with Larson winnin g.
(Above) Phil Larson and Brad Lackey (63) battled in 500cc Pro
(Below ) Ron Lechien leads Danny Chand ler in 125cc Pro action.
CM C/P res ton Pet ty Gol den Sta te Ser ies: Rou nd five
Te am Ho nd a svveeps
Pr ai rie C ity
By Terry Whyt el
Clea r skie s gree ted the ride rs and spec tato rs
at the fifth roun d of the Con tine ntal Mot ospor t Clu b/Pr esto n Pe tty Gol den Stat e Series , and the race acti on was as dazz ling as the
warm m id-day sun . Man y of the P ro ride rs. includ ing th e