Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 05 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• C us to m m ad e a nt' piece R o ad Ra ce o r To uri ng S uits m ad e o f 100% unsp lit so h lea th er. also a vaila b le 2 p iece Dirt Track Slyles $599. + C.O .D. I: Shipping. • Street a nd T ouring Ja cket s. Superb craft smanship of same 100% leather a., our full su its, Special In troductory Price $ 1 99.50 + C.O.D.I: Shipping. • Imported Motocross BoolS with treaded or smooth sol es sized 6 - 12 $94.95 , Siaes I - 5 $64.30. • Road bee. Street. or Touring Boots · Red or Black with Double Padded Shill Lever Area $69.50. CALL TOLL FREE (except Tex~~-800-S31-7964 In Texas 1-512·7 194 PRO STAR OF TEXAS, INC., 4519 FREDRICKSBURG RD. SAN ANTONIO, 1)( 78210 Dealers!!! Distributors!!! Manufacturers!!! Put Your Motocross Business Out Front.•. ye/e News AdvertisIng! 404/934-7850 East 21.3/427-7433 We. (Top) Penhall studies Steve Kimball treading into turn one ; (Above) He exhorts Paul Clipper with the helpful but terrifying tip - "Gassitl" Doesn't have to cost more s,. tu rn. I th in k you're looking a t th e wa ll, and it's making yo u go th ere ." T he next laps were better . Sp eeds were up - I think - for better or worse. It was a lit tle fru strating. One co rner would feel pr ett y good th en I'd blow th e o th er . I was getting a taste for it , though, and I lik ed it. When th e time ca me for me to sto p , I realized more full y th at riding a speedway bike properly and a t speed is work. My laps a t a tte mpted speed worked up a good sweat , a nd m y rig h t leg was stiff and cramped from doing what a m o unted to a n isomet ric exercise with it for abou t 10 T g on laps. I wanted to do it again , th ough ; I had to . Four o f m y peer s - Cycle World 's Pet er Egan, Alla n Girdler an d Steve Kimball a nd Dirt Bike's Paul Cli p per - too k th eir turns, eac h displayin g varyi ng amounts of da ring an d a p ti tude for th is ani ma l. Good mo torcycle riders don 't necessar il y mak e good speed way riders. I hopped a boa rd th e o ld two-val ve J awa for th e fi na l ride of the da y, deter m ined to wic k it up a bit more and p ut into practice wh at Pen ha ll had offered. Things did go sm oo the r a n d faster ; I may have even gotten u p to T hi rd Divi sion spe ed. It was still di fficult to enter a co rner a t "spee d" a nd force m yself to gas it to slide and slow down . bu t I cou ld occas ionally put together a who le la p around th e 10th-mile track without ma king too many mistakes. The nirvana en ded very abru p tly go ing into turn three. One moment I was heading down th e back strai gh t, the next I was tumbling head over heels on th e ground. It happen ed so quickl y, I'm uncertain wh at ca used it . Due to frame geome try, a spe edway bik e does thi ngs in th e blink o f an eye, leav in g the novice no tim e to react. Wi th that brief introd uction, spee dway racers ga in ed a deep er , heighten ed respect in my eyes. These things were hard enough to ride on a sli ck, dr y track. It 'd be even more difficult to tak e th em o u t on a damp, raceprepped track with a deep cu sh io n . Even m y rides left me with so re muscles for a cou p le da ys from th e stre tchin g a nd acroba tics needed in turns. Speed way ra cers a re n ' t w im ps. They're a s skilled a t what th ey do as ' a ny pro m otocrosser or road racer , but th e skills th ey do possess are so d ifferen t from th ose nee ded in o ther facets of the sport, that ra rely can someo ne ride a speedway bike and an y o the r type well. The next time you laugh at a grou p of Third Divisio n rid ers fall in g over eac h othe r in the first turn. don ' t think you co u ld get right on one of their bik es an d • wh ip 'ern . .1iIl. 8lI... SIIot ... l!iH. tl&.. Griffs PlnlS(pllin) $ 99.00 Griffs Pints (111m) 105.00 115.!15 139.00 AXO Boots 1•.• Olldey 0120 Gogglls 20.00 US FOlm Grips 4.95 20.75 ChrDmDly 'Worn" Bors 25.95 BoI·RlY Me·, + 3.25 ea. 2.25 ... (12 minimum) PJ·, GDld Firl 3.50 II. 2.50 II. (12 minimum) Aluminum Sillnclls from 40.95 34•• Aluminum SPlrte fl1lm 61.95 53.95 Anlstors OIHlnd11l Pro LeVllrs 15.50 12.40 18.95 Moguro P....R ·Levlls 15.25 Aluminum BoDst Bonles 39.95 32.. A /I items Shipped U .P.S. Add $3.50 lor Shipping Ie Handling MINIMUM ORDER $20.00 CATALOG $2.00 CALL OR WRITE FOR MORE INFO. Reduced Prices all '81s ALL '82 MODELS IN STOCK!!! Race Proven Performance and Reliabilityl You name it. we got it! (213) 892-3703 _U 10206 Collett Ave., ~~. ~Sepulveda, CA 91343 ~~DlgrRIBUTING UPS Daily Call Toll Free 800/325·9961 • D ail e M un g e n a sl D IRT BIKE HQ 6820 Gr av ers 51 l.o urs M o 63116 13 1413 51 1886 CURNUTT SHOCKS 75992 Basel ine Twentyn ine Palms. CA 92277 714/367-9179 33

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