Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Iea rures a bu i lt -in A u to ma tic T em perature Contro l Valve tha t will give fas ter warm-ups in cool winter weather , an d a llows co mp lete en gi n e p ro tection in th e hot summer h ea t. T he kit co mes co mplete wi th all necessa ry mounting hardwar e, engi n e ada p ters and in stru ction . And li ke all Dera le Oil Cool ers, it co m es with a wa rranty. Suggested list price is $94.50. For more in format ion see yo ur local deal er or write: Deral e Oi l Coolers, Dept. C N, 138 W. Garden a Blvd. , G arden a , CA 90249. Wa nt to ma ke yo ur Ka wasaki G Pz550 a litt le different? T ry a Cafe Sadd le. The sadd le o ffers lo wer sea t heigh t wi th Eu ropean styling for a more tu cked in riding pos itio n. The sadd le is covered with bl ack vin yl acce nted wi th red inse ns. The p rice is 110 a t yo ur Ka wasa ki dea ler. CN 00 en 1""""4 Deral e Oil Coolers is now off ering a n o il coo ler kit for th e 198 1/1982 Yamaha Virago XV750 an d XV920 (Dera le pa n number Y-IOT ) that moun ts on the side of the m o torcycl e. T his oi l cooler kit co mes wi th a n ai r scoop that directs th e flowing ai r th rough th e oil cooler. T he cooler If yo u r Yam a ha XS 1100 is read y for a new set o f mufflers read on. T he J ard ine sli p o n muffler co u ld sa ve yo u so me bu ck s. Just sa w off th e old muffler s and slip o n j a rdine's . You don 't have to re-jet , They fit 1978-80 sta n da rd m od el s. Check o ut yo u r local dea ler or have him write J ard ine H eader Co. , Dep t. CN, 7142 Belgrave, Garden G ro ve, CA 92641 for more in fo. Do yo u always get thirsty wh en yo u 're 20 mil es away fro m yo u r rest ar ea? T ry Malcolm Smith's Farm -Teen , a co m bina tio n fa nny pack an d ca n teen . The pack has a large rear co m pa rtrnent and two sm aller side pockets p lus an adj us ta ble belt with quick re lease bu ckl e. T he large co rnpartrnen t co n ta ins a two quan plasti c bl adder wit h a handy dr in ki ng tube and a sh ut -off va lve. T he Fa rm -T een se lls for .$35.90 and co mes in red, blue or yellow. See yo ur favo ri te Ma lcolm Smi th Raci n g Products dea ler for more in fo. H i-P oint Racin g Pro d ucts hasn' t forgo uen the mini rider. T here's a fu ll line of MX pan ts a nd raci ng jerseys just rig h t for the rider o n th e way up. The pants co me in wa ist sizes 22 th ro u gh 26. Bo th the MX pa n ts a nd th e vented jerseys come in all popu lar tea m names a nd co lors. See yo ur H iPo int dea ler a nd don't forge t to chec k o ut the Hi-Point m in i gloves, boots a nd Bod Pod s. " - Look ing for a bit more power fro m yo ur Kawa sak i KZI 000/ KZ900/Z I/ZI R? Ch a m p io n Moriwa ki USA may ha ve the ans wer wi th th eir racing va lve ki t. Ch a mpio n says it wi ll decr ease va lve tra in weight , red uce port restricti on a nd increase va lve area wh ich adds up to m ore go -power. Fo r mor e info o n th e 625 kit wr ite th em a t Dept. CN , 1980 H arbor Blvd ., Costa Mesa , CA 92627. Champion Moriwaki USA now has 26m m Keih in racin g car bu retor kits for mid-sized spons bik es. T he Keihin CR Specia ls a re design ed for ยท four-cylinder 550cc engines a nd are ava ila ble for Ka wasaki 's 1980 KZ550, an d 1981 KZ /GPz 550 plus th e 198182 Yamaha Seca 550 a n d Suzu ki 's 1977-82 G S550. T he cos t is $459. If yo u r dealer doesn 't carry the Moriwaki line have h im contact them a t Dept. CN, 1980 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa , CA 92627. Husq varna Products has introduced a pe rfor ma nce kit for 1982250 CR an d XC model s. The kit co nsists of p orting specifica tions used by T eam H usqvarna a nd a high performance, Husqvarn a designed ex ha ust pipe. The new p ipe is almost 20 percent lighter than th e stoc k item. See your Husqvarna dealer or write to Husqvarna Products, Dept. CN, 4925 Mercury Sr., San Diego, CA 92111. Sw allow T ires offers a bro ad range of dual -purpose un iversal tires with a select io n of six tread p atterns. The patterns are specially designed for use by nearly every model of off/on road motorcycle. The angled tread provides grip on th e ro ad as well as in th e din. For more info see yo ur dealer or have him contact Swallow at Dept. CN, 20435 Susana Rd ., Long Beach, CA 90810. 35

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