Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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llftlIa. - V.atara - Aubura - Napa - Cc.-ta Mesa - San Be r aardla. - Veatara - Aubura - Napa - Cc.-g Mesa - Saa Bernardlao - Veatara- Scratch ma in tonight at John La Do uceur's In lan d Moto rcycle Speedway. Keith C h ri sco (Vans /Ha n coc k Weslak e) jumped o ut front on the start fro m the p ole position ahead of Gene Woods (7-Up/Matrix Godden), Christian (ST P Godden ) and Dave DeTemple (Dale's Mod ern Cycle/ Sn ap-On T ools Jawa )-.The contrversy came as th e bungee cor d used to pull the tapes down by th e off icia ls became ca ug h t in the cras h wall gate. When th e tapes were released on ly the insid e portion went all th e way up. DeTernple, who was coming from the number fou r spot, had to duck under the tapes on the outside, causing him to get a poor start. Chrisco led through turn two when Christian, who had already taken Woods, slipped by for the lead. As Christian began to lengthen his lead, DeTemple began to make up lost ground and pressure Woods for third. The 20-year-old Riv erside rider got the job done as the y came down for the white flag. Christi an con tin ued to add to his lead and took the checkered flag a half straightaway a head of the race, DeT em ple a nd his fat he r angrily protested the start, but referee Irwin Moon stuck to his g u ns, ca llin g the race off icial. Kurt Strommer (Mt, View Fo reign Auto/Hair By Bev Weslake) cont in ued h is fin e riding in the early season as he took th e victo ry in th e Handicap main. Strommer, com ing from th e 10, took th e lead on the start o ver Rob Pfetzing (Valvoline/P.R .P. Weslake ), Jan Ballard (Ballard Enterprises J awa ) a nd Jim Lawson (D.J.'s Ticket Service/Part Pl us Jawa) . Strommer and Pfetzin g bumped their way through the first two corners as th e latter tri ed to force his way th rough al ong the pipe . Strom rner held him off a nd assumed tota l con tro l as they raced do wn the back ch ute . Lawson went into turn three in fourth a nd ca me out in second as he go t by both Ballard and Pfetzing. Lawson was able to close th e distance between h imself and Strommer but was unable to ca tch the San Bernardino resident, who posted h is first IMS victory of the seaso n. Fo llowing the lead duo were Pfetzing, Eddie Ingels(K Cycle/Hi-PointJawa), Steve Columbo (T erry 's Wa terbeds/Hair Factory Jawa ) and Ballard. Seventeen-year-old Mike Mazzacane (D. J .' s Ticket Service/Parts Plus Jawa ), ridi ng for the fir st time since his cra sh at Ventura, pi cked up the win in one of th e most thrilling Second Division races held in years. Kansas City's Jimm ie O 'Dell (L ubri Tech J awa) took the lead on th e start from th e zero over IO-yard-line starters Mazzacane and Wayn e Leutz (S&S Constructi on/Drake Jawa ). Dennis Briggs (Jim Busby Ra cin g/ H ancock Design Godden ) immediately went to the cushion , ra cing aro u nd Mazzacane and Leutz to get a shot a t O 'De ll. Briggs was able to pull even but was unable to get by O 'Del l. While Briggs was trying th e ou tsid e, Mazzacane had pulled along the inside with Leutz inches beh in d , wa iting for any of th e three frontrun ne rs to make a mistake. Briggs was the first rider to drop from th e free-for-all as he painfu lly disl ocat ed h is left knee but cont in ued to rid e. O 'Dell and Mazzacane continued to go at it side by side until th e yo u ngs er, wh o also won his heat race, took th e lead at the white flag. O 'De ll th en bobbled in turn one, let ting Shane Hawley (Hendricks GMC! Ca l. Coventry Jaguar Wesl ak e), com ing from the 30, a nd Leutz get by. Mazzacane took his first IMS main o f the season with H awley sec o nd, O'Dell third, Briggs. who limped home, fourth, Guy Ermolenko (Gaston & Di llon Jawa) fifth and Leutz, who fell in the final corner, sixth. Talented Randy Blevins (Hancock Design/Grin Products Jawa) rode the outside to take his first-ever IMS Third Division main. Comi ng from th e 10, Blevins took the lead from Brian Speaks (Jawa) in turn four on the opening ci rcu it. New Zealand's Ch ris Martin (Frank Schuter jawa) starte d a ll th e way back on the 30 a nd moved by Steve Flanagan (Jawa) for thi rd on lap three. Martin and Flanagan both o vertoo k Ken Wi lliams (J.A.P.) as he made contact with the back ch u te wall on th e final lap. For Blevins it was h is seco nd victory for the even ing. Martin held off Flanagan for second foll owed by Williams, Spea ks a nd Doug Duboi s (H arleyDavidson of Fullerton Jawa ). Ala n Ch ri stian proteg e J ordan Duncan took th e lead from Ryan Evans at the end of lap two a nd ne ver looked back on his way to his first IMS victory of the season in the Junior Speedway main. Following Dunca n , wh o ca me from th e 30, were Dave Busby, d efending N ational Jun ior Champion Ronnie Corey, Evans, Jaime Finch and Scott Corey. The en tire IMS staff would like to wish a speedy recovery to Ca me ro n Evans who required surgery af ter being injured in th e Junior Speedway main event at Costa Mesa on April 23. Everyone at IMS is looking forward to seei ng Cameron a t the races in the not too distant fu ture. Remem ber , IMS will be dark on Ma y 5, but there will be more ac tio n than anyone can handle when John Cook returns from England to do battle with the southern Ca lifornia regulars on May 12. "Cookie, " as he is known in England, is one of the most entertaining and talented riders in the world. May 19, all ch ildren 12 years old and younger will be admitted free when accompanied by an adult. On hand that night will be BMX ace, "jurnpin' J im " Pratt, who will astonish you with some of his feats on a bicycle. • Results SCRATCH MAIN : 1. Alan Christian: 2. Kaith Chrisco; 3 . Dave DeTemple; 4 . Gene Woods . HAN DICAP MAIN : 1. Kun Str ommer; 2. Jim Lawson; 3. Rob Pfetzing; 4 . Eddie Ingels; 5. Steve Columbo; 6. Ja n Balla rd. SECOND DIV: t . Mike Mazzacane; 2. Shane Haw ley; 3. Jimmie O'Dell; 4 . Dennis Briggs; 5. GuV Ermolenk o; 6. W ayne Leutz. . THIRD DIV: 1. Randy Blevins; 2. Chris Manin; 3. Steve Flanagan; 4 . Ken Williams; 5. Brian Speaks; 6. Dou g Dubois. J R SPOY: 1. J ordan Duncan; 2. Dave Busby; 3 . Ronnie Corey; 4 . Ryan Evans; 5 . Jaime Finch; 6 . Scott Corey. HIX SEARS POINT RACEWAY • Watch the top U.S. Endurance teams do battle at the Budweiser Grand Prix. see 160 mph top speeds and hairraising lean angles. Ifyou missed Daytona, don't miss Sears Point Raceway. Get discount "Supertickets" exclusively at Bass ticket outlets. YOU PAY $10 FOR BOTH DAYS OF RACING INSTEAD OF$16 AND YOU GET A GARAGE PASS TOO!CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE SATURDAY, MAY 15 WIN A KAWASAKI KZ550 • Qualifying TIme Trials For Sunday's Events Enter the Kawasaki Sweepstakes at any participating Kawasaki dealer or Budweiser retail outlet. This Is yourchance10 win a 1982 KZ550 Sport In the drawing between Sunday's races. 10:00 11:00 12:00 ....-.. ~~. Exhaust Systems FREE RACING POSTERS The first 50 people whostop by their participating Kawasaki dealer will receive a free racing poster when entering the Kawasaki Sweepstakes SEARS POINT RACEWAY sears Point RacewayIs located at theJunction ofHighways 37and 121 InSonoma, CA, 45 miles north of San francisco, 50 miles from Socramento. Kawasaki AFM. PRO. INC. 49

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