Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 11 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2IiO HONDA ELSINORE _ _ lhlrly - . an bIce. _ _• tliOO.OO. 12131 EJ.3846. 1348/471 1981 m7& .... then 100 mi. R&D 3lImm CARBl-'lETOP. "*'*-' fer PM126X. 760 CHAMPION YAMAHA tuned by Sholl. _ CIA four 'lIO & '11 _ nurnIIoR. perfect. (714) Il76ee93.n4el z..-. ''.l707lll87-7776. (1411 2 '81 YAMAHAS . vz 2IiO. '1000. VZ 4lI6. '1100.00. Good cand. ColI """'3 p.m.(714) lI87-317B.I1481471 TZ 125 G road racer mono '1000.00.12131 m.39lil.1348/471 0t0 - . Dur*lpo. kit. ..., 10 ..... pons nolhing ...... III buy. Complete• • _ _• etc. 1980 CR 390 HUBqvama E-.ingo 12131834-6076. 1348/471 PENTON-KTM PARTS CIooring ClUl _ _ . - _ ..... '78 KAWASAKI KZ1000 LTD CuIlIlm engine 110751. ~.'Il cIwomo, _ dIoc. _ ~ point.. . - A--. bioi io hoh & rnnt. 00 Socrifico f3OOO.I2131421-' fl'4el ..... '79 XL260S HONDA 0') ~ L!") CN s. up lor onduraa, _ Ihacb, - ~ 1979 KAWASAKI 10(126. _ cand.. '7OO.lIO• AIoo ll173lUS21iO _ . f2llO.00. 17141 970-7!J18. Canedlan Space Programl -.11 ....... 12131374-68 or l2131l139-1._11 p.m.I1481 ~ 2IiO DirtIrocker. long . . - juot _ _ lrOMy. S&W. HI.-, _ . _ rim. .... gaodiool Thio bioi io ..., foot but buIIoIprooI ond ~ _ .... 'l,llliO.OO. Cell 0-. Goad - . - . ,;, forb. Cumd! 12131387.()T17 """' 5. l34lII 1-0 ringo, . - . . . - . oec. P. ...., priced. ColI 171414lD6262. -*'II" 171414l13-87ll6. 11411 1 .YAMAHA486G pipe, - - - . '1000. - Fox Fens. . - _ . - . - . . . . -.... two _ . nu:h ....... Exlnt. cand.. _ hours. muot .... '1.360.00 080. 12131 919-3371 or 12131 _12. 11481471 porlO, piotDn. -.-. _ a... WANTED _ I Good _ ~ KS. ICE. KO. or -tv 10(126. opood ___ . - or _engine, _1976 14011 322-n14. ._ _ Torn. _ _• PMI26cyt1nclor. 114eel '1 QJ ..c S QJ ~ M_. poinlo~Ilm4l_1l17O . 114el 1981 RM2&OX must MlIIII e-. 12131 - . - . '121iO. n481471 382.... •2300 0.8.0. 114el 1979 HUSKY CR390 e - bIce. . hoh engine.__12lin-. good - f976 or _ : _ .... I402l 22& ~ 4IiOlI.n4llEl Z 7&0 DUCATI DESMa 1976 55 .... ..., or _ . lIlIOcc. 1 - ' high plpoo, _ _ '2,600. PIc:lI - . . 3044 Smilh Pel.. T _ . OH 431113. Momingo. 13131 1Ili6-6B96. 114eel BAJA &SA 1968 DB34 Gold S.. B&I _ . 1'1icUIed, 11500. Aa.o 1986 G86 exIrI b• •' IlIle .. f8OO. WIll _ 10 W_ CoMt. 14171 -..e7. 11481471 POCKET BIKE RACE 0 bel - FREE- WlIICh _ micro r8Cing _ I Emrioo ~ '"'"' 4 _ oIds up 10 their 40 _ old ~ Here • your chonce 10 _ thio greet now opartI ASCOT GRANT PRIX. . Come out ond _ High Point Boots size 9% rocers In _ '75. Ub MW _.121313T.H1308.I1'4lIl 1978 YAMAHA VZ100 18240 South Vermont. Gordono. CA 12131616-6760. SATURDAY. NOV. 21.1911110AM. (1481 1978 YAMAHA VZ125 '79 VZ100 YAMAHA _.-_ Engine .-.tty - FAST! f4OO.12131J!i8.5615. 'obuII. f450 0.8.0. 12131 J!i8.5616. Good cand.. otoek. '600.00.(714) 764-67110.11461601 11'4lIl 1980 SUZUKI NEW RM400T '79VZ4OOF '1199.00. ORANGE COUNTY SUZUKI. I . _ Whi1e_ ohodt. Teny kit. Thio bioi io ..... _ . lots '" . AIIdng - . by prof. - . -'00. c.l1 Mort<, 778-14UI. 114l1l ~ f7141 630-7340. _ f7141 RD 3&0 Superstreet Racer ...... 34mm Mildnio, dip ono. II" dioc. PrPr"'CJlOPipIa,DDi:I' _ oec. c... be..- _!elIOt _litle. __ ~ ColI fer ...... info. 'UIOOIll.O. K_lr/inIlI4161 :z33. 793B.11481471 .. • 1IIvd.• COIIIII _ . CA. (714184&-2428. 124l11TFNl iii' Honda XI2&O, Honda CR250 Shock Sale 40% Ott _ Xl26O. perIoe:t cand.. 700 - . f67li.00. _ CP2IiO. Jdn1. cand.. _ lIoc. flIOO.oo. SuzuImpIotB C&J _ fer _ __ engine. lIlnomotor._ond~in_ _ 2IiOcc Hondo. big .... _ kit. ...... tliOO. 19111 Hondo CNIIl, _ -. . . . - . twdIy . - . M60 OAO. See • Chud<'. ~ Cycle. ~ c.I. 17141 244-8991 or 17141 2448374. 1348/471 ~ '81 YZ 12&1T Water Pumper SlDd<, _ . f9760B0. 0141 ~ 11411 MINI BIKE 19111 Y260G. Torry KIt. Curnutt ohodt. San outgrew, muot .... f3OO. 1213111111-6049. n481 "WAl.NECK'S", ~ MOTORCYCLE ~ "CLASSIC'FlEDS", *g." tonk cornpIela _ 175 II. 800TLES*4 * PORTABLE AIR _. _. 7 ~ bel chuct<. f36.oo. o.dof 2 ond _ '10.00. Do it youroolI kilo ..., _ _ WiI ohip U.P.S. 12131 48B-148l1 or 12131 687-14&11. 114eel It. " ' - _ Supercro.. Plug Caps '79 4&0 MAICO $900 For s.-tJjke ond Supercroa w... ond plug contoel 1IioIbiII1y. lJoMI by Proo. High-temp. silicone. No 8rcing. Wo""",ooI. MX SWIPERS. Foric:oIota. C_1It. Mono ...... L.angao _liIe. 0.... through 12" CIA ...... 411 HP. 2111 .... f3.400 _ _ in 79. ColI fer IIot CIA _ _ lMry l7141l131.6lBJ .... 1110 7. 11481471 your 1ocoI_. For _ or _ _ progrom. Cell GATOR PIlOOUCTS USA. V1ClONiIIe. CA. f7141 2432323. 114eel 1979 HU8qvarn8 Sldd ....... 0hIIn0. 390 CR 1948 Indian Chief America'. YrlIII1 Antique Motorcycle C _ or lrOiI bIce. "NOW 44 PAGES" f876.OO. l8ll6l 261-2212. fl. THIS NEW CLASSIfIED IS FOI: lHOSl WITH ANTIOUf CLASSIC AND Cuttl£NT btU 'fM SA1J" C. 'WAlCrlDI' 1979 SUZUKI G81000 CompIololy - . _ _ fer. 11.000 - . '2196. _ . . . - . . - bioi. poniol ~ 12131 64S«B .-.ingo. fl. WANTa): MT1261l PARTS. IIocIy tr-. _ . onylNng. o - - t K_ f714142&3778. ( I ' . Suzuki Ka1ane Nights 17141 763-8736. brand newl _ _• _ _. ADS FOR PAIITS SlltVKts ANDMUfS AU WUCOMlO Welneck'. p o - . an _ _ . _ _ Classic'tied. & ontlqueo. monthly. '10.00 _ moil. Semple "'oil - '111.00 yr. - firsl _ ",. od _ _ ipIiuo. _ - _ .,,00. WALNECK'S. 112 Moin. Lomant. II. lI0438. 13121267-778B. n411 alP\' 11481 Poi"",, 1 . BSA Spitfira Hornet Rune - . .. arigInoI _ _ AIIdng flIOO. ColI Chrio 12131423-0374. l34lII4lIl - .-m l24lII!iOEl * MUSTSEU* 19111 Y _ 126 ond 19111 PM 126. moIee _ . 12131 ~ or 121319l14-204lI. 1148147l '79 HUSKYor _ CR 390 bioi Good _ 1980 KAWASAKI KX 250 0u-.dIng _ . "*'Y""" included. Soc:riftce con't he _ 0hIn Ihacb, . mIIoege f8OO.00. AIeo 19111 GSli60E SuzuId ... _ ond ""'"" _ _ c:oIl _ ""'"" body warto. '1.200.00. 11:00 p.m. l209l 6lM-7209. 11481 69lI-866ll144lll '81 YAMAHA VZ125H $8&0 6 tim-. S. up by MoIco Weot. . - 0I*a. .... '1_.00 or _ offer. tlIll6l-.&763. Whi1e~--" .-_. hohtopond. ooIelyc-. DG pipe. PF_.1213142l1-7S3_ II p.m.144lIl Bates Dirt Track Leathers _ . worn 2Jl, "'""'11". _ & white. 67' 140 II. MOO.oo. CIwtIo - 121317llG<122!i. fl481 A roof for a bike home or bus. 36 -_piela. - ' o m , col PRESTON PETTY PPOOUCTS. 800B24-78D 3031. lin e-nloo 11'. lIOO8i2. 7777 -Operotar 3031. Uoe your _ Chorge or V. cord fer 0 _ ruoh _ I 0. _ your money_ Ill: PRESTON PETTY PPOOUCTS. PO Boll 4168. So ., ..... A2 E2lI1. 11'1 be . . _ two bucks you Then _ no funIw. You'.. juot _ one '" tho _ ond _ _ SuNde -...d. Bought.- July '81. _ _ - . Coot ond 0 .-.tty gone through . . - thol NIW now. '1.660.00 080. c.llfer mare _",,",6 p.m.12131 ........ _ n4el I_ to _ 1233. fl48l47l twice. _ .,700 080.12131 lI33-0462. (1'4l1l49I looking for a '81 RM 2&OX7 __ 1981 _ . e -Malco480 Mega II BoughtMWIn Juno. _ SUZUKIOF VAH NUYS - YOur Suzul

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