Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 03 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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thern Nevada- Southern California-Arizona-Southern Nevada- Southern California-Arizona-Southern Nevada-Southern Call Pat ri ck O 'Keefe and Brett Redman . 250cc No vice Co lin Ryan fini sh ed just ahea d o f Open Novice Charlie Stro ng to win th e race an d hi s class as Cal Stue bner ca me in ri ght on th eir muffl ers for seco nd 250cc No vice. Behind th em , a nd seco nd Open , was Mar k H aines wi th So u th Africa's J im m y Redman rig ht beh in d h im , leading Scott Jewel l. Andy Dal e too k the Open Begi n ner wi n an d Frances Bogush th e 250cc Begi nner wi n. Expe rt William Su rra t ra n o ff fro m th e rest of the lads in th e Min i race. Closest to Surra tt wa s Interm ediat e J ohn Ge rsjes while Nicky Pounds, from Victorville Suzu ki , sett led for seco nd Interm ediat e ahead of Lancas ter 's C h uc k Val en zuela. Gene Baldwin took th e Novice ra ce from Keith Mora bito, and Travis J efferson wo n th e Begin n er race followed by Robert Forest, Dave T hacker and Kenneth Ta te. Results 80 BEG: 1. Travis Jefferson (Suzl; 2. Robert Forest (SUl ); 3. Devid Thacker (Han). 80 NOV: 1. Gene Beldwin IVam); 2. Keit h More · bito (Yam ); 3 . Shawn Burrell (Yam) . 80 INT: 1. John Ger sjes (Kaw ); 2. Nicky Pounds (Suz); 3 . Chuck Val enzuela (Yam ). 80 EX:l . Will iam Surra tt (Kaw). 60 BEG: 1. Jason Black (yam ). 125 BEG: 1. Alex Lopel (Yam); 2. David Klein (yam); 3. Bryan Irons (Ya ml. , 125 NOV : 1. Steve Cardillo (Yam ); 2. TedStuebner (yam); 3. John Ray (SUl). 1251NT: 1. Chr is Lance (Kaw) ; 2. Jason Rincon (Kaw); 3. Larry Bohlken ISul). 250 BEG: 1. Mike Lofton (Yam); 2. Glen Comer (Yam); 3. Lance Bagley (Hon). 250 NOV: 1. Colin Ryan (Yam); 2. Cal Stueb ner ISuz); 3. Earl Penny (Suz). 250 1NT 1. Mike Edmonds (Yam); 2. Jim Verm il ; lion (Yam); 3. Charles Penny (Suz). OPEN BEG; 1. Andy Dale (Yam); 2. Howard Dunn (Hus). OPEN NOV; t . Charlie Strong (SUl); 2. Mark Ha ines (Suz); 3 . Jimmy Redman (Yam) . OPEN INT; 1. Rick Grant (Ma i); 2. M ike Copello (Yam); 3. Verl in Van Zee (Ma i). WOMEN BEG: 1. Patti Marshall (SUl ); 2. Lenora Del George ISuz). WOMEN NOV; t . Roxanne Ray IHon). WOMEN EX: 1. Karen Leitinger ISul); 2. Gale Webb (Han); 3. Tam Tracy (Hon). VET BEG: 1. Tom Fiala (Yam); 2. Paul Burton (Kaw). VET NOV: 1. Chuck Rowe (Yam); 2. M ike O'Leary (yam); 3. Robert McBane (Kaw). VETINT: 1. David Wilson (Sul): 2. Tim Cash (Suz); 3. Frank Quick (SUl). VET EX: 1. Ron Gibson (Hon); 2 . Sam Groce (Yam ); 3. Kurt Dietrich (Suz). PROS: 1. Rendy vettc (125 Vern); 2. Andy Jetterson IOpen Hus); 3. Pat Hubbs (1Z5 SUl ). Jefferson, Yetto, Hoover CMC Sunrise winners By Bert Valenzuela ADELANTO, CA, FE B. 21 Andy J efferson (O pen), Jim Hoover (250cc) and Randy Yetto (1 25cc) won their respective Pro races and th e accompanying bucks at th e Ca liforn ia Moto-s ports Club's Sunrise Vall ey motocross. T he " Dan dy Du o" (Ra ndy and Andy)and Jim Hoover mana ged to come u p wtih a clea n sweep for th e desert dwell ers. In mot o one for big bikes, Bill Keefe jumped out front a nd held th e lead for five laps. On la p six. J efferso n, rapidl y recu peratin g from a knee injury, decided h is kn ee was a ll ri ght a nd o pen ed it up. Once h e pa ssed Keefe, it wa s all over . He enjoyed his " na tura l" position and just kept pulling a way. Pl acentia 's Ted H oyt was n' t conceding a thing, h owev er, as he repeatedly ch a llen ged for th e number two spot a ll th e way to th e che ckered £lag. The seco nd m oto sa w H oyt hol esh ot and lead for one lap. J efferson resumed wh at h e considers h is rightful pl ace an d left Ronn ie Gi bson 10 fight it ou t with H oyt for second wh ile holding off Keefe. They crosse d the finish lin e with Gi bson sa ndwiched between th e two yo u n gsters. Hoover didn 't h ave it as easy in going for h is two Iirstsin th e 250cc co nt est. In both mot os h e h ad to overtake an d h old o ff a nothe r d esert dwell er, Woody Ca rl son, wh o worked very hard an d rod e brill iantl y in a vain effort 10 regai n th e lead. Canoga Park's Doug Ben no was thi rd . T he seco nd moto was a rep ea t, exce p t tha t it took H oover n in e cir cuits of the ch all en gin g m ile and a half co u rse to pass Ca rlson. Agai n Benn o was in hot purs ui t, bu t to spice thi ngs u p To m Brown e ' came u p a nd p us he d Benno all th e way. Cl ose bu t n o cigar. T he fir st three spots went to -th e same three ri ders that look the first race. Yetto, who obvio us ly di gs th e new track layo ut, led th e 125s with Pa t Hubbs th e o n ly othe r rid er wi th in any sort of stri king distan ce. " Dandy" Randy seems to ge t better a nd faster with each ou ting, alt hough Hubbs rode a helluva race trying to sta y close. Jim G ib son a lso gave a good account of himself , taking th ird in this very fast race. Greg Pworkowski (I n termediate), who finish ed second to Cal Stuebner (J un ior) in the first moto, switch ed places with Cal in moto two to win top h onors in the 250/0pen Juor/ Interme dia te race. Cal was con so led by h is first place fin ish am on g the Jun ior s as both riders beat the big bik es. Phil Da vy got a sti ff arg u rnent from Dan Rader and James Daniels bu t managed to stay in front for th e Open Junior win. Scott T h iede ma n edged out Rader and Daniel s as he to ok th e seco nd spot behind Stuebner. Johnny Ra y lost th e first rnoto, in th e last two laps, to Alex Lopez in the I 25cc Jun ior co ntest. Aller a clo se mspection o f th e turf at tu rn two, h e re-g rou p ed a nd p assed Lo pez o n lap five to ta ke th e win in tha t class. Both of these lads fin ished ahead of Inte rmedia te Lou is Sp ringer , as d id Nick y Pounds on hi s Victorvill e Suzuki 80. T he win ner in th e Mini Juni or group was Travis Je fferso n, wh o fin ish ed ahead of Steve Sailing and Rob ert Forest. • Results OPEN PRO: 1. Andy Jefferson (Hus ): 2. Ted Hoyt (Vam); 3. Bill Keefe (Hus). OPENJR ; 1. Phil Davy(KTM ); 2. Dan RaderISuz); 3. James Dan iels (Ya m). 250 PRO: 1. Jim Hoover (Suz); 2. Woody Carlson (Yam) ; 3. Doug Benno (Ha n). 250 JR: 1. Cal Stuebner (Suz); 2. Scott Thiedeman (Ma i); 3. Mike Ishida IMa i). 250 INT: 1. Greg Pworkowski IKaw). 125 PRO; 1. Randy Vello (Vam); 2. Pat Hubbs (Suz); 3. Jim Gibson (Yam). MINIJR; 1. Travis Jeffarson (Suz); 2. Steve sau ing {Yam}; 3. Robert Forest (Suz). MINI/NT: 1. Nicky Pounds ISuz). 125 JR: 1 . John Ray(Sul); 2. Alex Lopez(Vam); 3. Mike Voumaus ISul). 125 INT: 1. Louis Springer (Suz). 43

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