Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 02 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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N en m >"ea :::l "- .c Q) u, en ~ w Z ~ .C E I: *****••••••• *.*.*****•• *********************************._ -rartro~d t~ds. turrT le1t (N , ) ~~·: • •:-_~; ~ ; 0: Rt«~·93 -e)(it. ."'8 ke .-t ill 9 9 39 ~ L.. ~'E~'!./~!~'!..*.~J Modif ied; Odyss ey . Gate fee $4 -under 6 fr ee. 5 trophies per c la ss . For m ore i nfo call 215· ) PI rb1400 Porker. AI 993 ·923 6 Every 1st Sunday 3126·28 Mowli 250 Mu icll i. Baj. California. M elico 6/ 4-6 Ba tnllrnlaonal l' Ball Clhfcrni•• Me lito Off Rai d Wotld 8/ 6-8 Ch mpionship . 11 /3·6 Entry Nov & Am $10. E. $1 4 . 6 5% pb . to Ex riders for m ore i n f o call 602 /843 ·1124 or 60 11798·8296. 1982 SCORE Race Schedule THREE·WHEEL MOTOCROSS Au stin . rx .Austin Motosport Race w ay. Tak e 1-3 5 to Austin. then go E. on 183. take Sm Ith Rd . to Howard 5 1. Y.7 mile further w atch for SIgns . Need at least 10 three - w heel ers to run ra ce Trophy to 5th Gate $5 . en t ry $12 . For more info Ri lfside Int'l. Rltllway v Riv enidt. CA Bojl 1000 Bail Cllifomtt. Mi neo F mOf1l info coO213/88 9-9216 or call 5 12/ 44 3·762 7. Every Sat. night February 5-7 3·WHEEL. MOTORCYCLES. GO·KART. FLAT TRACK IA State Fairgrounds (Canle Pavill ion) E. University Des SCORE OFF· ROAD PARKER 400 Par ker. AZ. For more in fo. call 213 /889 ·9216 . THREE·WHE EL ICE RACING Lake George. N Y. Exil21 off 1·8 7 Rt . 9 . Classes to be ran 0 ·125cc. 126 ·20Occ. 250cc and up Prac . TO a.m .• race 1. Entr y fee $5 . For more mtocalr 51 8 1731 ·8118. February 14 CRC ATV GRAN PRIXITR ACK RACES Saddl eb ack Park . Orang e. CA. 3 -wh eeler 81 Ody cla sse s inc . 3 -wheel kids class 112 & under on 10s. 4 to m ake a cres s). Cali fornia Rac i ng Club. Info 21 3 /830 · 7 5 19 . 7 14 / 689 ·6114. Go -Karts. Entry fee : 85 . Pit pass 85 . For more in fo call 515 /265-4261. ATC. ODYSSEY TT SCRAMBLES Dlde City . FL. Hwy 52 just west of Dade City at Pasco County Fa irgrounds. 40% trophy payback . ATC Class: 0200. 201·0pen. Odysseyctass: Slock & Mod ified. Clay tract< open year round. Sign ups 4 :30 p.m .• race 7 p.m .. Entry fee : Feb ruary 7 Ch ico. CA. 14 mi les S. of Chi co U.S. 99 E. and Gag e Shippee Rd , Odv sse v & three · wheel er s all cl as se s. Track approx .2 m il es. Entrv fee: $ 10 . For more i nfo call 916 / 3 42 - CRC ATV TRACK RACES 854.4847. 239-2517. Park Honda SnowShoe ATV ser ies GRAN PRIX RACEWAY THREE·WHEEL HARE & HOUND Pla s te r City. CA . arrow ed Ca nal Fu lton. OH . Take 21 N or S to Rte 93 exi t . take 93 sou th to Orrv ille St. turn fight and go 3 m iles to Deerfiel d Ave . turn left . Cla sse s: M inis- 7Occ. 71· 125cc. 126 ·200c c. 20 1· 2SOcc. Modified. Odys· sev's 6 trophies pe r class . GateS3. sign · upSS.Prac.1 :JO p.m .• race 2. Track op en s 7 a.m . A m bu lan ce on du ty . For m ore in fo call 2 16 / 6 83 -393 9. 8 54 .484 7. 239 -2 51 7 . Par k Hon da Sn owSh oe A TV se ries races races. tra m 1 at Oco till o. 0 -38 pts -8 m ember s. tro phy ' s and co n ti nqe ncv'a . For mor e i nfo ca ll Car~f~ee · H·w·y." cr;s~s -(a be ran : 0 ·125 cc. 126·200cc. 201 ·25 0!:c. Open also 200cc M od and Open Mod . 3 bike s 10 m ake a class . Gates open ; 9 '30 .. prac . l0:30. racear noon. Ent ry Nov & A m $10. Ex $ 14 . 0 6S% p.b . 1 Ex ri ders fo r m or e i nf o ca ll 602 / 8 4 3·1 124 or 993 ·9 236 . CRC ATV TRACK RACES I ndian Dunes . Va lencia. CA 3 -wheeler &. Ody classes i nc. 3 -wheel kids class (12 &.under on 70s. 4 to make 8 class). Californ ia Rac ing Club. Info 213 /830·7519. 714 /689 · 6 114. . Classes: 70· 125cc. 126·200cc. Ope n . Start after M / C. w i ll go 2 loops Aprx . 40 m i. Rider meeting 9 :30a.m .• start al l0 Entry fee $ 12 for more info call 714 / 277 · 58 00 . March 2 1 THREE·WHEEL SHORT TRACKITT Canyon Raceway. Phoen ix. AZ.. 8 Yl m iles W. of 1 .17 on Car efree Hwy. Classes to be ron : 0 ·125cc . 126·200cc. 201 ·2SOcc.Open stse 200cc March 3 -5 SPRING NATIONALS THREE-W HEEL DESER RACE T Sal om e. A2 . Classes to be ran 110 . 125 . 175 . 205 . 240 . 2 5 0cc -up . ' 8 2 poi n t s to .. 3 ·wheel and Odyssey soon track and TT races. M inimum $, l00prize percless . Nat! . Din Tra ck Assn . • 80x 5341 , Orlando. FL 32855 . 305 1 841 ·4055. Mod and Op en . 3 bikes to make a class. Gates open; 9 :30 a.m .• prac . 10 :30. race at noon. En try Nov & Am $10 Ex. 514. 65 % p.b. to Ex ri ders for more info call 60 21843·1124 or 993 ·9236. ATV SCRAM8LES Jackson, GA. 2 .4 miles S. of March 7 Jackson on Hwy . 36. 0 ·8Occ. 81 ·12OCC. 121 -22Occ. 221· Open. Odyssey 1. Trophies all ATV HARE SCRAM8 LES 2 m iles N. of Gali on on Sta te e.m.• gal e fee $4 . un de r 12 GRAN PRIX RACEWAY Canll Fu~on.OH. Tlke2 1 N or S to Rte 93 exit. take 93 south to Orrville St . t urn right an dgo 3 m iles to Deerfield Ave. turn left. Classes: M in is- February 28 THREE·WHEEL SHORT TRACKITT GRAN PRIX RACEWAY Canal Fulton, OH . Take 21 N Ca nyon Raceway; Ph oen ix. AZ . 8 1,1 m il e s W . of 1. 17 on classes. Prac 10 ·1. entry $8 for member. S lOnon-member. For more i nfo call 404 /945- 4474. 598. classes 10be run ' 0 · 200cc and 20 1-2 5Occ race tim e: 11 fr ee . Rac e fee $S. for m ore inf o call 41 9 /468 · 6204 . KANSAS 6 HOUR2 MAN HARE SCRAMBLES ST. VALEN · TINE'S MASSACRE ., W ic h ita Jeeps Motorcycle 7Occ. 71 ·125cc. 126·200cc. 201 · 25Occ. Modified. Odys. Club . 1 135 Exil 19. 7 miles N. · of W ich ill. KS et 101 St. and BroadwlY. All cla n es : Threewheel, .old ma n. p .p.• st ree t Jagal. irao n man. 40% troph ies. gates open 8 a.m ., prac . 9. Gate 53. sign. up 85. Proc. 1:30 p.m ., race 2. opens 7 a.m. Ambulance on duty. For Every 1st & 3 rd Sat. night more infocI U216/683 ·J939. Calif orn ia Racing Club Inf o 213 /830 -75 19 .714 /689 6 114 4216 or 342 ·0063. sey ·s . 6 troph ies per class . 85. For more inf o call B13 / 9B6-4950. on 70s . 4 to mak e a class) ADRA at 602 1252·1900. 213 /830-7519.714/689·6114. run : 0·200cc. 200 and up for 3·wheelars. 0·25Occ. 250 and up for Flat Trackers. 0-1 00Cc. . south to Orrville St . turn right and go 3 m iles to Deerfield ~~~t~;'~;:; ~~~~ ATV RACING AT CHICO Indian Dunes, Valencia. CA. 3 -wheeler &. Ody classes inc. 3-wheel kids cla ss (12 & under on 70s. 4 to make a class). California Racing Club. Info. Moines, 1A.lndoor racing. Gen . adm ission 83 .50. sign . ups : 6 p.m .• race 8 p.m . Classestobe Road #26 , Approx. 5 m il es to Av e #21 Iurn r ighttoAve30 V" mora info call 216 /683 ·3939. 854.4847. 239·2517. Pork Honda SnowShoe A TV series race 10-4. Entry 86. glle 53.SO . For more i nfo ca ll 3 16 /744- 2838. races. RA.C.E. ODYSSEY& 3·WHEEL Corona Raceway. Corona. CA. Hwy . 91 to Buchanan Exit. Full Odyssey & 3·wheel program. For more i nf o ca Jl714/ THREE·WHEEL GOLDEN STATE SERIES Carl sbad. CA. Hwy . 5 S. of L.A . t o Palomar A irp or t Rd.• 6 m il es E. to f ron t gate . Gates open at 6 a.m ., prac . 7. race 8 . Ma il en try $ 15. po st $20. For mor e in fo c811 7 14 / 5 57 · 33 2 3 689 ·1913 or 735 ·1705. Every 2 nd & 4th Sat urday night THREE·WHEEL SHORT TRACKI TT FLATTRACK (1000 FT. OVAL) Picayune. MS . Southways Race Park. 3 ·wheel Odyssey & Go·KlrI. O·SOcc. 80·130. 130·220. 220·0pen. 8eginner class. P.P.. Go-Kerts -Stcce. Cany on Raceway. Phoen ix, AZ . 8 Y, mile s W. of 1 -17 on Carefree Hwy. Cla sse s to be CRC ATV GRAN PRIXITRACK RACES Saddleback Park . Orange. CA. 3 -wheeler & Ody cl asses inc. 3-wheel ki ds c1alS (1 2 & under on 70s, 4 to make a classt. Cal ifornia Racing Club. Info 213 /830·7519. 714 / 689 -6114. February 21 r an : 0 ·125cc . 126·200cc. 201 · 25Occ. Open also 200cc THREE·WHEEL GOLDEN STATE SERIES M od and Open M od . 3 bike s t o m ake a c lass Gat es ope n; 9:30 a.m ., prac. 10 :30, race ot n oon . La ke M adera. CA (Fre sno area) Hw y 9 9 to M a der a / Cle velan d offramp E Go over ~--------------------------- COMING EVENTS FREE Listing Coming Events ..... free service. type or legibly print .11 information .aked for .00 mlIl1 the blank or. f.lICimlle thereof to: ATV News. PO Box 1030. Long Beech. CA 90801. No phone calls. please; we can only eccept items in writing. You mlIy include en event flyer In lIddition to the Coming Events blenk. Type; weldon '81 nomura .FTII Til VleT_1111 1981 CRC Final ATC Location/directions: Sponsoring dub/promoter/sanction : Additional info: I· Gateicraet iceJracetimes : 22 I I Entry fees: I Phon e num ber for ____________________________ J I Your name: inf o !with""88 ~ : Point Standings 1. John Andre 2. Nick Donwen 3. Ray Ulmer 4. Robert Payer 5. George Ferrie 6. David McNealy 7. James Burchard 8. Rob Selvy 9. J im Steadman 10. Rob in Davi. 11. Tony DePhilips 12. Dean Johnson 13 . M ike DePhilips 14. Mike Ferro 15. M ichael Tart er 16 . TIm Hoy 17. Walter Trotter 18. Michael Chester 19. Kenny Brown 20. Matt Sweeney 21. Derek Davidson 22. Chr is White 23. Paul Hrynkiewicz 24. Steve Wright 25. TIm Klages 730 685 665 600 350 350 305 300 284 265 253 241 215 210 205 201 190 185 181 176 151 150 150 150 150 26. Garry Broggie Xl. Dan Shetler 140 140 28. Brian Mole 135 29. Mark Weixledorfver 130 30. Mike Biaetti 130 31. John Ferro 125 32. Ken Maler 120 33. Robert Gierke 111 34. Doyle Smiley 105 35. Cameron Davidson 100 36. Patrick Roger. 100 37. Tim Brooks 100 38. Chris Kudelka 90 39. Bob Weber 90 40. Daryl Buescher 90 85 41 . Mark Austin 80 42. Ace William s 43. M erk Bro w n 80 44. Mark Boren 80 80 45 . Jerry Anderson 46. Ron Byars 80 80 47. George Jackman 48 . larry Saxon 80 49 . Glen Elliott 80 50 . John Bonacci 89 75 51. Stepahn Mock 52. Craig Calkins 75 53. Tracey Dickson 54. Dean Sundahl 55. Bob Maesari 56. Terry Williams 57. N inion riley 56. Tom Gaian 59. Jim Ben 60. Christopher Smith 61. Robin Ilews8t' 62. Scott Corbin 63. Russ Robinson 64 . John Monnette 65. Vickie Peters 66. Jim Tawzer fr7. Frank Rey 68 . lmanta Bozia 89. Chad W alker 70. Mike Cou.imano 71. Gary AreliBnol 72. Robert Gr isham 73. David Hale 74. Kenny Austin 75. Dan Coleman 76. Mike Sharrow Trace Nishiyama 78. Dave Stanley n. 75 75 70 70 52 51 ·50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 ATf

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