Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1981 09 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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were cancelled lut 'weekend, but are slated for this weekend (San JOlIe Mile weekend). The M&D Promotions event on Friday will reportedly include a jam-packed, rip-roaring wet T-shin contest, and it's rumored that Kenny Robens and Jimmy Filice will be on hand to sign autographs. In addition, Robens should be at SanJote, though in a supervisory capacity and not on a bike. 00 C') riding the T.....uSA ....... the. RocItetm8n ....,I.d neglItIveIy. stadng that he WII8 getdllg tired of all the traveling .nd wanted to pursue 80IMthing clff...m. of In IaIIt week's coverage the AMA Weat:ern Regional ChuImpIonship TT at CIlIck8maa. OR on Aug. 21. we goohcI. The, Novice' W....... RagIot_ Champion .. .."., ....., with 70 pointe. Randy Green WII8 • aim two' 'pointa behind him with .... . Hamas tI*d M &7. Sorry that. Barry and. bel• • c:qng...... . AMA hu reeeiwd advance notice of propoeed Department of Tramportation rulemaking that opeua "the golden door of opportunity to mototcyclists," according to ANA's GoYern. ment Relations Department. Tbe propculletli forth ruIea establisbed by the recent CongreaIional dedIion to leek ~.:.~:W iDpu~ for priorities for Federal ~ of mp,qy prqpam& In brief. ~~DOT~y~ fuDding pnortbel. and II DOW patting the question to the Amerlcan pubJic. In March. 1981. the Natioaal Hip' way Traffic Safety AdministratIOn (NI:ITSA) subiDitred a·~' ¥waY Afety fundiDg ~bility lilt. hued. on Ieftft: buda'et I~aetiow ol'the Rapn budpt. The four IUgat prioripes (aI· " cobol ptoIIUDI. ewapnq medical It's juIt.a rumor, but Papa heard that Hi·Point's Lany Maien' called a' aJUPIe of the other large IIIaDIIfactuJaI ' after the U.S. (and Honda's) IeCODCl trIiDiDg; potice traffic: ieJrila aDd win in a week at the MClitOCJC* c:Ies, . tra&ic 1eCOtda) were by the Na~ for some I01't of CCJDIfatU· rec.-t Budpt R ~ Act. lations. All he got. reportedly. _ a NHI'SA ... KGt "back to tbe drawing Broux cheer. " board,"1el:idM ~ ~ di·· re:-- Americans win Motocross .'. '. des Nations sUdy &om die Pubic'. P the JDOIt Among the Slll*blke of ...... 0.,..., .1Dthar. tMm·. t*,..,-. The chlIIn r8K1Ion of _ faIow. Ing Bruce PeIl.II·. World Cham- pIonahIp Sp••dwey win C ... p. 10}' ........... remarIc8bIe to MY the IelIat. W.·". raceIvecI word 1Iiat CBS wi.... the Wamblay StMllum fInlII on SMunIay. 8apt. 1.. In the LA .... that's channell. .nd It wII ba on from 4:3D to • p.m. 0tMr . . . ahouId check their local lldiip. Than Papa heard that on FrIday. sept. 11. PellhaU raceIvecI a peraonaI ....... of congratuIadona from PNald.nt JIonaId ......... AI right! ,. . Thole who waul to welcome PenhaD baclt to the U.S. u IOOD u humanly poaible wiD waul to make tracb toward LoI Angeles IntematioDal Air· pon on Monday, Sept. Ill. PenhaD will be flying home on TWA flight 761, which is ICheduJed to arnft at 2:20 p.m. On display for the hero's welcome will likely be the winnen of Costa Mesa's Sept. 18 Bruce Penhall POlIter/Banner 'night, where the winnen get cub prizes. In the sept. 13 Bleck Coal NatIol1lll Enduro lit Lynnville. IN. Huaky· mounted Tarry Cunningham WII8 the overel winner. dropping 20 points. Te.mmate Dick Burlaon wes two back for aec:ond overall and first AA. KTM's Darryl Kuenzer waa down 23 for third. followed another point back by first A rider Mike Melton (Hual. 2 Latest word is that Kent Howenon's wrist injury is more serious than fim believed.. "My wrist wu pushed up into my arm four inches." Howenon told Cycle News. "Tbere are eight bones in SwadH·. your wrist. Mine look like someone put them. all in a hat and shook them." !:Iowerton, now in a fiDgertip to elbow cut. will spend the next three months in a variety of cuts and bope the injury heals properly. Teammate Mark Barnett, hOwever. hu found his injuries to be leis severe than expected, and is DOW back to putting 6ft gaHons of pa a day through his practice hike. . . The Am.-lcens who banded 'to- ' ........ to .... _ _ to ..... a .... over to compeIa In the Trophee and Motoerou . . NatIona events can cheCk the buIedn . . . . . . . on 1IiIa page and the Troph.. cIaa Nadona cowrage on p. and , . . juatIfIably proud. M•• Goodwin 8VWI chipped In .1000 ceah. Somebody give the ,man • mink coet. 1. Kinda late word on this, but the Governor's offICe, u directed by the Sagebrush Rebellion bill pUled last year, is seeking public comment on the BLM's practices arid the poaibility of the state assuming title of all BLM lands. Deadline for comment is Sept. 19, and if you'd like to offer an opinion, write to Goftmor's Office of Planning and Research, 1400 Tenth St.• Sacramento. CA 95814. In the feature Open Expert main lit the Elks & Ramblers Benefit half mil. In SeUnes. CA on Sept. 13, Keith Day took the win followed by Rocky Robinson and veteran IIO'fester Peul Bostrom. The Friday and Saturday night sbon trac~;at 4>fii ~c\e ~Olfl ip,L~4i, ht\.. :. couple·. e&ccive b fti''''JICr,r'*" 'ne .. ;eoac:eift.te- ~ofDoc:bt:81. from hcItIc ·NoI1I\.,••t, yew public: W' .,. it the," ReP cIrt trIICk len. TT NatIonal will.. m that proc:e& l1Ie fiDt'Dociet ~ , --...... ,SIdvar rode a _ .. _doIeOctober-'l98,. ~Qc!npelF By Henny Ray Abnlme BIB.STEIN,WESTGERMANY.SEP1'.13 . 11Ie ~ .... of D8nn¥ DonnIe HeI_.. Johnny Mel Chuck Sun Plowed once . . . In the Motocroea . . NIIdonL • IiODcc MX which pita four man ..... from cIfrerent countrIaa age' IR OM Aa In ... week·.'T""" . . Ndona win. the ..... team mede U.s. Natuiy with the MX . . Ndona triumph. . CoII8Iatancy waa the AmerIcan winning faetDr with I...aPort. running f.2. ttana.n 2·13. 0 ..... "-1, Mel Sun »DNF. Sun Mia the MCOIICI mota and rafniurad .. right ...... which waa on the mend hm a craah In NatIonal MX....., . ' 'The fInlII tilly I'IIIId ArMrIca 4Z paInta far the.OlMIIIII win. o..t 8ItIIIIn , aacond with 43 and B.lglllm tI*d with 13. HaIaIn CarIqvtat won both motoa. with that taIIm placing fifth overall. CompIaW cover.... naxtWHk. Mtheaatdw' . ---r . _ . ''- aetecl wiIel)' in i1I'cJiredhe.", ==::.:"==.==~ leekpub6c' "ahl~_Ap.'. ~....:.~ :t:. "Staee '~11"~ .' Open SIngle GP cIML DIane . . ., 0( Fcuc.- fuDds mococ~iaIety .TTIDD V....... to fourth. I n " OIl .... a cArt -..a. -.... ............ .....; ·'r- "r ~... ..1naIda ~ aldmmfng along the -.cit aurface through the cornara. At Seattle, Honda', Freddie Spencer "wu asked a!Jout his plans for the·O Ie!lIOIL "I'm definitely pug to be. doing the 500cc World (Road Raciag) Championship for Honda," Spencer replied. "We're not IIUJ'e about the .."uinon- and I'll be . - i.......- C L _ la'ter';hi;;ar." --.-.. ...., UIM:It , An 8IInOU1II1IC8I_m8lI_nlltt ~ - - - IIUdt u rider: ~. 01' ~Uftd bae tnnIi60aally beeu far, ' - - .L'-n ,.'I....l.: _ _,--,__, .....",. ~ ......... UIIIIIo:I'IUI.I pzoportion to _ _ -:"1llIIIeCbiDg like IiCen.iaa 2% of·the total in 1980.:eveD dIDqh 4% of the ftbiclea on, ~.. JlaticmIjr. . roads uelDOtolqclea. Br'adOaIly.s·· \ iDs input &om riden, NHTSA hal given 111 an ~ ~ to direct our own &tture; I . . . aU Iiden to c:cmunent to the Docket dileed,." Motorcydilta ~ to .CIpODd • the Docket thould write to I>cldet 81·1!. Docket "--'- """'........ D~ AVUUI "'-', -- - ....:.r BuildiDg, 400 7th ~, ~S.W.• W~DC20590.". . DIatrIct the BLM .... cIaaad Aaoot'. half mila CMII_ :;:'of~~PoI1o-=, .lotof ......... _ . . aurrouncIIng the land . . . . . and now. ~ Pony Expraaa hIatorIc .... to DRY walghta M.C.. apQI........: ,11M. wID gat. cMnce Mit; .,.... diht. . on FrIUy nIgIit Oat. ........ Tbe uptirinn Of' . ' ••Igltta WIllI hoiIt • ~ ........ mately 1900. acres for a~. ..... . . atAaoiDt.the_ of State Off·Road Vebide Park DOrth of' Ita Idnd 011 the In . I ...~ in San Dieao COUDtY. wiD be ' " .Ed Carr,OI tIG.t . . OV clitc:uIRd at a puTtlic iDrorma'lion TT at AIcOt. , . . e.' meetm& Wedneaday . . .... m S' the . -011 II , ~. an Thaaa kG"" For J>ieRo. Tbe meetiJII will . at 7:00 -.- ..- ... p.m. at the County Admmittration c.ronM2'lJIS71.78.,:. Center. Room 558. 1600 Pacific ' Hip_y. Tboee attendi", sboI,dd _ Hod'lTai STOP: Eddie...,•• well· the _th eIitranc:e. The County of San known cIaeit racer in the '5Ot and Diego owns about 1550 acres of the '601. . . . IItt1ICk 'bf a heart attack on toUI site and the additioDal acquiai. Sept. 8. He'lcarreacIy in the inreIIIift tion would provide a facility for off. care ward of HeDIY MafO Memorial ' road fthicle usen near a large metroHotpital. Carda and Ietten IhoaJd be politan area. The ~ of the tent to him at the boapital. 1S845 W. recently In the ,..,.,......... that -the c.eon CIty INawcW' .,..1Q8d of , of..lllE- flI'Ol-ect meeting will be to discuu the ob~. tMs for the project and the feasibility study now m progres. All persons interested in the future development and use of an off-road fthicle pad: facility in San Diego Cou~ty are urgm to attend. Thole persons unable to attend may send comments or suges_ .tions to the State Depanment of Parb and Recreation, Capital Outlay Task Foree, P.O. Box 2590, Sacramento, CA 95811, Attn: Stuan Hong. "Rockllt R.x the ex.motoerouer7" whet It looks Ik•. "Rockllt Ru" Staten. a veteU'iIn on the National motoerou circuit. has ...... racing speedway for the IaIIt ~J~~/fh'''PWd~ That·. McBean 91555. Parkway, D__ Va.leucia. CA The...... AMA Prof•••lon.l· Awards the· pubic'. - _.. chMce to mingle with Iota the of roof." = aport'. top ..... under OM on ... for Nov. 2Z lit the Dlacwrtand ::: ~~~ R.J.· RaynoIda hOawcI cocktail hour • ell..... and the MI"" ceremony. T1ckata must ba ordaNd In 8dvence from AMA Banquet. P.O. Box 141. W........ OH~. e.:: Word around _them California hu it that two local Pro motoeiOliRlI and a, ~ltjdi~orr vterF. C?"t, a~ !n~!l

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