Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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nada· Northern California·Northern Nevada-Oregon-Washington -Idaho-Utah-Alaska-Canada-Northern California-Northern Nevada-Oregon-Washington-Idaho-Ut to fourth . Papp took the moto win with Sm ith taking second. Hansen finish ed third leavin g him with th e series win . Irigary finished th e m ot o fourth with a seri es finish o f second. MIN I J R MOD 12- 16: 1. J . SiUs: 2. J. Clifton; 3 . M . Elsberry. MINIINT MOD 9- 11: 1. K. Lewi s: 2. S. Kolos ; 3 . S. Brown . MI NllNT M Oo 12 -16: 1. R. Aeming: 2. K. Flem ing; 3 . G. Riekki. 100 JR : 1. J . Davenport; 2. R. Hawk in s; 3 . M . Perez. 125 JR : 1. O. Hovis ; 2. W . Furrh ; 3 . T. McFarland . 125 1NT 1. (TIE) T. Meeks/M . Larson ; 2. B. Jock· : man; 3 . M . Fisher. 250 JR : 1. S. Valadao; 2. R. Kno rr; 3 . C. Holm . 250 INT: 1. B. Glore: 2. B. Elli s: 3. R. 8o itea u. OPEN JR : 1. T. Sh edden; 2. C. Turcotte: 3 . M . Results 60 JR o-S: Jimmy Sunon (Yam); 2. Todd O'Rear (Yaml : 3. Robby PascareUa (Yaml. 60 INT o-a 1. Ronnie De nsfOld (Yaml. 60 JR 9-1 1: 1. Kayle Johnson (Yem); 2. Steven Kotajarvi (Yam ); 3 . Jason Collier (Ya m). Hillygu5. 60 INT 9· 11: 1. Shawn Kolos ISuz ): 2. Kyle tews (Yam). SO MOD 9 -1 1 JR : 1. Mike PascareUa (Kaw): 2. Uoyd Green (Kaw ); 3 . Anthony Frenc h (Yam ). SOMOO 9-11I NT: 1. Kyle Lewis (Kaw): 2. Shawn Kolos (Suz): 3 . Shawn Woote n (Kaw) , SO MOD 12 ·16 JR : 1. J eff Sills (Yom): 2. J eff OPEN INT: 1. J . Hansen; 2. C. Irigaray; 3. C. M allory . Jorgensen,,Boyles blast Hills F~rry ST Clifton (Yam) ; 3 . M itchel Farm er (Yam ). SO MOD 12-16 INT: 1. Kyle Fleming (Suz): 2. By Bill Spencer Richard Fk!m is (ya m); 3 . Wa ft er S cha effe r (Yam). SO STOCK 9 · 1 1 J R: 1. M Ike Pascare lla (Kawl: 2. Antho ny French (Yaml ; 3. Todd Pipes (Yam). SOSTK 9 ·11 INT: 1. Kyl e Lew i s (Kaw); 2. Shawn Woote n (Kaw); 3. Shawn Kalos ISu z). 100 J R/I NT: 1. Taylor Ma rch eU (Yam ); 2. Joson Davenport (S uz); 3. Ronnie Hawk ins (Yam ). SOSTOCK 12· 16 JR : 1. Jeff suu (Yam); 2. Jason Kn ~es (Kaw ); 3. Scott Stone (yam). SO STK 12· 16 N T; 1. Kyle Flem ing (Su z); 2. W aHe r Sch aeffer (Ya m); 3 . Chris Stewa rt IKawl. 125 JR : 1. Dan Ho vis (Ya m); 2 . Trov McFarlan d (Va m); 3 . Richie Hovis (Yam ). 125 INT; 1. Tracy M eeks (Kaw); 2. M ike Lorso n IHont 3 . Bruce Jackman (Suz ). 250 JR : 1. Fra nk Va lada o (Hon); 2 . Rich Myt hen (Mai); 3. Ron Knorr (KTM ). 250 INT: 1. S;)I Glore (Hus ); 2. Seaver Ems ISuz ); 3. Luc De Ley ISuz). OPEN JR : 1. Thomas Sne dden ; 2. Raben Drew ry (M ai); 3. Tony Tamagni IKTM ). SERIES STANDINGS 60JR; 1. J . Sunon; 2. R. PascareUa; 3. T. O'Rear. 60JR 9 -1 1: 1. S. Kotajarvi; 2. S. Comer; 3. S. Clay. 60 INT 1. R. Densford. 60 INT 9-1 1: 1. K. Lewis; 2. J . Kalos ; 3 . C. Branch . MINI J R STOCK 9 ·1 1: 1. M . Pascare Ua: 2. A. French; 3 . J. Taylo r. MI NI JR STK 12·1 6 : 1. J. SiUs; 2. J. Knoles; 3 . J. Clift on . M INI INT9-1 1 JR : 1. K. Lewi s; 2. S. Woo ten ;3.S. Kalos. M INI INT 12 -16: 1. K. Flemi ng; 2. W . Schaeffer; 3. R. Flem ing. MIN I J R MOO 9 -11 : 1. M . PascareUa; 2. A. French; 3. L Gree n. NEWMAN . CA. FE B. 20 Alex J o rg ens en and Da vid Bo yles snagged Expert cl ass wi ns in 250 and Open competitio n o n an o ther ra re night of wa rm sp ri ng-li ke wea th er on Lionel Nu nes' al most cus hion q uarter-m ile a t H ill s Ferry Racewa y. T h e track will have fo ur p romot ers for th e busiest season ever th at shou ld in cl ud e some 1T raci n g. Wink ie Freit a s d ominat ed both Min i Exp ert races. wa i lin g th e compe titio n o n hi s Da ve Bi rd prepared Yarnahas. If th is you ng ma n co nti n ues this sort o f development. h is n umber one, pl at e will be very much look ed at for the future that NorCaI riders seem to enjoy. Kell ey Fischer took seco nd in IOOcc Expert with Ronnie Hayes pickin g u p th e first of two thirds. Stepehen Ma yfield a ppears to be th e on ly rider o-e. Tracy Meeks won 125cc Intermediate at Madera but tied w ith Mike Larson for the series class championship. OPEN- HOUSE 'SI CB650 $1929.00 13th & 14th NC50 Express $ 345.00 .~ :..~, '79 CR I25 MARUI 20th & 21st $ 598.00 OPEN 'SI CBX $4478.00 ***************** ***************** eel. K1fft AND SON M OTORCYCLES, INC. 417 E. Garvey Ave. Monterey. Park. CA 91754 (213) 283-4277 (213) 280-8244 SATURDAYS 8:30 - 5:00 SUNDAYS ' 10:00 - 5:00 FREE GIVEAWAYS & REFRESHMENTS AL.L. DA Y L.ONG See all the new Honda's in stock. All' 1981 - 1982's on sale now. Come in and register to win a new C70 Passport. Drawing will be held March 21, 1982. Winner need not be present to win. i!'5<'l""" - Must be 18 years :tj:t:jtt:ttJ~ of as" 'SI 45