Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 10 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_ Hwy•• ~ CA 91740. (21313364706. ABC combined ' - LEATHER. INC. - We _ with a - . S-theirAd _._1001,.,.,., _ end CUIIDmIrI lor meking ABC • . . . . - _ the " ' - mention ABC _~fnlrna-.I you during the hope 10 _ _.CIorice, FuUerton SUN RIVER MIC CENTER Off _ Spec., MX, Endunl. lB _ _.Moioo,KTM..".• TOWN NIlJ COUNTRY CYCLE - SuIuld & _ _ _ end Puch .... lee. ports. ecc., Ihock rbIdg., bit modo, ponlng. UPS dolly. 2 ..... off Hwy. SO. 11257 Co- _ _ III gel porlL 411S. _ _ ~ IomI Rd., Roncho ConJve, CA CA 12133. m4l871-2480. 95lI7O. 191111 G-115158. Gardena PortIIInd. Oregon HONDA OF GARDENA 161515 Soulh w-.. Ave., GonIIne. 12131 nGGI03 or 323-1314_ FuI line of ~ BATES LEATHERSI All of 0Uf quollty - . . . ..-iting lor you II the biggor-then _ _ . . - . . Shop For S\IeM, ....... 100I Come in or eel. MX. Competilioo I. - WIrything. PlullIlo-. riding _ . - . . Shop with the Proo. LeHabra by Proo. Over 30 be _ cokn. Atter8tiona. n umber . - - . c:t.ning & repoiro 100. AI ...-iw IlIo on dilpllyl Open M-F B.. ;30, on 4 -*ted SIturdeyo end by ~ lIllO W. 18lh SL. Long _ , CA. 12131 43SE51. Nr. LB Fwy. & _ c.... T........ NorlDn. _ _ & L.- _ _ 5B42 _ Monico BMl., HoI~. CA 9003B. (2131481-1144. SERVICES DON'T THROW THAT OLD CYLINDER AWAY. Hive it,. bui~ If • friction of the COlt. ~ _ . rune _ , con be Bolt Removal - ---s.vJce TAJ'.£XCO.-III-._ A.M. 10 7 P.M. Dill 1..lQo IIeCycIe lHi03·232-8253l. Werrenaburg. Miaourl leBARD & UNDERWOOD 321 E. ImperieI Hwy., LoHoIn. (2131 8l1H16li3 '" (7141 lI79- FREEDOM HUSOVARNAIKAWASKI-l0 _ Huoky """. OHlIN rebIdg.. .."., _ porting 0U'1pIC. 0 - 20 Huekyo in - . Iorge K.w ....,. 8252. QuoIIty BMW & HaN- DA-'_.ports&in....... _ 1948. Open 7 clIyo.-' s... lOry. COD, lIM Me-VISA on ~ ordIn. Endunl, MX. ...... E.C. BLUEPRINTS - Uke to CA lIQ24I. E. C. Bin, N. a.IoaIl SL, 1_. a.donI. C21313ZJ.31134. a- "*' your _ _ 100I ~, c:8lMlg .2.00 10 BUFFALO - e- MinibikeI. Cerburetors GET THE JOB OONE RlGKTl- BENNElTS LECTRON RJEl SYSTEMS. l.eclron l3rbu,. . . . . . - - honing 10 f8clory s.... Baring by 1Ilp _ lOIS lor moe! oppIic8tiono. Call or_l922 N.E. Gront, H~. bofo. OR 97123 1503) ~ -~--ohop • Ill:. .-Y., clIy .-Y.. Mb Condit'. MIC 5ervice, 7225 CAnoga Ave.. Park, e- 3079. CA91630.(2131~n. Cia.. "C" Products MESSLER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS-Honda & Y.",. M 500 Specialists. U.S. Di.. tributor Call orPonther Racing for _ 1262 _ _ Ave.• Eugene. OR 97404. 1503) 688-3727. STORZ PERFORMANCE-Pro dirt !rock equipment & _vial. Fullino GRtMECA, AEROQUIP. Miltuni. XR-750 Eng. bldg.. ootup. Dyne _ . mochine wrk.. heli.rc. DIller inquirioo _ . 9344 000 Ave. "J". a.-orth. CA 91311.12131 993-3430. Enduro Rollchllrta JART-Enduro III _-EMy _-u.d by oil the f8o. Mony optionI_ _. ""'" enduro. onv pi.- _peion ........ .e73 - .5.00 -=h dIy. Club _ lOry - - - V i l L I _•• YortNo Undo. CA 92lI88. (7141 !I7M878. Engine Building and repair CUSTOM MANUFACTURED CYLINDER LINERS. PrOlDlype 2 Cycle inotlll_ Chrome _ _. SmoII Engine Mochine Wortco. Inc., 720 242. Greoh.m, OR 97030.15031867-5224. ~ CYCLE SERVICE, INC. - Spe- Frame Straightening THE FRAME SHOP - Prof. . oionII coIli1ion opeclollata. All formo of ""mo, front end. IWingerm, wheel JtKlO' Iditiot,. ing. Complete welding fIlCility 10 repoir broken . - . fino. front end ICC•• or.- fnImo tubll or? 1 1 0 7 4 _ . Stanton. CA 908BO. (7141 B936700. Helmet Service con ...... Boll _ look end work Iik. _ I Free inIpeclion with """'" price quote. CoIl the CUIlOmIr Service 0epL - . 7 •. m. & 5 p.rn. Mon.-ThurL If (2131 9219451. "C" end _ , ~ & _. Now lor MX.... now vinyt _ - your number primed & prOleded ...." • • Id,. 1207 KiIIImey St., LNormore. CA 94660.14151443-7012. CAlJFORNIA Mo!oic...... irwur- InOll Agency low COlt mlc ins. We repreMnt Vllrious ina. co'.. Phone or write for 0Uf _ rot. for your mlc. (714) 96&-5222. (213) 6370751. PO Box 3878, Anlheim, CA92603. COFFMAN'S _ dUll Jot Ski piPII good lor 40% more H.P., jIck8l8d to . . - _or ciel W~ Serv. I..Ice & Tru .24.50 your rim & opollelII- & _ e - Port SuzulwnCycIe 311.43 L I k _ Hondo 4B Knight Fleeing " ' IIIIlcI.- Sportc Ed IMtaI & "--< UgIm IIF- M.e. 42 46 =..~.Y~.:::::::: _DllL MorwdI Produc1I MoID-X Foo< MIt: MocI_..- 42 40 53 33 _Sport MIC TIre Corp IjlOIt_ __ 43 31 44 -.1nd Orient exp,.e 411 ~DiIl 53 53 PIregon _ _ 411 Pel lui LIb••..••.•••• 311 ProS_ofT_ 21 RPM 40 ,,**,,_.1nt'1. 53 RIncon ~i 49 Robco 49 Rocky Cycle 27 SRA 47 __ 47 S - Scon MfC Supply•.... 411 ShIll Rocina ~ 53 SiImo MIC Prod'53 - . . Smith M.C 53 SplIwey _ 37 S-mMotu II 48 39 Storz Pwkw" .. a Sun _ Produc1I 42 Sunrioe VIIIey 47 Sporto.•............ 44 Gory Surdyb y _ 311 S-_ 37 TCFIeeing 43 Ii....,. s.- T&OY_ 5emmy T _ Dill Tu Gel Ent U.s. Suzul-57B5. Sacramento STEEL SHOES -_Melly, originII _ Ken 1960. <:-. .14" ping. Reduced rotII on Pro Porting wlRebuilding. K.K. Porformonee. 886 Bluff City BMl., Elgin. IL 60120. S~ III hale! AloD EZ ....... - . ",_U.s.& _ _ .:1 _ _ ' dIy_. -. _ porlL 1825 W. BSA. - . Crete BTH EngIiIh. For ........ DII~...... c.I . . . Jot.n... (213 427·7433 Steel Shoe bored. t95 + piaQl & Ihip- 00 Hub, Inc.. 3102 HE s.ndy BMI., _ . OR 17232. 10 Hwy. LEATHER BY LEATHER MolUiC.... ~ OU' opeciIItv. Stoell _ or _ with ItyIe option •. _ riding end_ jockelo, _ . _ 0') Shipped lOclIy - Why - 7368 Vomo Ave.• N. HoIIy_, CA 91l105. (2131992-3738. ricIng jockelo. 32~. Costa Me.. penb. MA CUSTOM LEATHERS by VERA - We dooilP> & fit 10 your opeco. Fleeing or rood riding. _ . nylon, repoirs, II_ 7Ii25 Jurupe Ave., SuitI B. _ _• CA 92IlO4. (7141 817_ or lIli7 E. AWARD MOTORS. INC. Hondo & Yomoho "'""",,ioed Deller. Como in end _ the fulll9Bl 1ine-uI>. IlIo our compIele ports end _ dept. 1880 ~ 81., Coeta MeN. CA 92827. (7141 6424343 or (714) 833-9777. 55-

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