Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 12 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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/ "Wed" was how Louis McKey,' the Phantom Duck. of the Desert, summed up his annual sojourn across existing roads and trails from Bantow, CA. to Las Vegas, NV, on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. . McKey's 15 riding partnen, as well as the many other ama11 groups that combined to place approximately 700 riden in the same spot, could only share theit nearly·frozen heads in agreement. Steady rain fell through most of the cold day, and through one section of the route, riders had to contend with snow tndd icy winds. Everything started back on Alvord Rd., approximately 2S miles northeast of Barstow. Riders arriving the day before were greeted by what they had joked the Bureau of Land Manage' ment might do when dealing with off· road riders - send out tanks. Sure enough, at a railroad siding across the freeway from the traditional B·to· V starting area, there were tanks, armored personnel carriers, the whole works. But it was coincidental. The Army was holding maneuvers and minding theit own business. (It was quite a sight, however, to see one of the tanks cutting a swath across the old B-to- V start area'at night, rumbling happily across what is now Cass M desert.) It had rained in the area on Thun· day, but most of Friday and early Saturday morning was cloudy, cool and dry. The ominous skies to the east were the only portent of things to come as riders took off. Our group, led by the Duck, had the two most likely candidates for a long distance trophy, if there were one. Harry Gould and John Hopkins ai~ighted their bikes from Spring Valley, NY, out to' California, and then flew in Thursday afternoon before the event. BLM presence, however, was minimal. One ranger was on the scene Friday night. handing out maps and showing riders areas the BLM wished they would stay out of. One, Cronese Dry Lake, it was explained, was wet. Another area to be avoided, Mton Canyon, the ranger was reported to have explained was because ':Campers wouldn't want to be bothered by 50 or 60 dirt bikers." (Wonder what the campers think when one of the Union Pacific trains comes thundering WFO down t!le track through there?) As of Friday night, the BLM said that Jim Moses of their Barstow office would be out to ride sweep and aid injured riders. When the ride got under:way, riders followed a clearly defmed road paralleling the freeway until just before Rasor Rd., where they crossed under the freeway and picked up remnants of the old freeway. The rain began in earnest around 9 a.m. and continued all the way. By Dale Brown Photos by Mark Kariya and Brown Riders leaving early had little trouble all thf, way to Cima Rd., the unofficial halfway'point. Others, who later crossed the very northern tip of Soda Dry Lake just before Baker, reportedly had to battle a mudbath thf,re. Leaving pits at Cima Rd., most riders were fairly well soaked. Unfortunately, the worst pan lay ahead. It was already snowing at Mountain Pass on the freeway, and the upper portion of Clark Mountain was coated a frosty white. Our path was a well worn, rocky road that wound around the south sice of the mountain before heading down through Coliseum Gorge and out to Stateline. About 10 miles into the 25mile section, we hit a brisk snowfall. It turned into a blizzard. By the time we started our descent, most were liter· ally encased in ice. "My face, neck and BARSTOW. CA·LAS VEGAS, NV, NOV. 28 (Cofllinued to page 10) (Top) The Phentom Duck of the Deeert ~. hi. merry IItde blind of trIIll riders ewey from the at8rt on an edventure they won't soon forget.lAbove) The sight Of these and many more Ulnka and troops caused more than one comment about the BLM. AetuaIIy,lt was the Army on maneuvers ..... the Alvord Rd. at8rt ..... Barstow to Vegas Trail Ride Off-road protest can't be washed away 6

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