Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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er City- Searchlight_Sidewinder Road - Superstition Mountaln.- Jean - Rand Mountains - lucerne-Valley - Red Mounta in - . Plaste[ City - Searchlight - .Sldewind Walters tops CHC Hobo 100 enduro By Sy lvester Bogard LUCERNE VALLEY, CA. AP R. 18 Round three of the Ca lifornia G o lde n State En d uro Championship series was hosted by the Ca liforn ia Raci n g Club with new Can-Am support rider Tracy Walters taking the overall win. Walters moved up from the 200cc class this year to a 250cc and responded by beating o u t Dirt Bike Magazine editor Tom Webb (Ma i). Both lost j ust one point but th e enduro was won at th e end of the second loop where Webb was caught sleeping in a well disguised special test. Said Webb. "It was a great sec tion . foole d me co m p le te ly. It wa s j ust 3.2 m il es from th e finish a nd j ust 24 m p h. I fig ured it to be j us t a cruise section and was sorta loafing wh en I look ed a t m y clock a nd was horrified to see I was a fu ll minu te late! I sta rte d ha u lin g a nd jus t m ad e the finish chec k on ti me with two seco nds to spa re. H owever, it was a secre t chec k and a tiebreaker so I dropped a bunch of secon ds. Tracy rode a m ist ak e-free race an d deserved to win." Webb was mou nted on a new Mai co 490 test bike. The 1981 G o lden State Cha mp io n. Dave Bertram. from n orthern California, took th ird overa ll on hi s 430WR Husky. Bert ra m . a Husky su p port rider, edged o u t anothe r Nor Ca l ri der, J eff Irw in. Bo th dropped just two points. In at fifth overall. first B rider, was T im Crowder with a n excellent tWO point rider. Tim will proba bly be an A rider very soon wi th rides like that. The three loo p , IOO-m ile enduro attracted 600 riders . While C Re is a fam il y enduro circuit. the courses ha ve been set up to tak e a point o r two awa y from even the top riders, yet all owing the fam ily riders to hav e a good. fun rid e. a n idea l co m bina tio n. The C rid ers only had to ride two loo ps while th e Mini a nd under 16 riders onl y had to tackle th e fir st. All three loops were right aro u nd 35 miles eac h. an d eac h loop had its o wn d istinctive personality. One o f C RG s rules is to all ow no lat e points for two a n d th ree loop riders on the first loop to allow par ents to shepherd th eir " flock" without worry ing about lo sin g points. A good id ea . The firs t loop co nsisted of a lot of fai rly fla t terra in with a co up le o f " tigh t" sections th ro wn in to take some p oi nts away. T heon ly one looper to zero th e loo p , Mini A rider Todd J oh nso n. dropped just 34 seco nds. The Min i rider s dom ina ted with Min i B Scott J acobsen (Ya m) losing 1:40 to edge out Robert Wranosky just two seconds back. First woman in was Caroli ne Hoisted wit h a I:51 score. T he second loop ca me wi th a warnin g in th e rid ers' ins tructio ns: Lots o f sa nd. trial s tir es and m in is not recomme nded . And a very tri cky check a t th ree m iles out ca ugh t a w ho le lot o f riders ea rly . Now most rid ers knew th ere cou ld be a check ri gtu at th ree mi les. but a tri cky ro cky do wn hi ll at 2.8 pan icked some riders and as th ey approached the three mi le poi n t through some large roc ks, th e chec k was hidden very cleve rly arou nd a slight bend where the co urse co uld be seen contin u ing on its way . Poo r Garner Pal en ske (Mai ). D-37 n u m ber o n e 250cc rider. H e had th e mil eage sligh tly off and was trying to edge a hea d a nd hit th e ch eck th ree minut es early! That blew a very good ride, taking aw ay a su re top five finish . An other rid er to bite the dust a t th e check was Husky-sponsored J on Mill er , a lso th ree minu tes early . Pa len ske protested th e check a nd rode th e sect io n with co u rse la yout ch ief Larry Lang ley. The ch eck proved to be well within th e . 1 of a m ile error ' factor allowed and the check stayed. The loop then co n tin ued east int o the far end of Johnson Va ll ey where most of the riders hadn ' t ridde n in a w h ile, down into th e sa nd d u n e a rea a nd the n down a nast y steep sa nd downhill. From there on for awhi le, it was sa nd , sa nd, sa nd . " Better th an good o ld L ucerne Vall ey roc ks," comme n ted one ri der. Just 3.2 miles from th e end of th e loop was th e check- in to the aforeme ntioned spec ia l test. Mo st riders were a t lea st o ne minu te lat e. First ove ra ll two loop rider. losin g jus t one point, was Gerald La framboi se. a n Open Crid er . C RC referee Art J en sen has al rea dy trans ferred Lafra mboise to B rider. Five riders tu rned in two point rides with 250cc C rider Rick Jaeger leading th e way for seco nd overa ll two loo per. Debbie Newlan d, wife of AA rider G reg Newl and , won the A Woman class wi th a 40 point loss. T he thi rd loop was for AA, A and B. riders o n ly. C RC utili zed parts of the fi rst loop a nd then sp lit o ff into new section s for the third loop. At 3.5 mi les o u t a che ck-in kep t th e rid ers ho nest for the speci a l test. No riders zeroe d th is 3.0 m ile section. the best score wa s a one point loss. After a reset to get back o n time. th e riders found themselves into a tig h t section w he re o n the first loop th a t had ridden at 18 mph. Now th ey were ex pected to avera ge 24 mph and a who le bunch were ca ug h t when C RC set up a ch eck just into th e sectio n! Those ea rly points reall y hurt, Again the co u rse sp lit and went n orth into J oh nson Valley into a li tt le used section . Comi ng back o u t onto a road. the co urse wen t cross-co u n try around a littl e hi ll wh ere the la st secret chec k was waiting . Aga in a n u m ber o f ri ders were ca ugh t ea rly as C RC co nce n tra ted on snea ky chec ks. • Results THREE LOOPS: 1. Tracy W alters (1.90); 2. Tom We bb (1.10 8); 3. David 8en ram (2.127); 4 . Je ff Irwi n (2.1 4 3); 5. Tim Crowder (2.187); 6 . Robb M esec her (3 .168); 7. (TIE) Kenny McLean/Greg New land (3 .17 6); 9. Harry Keast (3 .183); 10 . Brett Till y (3.1 87 ). TWO LOOPS : 1. Gerald Laframboise ( 1.8 1); 2. Rick J aeger (2. 124); 3. Tom Phoen ix (2.135); 4. Gary D. Sm ith (2. 138); 5. Har ry M ulder (2. 163); 6 . Phil Wi tliams (2.1651 7 . M ich ael 8omer(3.147 ); 8 . ; Blair Laframboise (3 .1 62); 9 .(TIE)Jo hn Bingaman/ Bob loenhorst (3. 1661. seen ONE LOOP: 1. Todd Johnson (0 .34 ); 2. Jacobsen (1.40) ; 3 . Roben J . W ran osky (1.42) ; 4. Paul Adv ey (1. 43 ); 5. (TIE) Car oli ne Hol st ed/ Ky Kl eiber (l S I) ; 7. Steve Rife nburg (1.6 6); 8 . (TIE) Denni s Snow/ Tracy M cClell an (1.67); 10. Billy Husto n (1.70 ). r--------------::::::::==::::::---------------T----------------------------CLASS, lTV G.P. ication GP - : (For So Cal Usel D ATV o OOYSSEY o STOCK o SUPER STOCK o MODl FI ED o HV WT o HACK D LTWT o UNCLASSIFIED ENTRIES O PEN ON -MAY 7 th SEM) PHOTO COPY OF Cl.ASSlFlCAnoN ZIP Entries Close June 15 th Entry Fee Ma~ $25 - Post $35 o SRA _ a ATV UfOC~"A'''I O ADD U "" LEDGES THAT HE ASSUMES THE RISK OF ANY FOR INFORMA TlO N CALL EVES EVES ERS . DUE TO HIS PAR TICIPATION IN THIS EVEN T AlLEN (2 13) 42 3-2646 (21 3) 76 7.0667 10 LOSS THE AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION . LUB OR ORGANIZATION: AND THE OWN ERS OF THE RON l lE NTRANT I ANOIOA " " " l I" IN ITIALS! U A DDRE SSED STAMPED lfGAl SIZE ENVHOPES AN D A PHOTO cop y OF ON CARD (DISTRICT CARD, CAl , AME, C esc. SRA, ETC.) SENO ENTRY TO, ALL SUN DAY 1ST PLACE $5 00 .00 2N D PLAC E S250 .00 - "' 4T H PLACE $ 75.00 "'5TH PLACE $45 .00 3RD PLACE 5100.00 - "6TH PLACE $30 .00 RACES, CA L M.e . SO CAL M.e. 2405 MAY FI ELD 15233 ARDATH MONTROSE. CALI FORNIA 91020 GA RDEN A. CALI FORNIA 90249 51 ~-----------------------------------------------~-----~-----------

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