Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 11 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1980 Y~ VZ125. 2 yr. TT _ _.1714167lHll11l3.11481 II. Ilka C&J HONDA 410cc 1981 HONDA CB900F Hondaline Sport fairing, controts. quartz clock, vohmeter. etectronic cruise. black. 650 miles. $4,000 .tock; $6.700 lightened to 520 lbo. Evenings. 120318875964.1145147EI _ In.. Curnutt. S_lic.. air bol<. 2189.1448l '550. (714) 946- Two '81 Kewasakl440 Jet Sk18 '3000. 17141 _ _• S. Man. 1hru FridIy. . . far Butch.l248ITFN * * NEW HUSKY DEALER * * 1981. CR reduced for sale. 19Bb in stock. Call us now (9161 635-151i6. SUNRIVER MOTORCYCLE CENTER. 11257 Coloma Rd.. Rancho COfdova. CA. 12481491 et Team Cowboy Fall Clearance Sale ~ 00 FASTGS1100 Too mony _ end _ 1 0 list VfIlY loot: CoIl Dan. dIIyo beIont 2:00 p.m. end Mike after 2:00 p.m. et l303I 3lI3-6134. t3200 Of _ _. l303I 985-7887. 1148147El SHEll 250 YAMAHA 77. _ _ !rIme.lIot.I7141~. cylinder. '76 motOf. (1461 cz. l2131422-7083. I448l q_ t9OO.OO. 1970 BSA B25"""" nlbuilt, _ condI1ion. $600.00. Need Norton _ 5 0 end E _ porto. Ron Glenn. 1030 Undo 0...• Campbell. CA 9500B. 14061374-4836. 11461 DUNLOP RACING TIRES 1978 Smuggler trailer. 22 It. long. _ . toilet, oink. etc. Used 4 t1..... has been in ~ for 2 .5000 Of _ _. 1415) 724-9847. 11461 ~. M'CHINA. LTD .• 121214994416. 1341TFNI & mill wort<. ~ h W I~.'- oondilion, Treaded &'shck tires fOt' 125cc machines. Contact D.E. lllbr_,. _ ~ 15131422-e622. I24IIEJ 1964 Triumph TIger Cub _ Prototype Conny end . . _ . - by Mike G.... on the GP c:iralit. It _ _ - . . l I y ~ nobound deinping. 211 - . . 1 _ ae:tlon. higher quaII1y opringo. WP RACING. $550. 1978 SMUGGLER TRAILER ..... 01- _ ~. g _about It. White _10 Iar-"" 10"""'" ... . Performenc8 Fort KIt far . 1976 400 ALl N£VV top end. mony llXlres on bike. Fun end _ bike. Must 11811. has been stOfed 3 V-O. $550.oo0.B.0.12131822-641'. (144146) MACHINE SHOP 0)' White Power Husqvem8 Susp. "'_ Many _ _ e:...-.. by MJIut _ wIITripoo._ _ 1978 RM125 SUZUKI _ lOp end. -v fat end eIeen• . - _ . - '61 Honda CB900F - three 4 hr. endurenc8 wi". in open prod.• strong engine. '1,995. '81 ~ GPz550. bent, • call IOf deI8IIs. '1,396. 'BO Hondo CB75OF. good _ Of ..... bike. 4000 mllee. '1.650. ~l Superblke. 1015cc. Kerk.... YOoh. CR corb. -V !lost. much mOf8. '2;950. 'n RD400. 5000 milee. $890. 74 Windjammer _home. 50K mileo, root end _ air. auioe. oeIf-<:ontllined. rune ecallent, $4,995. '81 Honda Mod. 3600 • $895. '81 Haul..... 12 It. alum. trailer. bench, u.. like new. $1.650. ~ Honda DOHC 750cc engine. t860. Hawk 400cc engine. low milee, $295. ~I 900 _ . ' - y ported end polIohed. K&H cerno. Pto-Ao. brtInd _ . '750. KZlI60 cylinder, '100; complete heed. $200. Win IhIp _ and porto anywhara in U.S. Call Todd Reynolds. l216l 874-361. Of Ray 0y0Ie l2161 454-6171 - - . 9-6. 12161 4999B8O after 6. (14llE) dei_. welding. fin _ng. cylincler baring. Sunnen honing. big bOfe k~ 181 UPS........ repIIc:ement, . jobo. heedJcyIindef eurf8cing. . cItoen and Ioeded with Irick _ See lit IIIl62 E. Roeecra".. Paramount. CA. WIll delivery up 10 200 milee. Call 12131 531-1619 Of 12131 866-6364. Serious inquiries only pi..... $1960.00. (345146) 250R High Volume Air_ _ honeBox with 2-et8g8 air _ . plus Yamaha RD350B never raced 1975. 3SOO Ofiginal milee. StOfed 2 yr•.. stock. $750.12061 426-1907. 1345146) EDDIE LAWSON'S KAWASAKI is no tricker than mine. '80 KZ56O. factory cafe fairing and seat, mint cond., must SfHS. 7K miles• .$'800.00. Day (213) 689-0050. nitel605) 496-6135.13451481 Maico motorcycles and parts One day aervice on parts, large perts inventory.' HODGES ENTERPRISES. 717 Hwy. 385. Julesburg. ColOfedo 60737. 13O'l1474-2734.1245/461 RM250 73. $600 DBD. (714) 594-2562. 14461461 ~ * * PRO TRAC TRAILERS * * We menufecture the finest. rnr;m II'ttnIC6ve trailers enywherel Send IOf br""""- & prices of our meny list of optiona. 2504-B Mercaritite 0...• Rancho COfdova. CA 95670.19161635-2899. PRO TRAC TEXAS. Hwy. 84 & Juantla Dr.• Daniaon. TX 75020.12141 463-1561. PRO TRAC SOUTH. 25437 Rye Canyon Rd.. Valencia. CA 91355. 18051 257·2220. 12411T1'NEI 1980 SUZUKI 850 GS 3500 miles. 2 halme1ll. rear rack. $1995.00. (714)837-6927.13431451 Call powe end better throttle responae. _ air filter halpo 10 keep the filter cIeener and dryw then expoMd. Deoigned for UIO iwth Milwni cerbs. ".98. See your . _ Of contIICt WFO. P.O. BDz 6115. Huntington _ . CA 926<\7.1714) 984-1192. 124BEI 1979 YAMAHA YZ250F _ raced. Scott boots. Jofa a- prot8C\OrS. motOf - s..-3 - .kidney belt, Ieethtn and mOfe. '795. 1978 Yamaha YZ400 Rode twice. like _ . halmet, .,000 FIRM. )2131 429- n25 Of 12131430«i46. (248149) LAPEL PINS MADE TO ORDER All printed with ¥OU' ed_ng. CaIendors. _ IDpo, kay tBgB. pencila. mOf8. Call ACTION ADIIERT1SlNG 'Of prices Of _ IOf _Is. SAC. Me """"PlI!d-12131 789-5909. 17433 Ventura Blvd. 1253. Encino. CA 91316. Toll uswhlltyou want. (346E) BULTACOASTRO Excellent and complete 3lIO bike. plus III , piaceo I_I to moIta a 250 motor 100 - _ _ Final Can-Am Clearance - $1600.13(7) 634-195B.1346I47El 1960 400 MX 64. RD400 CAFE ROCKET $1199.00 Rood l.arga lI8Iection of used Cen-Ama lrom $699.00. KOlBE rBC8 modifilod chesois. T2 lIIiI. 750 tar*. t.iring, r_ _• SpeciIIist II pipee. 34mm cerbs, _ _ CYCLE SALES. 7514 R _ Blvd.. R _ . CA 91335. (213) 345-7616. 1242fTFNI linee. drilled diaca. 0I1oy swinu-m. Metzaler. Mid>eIin. fresh motOf. Sir_legal. loot and pretty. $1800. 17141 271-1466. 1346) Great Christmas Gifts Send IOf free racer's t-shirt CIItlIlog to; T·SHIRT COUNTRY. Box 626. Hewitt. NJ 07421. 12011 1283950.1144/46EI HUSKY 1980 250cc CR , Excallent cond~ion. Asch pipe. Fox Font. '1295.00. (213) 776-3877. (346/47) 1981 250 MAICO DEL 1.5:! R10 $1250.00 axc. cond" Fox Ihoxs. 1714) 981-6311. 11411l 1981 * Suzuki RM250X Floater Racing machine must be -.111 _ Pwlcw".u reer shock end reeervoir. Arr&weI Proc:IucU ........ and silencer. Rid< Jonee 1!Ofling. SeIety Ilur*'P tir... _ engina. Twin,.._..-n. '1400.00. Call Dan 12131316-7346. 11461 e-. RIDDEN ONLY TWICE IN '811 NEWATC250R COFFMAN'S NEW 1982 TRI MOTO 175 PIPE Is NOW _ _ I Improves perfOfmance through entin!~.e - compIate with - " erreetOf Of oilancer. GUARANTEED 10 perfOfm 10 ¥OU' _ _ -. _ - '94.50. Call Of _ now 10 COFFMAN'S. 5642-G McFedden Ave.. HuntinI;;on _ . CA~. 17141897·2209.l239ITFNEl Vented front fonder. Don't Iooe valuable h O f _ 10 hast. Honda Red $36.95. AIoo _ in white point· able pIaatic '39.95. _ _ number pleta with 1Cfe8I"1II. available red Of white $13.95. See ¥OU' deeler, ...ite Of call: WFD. P.O. Box 6115. Huntington Beech. CA 92647. l7141 984-1192. 124BEI IIHELLI n ISMOI't It nAN Mn H lI. I'A 1.9(140 RETAIL AND DEALER INFORMATION. COSMOPOlITAN MOTORS. HlItbaro. PA. 12151 672-' 91 00 l239I81fne1 C3 1980 KAWASAKI 250 Short TracI

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