Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1982 02 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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N CD m .... > ... CO ... .0 All that's vital ::J (and fit to print) Q) U. en ~ w Z ~ News T he ATV classes for th e '82 Sp ring Na tio na ls. Ma rch 2 (sign in ) 3-6, at Ocal a Mot or Spee d way. O cal a. FL. have been expa n ded a n d now offer three ama teu r ATV classes: G-Ll Occ a n d 111 -150cc three-wh eel a nd fourwh eel Stock Od yssey. There will be up to eig h t a wa rds 10 each clas s a t a ll of th e four sho rt tra ck events , pi us co mpetitors will be eligible for over a ll awa rds in eac h cla ss. Fo r th e ATV Pro co m peritors. th ere are five class es: four-wh e Modified Odyssey, Super el Modified, Mini -sprint and 0-205cc and Open thr ee-wh eel. T he Pro classes. are gu aranteed a minim um of $100 for firs t pl ace in eac h class for each o f th e four sho rt tra ck events. p lu s co m petitor s will be elig ible for overa ll a wa rds a nd co nti nge nc ies. Pr e-entry deadl in e is Februa ry 18. Write NOTA. P.O. Box 534 1. Orlando , FL 32855 or ca ll 305/843-57 19 Monda y through T h u rsda y from 10 a.m.-4 p.m . More fun for the money . Sharon Clayton, Publisher Dan Rodriguez, Adv~nising/Editoriiill Assistant. Editorial La nce Bryson , Edi tor. Advertising WEST Skip johnson, National Sales Manager. Terry Pratt. Sal.. Mana ger . DuaneJohnson . Sales Ma.nager. EAST M ik~ Church . Sal es Ma nage r. Graphics and Production Krist in Coo per, Graphic Artist . Donna Sh ipman , Assistant. Marion Har ash ira , Typography. Dennis Gr eene. La borat ory. Accounting Mike Klinger , Manager. Terry Dailey , Credit Manager. Circulation !,-~e ba Smith, Manager. DealerslWant Ads (ZI~) 595·475~ . Wet.t The biggest surprise to hit the recent Anaheim Trade Show was the new Hu sqv arna 250c c CR. If you remem ber ri ght. a few issues back A TV Nellll. graced your eyes with a shot of their 420cc A utomatic, which was not shown at the show. The new Husky sported a single Ohlins shock on the rear which looked t o have abo ut s even inches of travel. Up front. CR 250 forks were used to give a nice eight inches of travel. For the entire t hree days of the show this little sand beater attracted more attention than anything. A TV NellllS will have more on the production model next issue. Nicholson Racing has developed a new thre.wheeler frame. If you look close enough you will see an '82 XR500R Honda motor using 250R front forks, 1855 rear axle, '82 250R rear disc brekes, 1855 gas tank, fenders and seat. Nicholson's chrom.moly frame also sports a Fox gas shock that gives seven inches of travel. Up front there are seven and a half inches. For more info call 714/460-4418. ZZO I Cherry Ave. • Long Beach , CA P.O . Box 10~O, Long Beach, CA 90801 East 4 190 Fin, Ave. , Tucker . GA . P.O . Box 805, T ucker. GA ~ 0084 . (404) 9 ~4 -785 0 . ATV New. is pu bl ished mont hly by Cycle News, Inc.. ZZOt Cheny Aven ue , Long Beach, CA 90801. Second c1.... pootage paid at Long Beach. CA. POSTMASTER: Send f orm 3&7!1 to Cycl., P.O. Box 498. Long Buch, CA 90101 Copyright © Cycl. N.w., Inc. 1982. AUrights r.......d. ON THE COVER: (Top) IKF Junior Grand , National Champion Tim Meyers pushs his Invader kart to the limits at Baylands Raceway. Team Honda's Curtis Sparks getting air and distance at Lake Madera. Photos Jerry Newray and Lance Bryson. 2 For the f irst time in it s six year history, the Las Vegas 400, the best paying cyc le-on ly desart race in the country, will be offering a class for three-wheelers , announced race promoter Casey Folks. The three-wheelers will have one class, Open Pro. Entry fee is $300, plus insurance. All classes will offer 50% payback. The Las Vegas 400 course will be located about 25 miles south of Las Vegas and will feature four 1 OO-mile loops. Race date is Sunday, May 18. For inf o rm atio n contact Casey Folks 702/457-0343. - O neof our sources ha s let ATV Neuis know' that there will be a Yamaha -T ri-Mo to lin eu p of four Ior '83. Apparently. they will a ll co me with suspension. Also. look for a sma lle r model. such as a 110 or 115. th ough o u r source wa s not sure if it will be a two- or four- stroke. Yamaha wi ll reta i n th eir 125. T he projected changes are sure 10 make this baby flat m ove. Th eir 175cc will receive a face lift a lso in th e way of handling. Now. get thi s - a 200cc four-stroke. Yamaha. I ca n on ly guess. wants a pi ece o f th e 200cc market. which is Honda' s biggest a rea . Last. but not least. a 250cc. This big boy model will be a scream er. Wh atever happens. '83 sh ould be an exci ting year for Yamaha. (Zt~) 595 ·475 ~ . ATV NC'WS welcomes unsolicited. editorial material includ ing stories, cartoons. photos, etc . Such material, if published, becomes the exclusive pro~y of ATV News . Such accepted material is subjec t to revision as is necCSUTy in th e sole dis · credon of ATV News. Unsolicited materi al which is not used will be returned if accompanied by a sdf addressed stamped enve lope . All unsolicited material will be . handled with re-asonable care. however. ATV Ncws assumes no responsibility for the safety, 1 or damage to suc h materi 055 al. Reprinting in who le or part only by permission of the publishen. Advenising rates and circ ulation information will be sent upon request . Ron Dees has let us ' know that Marsh Racing Tires has put up $800 along with Kustom Kraft's $1 ,400 fora tota l of $2,200in Pro purse money. If the dates trigger yo ur mind a li ttle, it's becausa this rac e is in the m iddle of Daytona Speedweek. What cou ld be more perfect for a good excuse to go. Take your A TV and rece plus watch the races . For more inf o, ca ll 305 /843-5719 . Th e Knobby Hills Mor o-X track in Camel . IN is n ow running a 250cc . three-wheel class a lo ng with th eir norma l motocross program. Kn o bby Hills runs under th e AMA banner. Th ere will also be a dav set aside for o pen practi ce for th e three-wh eelers. For more inf o . ca ll 317/844-8368. The people at Periscope Produc tions, the ones that put on the Baja Crosses, have a 12-race series for '82. Whether o r not the threewheelers will be a part of the program is-up in the ai r . Accord ing to Rich Kimball, it ' s up to American Honda. "The Baja Cross set for February 20-21 at Speedway 1 17 i n San Diego is set t o run th e th ree-w h eelers w ith or w ithout Honda. Howeve r, th e rest of th e series is - like I said - it's upto Honda, " commented Kimball . For more info on t he Baja Cross in San D iego, call 7 14/544-5450. T he Ba ro n a In d ia n Reserva tion , lOcated near Hem et and San Jacint o in Riverside (CA) County, has been ap proac hed by Jack Rol and an d 3-B Lightning's Bill y Ta lly . Rol and and Ta lly have been in heav y negotia tio ns with th e Ba rona tribal ch ief in ob tain ing some 30 acres pu t in a n ATV trac k. "The ch ief wa s very much in favo r o f th e idea bUI (it) n ow has 10 be put before th e co u nc il (elders ) for approval," co m mented Ta lly. Pl ans for th e land incl ude a quat er-mile ova l a nd a long o ff-roa d tra ck. It seem s even th e equip ment if ready to rol l. All that's n eeded now is th e O K. Wi th t he A TV Spring N ationals com ing Marc h 3 -6 at Ocala Motor Speedwa y i n Ocala, FL, Promoter Rumor has it that Honda may be working on a street legal ATC. As far as size , that is still unknown. I believe they are doing some tests right now. We'll keep you posted al ATr News learns more. Th ose of yOU wh o were unable 10 attend th e 'No n h west Ch all enge and Kin gd om e Qualifier Decem ber 6 in Seatt le, WA mi ssed a good one. Som e 150 three-wh eeler a nd Od yssey ra cers co m pe ted for th e righ t to return Feb ru ary 13 a n d 14 to race inside the Kingdorne, a long wi th the Su percross • progra m . T he th ree-whee l fin al will n ot be a half -time show but a fullblown race followi ng th e Saturday ni ght Supercross sho w. The Od yssey fina l wi ll be hel d Su nday n ight. For more info ca ll 206/426-8090. Kerry Kea rn recently announced the grand ~ p ening of northeas~l!r.n

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