first mo to win wh ile Mike Overbe was second. These two riders traded positions in th e final race. Ov er be had th e lead bu t Tracy was determined to catch him. ' On th e final lap Tracy got within a bike length of th e leader bu t couldn' t pull it off. It was O verbe, T ra cy and Ronn ie Duke on th e official resu lts. Motocross racers from Australia have been in So Ca l th e past coupl e of weeks. They were here to race in the World Mini Grand Prix and at th e sam e time they raced in some other local events. Toni g ht , Aussi e Brian Carroll ra ced at Ascot. Brian wo n two trophies as he defeated Mitchell White for th e loocc Junior class win and bea t twelve riders for the l25ccJunior Division Three titl e. It was a speci al day for J eff Conlin, he not only took ano ther 500cc Intermeidate victory, but also turned 23. Hi s friends surprised him after hi s race wi th a specia l Husky cake. Results MINI JR DIV 1: 1. Richard Bate. (Yamt 2. Robert MelUmolO (Yamt 3 . J im Con_ (Kew~ MINI JR DIV 2: 1. Chr is Hadnot (Kewt 2. Jeff Teylor (Yamt 3. John Beys (KewJ. MINIIHT: 1. Tony Fleming (Yamt 2. SCottMurphy (Yamt 3. Denny Bernett (Yam). MINI EX: I. Tim Rutherford (Kewt 2. Richerd Fleming (Yam~ 100JR: 1.llriIIn carroll (Yamt 2. M itchell White (yam). . - - • • .• • - - " _ . - 12 5 J R DIV 1: 1. Richard Reese (Kew); 2. M ike Hughes (Suz); 3. Phil Lemmons (Kew ). 12 5 JR DIV 2: I. Rich ie Hovi s (Vam); 2. Eddie Craig (Suz); 3. Tim U nehen (Yam). 12 5 J R DIV 3: 1. Scon Murphy (Yamt 2. Bri an carroll (Kew t 3. Rich Lloyd (Suz). 125 INT: 1. Ryen Roberts (Han); 2. Scon Graham (Yam); 3. Ron Hunt (Yam). 12 5 PRO: 1. Todd Peterso n (Yom); 2. louie Franco (Han); 3. Craig Dale ( Suz~ 250 JR DIV 1: 1. Pat Samudio (Yam); 2. Daryl , Porte r (M ai); 3. Tommy Atkins (Suz). 250 J R DIV 2: 1. M ike Overbe (Kaw ); 2. Shawn Tracy (Han); 3. Ren nie Duke (Han ). 250 INT: 1. Rob Trone (Hon); 2. Denny Vorndran (Han); 3. Steve Rewl inson (Han). 2 50 PRO: 1. Jim Holley (Yam); 2. Doug Nicol (Han); 3. Craig cable (Yam). SOO JR: 1. Jim Carte r (Vam); 2. Chr is M acKay (Ma i); 3. Vandell Bishop (Han). 500 INT: 1. Jeff Conlin (Hus); 2. Cra ig Hofmeist er (Han); 3. Bob Walsh (Han). SOO PRO: 1. Glen Seneca l (Yam); 2. Gary Jo nes (Mai); 3. Tad Hoyt (Yam). VET J R: 1. M ike Drews (KTM); 2. M ike McMillen (M ait 3. Hank San M igue l (M ai). VET INT: 1. Dickie MCMill en (Hus). VET MA STERS: 1. Carl Ga.. ty (Han); 2. Chr is . Ja ckson (Ma i): 3. Gary Clari<(Suz). . OLD TIME R J R: 1. Pau l Bu rton (Kaw) ; 2. W illi am M cKinley (Hon ); 3. Bernie Evans (Mai ). OLD TIM ER INT: 1. Jam e. Sheppard (M ai). WOMENS: 1. Jan M urray (Yam ); 2. Stephanie Jo nes (Yam); Coll een Rona n (Hon) . ATC J R: I. John A ndre (Han); 2. Jerry M eyer (Han ); 3. Bill Bouffard (Han). ATC INT: 1. George Ferr ie (Han): 2. Robert A ulicino (Hon); 3. Dann y Burn s (Hon). ATC EX: 1. Bart Milano ws ki (Han); 2. Ron Haase (Han); 3. Les Kaneshiro (Han). Norman takes three at Carlsbad IT IRC • Nino. Bridgestone " Y o u r Choice" Includes Tire & Inst all at ion Similar Savings On Other Accessories & 1982 Yamaha's " West Coast's Retail Outlet" :» Randy Norman brough t hi s Ya mahas to Carlsbad 's n ew District 38 TT and although he "came to have fun ," he swept two Expert classes and the Money race. Many riders rode more than one class, but Norman go t th e most for his mo ney. Norman faced Keith L yna s (H on) a nd Ed Ellis (Yam) in th e 250cc Expert class , and that's exactly how th ey finished. Ly nas lined his Honda up to have ano ther sho t a t Norman in the O pen Expert sho w bu t had to settle for second aga in . Motocrosser Brad H olt put his Husqvarna into th ird. L ynas and Ellis , fro m the 250cc race, got th eir last shot at Norman in th e Mon ey race. Elli s was th e one in second this tim e, bu t th e winner 's check still had th e sam e moniker on th e pa yola line. J o hn T aylo r, a new face in the 250cc Nov ice div ision. went for it on a new 250 Suzuki. H e felt pressure from two fla t track regu lars on Kawasakis. Lee Lindq uist p icked up second, and Don Windham brought home third. In the 80 to l25cc combi ned class, Dean Kuhn (Suz) took Steve Roger by surprise and went by in the hairpin . H e kept righton a 'ga in' a nd saw th e checkered first . Carlsbad 's TT is no t yet restricted to C lass C tra ctio n, so come on out and give it a blast! I~ \i. iu See. feel 8t touch our fine products at Fullerton Yamaha. ...;C ~ \ By Gena W indham & Carole Hargrove CARLSBAD, CA, APR. 18 Road Racing/Touring $59.95 Motocross - Adult $69.95 1~===FULLERTOn YAmAIIA==~1 OPEN 7 DAYS· M onday - (213) 723-1229 Friday 10-8 • Sa tu rday - Kee p wetehing for o ur w eekly s pecials S unda y 1 0-4 MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE Street, Dirt, J. WMel. Modified. Moped • LOW RATES • HIGH LIMITS • SPECIAL DISCOUNTS . SAVE l:P TO 70% Case 1 - 1000 cc - Same Driver, Model, Territory Competition $1197 - Ours $354 - Save 70% Case 2 - 750 cc - Same Driver, Model, Territory Competition $377 - Ours $214 - Save 43% It's Obvious We've Got Low Ra tes GIVE USA TRY Call or Write for a No Obligation Quote HARRISON INSURANCE AGENCY (213 ) 597-0311 5547 E. Seventh Street long Beach, California 90804 (213 ) 597-0312 80 / 125 COMBO : 1. Dean Kuhn (Suzt 2. Steve Roger (Yamt 3. Scott Keinsworth (Yam). 250 EX: 1. Randy Norman (Yam); 2. Keith Lyne s (Hon); 3. Ed Elli. (Yam). 250 NOV: 1. John Teylor (Suz); 2. Lee Undquist (Kewt 3. Don Windham (Kew ). OPEN EX:1. Randy Norman(Yam); 2. Keit h Lyna . (Hon ); 3. Brad Holt (Hus) . MONEY RACE: 1. Randy Norman (Yamt 2. Ed Elli. (Yam); 3. Keith Lyne s (Han). By Kit Palmer SUNNYMEAD, CA, APR. 18 Shorts and plenty of Gatorade . were definitely in-ordertodav : - (7 14 ) 870-9720 1835 W . Commonwea lt h Fullerton. CA 92633 Results Action heats up at DeAnzaMX .. Top competitors ~ insist on flUII alloy competition rims See you r nea rest dealer Sun Metal Products, Inc. P.o . Boa 1~ • warsaw. IN ~ Distribu18d In So. Call1fomill By DON'S nRE a CYCLE 1108W. Holt CA 91781 (7141988-6002 •

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