Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 12 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Hr. LB Fwy. & PIdllc eo. s.c..,..... CA IIBlB. 111" Hwy. La HabrlI UEATHER BY UEATHER - LelIARD & LlNDEIlWOOO 321 E. '"-ill Hwy.• ~ 12131 .1 -C663 CI 17141 B7982&2. QuoIily BMW e HOI\IDA-'_.I*II&1n.......,. oinoI 19411. ap., 7 MoIoicycle " ' - our opecIoIIY.S........ or _ _ II\IlI option•. _ riding CIIJI-- _ Iill42 _ _ jocUlI. Blvd.• Hollywood. CA 90038. 452-6411. PoI1Iend, Oregon Wh¥ ""'*' Shipped lrldoy BSA. AmIl• Trtumph, .......... I.&aI. ITH EngliIII. C\'* Hub. Inc., 3IllZ HE Sendy doyoe_. _., I'clr*nd, 01117232. 10 121314111·1144. ..... 00 0') ..... A.M.... 7 P.M. Dill 1"- Rancho Cordova B.cI'do 11-103:232-11253I. SUN RIVER MIC CENTER Spoc. in IUky &MoC:o - - . 1*1I & ICC. _ HUIkyo now In _ . PIof. ohock rbIdg.. fork modo, porting. U.P.S. doily. 2 elf Hwy.liD. 11257 CoIarrlO Ad.. Roncho Cordovo, CA 1lII7O. 19161-.15l56. Werreneburg. MIaourI "*' FREEDOM CYCLES - MoIoo. StHlShoe Secremento 12 yr. exp. OHLIN rbIdg.• 1orgo _inY.. COD-MC/VISA. Enduro. MX. ISDE 8CC. M-Sot. N. E. Buo. STEEL SHOES - 1<., MooIv. origlnol _ Iince llllO. modi . . . . . . . 14" iIoI up _ t75. s.nd _ or opeciIy _ _ height. _ _ flhII'Il lor JOE SARKEES MOTORCYCLES - Triumph. _ . BMW. ~. SenIice, ..... & e.-n KTM.~.~. _._..".Sow 5O.W~.MO_. 11181 747-¥TZ2. 1ft. 1 785-1711. p.m."" _ _ 2509 Bro.dw.y. ~ . ForDMlerDII~""C8II"""""'''' (213 427·7433 Sl="~' At. 2. Box 7SB. 8Ii3O Bed' 0 r d MoIofMy.'Corono, CA .1no. 17141 7J5. P&4O. SERVICES CondiI'. MIt Senrice. 722Ii ClInaglo Ava.. ClInaglo !'Irk, CA'1830.12131~72. Bolt RemoVlll ----- s.r... Now lor MlCn, _ vinyl oM - _ numbIr prinIed &~pe" • ldy. 12117 • IClIlerowy St.. LMrmcn. CA lMIID. 14151443-7012. nreserewa ICE GETlERS - A....... In 5 ...... ""'" II,"'" I". RII _ 1 4 ..... _ _. For _ prloo _ CI col M.D.J.. Inc.. P.O. Box 2111. 1\1 4116I1. 12111174- a.:-. ...... TAN)( CO. - BroUn _ 1213. .. _ _ EZ-. ...... eel _ _ inolIlIId. I cIoy_. por\IL 1m W. a.dIrw, CA lIQMI. ~ SCOTTS SCOOTER SERV. MX _ ..... _ 1-' r:o.. 2ll27~A .... - . CA 91020. 12131248-6747. WHITE BROS - I I 750 Seaboard Circle. Stenion. CA llOlIlIO. CompIole -"'cI & MIup on ............... Uni-TrIk, Pro-Link & FIooter. 1 10 2 dIIy - , _•. CoIl or _1822 N.E. Go-. HIllebora. 011 97123 I&03l 8403079. MESSLER PERFORMANCE PROOUCTS-Hondl & YemaIII 500 ~11otL U.S. Dlotributor !Dr _ AlCing - . Coli or write 12112 Pork Avo.• Eugone. OR g7~. 15031 tum oround. 17141 ~1991. StreIghtenlng P.rfectIon Porting THE FRAME SHOP - """- oiOneI - . ~ . All tilCOi_. . . formo of frome. front _ . ....ngorm. _ Ing._ _ - . . _ , fino. Illy to Compln STORZ PERFORMANCE - "'" .front _ 13112 T _ Sq.-e12, V - . CA 83003l8O&lll64-l8UI. __ ~ ICC.• CNIlled frome tubel' CI 7 11074 MIroIntIIe. 5_. CA llOeal. (7141 BII3- 1700. _ 47Ol1_ Blvd.• ~ to know about _ f8clrlry e - SenriceS o I _ Oopl. Ttloy _ ...... your look _ _ IiIlI _ I _ ... "-d -1Med !IV .. the ... lIlIry - . . - M8ny opliono~ My onduro. ony "-00 -_ . 4873 . cloy. Club Iplluol VilL. "'"'-0. YorbI LirG. CAlI2B.I7141~. _ . CoIl s." - " " " the e -prloo _ 0 0 p l . _ 7 ..m.&5 p.rn. Mon.-TburI. It 121311211451. CALFORNIA _cydw_· low ..mlc ina. W. ~ ...... ina. co'.. flhone CI WI'ihIrn/c. lor .... _ _ lor _ /I>qrcy _ 17141 8liH222, 12131 1370751. PO Box 3178. _ _ m. CA 1l2IIl3. COFFMAN'S _ dull :Mt SId ' " - good 40'" _ H.P.. _~I0" rDlg .... ~ IgIiNl bNIIcing. oompIIto wronotrueliono. IJINuIt monifold _ SmoIl Engine a.-. no 011 _ n e W-. Inc.. mounllng ' * - . IllI42 "G" 97030. 1I03l1197-6224. - . Hundnglrln - . CA 12lI47.(7141.7·2209. _ 242. Baring !IV lOp - . . . . . Sun- ...... .d!Pt.. ~•• NO. P!rfEign ~ -..v. G!erImMd _old."", _MIla MiniIIiIoeI. flbIrgIIII & ........ -a- ..C.. _ N. Color-. Springo, Color-. 10107 l303l lie- _MlC . IIurbInk y _ C&J _ ProductI Mony~For_& CRe CII ~ PIIting e-e 22 e.- Pork Suzuki ~ 81_ .. _ g_. MX. COilllllCltioo I. -Vthing. PIll. rldlng_. - . . Shop with the Proo. bI _ by !'roo. 0.. 30 - on . - . . Soturdoyo - !IV ap., _ 14:30. on IIJlIl. lIlIO W. 1ll1t1 St.. LOl"Il BMCIl. CA. 12131 43MlIIl . 30 Rlncon~ PIoS.. ofT_ V.., 23 12&13,22 I.-t ~ _ 11II ~ Sportcycleo 22 27 SRA 20 5eddIIbIck Pork 21 Siorro MIC ProductI...•.•.. 24 SIml CVdoo. .. 30 MeIcoIm Smith M.C 27 So. CII. YomohI Deo1IrI _ 15 Stadium Mo""' tI 20 T&DY.-. 19,22 Sommy Tonner DiIt 30 Tex NI ShockI 24 TuGeoEm 27 U.S. Suzukl MoIoi CCIp .••••. 9 W - Cycle Supply 24 - . . Sooow DIIIribuIor .. 22 ~ 1<8w8Mkl......•... 23 Y_1nt'1. 5 . Hi Point. 23 Hondo Will 24 Indlon Du_ 20 billii •.,glll MolrlrIporto•... 30 _-5howI 20 _ GoggIoo 24 KTM AmiiIClI. Inc 24 : . 24 KERN SPORT CYCLE-Hulky. KTM. MoIoo.Iluh8co. ~. W...... DeIIrt &MX OI6I _ &_.e- ------------------.. Cycle Ne.s Products Order Fonn . . inthe~a_ee ....... or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801~ NIme _ --------------CIty S_, _ ~Zlp, OeditCllrdNumblr _ _. _ _of..-__"'_ II- Le8IflIr Shop For 5-. ..---. GIIuv_··········24 GokiMfa 19 HelImen1locIng 24 AM CUSTOM UEATHERS !IV VEllA_ RldngCl'-rW_ - We . . . . & fit ... BATES UEATHERSI All of our 22 1.P\lcle-38 Fu_YImIIlI 12131112-3731. quollty _ _ . . W8Iling lor you It the b1_-lhIn _ 22 20 2O ANAHEIM SUZUKI. INC. s... Senrice. I'InI, Acc.. & 1 ~_fdtiII ... - Boring. WIkIIng. 08nk fie. ~ _ Dyno Tune. Moil ordIr 1*1I. 1126 S. _ Blvd.. _ . CA ll28ll5. .7B 91740. 1213133M7Oli. e- _HondI Poi 1011I Cydw 21 W_ VImI"-"N.HaIw =:rt,CA Ing. _ . nylon, 20 24 Nlppoi Spn PIugo .•.. 3 Norrlo Cycle ProductI 30 DriInt 30 0thrNn DlIt .. .. .. .. .. 30 Downen'. Cycle Center •.... 21 Dunlop TireI 3.17 e.t-WIIl M.C 21 MX _ 7&2Ii Jwupe A . Sullo B. CA 12IlO4. 17141 1197.... CI lIli7 E. _ Hwy.. GIIndono. CA 22 PWfuli_iCllIib Anehelm 14-1 BILL WALTERS UEATHEAS - e.-n __ ~ ' 30 NItlonoI_.....,_ _1nd 20 DlolrIc138 Bak.rafleld 27 ~XFox MIC TIre Corp CMt R8cing ProductI III Carano Reooway 21 Cumun Shocko 23 Cycle _ ProductI.... 19.29 Cycle_Sub. Info ........ 7 Cycle RidIr DlIcount (7141 n4e21. 30 30 M" ProductI M _ ProductI 21 27 Roncho Cordovo. CA 9l5I7O. 19181-.2889. 21 23 27 23 MAP. Cycle Em Ken MeoIy Ent __ 30 ... _.1*1I_ .... 3071"' ... B' . . . CA 13301. *&:D4«!eI. Ridlng~re1 dioIJIoyt BUFFALO NUMBER PLATES Ihap 8111I Cycle. lrlO. All ~iw Number PIetea "*'*'" ._s.m. _rMoo.... IlcIoq ... - . , c:a.,... 3 - . iellkio. L.lhe. mill. hIIi...c. Write of """: Don V-=o, P.O. Bo.2n6. Laguna ..... CA lI2llli3. (7141 831-8137. colen. AtterItiona. number - - , c=-nIng & ..... GET 1l£ JOB DOItE RlGHTI- _ ...... Cl _ moc:h. wrk.• 20 _PIugo prto::-. 2li04 B Mon:onlIIo DIM. BENNETT'S LECTllOIi FUEL SYSTEMS. lKlran - . . c......c.. Produc:ta PRO-TllAC TRAILERS. INC.__ Ttlo~ y_ ...-_ 2O 27 24 19 Bob·.1Med Cydw Trell.... prec. porting. -.t • t34.50. Com. IUIP- modi on "1Oi lOItoockl. _ . pro-link ..". on 0hIIn0, NI WCIko. 12131323a34. .... Ior _ Actlon Ei~_h'll AIhImbno _ BoI R8y 1WIf ..... _U.s.& _ _ c:.dEllp.oe.. - MXL Oe.- _ _ m .. -....- - - - - - . o MXCot _ _ ." o e.-_ UiiiinIe_ o _MXCotT 7 MLXL o C _ _TT 17. . M XL 0rtgIneI MX Cot o _.MLXL Oe.- _WIIlT xa OC _.MLXL o e . - _ ..rlderatl4._ •. o C.... _ _ tl.102".4.. Fullerton -.-'&_- ---TOWN AND _ _ . CY. CLE - """*1 COUNTRY . . "--- ... lilt por\IL 411 S. . . - . . . . FuIIrlDn. CA 1lI33.17141171~. ...-....- o "We Don', c.. How The HeIIThlly Do It In Celtomll •• 1".,2" o "You'. . . . New.In•• '''.1Z'' you..... " c.ItfomI8 Am In CYCle o The Go Wee! •• 3 '2'· 1M...., of the e-cI Wenrifled on thie Item I. o Mo.." , • •"' ..... OM_N _ It"'" o.rd... ------- .._tl.lO.~ HONDA OF GAIlDENA 111I11 SouIh W _ Avo.. Gordono. 12131 77lHIIlI3 CI 32SG14. FuI ... of _ ........... &-.M.C ... _100I Come In CI .... .... .-= _ _ PL.- ~_uwr ., +.%T_lCA . . . . . . T_ _ ' ~ ...morind to . . . the 8mOUM Ihowft _ TOTAL _ _ ltogltt'hM with 8n, other c....... due thereon) . . . ... to Md in KCOf_M:Iii -........ o' int euch C8ft1. --------------~~--- 31

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