Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 10 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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aton Pro 8erIes road race pointe at DlrytoI_1n 1178. He can be reechecI et 6131322~1...". fer . . my dirt track program gOM 111 .pln have the backing of KK Motorcycle Supply .nd J.R. K.lley .Iong with Slumore. In eddltlon. I'm working on. number of other d...... - "I'm really pleased at all the cards and letters I've been receiving," said Hank Scott, "although a lot of people seem to think I'm going to retire because of my injuries. (Hank broke his femur and collarbone and broke his pelvis in four places in the final National of the season.) There's no way I'm going to quit when I can still win races. I finished fourth in the (Winston Pro Series) point standings doing it by myself and I'll be back. I firmly believe I'll be on the track at the Sacramento Mile next year. At least that's the schedule I've set. My doctors are full of encouragement. I've already stane 01 the House anJ sen3~c. but tld~ cHort should .lso imp:let lovernors, state Republican and Democratic Party chairs, and other appropriate political !iaures (both elected and p:lTty .MAXHlur.: !c\'t:!r;, ~1ll1)1" IMPACT: We {oresee opf'ortunitics on two j'lTst, the local St_orv ("Sierra Club lc:lder Jane si~n.tuTes'·); ~ccond. Doc presents a :il1ion antJ-i:l:: national stOl'\': the • t·t,,):] :.:U:-l EXPOSURE FOR SIERfl.\ CLUB 'IS A STRO;,C C;r.,\SSROOTS aR.CAt\I!ATJO~: pushlnr. ('JUT 2. .c:roea the .I Interesting ISDE fact: In each displacement clalS, an Italian World Trophy or Silver Vase rider rode on an early minute. Fine. On the following minute or two came another Italian, not a Trophy or Vase rider, but on the same brand and model of bike. Hmmm. Two-time D.ytona 200 winner D.1e Singleton. who ha. competed .1· most exclu.lvely In Europe the pest two •••on.. might ItaY In the U.S. next y.r .nd conte.t the Formule I road race. of the WInaton Pro Series. "I haven't I'8IIIIy made up my mind. but I might .klp Europe next yesr .nd defend my U.S. Road R.clng Championship title. Th.ra·••110 • chance I'll contest lOme Superblk. rec:ea." ..Id Singleton. who WIll In the Arel H.1meta booth .t Iut weekend'. MIS Motorcycle Trade Show In Atlente. Oury/Moto·X Fox/Pro Circuit Husky rider David Gerig clinched the Continental Moto·sports Club's number one 500cc Pro plate with a win at Ascot Park on Oct. 15. Congrats, Dave! The .ntry tim. for the Craig V.tter NlItIonel HIgh-MII.g. Contest ha. been .xtend.d to the dey of the .v.nt. Oct. 26. Pre-entry not ,.. qulrecl. AI.o • specl.1 ..thra. wh....r dlvl.lon" h.. been edded to the Industry cIua. For more poop cell Paul, IlO6l&43-812&. Competition In the Industry c.... looks to be tough. D.n H....brlnk. who.. motorized bicycles wera .hown In Cycle Ne. . et the .nd of IIIIt ye•• hili entered • teem of mirIng equipped blk•• thet raportedly get 76 ml". to the quart, Honda .lao reportedly has • streamliner .ntered. ("ConiTess receives :il1ic:ll,$ of .nti-l\'att Sl~natuTCf,") • VOLU~TEH World Chemplonahlp GP Roild Rac:Ing Series &OOcc t1t111t M.rco Luechln.1II will rac. fectory Y.mehas next year for the MerIborQIAgoatInI T.m heed.d by 16-tlm. World Champion GI.como Agoatini. Thet news comes from • column In London'. DIIIIy Mal written by Cycle Ne.. contributor ChrII Carter. According to C8rter. Lucchln.111 turned down .n offer from Hond. worth • reported MOO.OOO. The teem will be bued In Italy. The ertIcl. w.nt on to report thet Randy Mamole will be the aoIe file· tory rider for Suzuki next y.r which mey have been one of the ,..lOn. Lucchlnelll switched cempa. Stey tuned for mora in the continuing ..g8 of "who's riding whet for whom on the GP circuits n.xt . .son." at the topl... beech road from their hotel. 11ll:l~e .:H a The petition is ide.l for deliberately pnIitical forc_e. s;ra:'l'roo~~ The Basic pi~n: The b:uiic ide" ~f this 'PI.::!n h to h3ve each Chart,er send .: I volunteer rcpresenutive (one of your most T'0litic.llr experienced t~p le~uers) to ~.::Ishin'ton, D.C. in October, cerryina the petitions from your state. Actual presrnt&tion of the petitions to Nc=bers of Contresl will occur in Washinaton, D.C., as each Chapter's reprcs~nrative meets person.lly with th,t st~te's conlressional delet.tion, All Chapter represent.tives .ill coae to Washinaton for this rUl'p05C durin, the saae one-weer. period in lite October. t:aC'h Ch.::lptCT rerTe,ent3tiv~ will be prescntin: the petitions to his/hcr contrcuionul delcl::ltion ~eT'aT:ltely, BUT. u a !roup the representativcs frc.m ,11 Chaptcrs will participate 1n • series of events planned to achieve •• ximum political and media imp.ct durinl the special "Watt Petition Il.'eek" in the nation's c.pit.l. ror pl.nnin~ purposes. we arc now tlr.cting the wcek of Octobcr 19th .s thc week we are .skina each Chapter to send its represent.tive to W.shin,ton. THE SCALE OF THIS OrERATlON--AND WHY l<£ kANT TO DO IT THIS kAY Thi. is obviously an ••bitious .nd larle-scale plan. To put it all toaether in the re~ short aonths between now &Ad OCtober Abo". .re excerpts from. copy of • contldentlel S1erre Club memo from Joe fontaine end Doug Scott to S..,. Club ch8ptM' leedera. We find It Interesting thet In their 1108" In meldng • netIonel pruentetlon of the Recen 18ecretary of Interior J.mes) Wm petition drive thet they took to Wuhlngton on Mondey Oct. 1•• 811 the 1108" reIete to mexlmum expoeure for the SIemI Club. Not one word In their goele .bout getting wm out of office. The rut of the memo deta... plena for • big medle .nd poIItIceI puah. A zillion lettera In fevor of Wm woulel be • good wey to ehow the grua roota poIltIceI anngth of motorcycllata. Oh one good quote from the memo under "Expenau": "MlIterIeJ.. Including fency mllt8rle.. for .ch Chapter repruentlttl". to pre. .nt . . pert of their lobbying .nd medle wits In W••hlngton. will be provided by the national Club:' yell'" SWM has announced that 1979 World Trials Champion \\emie Schreiber has signed a two-year contract to ride for SWM. Schreiber will ride a !l20TLNW in all world Championship events, U.S. National events and the Scottish Six Days. Schreiber is set to return to California in late October and will ride severa1 local events before

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