Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 12 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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the editorial, advenising, production and administration types look forward to our annual vacation. So if you need to talk to one of the aforementioned in the near future, be forewarned that they'll be putting out our big 150 issue, then Itaggering out the door for their Dec. 15-Jan. 4 respite. The circulation and accounting depanmentl will . remain in the offICe to give you a hand in their area. Ho.PITal STOP: Dirt Dlgg.r Nate Sclacqua, on. of DI.trlct 37'. be.t Senior clall riders, i. ho.pltalized at Bay Harbor Hospital following an accident at the Nov. 22 SoCaI hare 'n' hound. where h. wa. hit by a rld.r coming the other way whll. he was practicing the bomb run. Nate iI In traction- following .urgery to pin a .hetter.d left femur, with wriIt and finger Injurtel .. well. Why don't you help che.r him up with a card or Iett8r to him at Bay Harbor Hospital, Room 106B, 1437 Lomita, Harbor City, CA 90710. U.S. and World Speedway.Champion Bruce Penhall will be a featured guest on the nationally-syndicated Men' Griffin Show on Dec. IS. Check local liatings for the time and atation in your area. OIIytona I. no new .Ight for SWve WII., but ...Ing WIle on • Honde Superblk. roecI racer will be • new light for OIIyteme fene. " wHI I1IIrt et D.ytone," ..Id Hond. roecI rece teem maneger Udo Oletl. WIle hed been IIgned to • Hond. IUpport ride to .ceumulete nece. ..ry pol"" In club rOld reelng, but • new AMA ruling effective J.n. 1. 1112 mekeI Expert Mcrtoa'OII. ROId Rece .nd D1rt Trec:k llcen. . Interchengeble, 10 WIle will be .llglbl. for hi. Superblk. tlck.t. Gietl .1.0 RId thet WII. might ride 10m. e.... C .v.ntl for Honde, although Honda'. 1982 CIa.. C p"ne not .ettI.d at thl. tlma. In a Nov. 2S meeting, the AMA Board of Trustees unanimously paued a resolution lupponing the efforts of Secretary of the Interior James Watt. In adopting the resolution, the AMA Board expressed its endorsement of "sound multiple use management designed to accomOliate" the recreational needs of all AmericaDi. While the resolution IUpports the Secretary of the Interior, tile Board took the opponumty to comdemn the efforu of I~al interest grouP' IUch a the Sierra. Club which have sought "to utilize the publicity gained in their campaign &pinat Secretary Watt for their own financial gain. " A Brad Lack.yfDonnie Cantlloupl du.1 wa. the hlghHght of the Dec. 6 Ulllputian country race at Prairi. City OHV Park near Sacram.nto, CA. The two were llidom more then fIv. feet '1*1 during the Op.n Expert race, with Cantilloupl putting h.. KTM. ecrou the lin. fIrat with Lack.y'. SuzuklllCond. In a Ilmller bettie, Ron Smith lSuz) won the 260cc Expert race over Dave Wood lVam). 1981 number one pIete holder In the Vet expert c1e... Gery V.nderpoolIKTM), won the V,atlOld nmer race. Cover- cro.. age n.xt week. . In a three·way contest that fmds nor· mallY'respectable businesses busy lining up Itaffers and designated ringen, Corona Raceway will present the Mal· colm Smith Products (warehouse) vi. Answer Products va. Malcolm Smith Motorcycles (retailltore) Ihoot-o,ut on are Mike "'1'00 Tall" Bell (MSP), John. ny O'Mara and Donnie "Holeshot" Hanaen (AP), and Eric MacCracken (MSM). Staffers will include Eddie "Cold Man" Cole and Jimmy "Lalt Place" Lewis. The big three·way shoot· out runs along with the regular Friday night Corona program. Gold Belt Un., Inc., r.cently held fourth annual Indu.try rid. In Baja. Whil. the new productl darn0I_b&lwc:t by Gold B.1t were repor.d to hev. don. fin., AI.tocro.. ActIcNI editor Dick MIII.r was not 10 lucky, breaking hi••hould.r In a high-speed get-off. Miller th.n hooked the throttl. onto the clutch IkIe of the blk. and rode one-hended on the pav.m.nt from Ind.p.nd.nlca to En••neda. th.n north to Tecate where he r.jolned the group. Miller I. now on the mand. Harold Sellers, a mechanic in Class C and road racing circles whose career included a Itint with Team Kawasaki as Gary Nixon's mechaniC in ·1972, died in San Diego on Dec. 5, the victim of a heart attack at the age of 45. Sellen, who had been out of motorcycling lince 1976, was working on a boat at the time of his death. He is lurvived by his mother Norma Sellers, and notes of condolence can be sent to her at P.O. Box 579, Westpon, O.R 97016.. The Greet American Motorcycl. Shows hal dropped Detroit from 1t11982 schedul., adding St. Loui. to the llne-up and changing the date of the Baltimore .how. The reviled schedul. now I1IInds at: San Francilco, Jan. 22-24; SeattI., Jan. 29-31; Chicago, F.b. 12·14; St. Louil, Feb. 26-28; Atlanta. Mar. 1921; and Baltimore. Apr. 9-11. The totals are in for the 1981 southern California Speedway season. Between regular season events, and lpecial events, there were a total of 72 events drawing a total of 246,425 lpectators and paying the riden $540, 125.25 in purse and point fund monies. American Rlv.r Collage In Sacr. m.nto, CA. will off.r a motorcycle rider COUrll for beginning cyIlat1 next ..meater through ItI Cornmunity Servlc. D.partment. Four ••ction. will be with each meetlnglix tim••. Th. first COUrll beglne Feb. 1 with others following ~. 15. Apr. 19, and May 10. Motorcycl.. will be fumlshed. Th. c.... fee I. t36. For more Information can 918/484 8843. . Kyle Landrum took the 125cc Pro c1us with Tim Butler heading the 250s at the GNC Astrodome Qualifier in Whitney, TX on Dec. 6. landrum led the 250s until hillhock reservoir broke off. Ho.PITal STOp: The night before the WhItney race, 14-year-old Carrol "Th. KII"r" Richardson ."ffered two brok.n ribs and a llparated col..rbon. when he fell through a hoi. whn. cro••lng a brldg. over the track. Som. get-well card. and letters would lure glv. thl. MX.r'. .plrltl a boost. 10 IInd·.m to Rt. 1 Box 146, Ft. Worth, TX 78179. Jim Loza~o has been appointed Sales Manager for Race Ready in Dallas, TX. California i.n't the only .tate beIIt by ..nd clo.ure probl.m•. In a letter from on. Phantom Duck. Jr. In the Lone Star State. Papa learned thet Art Hlckay and Larry Cleghorn are currently fighting the cIolUre of Dal". County Cyc" Park. After tha "nd wa. purcha.ed and work I1IIrted on the fecllity earlier thl. yeer, the city of Combln.lT)() took Hlck.y and Cleghom to court and forced them to helt operetlon., u the city contended thet It wal within city ImItI. The track. located ICroII the street from an old MX rac.way, W8I purchalld In good felth .. being In Del... County, and the lawyer for DCCp felt he proved the can on pol",. of lew. The presiding Judge ruled In favor of the city of Combln., after .Ix weeki. and Ieter refuled to dlecua the can with the DCCp "wver. Hlckay and Cleghorn . . now In the proctIII of taking the can to an Appeals Court where there wIR be th.... Judgee on the bench. Hickey and Cleghom hav. spent many, many dollarl .0 fer in court - In addition to the ongoing coati of a rnotoeroII treck that won't produce Incom. if clo.ed - and could UII help in their upcoming Appeail Court hearing. If you can. lind donetlone to either: Art Hick.y, 4410 Uve Oak. Muqulte. TX 7&160 or Larry CI.ghorn, At. 11. Box 14&C, Rockwall, TX 7&087. to haunt him when he lost out on th overall title by one pointl Th.... checkI went whIatII through the U.S. PoltIII ServI laat weak. the re.ult of the high I terest In the Cycle N.... B-to-V II Motorcycl. Road Ride and Pok Run. Th. Phantom Duck of Duert Legll Defenee Fund and AMA Lag....tlv. Supporter Fu each received .1,320 from the rI .ntrI••• with anoth.r .283.38 g to the Duck from Quack.r Bo contribution•. To all the .upported th... two worthy or ganlzatlon., a hearty thenk y from all of u. at Cycle News. A1.0 another hearty vote of thenk. g to the VIctor McLagIen Motor CalI'IIIlII and the SIIv.r City Scramblera f tlrelu. effortI and Inveluab aid In producing the event. Papa ~Ult received word that Soctt USA WIll be sponsoring the 1982 Flori Winter·AMA Series, and providing a $8,000 point fund. . Mlk. K.nyon, co-winner of th Nov. 1 AFM 4-Hour endurance along with Rhye Howard, celled mak. one COl'rNCtIon and one tiDn to the race report. ~ ~'NeIdi I. from Brltlah Columbia, Canada not from Wa.hlngton. Second K.nyon thenked .poneors AlllIeCI Motorcycle•• Th. Orlglnel ....IthIHII Factory and R.nton Vameha. The California State Park and Recrea tion Commission will meet in Sa Francisco on Dec. 11, and one of th items on their agenda is a publi hearing on the development of Carnegie State Vehic\llar Recreati Area. The meeting begins at 8 a.m. with the public hearing ponion set fo 9, and it will be held in room 1194 0 the State Building, 550 McAliiste St., San Francisco, CA. Figuring it wa. time to deal g prix racers (not Roberti or Mamol but tho.. davotee. of .l,Cte COUrll off-road racing In IOU CaUfomla) in for 10m. mon.y, Prof...ionel Racing Orgen'-tlo W8I formed, and they'll heve th first rac. D.c. 'D at Rlverelde Inter natlonel Raceway. They will thr.. c1e....: Novice Irld. fo trophy only), Junior Pro Irld. contingency) and Pro Irlda cuh) They will a.o heve a1gn-up, and overnight CIlmplng on Slltunl. . av.nlng. Mall .ntrl•• are open no and will contlnu. through Dec. 1 For more Info, contact p.R.O.. South Main St.. Suite 57·117 Orang., CA 92868. Oopsl Give Papa a five for his perfor , mance in this section lalt week regard ing the ATA'I EI Trial de Espana. It . not Dec. 12·1 5 al we wrote. Here is th way it is really going to happen: Satu day, Dec. 12, is the Expen-onl Schreiber Cup trial at Litderock voir in the Antelope Valley. Sunda Dec. 15, is the El Trial de EspaDa Saddleback Park in Orange, CA. 197 World Trials Champion Bernie Schrei er will be at both events, and the Trial de 'Espana will feature not classes for everyone, but a raflle wit the top prize being a brand·new Bul Sherpa. For more info, contact G Smith at 714/842·5245 (days) or 714 Tucson, Arizona'i Carlos Serrano was ' 847·8495 (evenings). in Cuba over the Thanksgiving weekSanta C"u.ln tha duert7 Vap. end to defend his Copa de Cuba MX Callfom.. Reelng Club will hoIdlII title in a three·day 125 and 250cc inter· Its annual San18 CIeuI family national meet. Serrano wal unable to duro on D.c. 13 at Anderson compete in the fint day when his Cara· Laka in Lucern. Vall.y, and 01' belas became lnarled in customs, but Nick will be there hendlng on Saturday and Sunday he won four 1l!5cc motos in four attemplS, and three 1CJOll(, flnlaher trophlea and out of the four 250cc tnotos. In the : for the kIda. For more Info, C encl, 1loYmer, thI: fU'lt clay came back CRC et n ~ 6114. . U::I

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