Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 10 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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All that's vital (and fit to print) News More fun for the money T:be Ja~ an: not the ODly _ who DWlafact1ue ATV.. ODe AmericaD maker II A~tuIe Vehicia, 1Dc:., 11. Melvyn Drive, McJmooe. LA 71208. "We haft ~ ed featula that ~ of the forap DWlafac:taIen ale unable to offer: 400 lb. weight capacity, Zhlh12 tinI, two ~ _tiDg. fiberBI- bodia with color aacl DKtalfIake optioDI, fonrud-aeutral-_ par ing ill a tra__1e clrive .,nem, and oar own _ia," writa Le. BnDt, Va: PI Idmt Other featDIeI iDclude electric ltart, 15 amp c:harJiDg.,.., 1IO amp ha~ duty hattery, foot plad_, adj1lltllble handlchan uad cut u- eugiDe. Sharon Clayton. Publioher Victoria Smi.b. Ad¥ertiaing/Edirorial Asaiaran•. Editorial I.ance BryooD. Editor. Advertising Graphics and Production Accounting Milte Klinger. Manager. Terry Dailey. Credit Manager. DeelersJWant Ads Adventure Vehicles' Amerlcen mIIde Avenger Is ••1326 three-wheeler with 3O&cc elactrlc 81art Kohler engine and more optionelllCC8S8Ol'les then you can sheke • checkbook lit. (215) 427-7455 West 2201 Cherry Ave.. Long Beach. CA P.O. Box 1050, Long Beach. CA 90801 (215) 595-4755. East 4190 Finr Ave.• Tucker. GA. P.O. Box 80S. Tucker. GA 50084. .(404) 954-7850. ATV Newo ia publiabed monrhJy for $S per year by Cycle Nrwa. Inc.. 2201 Cherry Avenue. Long Beach. CA 90801. Second cia. pooragr paid ar Long Beacb. CA. POSTMASTER: Send form . , . to Cycle N-. P.O. Box - . Long .' Subacripticm ratea: One yeaT, oecoDd clas mail. $S. Foreign rares ayailable on reo quest. ATV N.... ...,lcomes unsolicited editorial material including stories, canoons, pho.... ere. Such material. if publiahed. becomes the exclusive property of A TV . Nrwa. Sucb accepted ma.erial ia subject to reviJion u is neceuary in the aole die· c:retion of ATV Nrwa. UlIlIOIicited ma.eri· al whicb ia Dot \lied will be re.urned if accompanied by a ",If adm--ed swnped envelope. All uDlOlicited material ¥rill be handled with reasonable care. however, ATV Nrwa .....m.. no responsibility for the safery, 1011 OT damage.o ouch ma.eri· al. Reprinting in whole OT pan only by permiaion of the publiahen. Adyertising rates and circulation information will be lent upon request. CopyrIght © Cycle Newa. Inc. '111. All r1ghta.......-.l. ON THE COVER: (Top) Deen Sundahl flew his Honde to take the 2OO-Bcc cilia IBot· tom) 3-B Ughtnlnp Steve Wright .... TI'IIClIY Dicbon cbIng the G-2OOcc cilia Both p1eturee from the 88" de Seclcllebeck 1'IIC8. Photos by 4 Lance Bryson. ..ou What iI the metric eqaiq1ent of bonepower? cne up? It's the Kilowatt (Kw). In metric: termI, a Kilowatt is equal to • •755499 honepower.. But for ~Iicity .... . to convert BHP to Kw. multiply the horsepower figure by 0.75. Thus, your 16 hp ATV would put out 12 Kw of metnc power. br KrUtin Cooper, Graphic Artist, Barbara Travers, Assistant. Marion Hatashita, Typography. Dennis Green<:. Laboratory. Circulation (1 calkd tM AMA to /'ind out • little more Oft tlais $0 calkd .JIIftdIOn. 1 t4lled to M,.. Rugll Flemirtg wIao fIIill b. 1a«uliftg up tM A TV J1rOg'ftJfft. M,.. Flemirtg -.J wry cecit" .bout tM project .nd loolu to 'BZ to b• • ",ut .,.,... to COff&J1ik tl4ttJ for • full blown A TV rule boolcror 'IJ. Til. fouk boolc for '12 fDolu liU it fIIill b. tM ROfUl Com/HtitiOtl Am4Iew" ",u boo.. I'U hiwe more info. II.S it eOfllU m. 1 _ onI.P •• good tlaings uptJefliftg willi tlais. •• Editor. I just finilhed reading the PLANNER pat out MIC, and according to the approYUDate industry there are lOme 500,000 three-wheeled offroad vehicla ill the u.S. today and still growing. That's goocI to hear. Skip JObmoD, National Sales Mana!!"T. Terry Pratt, Sales Manager. Duane Jobnson, West Sales Mana!!"T. Berty Dever. Mike Church, Ea.. Sales Managers. Rheba Smitb. Manager. tion meetinp an: held to determiDe 19821Cheda1S o l - - . In the _ time, quationl and inf_tion ~ quem may be forwarded to the AMA Mrmber AdivitieI Department at BaI: 1.1, WeIter'riUe, OH . .1. Rumors have been floating around as to what Honda was going to do for the ATe.- at the Baja 1000. Mter talking to Keith Reeves of American Honda Keith lilted a number of thiDgl. AHM will IUpply complete pit IUpport for a limited number of riders in the Baja 1000 this November. The qaa1ificatiOlll are: 1. You mUit be riding an ATC 25GR. 2. You mlllt be entered prior to the event. pill ale limited in how many machines they can handle. 5. You mUll prepare your machine to run Union 76 premium and Castrol "R" oil. 4. You must complete a registration form and be approved by American Honda Motor Co. All of this will be on fiOrida. The only thing you may have to pay for ii, pana they replace if you break lIODlething. The parll will be at COlt and they will bill you. For more details contact Keith Reeves at American Honda, 100 West Alonda Blvd.• Gardena. CA 90247. or call 215/527-8280. Honda has picked up another ATC team member, Cam. Sparb out of Bakenfidd, CA. Sparb who has been tearing them up jUlt about nerywhere he goa - - "e1'Y pleued about the deal. Nick Nicholson of Nicholson Racing Prod. has put together oDe heck of an ATC frame. In fact, his frame won the SCORE race at Riverside with Weixe1dorfer aboard. Nicholson has also made one for Sundahl and new Honda team member Curtis Sparb. You don't think Nicho1lon knows IIOIDething we don't. do you? If you hann't been out to Corona yet, you are milling out. Ron Crandall the man who pUll it altogether baI one heck of a program ping on, fin cIa-, two ha... Each week the rider COlIDt keepI climbing. The other night _ 185 -riden turned out. on ATe. and Od,.eyL For more info call 71-f/6891915, 755-1705. Team Honda has just picked up two IUppon riden, Mike Chester and Tom Gaian. Congrall, guya. The American MotorcyclUt AIIoc:ialion (AMA), which has IaDCtioned all types of motorcycling aetiritia lince i.. establllhment ill 192., has announced that it will begin laDetioning for three-wheeled AUTerraillVehicla (ATV.) ill 1982. AMA promoten and duhl will have the option of adding ATV c:IaaIes to ~ r AMA_netioned "enll or holding eutirely lIepllrate for the ATV•• of competition will be for three engine clulificatiODl: 7G-125cc, I26-ZOOcc and ZOI-25Occ. General rules will be the IlUIle . . (or regular moton:yeles ill each partiaalar form of competition, and under no ci1'CWllltanCft will two- and threewheelen compete againat one another. "With the growing popularity of ATV., there II a clear need for a IlUICtioning body to proride Itahility and -..lIt with the development of this relatively new form of motoraport," laid Kathy Wanta, AMA'. director of member actirities. "Honda, Kawuaki and Yamaha all produce ATV. and Sazali II expected to enter the market in the near future. The growing J!!Pularity of thae three-wheelcn will ineritably lead to increuecl iIlterelt ill Dling them for competitin p1Il'JIORI, and we want our pJ'OlllOten and cIuhl to ha"e an opportunity to become in"ol"ed if they 10 claile." AMA offidab will meet with local repraentati"es thiI fall when traditional Anc- eYeD" aa- eYeD" Dean Sundahl's Baja winning ATC was fitted with the new speedometer for the race. But when the 500 miler was over. the mileage counter only showed a Iitde over 500 miles. RecItoDi Team Manager Wess McCoy, "We fagure he mUll have ridden almost 200 miles with the front wheel in the airl" Ncwember 5 through 6 are the datel of the 1981 SCORE Baja 1000 race. Team Honda tentatively piau to offer to pit any ATe eutered, for a price. Watch e,ele NftIS for a Jutminute annOunCement or call We. McCoy at American Honda in ~r dena, CA. Paul Clipper is the editor of Dirt, the new ATV magazine published by the makers of Dirt BiJc•• lI-WHEELERS and ODYSSEYS: You asked for it ... here it II, THE IRONHORSE GRAND PRIX OCT. 4, 1981 at the Muon County FairpoandI, Sheldon, WA. Foar mila of wheel to wheel race coane, wide, fait and demanding. No tight areu. LoCI of grail track, _ dirt roaa. For more info call 206/426-8090. HosPITal STOP: Bob -Ace" Williams, who suffered a head injury prior to the Riverside SCORE race. is still in watchful care in San Diego. Cards and !etten should be sent to Ace at Kaiser Hospital, 4647 Zion Rd.. San Diego. CA 92120. In trying to talk to Suzuki about their lI-wheelcr piau, Chip HeDDeD (PR Director) had really nothing to Ay eYcept IOIDething II ill the worb but nobody knOWli what'. ring on yet. Belie"e me, I'll keep trymg. After talking to Bill Talley over at 5-~ Lighting. one thing was for lII1J'e, he IS pumped. Why? For starters. himself and Steve Wright are getting ready to head out to Iowa for the Mid West ATV Racing Assoc. Nationals. They're takin~ four bikes with them and plan to bnng home all the gold in each claa. You know the old Aying, "If there is a will there is a way."

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