Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 03 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Clockwise from above) Larry Roeseler captured the 250cc Intent. Drew Smith wound up tied for second 250cc. Glenn Hollingshead was top 125cc. Fritz Kad lec was the rider tied w ith Smith. ing muck. Rutten came into gas saying, " Scot saved my life!" After gas and check six, the field started both loops again with higher speed averages. Thirty miles down the road wai led the fa teful fina l motocross test. Ha rden posted his score of 406 seconds, 12seconds faster than Roeseler and Mi ller a nd 19 seconds faster than th ird fastest Kadlec. 14 After lea vin g the motocross, Penton gOI a fla t tire and had the flat repaired in less than five minutes but a balky air bottle put him eight to 10 minutes late. He made up the time and was one of four 125s 10 clean the last check. His haste helped him 10 trim 15 seconds off of his first grass track score on the second time through, It wasn't enough, Specula- tion had him finishing 60 seconds in the lead , even with the flat tire if the air bottle hadn't failed. Only Kadlec was hurt by the final grass track. He improved his score only one point over his first time through, while Smith trimmed his origina l score by I I slices of a minu te, putting him in a tie with Kadlec for seco nd 250cc Int ent. Roesel er improved h is score by at least six poi nts which o n ly wide ned his lead to 40 poi nts a nd lef t Harden out of reac h. At 12:15 key time, thefirst rider had entered the last motocross test. At 2:15 that first rider was supposed to be 40+ miles dow n the trail, through a gas stop and a grass track test. After the grass track, half of the 175s dropped one minute at the 11th check. Fourteen minutes had been allotted for the final section on the first time through . For the final sprint for the flag the course got tighter and only seven minutes were allotted till the finish! Three of the finishing 125s made the check without pena lty but all were int o their grace period. Only nine of the 20 finishing 250s were ab le to make the finish without penalty. The desert racers were rea lly on the gas! Roeseler tr ied to pass a rider do wn the h ill into the fin ish and flew o ff a cl iff about 10 feet high, into rock s . without ever sh u tting off. The 500cc Intent riders fared somewhat better with more than half reaching the finish before the expiration of their grace. A protest was lodged by riders who go t lost in the fina l section, a section they had already ridden. The AMA went out and checked the area and let all checkpoints stand. After the finish Harden said, "I wanted to win my class, I was second last weekend, but I'm really kind of shocked, I didn' t expect 10 beat Larry. I just ho pe there is nothing wrong with the computer." • Results 125 INTENT: 1. Glenn Hollingsheed 1560 (KTM ): 2. M ike Melton 162 1 (Hus): 3. Owight Rudder 1633 (Hus); 4. Keith Moore ; 640(Kaw); 5. Lewis Sum ner 1827 (KTM). 175 INTENT: 1. lack Elkin s 1547 (C-A ): 2. Morr ill Gr iff it h 1587 (Yeml: 3. Scon Atch ison 1593 (Suz): 4. Gart h W illi ams 176 6 (SWM); 5. W illiam Perkin s 190 7 (Yem). 250 INTENT: 1. Larry Rooseler 14 31 (Yam): 2. (TIE)Fr itz Kadlec/ Drew Smith 1471 (Kaw): 4. Kevi n Brown 14B3 (Hus): 5. Kavin Hinas 151 9 (Hus). 500 INTENT: 1. Scot Harden 1422 (Hus): 2. Chuck M iller 1436 (Yam); 3. Chip Howell 146 7 (Yam); 4. Dan Smith 14 99 (Hus): 5. Tom 8uckles (Hus).

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