Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 03 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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>~ .. New .~dco:.COlol'a.o•• y o.1D9 · . oDlalla.Nod. Dakota -So a th Da "Even-Break" Motocross Gate ~ Central Pipeline e-r 00 0") ...... ~ r- ...... .c u ... ("j ~ In use at 65 of the nations leading tracks, including Daytona International Speedway, thi s AMA and FIM approved starting gate features: • Easy temporary or permanent installation • Simple mechan ical or hydraulic (optional) actuator and reset • No vis ib le " t ip-off" mechan ical movement of any parts • Elim ination of need for starting line referees • A penalty only to the riders who get caught jump ing the gate • Hot dip galvanized parts for years of trouble free use Doug Polen smoked the A Su perbike Experts at Texas World Speedway. (Conl in ued f rom page 48) Fo r illustrated brochure. lull de ta ils and prices wr it e or call: Results SHORTTR ....CK 60: t . Tracy Polson ; 2. Jaso n Festiven ; 3. Tobby Jordan. Superior Metal Products, Inc . 80: 1. Tracy Polson; 2 . J a son Fest iwn; 3. M ike H.II. 125: 1. Sh.n. Jolly; 2. ....I.n Powers : 3. 75 Chr ist ian lane New Britain. CT 06051 (203) 225-7654 Polson. Illca-w----·1<...W- - --.< W-------~ I ... I ... .;.;1 ..... 'I Robenaon . 250: 1. Jemes Renlroe; 2. Phillips. faQ~ G.rv Sege; 3. Doug V isions of speed at WERA RR ~ o Z By James Nicholson COLLEGE STATION, TX, FEB . 21 Texas World Speedway was the site of perfect road racing weath er despite Iorcasts of drizzles earlier in the week. HelpWGm.ct All Departl .MHIIs Need money? Try the Cycle News Want Ads. _ 8tYIEU 50 MOTOCROSS 60: 1. Jason Festiven; 2. Kellv Stephens; 3. Tobby 80 : 1. Ronnv Camp; 2. Rick kgeris ; 3. D.L. Wood . 125: 1. John ....tkins; 2. M.rk D.niel; 3. Joe -1I1~ I Ode l Davis. Jordan. . mct~ I I 250 ....M: 1. Chuck B.uch; 2. B.n Beuch ; 3. Bob Tryon . 250 PRO: 1. Terry Poovey; 2. BillV Orr; 3. Ouane Ouval. 500-750 PRO: 1. Ch.rlie Orr; 2. ....ndV West; 3. PARTS •00 So me rid ers ca me only to u tili ze p ra ctice to ma ke last m in u te changes for Da yton a \~'h il e others showed up for so me serious racing. Fir st class o r th e day was the corn ica l p it bik e race wi th everythi ng from a Honda QA 50 to a n AT C70 wh ich, by th e way. did n ot co me in last. The most novel was a n a ncien t 1968 1000c Ya maha short tracker o wned and race d by the " Ol d Grey Fox ," J oe Fish er. As m ore ser io us raci ng go t u nd erway, th e A Production Open class was won by Ronn ie Lu nd sford, who later in th e day fini shed seco nd Expert beh ind Doug Pol en in A Superbike. T he next few races ra ised a lot or tal k wi th th e in trod uctio n or Yamaha 's new water-cooled. V-tw in 550 Visio n. Bill Ka sson . ow ner o r Bill Kasso n Yam aha in Aus ti n , raced his shop " dem o" a nd took home two seco nd Nov ice a wa rds . Wh en as ked how he felt a bo u t th e 550, he gla nced at hi s trophi es a nd sa id, "T han k you so much." Vernon Da vis. a n employee or Kasson 's. led th e C Superbike class ri ght u p to the la st stra igh t wh en he was drafted and passed by Ch a rles Brothers . wh o wo n by o n ly in ch es. T he A Su perbi ke class was th e last race a nd def in itel y th e fast est or th e d ay. Doug Pol en, raci ng Ior D & D Enterprises in Fl. Worth, took a co m ma nding lead o rr the sta rl ing line a nd wa s unchallen ged for th e durati on or th e race. Doug is well known in pro road racing as he Iin ished fourth a t th e Daytona Superbike races last year, right behind Freddi e Spen cer, Eddi e Lawson and Mike Spencer. Doug is obviously read y Ior Daytona a nd was even heard to say he had " lOO much power" for T exa s World. The races wer e run smoot h ly a nd efCientlyby the WERA club and corner workers were volunteeers from th e • T exa s A & M Motorcycle club. Results .... PROD NOV: 1. TrVll Westby (Hon); 2. .... ~r1ld Bernard (Hon); 3. Vernon Davis (Yam ). .... PROD EX: 1. Ronn ie Lundslord (Hon): 2. Bob Retoll (Hon t 3. Dave Kins (Suzl. B PROD NOV: 1. ....Hred Bernord (Honl . B PROD EX: 1. Bob Retoll (Suz); 2. Kins (suzl; 3. Greg Theode (SU I ). C PROD NOV: 1. Chet Perk ins (y. m): 2. Bill K.s· son (Y.m); 3. Mark Gerow (y .m). C PROD EX: 1. Joe Fisher (V. ml: 2. Charles Brot he rs (Yaml; 3 . George Peckham (Kaw). o PROD NOV: 1. John Petv (y.m): 2. Barry o PROD EX: 1. D.vid Roth (yem); 2.John G.mbill Thornhill (Hen); 3. Pau l Lanmon (Yam) . (Yaml. E SUPERBIKE EX: 1. Chr is Fox (Yam); 2. Roger Edmonson (M M). E PROD EX: 1. Roger Edmonson (M M). .... SUPERBIKE EX: 1. Doug Polen (Hon l; 2. Ronnie lundsford (Hon); 3. Glenn He intschel (Kaw l. .... SUPERBIKE NOV: 1. Michael PI. in (Suz); 2. Devy Fields (Hon): 3. Todd JellIHon). B SUPERBIKE EX: 1. Mall M.schmann (Hon); 2. Bob Retail ISuz); 3. Dave Kin s (Honl . B SUPERBIKE NOV: 1. ....IIred Bernord (Honl ; 2. Michael Plain ISuzl; 3. James Schindler (Honl. C SUPERBIKE NOV: 1. Chet Perkins (Yeml: 2. Bill Kasson (Ya m); 3. Mark Gerow (Yam). C SUPERBIKE EX: 1. Cherles Brothers IVam); 2. Vernon Dav is (Varni; 3. George Peckham (Kaw). DSUPERBIKENOV: 1. John Pe'v (; 2. lonnie Dovle (Yam). o SUPERBIKE EX: .1. Chr is Fox (Yam); 2. Jo hn Gambi ll (Yam ). F- l NOV: 1. larry Shaw IHon). F- 1 EX: 1. Manin W est (Ka wt; 2. Ronn ie Lunds ford (Ho n); 3. Matt Maschmann (Han). F·2 NOV: 1. TrVll Westby (Han): 2. D.vy Fields (Hon); 3. Rov Thomas . F-2 EX: I. Bob Sell ers (Kawl . F-3 NOV: I. larry Shaw (Hon).

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